tag parsing changed: @TAG must start on new line. Also, can handle corner case of first comment not being marked as a doc comment

This commit is contained in:
steve donovan 2011-04-17 16:31:28 +02:00
parent 7d36bf8c5e
commit f5e2b69cff
2 changed files with 72 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ ldoc, a Lua documentation generator, vs 0.1 Beta
-p,--project (default ldoc) project name
-t,--title (default Reference) page title
-f,--format (default plain) formatting - can be markdown
-b,--package (default '') top-level package basename (needed for module(...))
-b,--package (default .) top-level package basename (needed for module(...))
--dump debug output dump
<file> (string) source file or directory containing source
@ -97,22 +97,39 @@ end
local tnext = lexer.skipws
-- This rather nasty looking code takes the collected comment block, and splits
-- it up using '@', so it is specific to the LuaDoc style of commenting.
-- a pattern particular to LuaDoc tag lines: the line must begin with @TAG,
-- followed by the value, which may extend over several lines.
local luadoc_tag = '%s*@(%a+)%s(.+)'
-- assumes that the doc comment consists of distinct tag lines
function parse_tags(text)
local lines = stringio.lines(text)
local preamble, line = tools.grab_while_not(lines,luadoc_tag)
local tag_items = {}
local follows
while line do
local tag,rest = line:match(luadoc_tag)
follows, line = tools.grab_while_not(lines,luadoc_tag)
append(tag_items,{tag, rest .. '\n' .. follows})
return preamble,tag_items
-- This takes the collected comment block, and uses the docstyle to
-- extract tags and values. Assume that the summary ends in a period or a question
-- mark, and everything else in the preamble is the description.
-- If a tag appears more than once, then its value becomes a list of strings.
-- Alias substitution and @TYPE NAME shortcutting is handled by Item.check_tag
local function extract_tags (s)
if s:match '^%s*$' then return {} end
local preamble,tag_items = parse_tags(s)
local strip = tools.strip
local items = utils.split(s,'@')
local summary,description = items[1]:match('^(.-)%.%s(.+)')
if not summary then summary = items[1] end
local summary,description = preamble:match('^(.-)[%.?]%s(.+)')
if not summary then summary = preamble end
summary = summary .. '.'
local tags = {summary=summary and strip(summary),description=description and strip(description)}
for _,item in ipairs(items) do
local tag,value = item:match('(%a+)%s+(.+)%s*$')
if not tag then print(s); os.exit() end
for _,item in ipairs(tag_items) do
local tag,value = item[1],item[2]
tag = Item.check_tag(tags,tag)
value = strip(value)
local old_value = tags[tag]
@ -185,8 +202,9 @@ end
-- that we must infer the module name.
function Lua:find_module(tok,t,v)
while t and not (t == 'iden' and v == 'module') do
t,v = tnext(tok)
if t == 'comment' and self:start_comment(v) then return nil,t,v end
t,v = tnext(tok)
if not t then return nil end
t,v = tnext(tok)
@ -236,7 +254,7 @@ local cc = CC()
local function parse_file(fname,lang)
local line,f = 1
local F = File(fname)
local module_found
local module_found, first_comment = false,true
local tok,f = lang.lexer(fname)
local toks = tools.space_skip_getter(tok)
@ -246,6 +264,8 @@ local function parse_file(fname,lang)
function F:warning (msg,kind)
kind = kind or 'warning'
lineno() -- why is this necessary?
io.stderr:write(kind..' '..fname..':'..lineno()..' '..msg,'\n')
@ -282,20 +302,23 @@ local function parse_file(fname,lang)
if t == 'space' then t,v = tnext(tok) end
local fun_follows,tags
if ldoc_comment then
if ldoc_comment or first_comment then
comment = table.concat(comment)
fun_follows = lang:function_follows(t,v)
if fun_follows or comment:find '@' then
if fun_follows or comment:find '@' or first_comment then
tags = extract_tags(comment)
-- handle the special case where the initial module comment was not
-- an ldoc style comment
if not ldoc_comment and first_comment and not tags.class then
tags.class = 'module'
ldoc_comment = true
F:warning 'Module doc comment assumed'
if doc.project_level(tags.class) then
module_found = tags.name
elseif not module_found then
module_found = tools.this_module_name(args.package,fname)
F:warning 'no module comment found'
first_comment = false
-- some hackery necessary to find the module() call
if not module_found and ldoc_comment then
@ -370,8 +393,21 @@ if args.module then
args.file = fullpath
if args.package == '' then
args.package = path.splitpath(args.file)
if args.file == '.' then
args.file = lfs.currentdir()
args.file = path.abspath(args.file)
local source_dir = args.file
if path.isfile(args.file) then
source_dir = path.splitpath(source_dir)
if args.package == '.' then
args.package = source_dir
elseif args.package == '..' then
args.package = path.splitpath(source_dir)
local file_types = {

View File

@ -125,6 +125,21 @@ function M.expand_comma_list (ls)
return new_ls
-- grab lines from a line iterator `iter` until the line matches the pattern.
-- Returns the joined lines and the line, which may be nil if we run out of
-- lines.
function M.grab_while_not(iter,pattern)
local line = iter()
local res = {}
while line and not line:match(pattern) do
line = iter()
res = table.concat(res,'\n')
return res,line
function M.extract_identifier (value)
return value:match('([%.:_%w]+)')