--[[-------- A simple module with examples. Even without markdown formatting, blank lines are respected. @module usage ]] local usage = {} local helper --- a local helper function. -- @local function helper () end ---------- -- A simple vector class. -- -- Supports arithmetic operations. -- @usage -- v = Vector.new {10,20,30} -- assert (v == Vector{10,20,30}) -- @type Vector local Vector = {} usage.Vector = {} ---------- -- Create a vector from an array `t`. -- `Vector` is also callable! function Vector.new (t) end -- note that @function may have modifiers. Currently -- we aren't doing anything with them, but LDoc no longer -- complains (issue #45). Note also that one needs -- explicit @param tags with explicit @function; 'static' -- methods must have a @constructor or a @static tag. ---------- -- Create a vector from a string. -- @usage -- v = Vector.parse '[1,2,3]' -- assert (v == Vector.new {1,2,3}) -- @function[kind=ctor] parse -- @static -- @param s function Vector.parse (s) end -------- -- Compare two vectors for equality. function Vector:__eq (v) end ---------- -- Add another vector, array or scalar `v` to this vector. -- Returns new `Vector` -- @usage assert(Vector.new{1,2,3}:add(1) == Vector{2,3,4}) function Vector:add (v) end ---------- -- set vector options. `opts` is a `Vector.Opts` table. function Vector:options (opts) end --[[----------------- @table Vector.Opts Options table format for `Vector.options` autoconvert: try to convert strings to numbers adder: function used to perform addition and subtraction multiplier: function used to perform multiplication and division @usage v = Vector {{1},{2}} v:options {adder = function(x,y) return {x[1]+y[1]} end} assert(v:add(1) == Vector{{2},{3}}) ]] return usage