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-- Yet another module.
-- @module four
-- Description can continue after simple tags, if you
-- like
-- @author bob, james
-- @license MIT
-- @copyright InfoReich 2013
--- a function with typed args.
-- Note the the standard tparam aliases
-- @string name person's name
-- @int age
-- @treturn string
function one (name,age)
--- second useless function.
-- If you hate @ tags, you can use colons.
-- Optional type specifiers are allowed in this format.
-- As an extension, '?' is short for '?|'.
-- Note how these types are rendered!
-- string: name
-- int: age
-- ?person2: options
-- treturn: ?table|string
function two (name,age,options)
--- third useless function.
-- Can always put comments inline, may
-- be multiple.
-- note that first comment is refers to return
function three ( -- person:
name, -- string: person's name
age -- int:
-- not less than zero!
--- an implicit table.
-- Again, we can use the comments
person = {
name = '', -- string: name of person
age = 0, -- int:
--- an explicit table.
-- Can now use tparam aliases in table defns
-- @string name
-- @int age
-- @table person2
--- explicit table in colon format.
-- Note how '!' lets you use a type name directly.
-- string: surname
-- string: birthdate
-- !person2: options
-- table: person3