----- -- AwesomeWM - Slot -- -- An OO/Declarative API to connect signals for the AwesomeWM. -- It completes the native `gears.signal` module to make signal connection -- easier to manage. ----- local gtable = require 'gears.table' -- Load global awesome components from the C API local capi = { client = _G.client, screen = _G.screen, tag = _G.tag } local awesome_slot = { mt = {}, _instance = nil, slots = require 'awesome-slot.slots', static_connect = { client = capi.client, screen = capi.screen, tag = capi.tag, ruled_client = require 'ruled.client', ruled_notification = require 'ruled.notification' } } local function generate_id(base_id) local id = base_id local n = 0 while awesome_slot.slots[id] ~= nil do n = n + 1 id = base_id .. "_#" .. n end return id end -- Singleton function awesome_slot.instance() if not awesome_slot._instance then awesome_slot._instance = { slots = {}, -- List of created slot -- Methods do_action = awesome_slot.do_action, create_slot = awesome_slot.create_slot, delete_slot = awesome_slot.delete_slot, connect_slot = awesome_slot.connect_slot, disconnect_slot = awesome_slot.disconnect_slot, get_slot = awesome_slot.get_slot } end return awesome_slot._instance end function awesome_slot:get_slot(id) assert(id) return self.slots[id] end awesome_slot.actions = { NONE = 0, CREATE = 1, DELETE = 1 << 1, CONNECT = 1 << 2, DISCONNECT = 1 << 3 } awesome_slot.slot_status = { CREATED = 1, CONNECTED = 2 } function awesome_slot:create_slot(params) local id = generate_id(params.id or "UNNAMED_SLOT") local slot = {} slot.target = params.target slot.signal = params.signal slot.params = params.slot_params if slot.params then slot.callback = function () params.slot(slot.params) end else slot.callback = params.slot end slot.status = awesome_slot.slot_status.CREATED -- Insert the ne slot into the slots list self.slots[id] = slot return slot end function awesome_slot:delete_slot(params) local slot = self:get_slot(params.id) if not slot then return false end if slot.status == awesome_slot.slot_status.CONNECTED then print 'please disconnnect the slot before deleting it' return false end self.slots[params.id] = nil return true end function awesome_slot:connect_slot(params) local slot = self:get_slot(params.id) if not slot then return false end -- Some modules expose a static connect_signals function -- at the module level, while other tables/objects inheriting from -- gears.object implement the signal connection API at the instance level. if gtable.hasitem(awesome_slot.static_connect, slot.target) then slot.target.connect_signal(slot.signal, slot.callback) else slot.target:connect_signal(slot.signal, slot.callback) end slot.status = awesome_slot.slot_status.CONNECTED return slot end function awesome_slot:disconnect_slot(params) local slot = self:get_slot(params.id) if not slot then return false end -- Please check the `:connect_slot` method to understand why we do this. if gtable.hasitem(awesome_slot.static_connect, slot.target) then slot.target.disconnect_slot(slot.signal, slot.callback) else slot.target:disconnect_slot(slot.signal, slot.callback) end slot.status = awesome_slot.slot_status.CREATED return slot end function awesome_slot:do_action (params) local params = params or {} -- luacheck: ignore shadowing params local out = self if not params.action then return out end if awesome_slot.actions.DISCONNECT & params.action ~= 0 then out = self:disconnect_slot(params) end if awesome_slot.actions.CREATE & params.action ~= 0 then out = self:create_slot(params) end if awesome_slot.actions.DELETE & params.action ~= 0 then out = self:delete_slot(params) end if awesome_slot.actions.CONNECT & params.action ~= 0 then out = self:connect_slot(params) end return out end function awesome_slot.mt:__call(params) -- luacheck: ignore unused argument self return awesome_slot.instance():do_action(params) end return setmetatable(awesome_slot, awesome_slot.mt)