2018-07-24 14:12:44 +02:00
2017-08-10 06:34:57 +02:00
local parent = ... --DOC_NO_USAGE --DOC_HIDE
local awful = { --DOC_HIDE
tag = require("awful.tag"), --DOC_HIDE
placement = require("awful.placement"), --DOC_HIDE
widget = {clienticon =require("awful.widget.clienticon"), --DOC_HIDE
tasklist = require("awful.widget.tasklist")} --DOC_HIDE
local wibox = require("wibox") --DOC_HIDE
local beautiful = require("beautiful") --DOC_HIDE
local s = screen[1] --DOC_HIDE
local tasklist_buttons = nil -- To make luacheck shut up --DOC_HIDE
local t_real = awful.tag.add("Test", {screen=screen[1]}) --DOC_HIDE
for i=1, 3 do --DOC_HIDE
local c = client.gen_fake {x = 80, y = 55, width=75, height=50} --DOC_HIDE
c:tags{t_real} --DOC_HIDE
c.icon = beautiful.awesome_icon --DOC_HIDE
c.name = " Client "..i.." " --DOC_HIDE
client.focus = i==2 and c or client.focus --DOC_HIDE
end --DOC_HIDE
s.mytasklist = awful.widget.tasklist {
screen = s,
filter = awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags,
buttons = tasklist_buttons,
layout = {
spacing_widget = {
forced_width = 5,
forced_height = 24,
thickness = 1,
color = "#777777",
widget = wibox.widget.separator
valign = "center",
halign = "center",
widget = wibox.container.place,
spacing = 1,
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal
-- Notice that there is *NO* `wibox.wibox` prefix, it is a template,
-- not a widget instance.
widget_template = {
forced_height = 5,
id = "background_role",
widget = wibox.container.background,
2019-03-07 04:57:34 +01:00
2017-08-10 06:34:57 +02:00
margins = 5,
widget = wibox.container.margin
layout = wibox.layout.align.vertical,
s.mytasklist.forced_width = 400 --DOC_HIDE
s.mytasklist.forced_height = 48 --DOC_HIDE
s.mytasklist._do_tasklist_update_now() --DOC_HIDE
parent:add( s.mytasklist) --DOC_HIDE