2009-06-20 14:44:05 +02:00
* lualib.h - useful functions and type for Lua
* Copyright © 2009 Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include "common/util.h"
#define luaA_checkfunction(L, n) \
do { \
if(!lua_isfunction(L, n)) \
luaL_typerror(L, n, "function"); \
} while(0)
2009-06-25 15:46:42 +02:00
/** Dump the Lua stack. Useful for debugging.
* \param L The Lua VM state.
static inline void
luaA_dumpstack(lua_State *L)
fprintf(stderr, "-------- Lua stack dump ---------\n");
for(int i = lua_gettop(L); i; i--)
int t = lua_type(L, i);
switch (t)
fprintf(stderr, "%d: string: `%s'\n", i, lua_tostring(L, i));
fprintf(stderr, "%d: bool: %s\n", i, lua_toboolean(L, i) ? "true" : "false");
fprintf(stderr, "%d: number: %g\n", i, lua_tonumber(L, i));
case LUA_TNIL:
fprintf(stderr, "%d: nil\n", i);
fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s\t#%d\t%p\n", i, lua_typename(L, t),
(int) lua_objlen(L, i),
lua_topointer(L, i));
fprintf(stderr, "------- Lua stack dump end ------\n");
2009-06-20 14:44:05 +02:00
/** Convert s stack index to positive.
* \param L The Lua VM state.
* \param ud The index.
* \return A positive index.
static inline int
luaA_absindex(lua_State *L, int ud)
return (ud > 0 || ud <= LUA_REGISTRYINDEX) ? ud : lua_gettop(L) + ud + 1;
2009-08-11 16:05:21 +02:00
static inline int
luaA_dofunction_error(lua_State *L)
if(!luaL_dostring(L, "return debug.traceback(\"error while running function\", 3)"))
/* Move traceback before error */
lua_insert(L, -2);
/* Insert sentence */
lua_pushliteral(L, "\nerror: ");
/* Move it before error */
lua_insert(L, -2);
lua_concat(L, 3);
return 1;
2009-06-20 14:44:05 +02:00
/** Execute an Lua function on top of the stack.
* \param L The Lua stack.
* \param nargs The number of arguments for the Lua function.
* \param nret The number of returned value from the Lua function.
* \return True on no error, false otherwise.
static inline bool
luaA_dofunction(lua_State *L, int nargs, int nret)
2009-08-11 16:05:21 +02:00
/* Move function before arguments */
lua_insert(L, - nargs - 1);
/* Push error handling function */
lua_pushcfunction(L, luaA_dofunction_error);
/* Move error handling function before args and function */
lua_insert(L, - nargs - 2);
2009-08-14 14:36:56 +02:00
int error_func_pos = lua_gettop(L) - nargs - 1;
2009-08-11 16:05:21 +02:00
if(lua_pcall(L, nargs, nret, - nargs - 2))
2009-06-20 14:44:05 +02:00
2009-08-11 16:05:21 +02:00
warn("%s", lua_tostring(L, -1));
/* Remove error function and error string */
lua_pop(L, 2);
2009-06-20 14:44:05 +02:00
return false;
2009-08-11 16:05:21 +02:00
/* Remove error function */
2009-08-12 18:57:56 +02:00
lua_remove(L, error_func_pos);
2009-06-20 14:44:05 +02:00
return true;
2009-06-15 17:57:04 +02:00
/** Convert a object to a udata if possible.
* \param L The Lua VM state.
* \param ud The index.
* \param tname The type name.
* \return A pointer to the object, NULL otherwise.
static inline void *
luaA_toudata(lua_State *L, int ud, const char *tname)
void *p = lua_touserdata(L, ud);
if(p) /* value is a userdata? */
if(lua_getmetatable(L, ud)) /* does it have a metatable? */
lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, tname); /* get correct metatable */
if(!lua_rawequal(L, -1, -2)) /* does it have the correct mt? */
p = NULL;
lua_pop(L, 2); /* remove both metatables */
return p;
2009-06-20 14:44:05 +02:00
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