
42 lines
1.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

-- local was_called = {} --DOC_HIDE
-- local awful = {keygrabber = require("awful.keygrabber"), --DOC_HIDE
-- client={focus={history={--DOC_HIDE
-- disable_tracking = function() was_called[1] = true end, --DOC_HIDE
-- enable_tracking = function() was_called[2] = true end, --DOC_HIDE
-- select_next = function() was_called[3] = true end, --DOC_HIDE
-- select_previous = function() was_called[4] = true end, --DOC_HIDE
-- }}}}--DOC_HIDE
-- awful.keygrabber {
-- keybindings = {
-- {{"Mod1" }, "Tab", awful.client.focus.history.select_previous},
-- {{"Mod1", "Shift"}, "Tab", awful.client.focus.history.select_next },
-- },
-- -- Note that it is using the key name and not the modifier name.
-- stop_key = "Mod1",
-- stop_event = "release",
-- start_callback = awful.client.focus.history.disable_tracking,
-- stop_callback = awful.client.focus.history.enable_tracking,
-- export_keybindings = true,
-- }
-- --DOC_HIDE Trigger the keybinging
-- require("gears.timer").run_delayed_calls_now() --DOC_HIDE `export_keybindings` is async
-- root.fake_input("key_press", "Alt_L")--DOC_HIDE
-- root.fake_input("key_press", "Tab")--DOC_HIDE
-- root.fake_input("key_release", "Tab")--DOC_HIDE
-- root.fake_input("key_release", "Alt_L")--DOC_HIDE
-- assert(was_called[1] and was_called[1] and was_called[2] and was_called[4])--DOC_HIDE
-- assert(not was_called[3]) --DOC_HIDE
-- --DOC_HIDE Now make sure it can be triggered again
-- root.fake_input("key_press", "Alt_L")--DOC_HIDE
-- root.fake_input("key_press", "Shift_L")--DOC_HIDE
-- root.fake_input("key_press", "Tab")--DOC_HIDE
-- root.fake_input("key_release", "Tab")--DOC_HIDE
-- assert(was_called[3]) --DOC_HIDE