Merge pull request #1872 from Elv13/upstream_dynamic_p8
Import some commits from the stateful layout branch
This commit is contained in:
@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ end
--- Get the reflection of this mirror layout.
-- @property reflection
-- @param table reflection A table of booleans with the keys "horizontal", "vertical".
-- @param boolean reflection.horizontal
-- @param boolean reflection.vertical
-- @tparam table reflection A table of booleans with the keys "horizontal", "vertical".
-- @tparam boolean reflection.horizontal
-- @tparam boolean reflection.vertical
function mirror:get_reflection()
return { horizontal = self._private.horizontal, vertical = self._private.vertical }
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ local pairs = pairs
local floor = math.floor
local gmath = require("gears.math")
local gtable = require("gears.table")
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1)
local ratio = {}
@ -78,15 +79,19 @@ local function normalize(self)
assert(new_sum > 0.99 and new_sum < 1.01)
function ratio:layout(_, width, height)
local result = {}
function ratio:layout(context, width, height)
local preliminary_results = {}
local pos,spacing = 0, self._private.spacing
local strategy = self:get_inner_fill_strategy()
local has_stragety = strategy ~= "default"
local to_redistribute, void_count = 0, 0
local dir = self._private.dir or "x"
for k, v in ipairs(self._private.widgets) do
local space
local x, y, w, h
local space, is_void
local x, y, w, h, fit_h, fit_w
if self._private.dir == "y" then
if dir == "y" then
space = height * self._private.ratios[k]
x, y = 0, gmath.round(pos)
w, h = width, floor(space)
@ -96,24 +101,84 @@ function ratio:layout(_, width, height)
w, h = floor(space), height
table.insert(result, base.place_widget_at(v, x, y, w, h))
-- Keep track of the unused entries
if has_stragety then
fit_h, fit_w = base.fit_widget(
self, context, v,
dir == "x" and floor(space) or w,
dir == "y" and floor(space) or h
is_void = (v.visible == false)
or (dir == "x" and fit_w == 0)
or (dir == "y" and fit_h == 0)
if is_void then
to_redistribute = to_redistribute + space + spacing
void_count = void_count + 1
table.insert(preliminary_results, {v, x, y, w, h, is_void})
pos = pos + space + spacing
-- Make sure all widgets fit in the layout, if they aren't, something
-- went wrong
if (self._private.dir == "y" and gmath.round(pos) >= height) or
(self._private.dir ~= "y" and gmath.round(pos) >= width) then
if (dir == "y" and gmath.round(pos) >= height) or
(dir ~= "y" and gmath.round(pos) >= width) then
local active = #preliminary_results - void_count
local result, real_pos, space_front = {}, 0, strategy == "right" and
to_redistribute or (
strategy == "center" and math.floor(to_redistribute/2) or 0
-- The number of spaces between `n` element is `n-1`, if there is spaces
-- outside, then it is `n+1`
if strategy == "spacing" then
space_front = (space_front+to_redistribute/(active + 1))
to_redistribute = (to_redistribute/(active + 1))*(active - 1)
spacing = strategy:match("spacing")
and to_redistribute/(active - 1) or 0
-- Only the `justify` strategy changes the original widget size.
to_redistribute = (strategy == "justify") and to_redistribute or 0
for _, entry in ipairs(preliminary_results) do
local v, x, y, w, h, is_void = unpack(entry)
-- Redistribute the space or move the widgets
if strategy ~= "default" then
if dir == "y" then
h = is_void and 0 or h + (to_redistribute / (active))
y = space_front + real_pos
real_pos = real_pos + h + (is_void and 0 or spacing)
w = is_void and 0 or w + (to_redistribute / (active))
x = space_front + real_pos
real_pos = real_pos + w + (is_void and 0 or spacing)
table.insert(result, base.place_widget_at(v, x, y, w, h))
return result
--- Increase the ratio of "widget"
-- If the increment produce an invalid ratio (not between 0 and 1), the method
-- do nothing.
-- @tparam number index The widget index to change
-- @tparam number increment An floating point value between -1 and 1 where the
-- end result is within 0 and 1
@ -187,7 +252,10 @@ function ratio:set_widget_ratio(widget, percent)
--- Update all widgets to match a set of a ratio.
-- The sum of before, itself and after must be 1 or nothing will be done
-- The sum of before, itself and after must be 1 or nothing will be done.
-- @tparam number index The index of the widget to change
-- @tparam number before The sum of the ratio before the widget
-- @tparam number itself The ratio for "widget"
@ -291,6 +359,44 @@ function ratio:insert(index, widget)
self:emit_signal("widget::inserted", widget, #self._private.widgets)
--- Set how the space of invisible or `0x0` sized widget is redistributed.
-- Possible values:
-- * "default": Honor the ratio and do not redistribute the space.
-- * "justify": Distribute the space among remaining widgets.
-- * "center": Squash remaining widgets and leave equal space on both side.
-- * "inner_spacing": Add equal spacing between all widgets.
-- * "spacing": Add equal spacing between all widgets and on the outside.
-- * "left": Squash remaining widgets and leave empty space on the left.
-- * "right": Squash remaining widgets and leave empty space on the right.
-- @property inner_fill_strategy
-- @tparam string inner_fill_strategy One of the value listed above.
function ratio:get_inner_fill_strategy()
return self._private.inner_fill_strategy or "default"
local valid_strategies = {
default = true,
justify = true,
center = true,
inner_spacing = true,
spacing = true,
left = true,
right = true
function ratio:set_inner_fill_strategy(strategy)
assert(valid_strategies[strategy] ~= nil, "Invalid strategy: "..(strategy or ""))
self._private.inner_fill_strategy = strategy
local function get_layout(dir, widget1, ...)
local ret = flex[dir](widget1, ...)
@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ local stack = {mt={}}
-- @name remove_widgets
-- @class function
--- Add spacing between each layout widgets
--- Add spacing around the widget, similar to the margin container.
-- @property spacing
-- @tparam number spacing Spacing between widgets.
@ -59,8 +60,14 @@ function stack:layout(_, width, height)
local result = {}
local spacing = self._private.spacing
width = width - math.abs(self._private.h_offset * #self._private.widgets) - 2*spacing
height = height - math.abs(self._private.v_offset * #self._private.widgets) - 2*spacing
local h_off, v_off = spacing, spacing
for _, v in pairs(self._private.widgets) do
table.insert(result, base.place_widget_at(v, spacing, spacing, width - 2*spacing, height - 2*spacing))
table.insert(result, base.place_widget_at(v, h_off, v_off, width, height))
h_off, v_off = h_off + self._private.h_offset, v_off + self._private.v_offset
if self._private.top_only then break end
@ -121,6 +128,35 @@ function stack:raise_widget(widget, recursive)
--- Add an horizontal offset to each layers.
-- Note that this reduces the overall size of each widgets by the sum of all
-- layers offsets.
-- @property horizontal_offset
-- @param number
--- Add an vertical offset to each layers.
-- Note that this reduces the overall size of each widgets by the sum of all
-- layers offsets.
-- @property vertial_offset
-- @param number
-- @see horizontal_offset
function stack:set_horizontal_offset(value)
self._private.h_offset = value
function stack:set_vertical_offset(value)
self._private.v_offset = value
--- Create a new stack layout.
-- @function wibox.layout.stack
-- @treturn widget A new stack layout
@ -130,6 +166,9 @@ local function new(...)
gtable.crush(ret, stack, true)
ret._private.h_offset = 0
ret._private.v_offset = 0
return ret
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ local drawin, meta = awesome._shim_fake_class()
local function new_drawin(_, args)
local ret = gears_obj()
|||| = {}
|||| = {drawable = gears_obj()}
for k, v in pairs(args) do
rawset(ret, k, v)
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
local generic_widget = ... --DOC_HIDE
local wibox = require("wibox") --DOC_HIDE
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1) --DOC_HIDE
local first, second, third = generic_widget("first"), --DOC_HIDE
generic_widget("second"), generic_widget("third") --DOC_HIDE
local ret = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical()
local function create() --DOC_HIDE
local w = wibox.widget {
force_width = 200, --DOC_HIDE
layout = wibox.layout.ratio.horizontal
return w --DOC_HIDE
end --DOC_HIDE
local values = {
{0.25, 0.50, 0.25},
{0.33, 0.55, 0.12},
{0.123, 0.456, 0.789},
{0.123, 0, 0.789},
{0, 1, 0},
for i=1, 5 do
ret:add(wibox.widget { --DOC_HIDE
markup = "<b>Set " .. i ..":</b>", --DOC_HIDE
widget = wibox.widget.textbox --DOC_HIDE
local w = create() --DOC_HIDE
for _=1, i do --DOC_HIDE
w:ajust_ratio(2, unpack(values[i]))
end --DOC_HIDE
ret:add(w) --DOC_HIDE
return ret, 200, 200 --DOC_HIDE
--DOC_HIDE vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
local generic_widget = ... --DOC_HIDE
local wibox = require("wibox") --DOC_HIDE
local first, second, third = generic_widget("first"), --DOC_HIDE
generic_widget("second"), generic_widget("third") --DOC_HIDE
local ret = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical()
local function create() --DOC_HIDE
local w = wibox.widget {
force_width = 200, --DOC_HIDE
layout = wibox.layout.ratio.horizontal
return w --DOC_HIDE
end --DOC_HIDE
for i=1, 5 do
ret:add(wibox.widget { --DOC_HIDE
markup = "<b>Iteration " .. i ..":</b>", --DOC_HIDE
widget = wibox.widget.textbox --DOC_HIDE
local w = create() --DOC_HIDE
for _=1, i do --DOC_HIDE
w:inc_ratio(2, 0.1)
end --DOC_HIDE
ret:add(w) --DOC_HIDE
return ret, 200, 200 --DOC_HIDE
--DOC_HIDE vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
local generic_widget = ... --DOC_HIDE_ALL
local wibox = require("wibox")
local empty_width = wibox.widget {
visible = false
local first, third, fourth = generic_widget("first"), generic_widget("third"), generic_widget("fourth")
local function add(tab, name)
table.insert(tab, {
markup = "<b>"":</b>",
widget = wibox.widget.textbox
table.insert(tab, {
inner_fill_strategy = name,
force_width = 200,
layout = wibox.layout.ratio.horizontal
local ret = {layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical}
add(ret, "default")
add(ret, "center")
add(ret, "justify")
add(ret, "inner_spacing")
add(ret, "spacing")
add(ret, "left")
add(ret, "right")
return wibox.widget(ret), 200, 250
--DOC_HIDE vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
local generic_widget = ... --DOC_HIDE
local wibox = require("wibox") --DOC_HIDE
return --DOC_HIDE
wibox.widget {
generic_widget( "first" ),
generic_widget( "second" ),
generic_widget( "third" ),
horizontal_offset = 5,
vertical_offset = 5,
layout = wibox.layout.stack
, 200, 50 --DOC_HIDE
--DOC_HIDE vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
local generic_widget = ... --DOC_HIDE
local wibox = require("wibox") --DOC_HIDE
return --DOC_HIDE
wibox.widget {
generic_widget( "first" ),
generic_widget( "second" ),
generic_widget( "third" ),
spacing = 6,
layout = wibox.layout.stack
--DOC_HIDE vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
Reference in New Issue