naughty.dbus: Factor out a helper function
Signed-off-by: Uli Schlachter <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,6 +60,43 @@ local function sendNotificationClosed(notificationId, reason)
"i", reason)
local function convert_icon(w, h, rowstride, channels, data)
-- Do the arguments look sane? (e.g. we have enough data)
local expected_length = rowstride * (h - 1) + w * channels
if w < 0 or h < 0 or rowstride < 0 or (channels ~= 3 and channels ~= 4) or
string.len(data) < expected_length then
w = 0
h = 0
local format = cairo.Format[channels == 4 and 'ARGB32' or 'RGB24']
-- Figure out some stride magic (cairo dictates rowstride)
local stride = cairo.Format.stride_for_width(format, w)
local append = schar(0):rep(stride - 4 * w)
local offset = 0
-- Now convert each row on its own
local rows = {}
for y = 1, h do
local this_row = {}
for i = 1 + offset, w * channels + offset, channels do
local R, G, B, A = sbyte(data, i, i + channels - 1)
tins(this_row, schar(B, G, R, A or 255))
-- Handle rowstride, offset is stride for the input, append for output
tins(this_row, append)
tins(rows, tcat(this_row))
offset = offset + rowstride
return cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(tcat(rows), format, w, h, stride)
capi.dbus.connect_signal("org.freedesktop.Notifications", function (data, appname, replaces_id, icon, title, text, actions, hints, expire)
local args = { }
if data.member == "Notify" then
@ -131,42 +168,7 @@ capi.dbus.connect_signal("org.freedesktop.Notifications", function (data, appnam
-- 6 -> channels
-- 7 -> data
local w, h, rowstride, _, _, channels, data = unpack(hints.icon_data)
-- Do the arguments look sane? (e.g. we have enough data)
local expected_length = rowstride * (h - 1) + w * channels
if w < 0 or h < 0 or rowstride < 0 or (channels ~= 3 and channels ~= 4) or
string.len(data) < expected_length then
w = 0
h = 0
local format = cairo.Format[channels == 4 and 'ARGB32' or 'RGB24']
-- Figure out some stride magic (cairo dictates rowstride)
local stride = cairo.Format.stride_for_width(format, w)
local append = schar(0):rep(stride - 4 * w)
local offset = 0
-- Now convert each row on its own
local rows = {}
for y = 1, h do
local this_row = {}
for i = 1 + offset, w * channels + offset, channels do
local R, G, B, A = sbyte(data, i, i + channels - 1)
tins(this_row, schar(B, G, R, A or 255))
-- Handle rowstride, offset is stride for the input, append for output
tins(this_row, append)
tins(rows, tcat(this_row))
offset = offset + rowstride
args.icon = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(tcat(rows), format,
w, h, stride)
args.icon = convert_icon(w, h, rowstride, channels, data)
if replaces_id and replaces_id ~= "" and replaces_id ~= 0 then
args.replaces_id = replaces_id
Reference in New Issue