titlebar: generate mouse_enter and button events for the entire titlebar (and redirect them to the client)

Signed-off-by: Maarten Maathuis <madman2003@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info>
This commit is contained in:
Maarten Maathuis 2008-11-05 16:22:13 +01:00 committed by Julien Danjou
parent 566c5e8639
commit 3cf17a9fae
1 changed files with 20 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -50,16 +50,24 @@ function add(c, args)
local title = capi.widget({ type = "textbox", name = "title", align = "flex" })
title.text = " " .. util.escape(c.name) .. " "
-- Redirect relevant events to the client the titlebar belongs to
local bts =
capi.button({ }, 1, function (t) t.client:mouse_move() end),
capi.button({ }, 1, function (t) capi.client.focus = t.client t.client:raise() t.client:mouse_move() end),
capi.button({ args.modkey }, 1, function (t) t.client:mouse_move() end),
capi.button({ args.modkey }, 3, function (t) t.client:mouse_resize() end)
function title.mouse_enter(s) hooks.user.call('mouse_enter', c) end
local appicon = capi.widget({ type = "imagebox", name = "appicon", align = "left" })
appicon.image = c.icon
-- Also redirect events for appicon (So the entire titlebar behaves consistently)
function appicon.mouse_enter(s) hooks.user.call('mouse_enter', c) end
if theme.titlebar_close_button == "true" then
local closef = widget.button({ name = "closef", align = "right",
image = theme.titlebar_close_button_focus
@ -70,15 +78,18 @@ function add(c, args)
or theme.titlebar_close_button_img_normal
or "@AWESOME_ICON_PATH@/titlebar/close.png" })
-- Bind kill button
local b = capi.button({ }, 1, nil, function (t) t.client:kill() end)
local bts = closef:buttons()
bts[#bts + 1] = b
bts = close:buttons()
bts[#bts + 1] = b
-- Bind kill button, also allow moving and resizing on this widget
local bts =
capi.button({ }, 1, nil, function (t) t.client:kill() end),
capi.button({ args.modkey }, 1, function (t) t.client:mouse_move() end),
capi.button({ args.modkey }, 3, function (t) t.client:mouse_resize() end)
-- Needed for sloppy focus beheaviour
function close.mouse_enter(s) hooks.user.call('mouse_enter', c) end
function closef.mouse_enter(s) hooks.user.call('mouse_enter', c) end
tb.widgets = { appicon, title, closef, close }