diff --git a/lib/wibox/widget/imagebox.lua b/lib/wibox/widget/imagebox.lua
index 3ab42a48..8ade9c6b 100644
--- a/lib/wibox/widget/imagebox.lua
+++ b/lib/wibox/widget/imagebox.lua
@@ -72,22 +72,94 @@ end
function imagebox:draw(_, cr, width, height)
if width == 0 or height == 0 or not self._private.default then return end
- -- Set the clip
- if self._private.clip_shape then
- cr:clip(self._private.clip_shape(cr, width, height, unpack(self._private.clip_args)))
- end
+ -- For valign = "top" and halign = "left"
+ local translate = {
+ x = 0,
+ y = 0,
+ }
+ local w, h = self._private.default.width, self._private.default.height
if not self._private.resize_forbidden then
- -- Let's scale the image so that it fits into (width, height)
- local w, h = self._private.default.width, self._private.default.height
- local aspect = math.min(width / w, height / h)
- cr:scale(aspect, aspect)
+ -- That's for the "fit" policy.
+ local aspects = {
+ w = width / w,
+ h = height / h
+ }
+ local policy = {
+ w = self._private.horizontal_fit_policy or "auto",
+ h = self._private.vertical_fit_policy or "auto"
+ }
+ for _, aspect in ipairs {"w", "h"} do
+ if policy[aspect] == "auto" then
+ aspects[aspect] = math.min(width / w, height / h)
+ elseif policy[aspect] == "none" then
+ aspects[aspect] = 1
+ end
+ end
+ if self._private.halign == "center" then
+ translate.x = math.floor((width - w*aspects.w)/2)
+ elseif self._private.halign == "right" then
+ translate.x = math.floor(width - (w*aspects.w))
+ end
+ if self._private.valign == "center" then
+ translate.y = math.floor((height - h*aspects.h)/2)
+ elseif self._private.valign == "bottom" then
+ translate.y = math.floor(height - (h*aspects.h))
+ end
+ cr:translate(translate.x, translate.y)
+ -- Before using the scale, make sure it is below the threshold.
+ local threshold, max_factor = self._private.max_scaling_factor, math.max(aspects.w, aspects.h)
+ if threshold and threshold > 0 and threshold < max_factor then
+ aspects.w = (aspects.w*threshold)/max_factor
+ aspects.h = (aspects.h*threshold)/max_factor
+ end
+ -- Set the clip
+ if self._private.clip_shape then
+ cr:clip(self._private.clip_shape(cr, w*aspects.w, h*aspects.h, unpack(self._private.clip_args)))
+ end
+ cr:scale(aspects.w, aspects.h)
+ else
+ if self._private.halign == "center" then
+ translate.x = math.floor((width - w)/2)
+ elseif self._private.halign == "right" then
+ translate.x = math.floor(width - w)
+ end
+ if self._private.valign == "center" then
+ translate.y = math.floor((height - h)/2)
+ elseif self._private.valign == "bottom" then
+ translate.y = math.floor(height - h)
+ end
+ cr:translate(translate.x, translate.y)
+ -- Set the clip
+ if self._private.clip_shape then
+ cr:clip(self._private.clip_shape(cr, w, h, unpack(self._private.clip_args)))
+ end
if self._private.handle then
cr:set_source_surface(self._private.image, 0, 0)
+ local filter = self._private.scaling_quality
+ if filter then
+ cr:get_source():set_filter(cairo.Filter[filter:upper()])
+ end
@@ -212,6 +284,8 @@ end
-- A clip shape define an area where the content is displayed and one where it
-- is trimmed.
+-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_clip_shape_EXAMPLE@
-- @property clip_shape
-- @tparam function|gears.shape clip_shape A `gears.shape` compatible shape function.
-- @propemits true false
@@ -254,6 +328,156 @@ function imagebox:set_resize(allowed)
self:emit_signal("property::resize", allowed)
+--- Set the horizontal fit policy.
+-- Values are:
+-- * **auto**: Honor the `resize` varible and preserve the aspect ratio (default).
+-- * **none**: Do not resize at all.
+-- * **fit**: Resize to the widget width.
+-- Here is the result for a 22x32 image:
+-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_horizontal_fit_policy_EXAMPLE@
+-- @property horizontal_fit_policy
+-- @tparam[opt=auto] string horizontal_fit_policy
+-- @propemits true false
+-- @see vertical_fit_policy
+-- @see resize
+--- Set the vertical fit policy.
+-- Values are:
+-- * **auto**: Honor the `resize` varible and preserve the aspect ratio (default).
+-- * **none**: Do not resize at all.
+-- * **fit**: Resize to the widget height.
+-- Here is the result for a 32x22 image:
+-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_vertical_fit_policy_EXAMPLE@
+-- @property vertical_fit_policy
+-- @tparam[opt=auto] string horizontal_fit_policy
+-- @propemits true false
+-- @see horizontal_fit_policy
+-- @see resize
+--- The vertical alignment.
+-- Possible values are:
+-- * *top*
+-- * *center* (default)
+-- * *bottom*
+-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_valign_EXAMPLE@
+-- @property valign
+-- @tparam string avlign
+-- @propemits true false
+-- @see wibox.container.place
+-- @see halign
+--- The horizontal alignment.
+-- Possible values are:
+-- * *left*
+-- * *center* (default)
+-- * *right*
+-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_halign_EXAMPLE@
+-- @property halign
+-- @tparam string halign
+-- @propemits true false
+-- @see wibox.container.place
+-- @see valign
+--- The maximum scaling factor.
+-- If an image is scaled too much, it gets very blurry. This
+-- property allows to limit the scaling. Use the `valign` and
+-- `halign` to control how the image will be aligned.
+-- In the example below, the original size is 22x22
+-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_max_scaling_factor_EXAMPLE@
+-- @property max_scaling_factor
+-- @tparam number max_scaling_factor
+-- @propemits true false
+-- @see valign
+-- @see halign
+-- @see scaling_quality
+--- Set the scaling aligorithm.
+-- Depending on how the image is used, what is the "correct" way to
+-- scale can change. For example, upscaling a pixel art image should
+-- not make it blurry. However, scaling up a photo should not make it
+-- blocky.
+-- The image used in the example below has a resolution of 32x22 and is intentionally
+-- blocky to highlight the difference. It is zoomed by a factor of 3.
+-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_scaling_quality_EXAMPLE@
+-- @property scaling_quality
+-- @tparam string scaling_quality Either `fast`, `good`, `best`, `nearest` or `bilinear`.
+-- @propemits true false
+-- @see resize
+-- @see horizontal_fit_policy
+-- @see vertical_fit_policy
+-- @see max_scaling_factor
+local defaults = {
+ halign = "left",
+ valign = "top",
+ horizontal_fit_policy = "auto",
+ vertical_fit_policy = "auto",
+ max_scaling_factor = 0,
+ scaling_quality = "good"
+local function get_default(prop, value)
+ if value == nil then return defaults[prop] end
+ return value
+for prop in pairs(defaults) do
+ imagebox["set_"..prop] = function(self, value)
+ if value == self._private[prop] then return end
+ self._private[prop] = get_default(prop, value)
+ self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
+ self:emit_signal("property::"..prop, self._private[prop])
+ end
+ imagebox["get_"..prop] = function(self)
+ if self._private[prop] == nil then
+ return defaults[prop]
+ end
+ return self._private[prop]
+ end
--- Returns a new `wibox.widget.imagebox` instance.
-- This is the constructor of `wibox.widget.imagebox`. It creates a new
diff --git a/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/clip_shape.lua b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/clip_shape.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2070d4f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/clip_shape.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+local parent = ... --DOC_HIDE
+local wibox = require("wibox") --DOC_HIDE
+local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) --DOC_HIDE
+local gears = {shape=require("gears.shape")} --DOC_HIDE
+local l = wibox.layout { --DOC_HIDE
+ forced_width = 380, --DOC_HIDE
+ spacing = 5, --DOC_HIDE
+ layout = wibox.layout.flex.vertical --DOC_HIDE
+local names = {"circle", "squircle", "rounded_rect"} --DOC_HIDE
+for _, resize in ipairs {true, false} do
+ local row = wibox.layout { --DOC_HIDE
+ spacing = 5, --DOC_HIDE
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal --DOC_HIDE
+ } --DOC_HIDE
+ row:add(wibox.widget { --DOC_HIDE
+ markup = "resize = "..(resize and "true" or "false").."", --DOC_HIDE
+ forced_width = 80, --DOC_HIDE
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox --DOC_HIDE
+ }) --DOC_HIDE
+ for idx, shape in ipairs {gears.shape.circle, gears.shape.squircle, gears.shape.rounded_rect} do
+ local w = wibox.widget {
+ {
+ {
+ image = beautiful.awesome_icon,
+ forced_height = 32,
+ forced_width = 32,
+ clip_shape = shape,
+ resize = resize,
+ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
+ },
+ widget = wibox.container.place
+ },
+ forced_height = 64, --DOC_HIDE
+ forced_width = 64, --DOC_HIDE
+ widget = wibox.container.background
+ }
+ row:add(wibox.widget {--DOC_HIDE
+ markup = "`shape` = "..names[idx].."",--DOC_HIDE
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox,--DOC_HIDE
+ },--DOC_HIDE
+ w,--DOC_HIDE
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,--DOC_HIDE
+ }) --DOC_HIDE
+ end
+ l:add(row) --DOC_HIDE
+parent:add(l) --DOC_HIDE
+--DOC_HIDE vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/halign.lua b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/halign.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0983a97f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/halign.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+local parent = ... --DOC_HIDE
+local wibox = require("wibox") --DOC_HIDE
+local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) --DOC_HIDE
+local l = wibox.layout { --DOC_HIDE
+ forced_width = 360, --DOC_HIDE
+ spacing = 5, --DOC_HIDE
+ layout = wibox.layout.flex.vertical --DOC_HIDE
+for _, resize in ipairs {true, false} do
+ local row = wibox.layout { --DOC_HIDE
+ spacing = 5, --DOC_HIDE
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal --DOC_HIDE
+ } --DOC_HIDE
+ row:add(wibox.widget { --DOC_HIDE
+ markup = "resize = "..(resize and "true" or "false").."", --DOC_HIDE
+ forced_width = 80, --DOC_HIDE
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox --DOC_HIDE
+ }) --DOC_HIDE
+ for _, halign in ipairs {"left", "center", "right"} do
+ local w = wibox.widget {
+ {
+ {
+ image = beautiful.awesome_icon,
+ forced_height = 32,
+ forced_width = 32,
+ halign = halign,
+ resize = resize,
+ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
+ },
+ bg = beautiful.bg_normal,
+ forced_height = 32, --DOC_HIDE
+ forced_width = 80, --DOC_HIDE
+ widget = wibox.container.background
+ },
+ widget = wibox.container.place
+ }
+ row:add(wibox.widget {--DOC_HIDE
+ markup = "`valign` = "..halign.."",--DOC_HIDE
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox,--DOC_HIDE
+ },--DOC_HIDE
+ w,--DOC_HIDE
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,--DOC_HIDE
+ }) --DOC_HIDE
+ end
+ l:add(row) --DOC_HIDE
+parent:add(l) --DOC_HIDE
+--DOC_HIDE vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/horizontal_fit_policy.lua b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/horizontal_fit_policy.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6bfcbc32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/horizontal_fit_policy.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+local parent = ...
+local wibox = require( "wibox" )
+local beautiful = require( "beautiful" )
+local lgi = require("lgi")
+local cairo = lgi.cairo
+-- A simple Awesome logo
+local function demo()
+ local img = cairo.ImageSurface.create(cairo.Format.ARGB32, 22, 32)
+ local cr = cairo.Context(img)
+ -- Awesome default #555555
+ cr:set_source_rgb(0,0,1)
+ cr:paint()
+ cr:set_source_rgb(1,0,0)
+ cr:rectangle(0, 15, 22, 2)
+ cr:rectangle(10, 0, 2, 32)
+ cr:fill()
+ cr:set_source_rgb(0,1,0)
+ cr:arc(11, 16, 8, 0, 2*math.pi)
+ cr:fill()
+ return img
+local function cell_centered_widget(widget)
+ return wibox.widget {
+ widget,
+ valign = 'center',
+ halign = 'center',
+ content_fill_vertical = false,
+ content_fill_horizontal = false,
+ widget = wibox.container.place
+ }
+local function build_ib(size, policy)
+ return cell_centered_widget(wibox.widget {
+ {
+ horizontal_fit_policy = policy,
+ forced_height = size,
+ forced_width = size,
+ image = demo(),
+ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
+ },
+ forced_width = size + 2,
+ forced_height = size + 2,
+ color = beautiful.border_color,
+ margins = 1,
+ widget = wibox.container.margin
+ })
+local l = wibox.widget {
+ homogeneous = false,
+ spacing = 5,
+ layout = wibox.layout.grid,
+l:add_widget_at(wibox.widget.textbox('horizontal_fit_policy = "auto"'), 1, 1)
+l:add_widget_at(wibox.widget.textbox('horizontal_fit_policy = "none"'), 2, 1)
+l:add_widget_at(wibox.widget.textbox('horizontal_fit_policy = "fit"'), 3, 1)
+l:add_widget_at(wibox.widget.textbox('imagebox size'), 4, 1)
+for i,size in ipairs({16, 32, 64}) do
+ l:add_widget_at(build_ib(size, "auto"), 1, i + 1)
+ l:add_widget_at(build_ib(size, "none"), 2, i + 1)
+ l:add_widget_at(build_ib(size, "fit" ), 3, i + 1)
+ l:add_widget_at(cell_centered_widget(wibox.widget.textbox(size..'x'..size)), 4, i + 1)
+--DOC_HIDE vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/max_scaling_factor.lua b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/max_scaling_factor.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db0b0abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/max_scaling_factor.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+local parent = ...
+local wibox = require( "wibox" )
+local beautiful = require( "beautiful" )
+local function cell_centered_widget(widget)
+ return wibox.widget {
+ widget,
+ valign = 'center',
+ halign = 'center',
+ content_fill_vertical = false,
+ content_fill_horizontal = false,
+ widget = wibox.container.place
+ }
+local function build_ib(size, factor)
+ return cell_centered_widget(wibox.widget {
+ {
+ forced_height = size,
+ forced_width = size,
+ max_scaling_factor = factor,
+ image = beautiful.awesome_icon,
+ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
+ },
+ forced_width = size + 2,
+ forced_height = size + 2,
+ color = beautiful.border_color,
+ margins = 1,
+ widget = wibox.container.margin
+ })
+local l = wibox.widget {
+ homogeneous = false,
+ spacing = 5,
+ layout = wibox.layout.grid,
+l:add_widget_at(cell_centered_widget(wibox.widget.textbox('max_scaling_factor = nil')), 1, 1)
+l:add_widget_at(cell_centered_widget(wibox.widget.textbox('max_scaling_factor = 2')), 2, 1)
+l:add_widget_at(cell_centered_widget(wibox.widget.textbox('imagebox size')), 3, 1)
+for i,size in ipairs({16, 32, 64}) do
+ l:add_widget_at(build_ib(size, nil), 1, i + 1)
+ l:add_widget_at(build_ib(size, 2), 2, i + 1)
+ l:add_widget_at(cell_centered_widget(wibox.widget.textbox(size..'x'..size)), 3, i + 1)
+--DOC_HIDE vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/resize.lua b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/resize.lua
index 2b4124ef..c4030191 100644
--- a/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/resize.lua
+++ b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/resize.lua
@@ -16,12 +16,19 @@ local function cell_centered_widget(widget)
local function build_ib(size, resize)
- return cell_centered_widget({
- resize = resize,
- forced_width = size,
- forced_height = size,
- image = beautiful.awesome_icon,
- widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
+ return cell_centered_widget(wibox.widget {
+ {
+ resize = resize,
+ forced_height = size,
+ forced_width = size,
+ image = beautiful.awesome_icon,
+ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
+ },
+ forced_width = size + 2,
+ forced_height = size + 2,
+ color = beautiful.border_color,
+ margins = 1,
+ widget = wibox.container.margin
diff --git a/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/scaling_quality.lua b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/scaling_quality.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be588ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/scaling_quality.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+local parent = ... --DOC_HIDE
+local wibox = require("wibox") --DOC_HIDE
+local lgi = require("lgi")--DOC_HIDE
+local cairo = lgi.cairo --DOC_HIDE
+--DOC_HIDE A simple Awesome logo
+local function demo()--DOC_HIDE
+ local img = cairo.ImageSurface.create(cairo.Format.ARGB32, 32, 22)--DOC_HIDE
+ local cr = cairo.Context(img)--DOC_HIDE
+ cr:set_antialias(cairo.Antialias.NONE) --DOC_HIDE
+ -- Awesome default #555555--DOC_HIDE
+ cr:set_source_rgb(0,0,1)--DOC_HIDE
+ cr:paint() --DOC_HIDE
+ cr:set_source_rgb(1,0,0)--DOC_HIDE
+ cr:rectangle(0, 10, 32, 2)--DOC_HIDE
+ cr:rectangle(15, 0, 2, 22)--DOC_HIDE
+ cr:fill()--DOC_HIDE
+ cr:set_source_rgb(0,1,0)--DOC_HIDE
+ cr:arc(16, 11, 8, 0, 2*math.pi)--DOC_HIDE
+ cr:fill()--DOC_HIDE
+ return img--DOC_HIDE
+local img = demo () --DOC_HIDE
+local l = wibox.layout { --DOC_HIDE
+ -- forced_width = 720, --DOC_HIDE
+ spacing = 5, --DOC_HIDE
+ layout = wibox.layout.flex.vertical --DOC_HIDE
+ for _, quality in ipairs {"fast", "good", "best", "nearest", "bilinear"} do
+ local w = wibox.widget {
+ {
+ {
+ image = img,
+ forced_height = 64,
+ forced_width = 96,
+ scaling_quality = quality,
+ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
+ },
+ widget = wibox.container.place
+ },
+ -- forced_height = 96, --DOC_HIDE
+ -- forced_width = 96, --DOC_HIDE
+ widget = wibox.container.background
+ }
+ --DOC_HIDE SVG doesn't support those mode, so rasterize everything.
+ local raster = wibox.widget.draw_to_image_surface(w, 96, 64) --DOC_HIDE
+ l:add(wibox.widget {--DOC_HIDE
+ markup = "`scaling_quality` = "..quality.."",--DOC_HIDE
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox,--DOC_HIDE
+ },--DOC_HIDE
+ { --DOC_HIDE
+ image = raster, --DOC_HIDE
+ forced_height = 64, --DOC_HIDE
+ forced_width = 96, --DOC_HIDE
+ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox --DOC_HIDE
+ },--DOC_HIDE
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,--DOC_HIDE
+ }) --DOC_HIDE
+ end
+parent:add(l) --DOC_HIDE
+--DOC_HIDE vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/valign.lua b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/valign.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28779ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/valign.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+local parent = ... --DOC_HIDE
+local wibox = require("wibox") --DOC_HIDE
+local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) --DOC_HIDE
+local l = wibox.layout { --DOC_HIDE
+ forced_width = 340, --DOC_HIDE
+ spacing = 5, --DOC_HIDE
+ layout = wibox.layout.flex.vertical --DOC_HIDE
+for _, resize in ipairs {true, false} do
+ local row = wibox.layout { --DOC_HIDE
+ spacing = 5, --DOC_HIDE
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal --DOC_HIDE
+ } --DOC_HIDE
+ row:add(wibox.widget { --DOC_HIDE
+ markup = "resize = "..(resize and "true" or "false").."", --DOC_HIDE
+ forced_width = 80, --DOC_HIDE
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox --DOC_HIDE
+ }) --DOC_HIDE
+ for _, valign in ipairs {"top", "center", "bottom"} do
+ local w = wibox.widget {
+ {
+ {
+ image = beautiful.awesome_icon,
+ forced_height = 32,
+ forced_width = 32,
+ valign = valign,
+ resize = resize,
+ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
+ },
+ bg = beautiful.bg_normal,
+ forced_height = 80, --DOC_HIDE
+ forced_width = 32, --DOC_HIDE
+ widget = wibox.container.background
+ },
+ widget = wibox.container.place
+ }
+ row:add(wibox.widget {--DOC_HIDE
+ markup = "`valign` = "..valign.."",--DOC_HIDE
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox,--DOC_HIDE
+ },--DOC_HIDE
+ w,--DOC_HIDE
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,--DOC_HIDE
+ }) --DOC_HIDE
+ end
+ l:add(row) --DOC_HIDE
+parent:add(l) --DOC_HIDE
+--DOC_HIDE vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/vertical_fit_policy.lua b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/vertical_fit_policy.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24744f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examples/wibox/widget/imagebox/vertical_fit_policy.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+local parent = ...
+local wibox = require( "wibox" )
+local beautiful = require( "beautiful" )
+local lgi = require("lgi")
+local cairo = lgi.cairo
+-- A simple Awesome logo
+local function demo()
+ local img = cairo.ImageSurface.create(cairo.Format.ARGB32, 32, 22)
+ local cr = cairo.Context(img)
+ -- Awesome default #555555
+ cr:set_source_rgb(0,0,1)
+ cr:paint()
+ cr:set_source_rgb(1,0,0)
+ cr:rectangle(0, 10, 32, 2)
+ cr:rectangle(15, 0, 2, 22)
+ cr:fill()
+ cr:set_source_rgb(0,1,0)
+ cr:arc(16, 11, 8, 0, 2*math.pi)
+ cr:fill()
+ return img
+local function cell_centered_widget(widget)
+ return wibox.widget {
+ widget,
+ valign = 'center',
+ halign = 'center',
+ content_fill_vertical = false,
+ content_fill_horizontal = false,
+ widget = wibox.container.place
+ }
+local function build_ib(size, policy)
+ return cell_centered_widget(wibox.widget {
+ {
+ vertical_fit_policy = policy,
+ forced_height = size,
+ forced_width = size,
+ image = demo(),
+ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
+ },
+ forced_width = size + 2,
+ forced_height = size + 2,
+ color = beautiful.border_color,
+ margins = 1,
+ widget = wibox.container.margin
+ })
+local l = wibox.widget {
+ homogeneous = false,
+ spacing = 5,
+ layout = wibox.layout.grid,
+l:add_widget_at(wibox.widget.textbox('vertical_fit_policy = "auto"'), 1, 1)
+l:add_widget_at(wibox.widget.textbox('versical_fit_policy = "none"'), 2, 1)
+l:add_widget_at(wibox.widget.textbox('vertical_fit_policy = "fit"'), 3, 1)
+l:add_widget_at(wibox.widget.textbox('imagebox size'), 4, 1)
+for i,size in ipairs({16, 32, 64}) do
+ l:add_widget_at(build_ib(size, "auto"), 1, i + 1)
+ l:add_widget_at(build_ib(size, "none"), 2, i + 1)
+ l:add_widget_at(build_ib(size, "fit" ), 3, i + 1)
+ l:add_widget_at(cell_centered_widget(wibox.widget.textbox(size..'x'..size)), 4, i + 1)
+--DOC_HIDE vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80