@ -46,55 +46,55 @@ local wiboxes = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "v"})
-- @tparam integer height
--- If the wibar needs to be stretched to fill the screen.
-- @beautiful beautiful.stretch
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_stretch
-- @tparam boolean stretch
--- The wibar border width.
-- @beautiful beautiful.border_width
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_border_width
-- @tparam integer border_width
--- The wibar border color.
-- @beautiful beautiful.border_color
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_border_color
-- @tparam string border_color
--- If the wibar is to be on top of other windows.
-- @beautiful beautiful.ontop
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_ontop
-- @tparam boolean ontop
--- The wibar's mouse cursor.
-- @beautiful beautiful.cursor
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_cursor
-- @tparam string cursor
--- The wibar opacity, between 0 and 1.
-- @beautiful beautiful.opacity
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_opacity
-- @tparam number opacity
--- The window type (desktop, normal, dock, …).
-- @beautiful beautiful.type
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_type
-- @tparam string type
--- The wibar's width.
-- @beautiful beautiful.width
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_width
-- @tparam integer width
--- The wibar's height.
-- @beautiful beautiful.height
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_height
-- @tparam integer height
--- The wibar's background color.
-- @beautiful
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_bg
-- @tparam color bg
--- The wibar's background image.
-- @beautiful beautiful.bgimage
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_bgimage
-- @tparam surface bgimage
--- The wibar's foreground (text) color.
-- @beautiful beautiful.fg
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_fg
-- @tparam color fg
--- The wibar's shape.
-- @beautiful beautiful.shape
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_shape
-- @tparam gears.shape shape
-- Compute the margin on one side
Reference in New Issue