tests: Add keygrabber tests.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
local awful = { keygrabber = require("awful.keygrabber") } --DOC_HIDE
local allowed_keys_works = false --DOC_HIDE
awful.keygrabber {
autostart = true,
allowed_keys = {"a", "w", "e", "s", "o", "m", "e"},
stop_callback = function() --DOC_HIDE
allowed_keys_works = true --DOC_HIDE
end, --DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_press" , "w")--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_release", "w")--DOC_HIDE
assert(not allowed_keys_works) --DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_press" , "q")--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_release", "q")--DOC_HIDE
assert(allowed_keys_works) --DOC_HIDE
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
local was_called = {} --DOC_HIDE
local awful = {keygrabber = require("awful.keygrabber"), --DOC_HIDE
disable_tracking = function() was_called[1] = true end, --DOC_HIDE
enable_tracking = function() was_called[2] = true end, --DOC_HIDE
select_next = function() was_called[3] = true end, --DOC_HIDE
select_previous = function() was_called[4] = true end, --DOC_HIDE
awful.keygrabber {
keybindings = {
{{"Mod1" }, "Tab", awful.client.focus.history.select_previous},
{{"Mod1", "Shift"}, "Tab", awful.client.focus.history.select_next },
-- Note that it is using the key name and not the modifier name.
stop_key = "Alt_L",
release_event = "release",
start_callback = awful.client.focus.history.disable_tracking,
stop_callback = awful.client.focus.history.enable_tracking,
export_keybindings = true,
--DOC_HIDE Trigger the keybinging
awesome.emit_signal("refresh") --DOC_HIDE `export_keybindings` is async
root.fake_input("key_press", "Alt_L")--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_press", "Tab")--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_release", "Tab")--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_release", "Alt_L")--DOC_HIDE
assert(was_called[1] and was_called[1] and was_called[2] and was_called[4])--DOC_HIDE
assert(not was_called[3]) --DOC_HIDE
--DOC_HIDE Now make sure it can be triggered again
root.fake_input("key_press", "Alt_L")--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_press", "Shift_L")--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_press", "Tab")--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_release", "Tab")--DOC_HIDE
assert(was_called[3]) --DOC_HIDE
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
local awful = { keygrabber = require("awful.keygrabber") } --DOC_HIDE
local naughty = { notify = function() end } --DOC_HIDE
local autostart_works = false --DOC_HIDE
awful.keygrabber {
autostart = true,
stop_key = "Return",
stop_callback = function(_, _, _, sequence)
autostart_works = true --DOC_HIDE
assert(sequence == "abc") --DOC_HIDE
naughty.notify{text="The keys were:"..sequence}
for _, v in ipairs {"a", "b", "c"} do--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_press" , v)--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_release", v)--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_press" , "Return")--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_release", "Return")--DOC_HIDE
assert(autostart_works) --DOC_HIDE
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
local awful = { keygrabber = require("awful.keygrabber") } --DOC_HIDE
local allowed_keys_works = false --DOC_HIDE
awful.keygrabber {
autostart = true, --DOC_HIDE
stop_key = "Return",
stop_callback = function() --DOC_HIDE
allowed_keys_works = true --DOC_HIDE
end, --DOC_HIDE
assert(not allowed_keys_works) --DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_press" , "a")--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_release", "a")--DOC_HIDE
assert(not allowed_keys_works) --DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_press" , "Return")--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_release", "Return")--DOC_HIDE
assert(allowed_keys_works) --DOC_HIDE
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
local awful = { keygrabber = require("awful.keygrabber") } --DOC_HIDE
local allowed_keys_works = false --DOC_HIDE
awful.keygrabber {
autostart = true, --DOC_HIDE
stop_key = {"Return", "Escape"},
stop_callback = function() --DOC_HIDE
allowed_keys_works = true --DOC_HIDE
end, --DOC_HIDE
assert(not allowed_keys_works) --DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_press" , "a")--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_release", "a")--DOC_HIDE
assert(not allowed_keys_works) --DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_press" , "Escape")--DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_release", "Escape")--DOC_HIDE
assert(allowed_keys_works) --DOC_HIDE
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
local awful = { keygrabber = require("awful.keygrabber") } --DOC_HIDE
local keybinding_works = {} --DOC_HIDE
local g = --DOC_HIDE
awful.keygrabber {
mask_modkeys = true,
root_keybindings = {
{{"Mod4"}, "i", function(self)
print("Is now active!", self)
keybinding_works[1] = true --DOC_HIDE
keybindings = {
{{"Mod4", "Shift"}, "i", function(self)
print("Called again!")
keybinding_works[3] = true --DOC_HIDE
keypressed_callback = function(_, modifiers, key)
print("A key was pressed:", key, "with", #modifiers, "modifier!")
keybinding_works[2] = keybinding_works[2] and keybinding_works[2] + 1 or 1 --DOC_HIDE
-- The following will **NOT** trigger the keygrabbing because it isn't exported
-- to the root (global) keys. Adding `export_keybindings` would solve that
awesome.emit_signal("refresh") --DOC_HIDE `root_keybindings` is async
root._execute_keybinding({"Mod4", "Shift"}, "i")
assert(#keybinding_works == 0)
-- But this will start the keygrabber because it is part of the root_keybindings
root._execute_keybinding({"Mod4"}, "i")
assert(keybinding_works[1]) --DOC_HIDE
assert(not keybinding_works[2]) --DOC_HIDE
-- Note that that keygrabber is running, all callbacks should work:
root.fake_input("key_press" , "a")
root.fake_input("key_release" , "a")
assert(keybinding_works[2] == 1) --DOC_HIDE
-- Calling the root keybindings now wont work because they are not part of
-- the keygrabber internal (own) keybindings, so `keypressed_callback` will
-- be called.
root._execute_keybinding({"Mod4"}, "i")
assert(keybinding_works[2] == 2) --DOC_HIDE because mask_modkeys is set
assert(g == awful.keygrabber.current_instance) --DOC_HIDE
assert(not keybinding_works[3])--DOC_HIDE
-- Now the keygrabber own keybindings will work
root._execute_keybinding({"Mod4", "Shift"}, "i")
keybinding_works[2] = 0--DOC_HIDE
assert(not awful.keygrabber.current_instance) --DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_press" , "a") --DOC_HIDE
root.fake_input("key_release" , "a") --DOC_HIDE
assert(keybinding_works[2] == 0) --DOC_HIDE
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Is now active! nil
A key was pressed: a with 0 modifier!
A key was pressed: i with 1 modifier!
Called again!
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
local awful = { keygrabber = require("awful.keygrabber") } --DOC_HIDE
local timeout_works = false --DOC_HIDE
local function print() end --DOC_HIDE be silent
local g = --DOC_HIDE
awful.keygrabber {
autostart = true,
timeout = 1, -- second
timeout_callback = function()
print("The keygrabber has expired")
timeout_works = true --DOC_HIDE
assert(g) --DOC_HIDE Returning the object works
assert(g._private.timer)--DOC_HIDE The timer has been created
assert(g._private.timer.started) --DOC_HIDE The timer is started
assert(not timeout_works) --DOC_HIDE The callback isn't called by accident
g._private.timer:emit_signal("timeout") --DOC_HIDE
assert(timeout_works) --DOC_HIDE The callback has been called
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
local gears = {table = require("gears.table")} --DOC_HIDE
local awful = { keygrabber = require("awful.keygrabber") } --DOC_HIDE
local map, actions = {
verbs = {
m = "move" , f = "focus" , d = "delete" , a = "append",
w = "swap" , p = "print" , n = "new" ,
adjectives = { h = "left" , j = "down" , k = "up" , l = "right" , },
nouns = { c = "client", t = "tag" , s = "screen", y = "layout", },
}, {}
function actions.client(action, adj) print("IN CLIENT!") end --luacheck: no unused args
function actions.tag (action, adj) print("IN TAG!" ) end --luacheck: no unused args
function actions.screen(action, adj) print("IN SCREEN!") end --luacheck: no unused args
function actions.layout(action, adj) print("IN LAYOUT!") end --luacheck: no unused args
local function parse(_, stop_key, _, sequence)
local parsed, count = { verbs = "", adjectives = "", nouns = "", }, ""
sequence = sequence..stop_key
for i=1, #sequence do
local char = sequence:sub(i,i)
if char >= "0" and char <= "9" then
count = count .. char
for kind in pairs(parsed) do
parsed[kind] = map[kind][char] or parsed[kind]
if parsed.nouns == "" then return end
for _=1, count == "" and 1 or tonumber(count) do
actions[parsed.nouns](parsed.verbs, parsed.adjectives)
awful.keygrabber {
stop_callback = parse,
stop_key = gears.table.keys(map.verbs),
root_keybingins = {
{{"Mod4"}, "v"}
Reference in New Issue