--- Tests for _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP local runner = require("_runner") local test_client = require("_client") local awful = require("awful") local c local s = screen[1] local tags = s.tags local function wait_for_current_desktop(tag) -- The X property has 0-based indicies local idx = awful.util.table.hasitem(tags, tag) - 1 return function() local file = io.popen("xprop -notype -root _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP") local result = file:read("*all") file:close() -- Extract the value local value = string.sub(result, 24, -2) if tostring(idx) == value then return true end print(string.format("Got _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP = '%s', expected %d", value, idx)) end end local steps = { -- Set up the state we want function(count) if count == 1 then test_client() awful.tag.viewmore({ tags[3], tags[4], tags[5] }, s) end c = awful.client.visible()[1] if c then c:move_to_tag(tags[4]) client.focus = c return true end end, wait_for_current_desktop(tags[4]), -- Move the client around function() c:move_to_tag(tags[5]) return true end, wait_for_current_desktop(tags[5]), -- Move the client to a non-selected tag function() c:move_to_tag(tags[6]) assert(client.focus == nil) return true end, wait_for_current_desktop(tags[3]), -- Move the client back function(count) if count == 1 then c:move_to_tag(tags[4]) return end client.focus = c return true end, wait_for_current_desktop(tags[4]), -- Killing the client means the first selected tag counts function(count) if count == 1 then assert(client.focus == c) c:kill() c = nil return end return true end, wait_for_current_desktop(tags[3]), -- Change tag selection function() tags[3].selected = false return true end, wait_for_current_desktop(tags[4]), } runner.run_steps(steps) -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80