--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @author dodo -- @copyright 2012 dodo -- @release @AWESOME_VERSION@ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local ipairs = ipairs local table = table local capi = { keygrabber = keygrabber } --- Keygrabber Stack -- awful.keygrabber local keygrabber = {} -- Private data local grabbers = {} local keygrabbing = false local function grabber(mod, key, event) for i, g in ipairs(grabbers) do -- continue if the grabber explicitly returns false if g(mod, key, event) ~= false then break end end end --- Stop grabbing the keyboard for the provided callback. -- When no callback is given, the least grabber gets removed (last one added to the stack). -- @param g The key grabber that must be removed. function keygrabber.stop(g) for i, v in ipairs(grabbers) do if v == g then table.remove(grabbers, i) break end end -- stop the global key grabber if the last grabber disappears from stack if #grabbers == 0 then keygrabbing = false capi.keygrabber.stop() end end --- -- Grab keyboard input and read pressed keys, calling the least callback -- function from the stack at each keypress, until the stack is empty. -- -- Calling run with the same callback again will bring the callback -- to the top of the stack. -- -- The callback function receives three arguments: --
to pass the events to the next
-- keygrabber in the stack.
-- @param g The key grabber callback that will get the key events until it will be deleted or a new grabber is added.
-- @return the given callback g
-- @usage
-- -- The following function can be bound to a key, and be used to resize a
-- -- client using the keyboard.
-- function resize(c)
-- local grabber = awful.keygrabber.run(function(mod, key, event)
-- if event == "release" then return end
-- if key == 'Up' then awful.client.moveresize(0, 0, 0, 5, c)
-- elseif key == 'Down' then awful.client.moveresize(0, 0, 0, -5, c)
-- elseif key == 'Right' then awful.client.moveresize(0, 0, 5, 0, c)
-- elseif key == 'Left' then awful.client.moveresize(0, 0, -5, 0, c)
-- else awful.keygrabber.stop(grabber)
-- end
-- end)
-- end
function keygrabber.run(g)
-- Remove the grabber if its in stack
-- Record the grabber has latest added
table.insert(grabbers, 1, g)
-- start the keygrabber if its not running already
if not keygrabbing then
keygrabbing = true
return g
return keygrabber
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