/* * config.c - configuration management * * Copyright © 2007 Julien Danjou * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ /** * \defgroup ui_callback */ #include #include #include "awesome.h" #include "layout.h" #include "tag.h" #include "draw.h" #include "util.h" #include "statusbar.h" #include "screen.h" #include "layouts/tile.h" #include "layouts/max.h" #include "layouts/floating.h" static void initfont(Display *, DC *, const char *); static unsigned long initcolor(Display *, int, const char *); static unsigned int get_numlockmask(Display *); /** Link a name to a function */ typedef struct { const char *name; void *func; } NameFuncLink; /** Link a name to a key symbol */ typedef struct { const char *name; KeySym keysym; } KeyMod; /** List of keyname and corresponding X11 mask codes */ static const KeyMod KeyModList[] = { {"Shift", ShiftMask}, {"Lock", LockMask}, {"Control", ControlMask}, {"Mod1", Mod1Mask}, {"Mod2", Mod2Mask}, {"Mod3", Mod3Mask}, {"Mod4", Mod4Mask}, {"Mod5", Mod5Mask}, {"None", 0} }; /** List of available layouts and link between name and functions */ static const NameFuncLink LayoutsList[] = { {"tile", layout_tile}, {"tileleft", layout_tileleft}, {"max", layout_max}, {"floating", layout_floating}, {NULL, NULL} }; /** List of available UI bindable callbacks and functions */ static const NameFuncLink KeyfuncList[] = { /* util.c */ {"spawn", uicb_spawn}, /* client.c */ {"killclient", uicb_killclient}, {"moveresize", uicb_moveresize}, {"settrans", uicb_settrans}, {"setborder", uicb_setborder}, {"swapnext", uicb_swapnext}, {"swapprev", uicb_swapprev}, /* tag.c */ {"tag", uicb_tag}, {"togglefloating", uicb_togglefloating}, {"toggleview", uicb_toggleview}, {"toggletag", uicb_toggletag}, {"view", uicb_view}, {"view_tag_prev_selected", uicb_tag_prev_selected}, {"view_tag_previous", uicb_tag_viewprev}, {"view_tag_next", uicb_tag_viewnext}, /* layout.c */ {"setlayout", uicb_setlayout}, {"focusnext", uicb_focusnext}, {"focusprev", uicb_focusprev}, {"togglemax", uicb_togglemax}, {"toggleverticalmax", uicb_toggleverticalmax}, {"togglehorizontalmax", uicb_togglehorizontalmax}, {"zoom", uicb_zoom}, /* layouts/tile.c */ {"setmwfact", uicb_setmwfact}, {"setnmaster", uicb_setnmaster}, {"setncols", uicb_setncols}, /* screen.c */ {"focusnextscreen", uicb_focusnextscreen}, {"focusprevscreen", uicb_focusprevscreen}, {"movetoscreen", uicb_movetoscreen}, /* awesome.c */ {"quit", uicb_quit}, /* statusbar.c */ {"togglebar", uicb_togglebar}, {NULL, NULL} }; /** Lookup for a key mask from its name * \param keyname Key name * \return Key mask or 0 if not found */ static KeySym key_mask_lookup(const char *keyname) { int i; if(keyname) for(i = 0; KeyModList[i].name; i++) if(!a_strcmp(keyname, KeyModList[i].name)) return KeyModList[i].keysym; return 0; } /** Lookup for a function pointer from its name * in the given NameFuncLink list * \param funcname Function name * \param list Function and name link list * \return function pointer */ static void * name_func_lookup(const char *funcname, const NameFuncLink * list) { int i; if(funcname && list) for(i = 0; list[i].name; i++) if(!a_strcmp(funcname, list[i].name)) return list[i].func; return NULL; } /** Parse configuration file and initialize some stuff * \param disp Display ref * \param scr Screen number * \param drawcontext Draw context */ void parse_config(Display * disp, int scr, DC * drawcontext, const char *confpatharg, awesome_config *awesomeconf) { /* Main configuration object for parsing*/ config_t awesomelibconf; config_setting_t *conftags; config_setting_t *conflayouts, *confsublayouts; config_setting_t *confrules, *confsubrules; config_setting_t *confkeys, *confsubkeys, *confkeysmasks, *confkeymaskelem; int i = 0, j = 0; double f = 0.0; const char *tmp, *homedir; char *confpath; KeySym tmp_key; ssize_t confpath_len; if(confpatharg) confpath = a_strdup(confpatharg); else { homedir = getenv("HOME"); confpath_len = a_strlen(homedir) + a_strlen(AWESOME_CONFIG_FILE) + 2; confpath = p_new(char, confpath_len); a_strcpy(confpath, confpath_len, homedir); a_strcat(confpath, confpath_len, "/"); a_strcat(confpath, confpath_len, AWESOME_CONFIG_FILE); } config_init(&awesomelibconf); a_strcpy(awesomeconf->statustext, sizeof(awesomeconf->statustext), "awesome-" VERSION); /* set screen */ awesomeconf->screen = scr; if(config_read_file(&awesomelibconf, confpath) == CONFIG_FALSE) fprintf(stderr, "awesome: error parsing configuration file at line %d: %s\n", config_error_line(&awesomelibconf), config_error_text(&awesomelibconf)); /* font */ tmp = config_lookup_string(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.font"); initfont(disp, drawcontext, tmp ? tmp : "-*-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"); /* layouts */ conflayouts = config_lookup(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.layouts"); if(!conflayouts) { fprintf(stderr, "awesome: layouts not found in configuration file, setting default\n"); awesomeconf->nlayouts = 2; awesomeconf->layouts = p_new(Layout, awesomeconf->nlayouts + 1); awesomeconf->layouts[0].symbol = a_strdup("[]="); awesomeconf->layouts[0].arrange = layout_tile; awesomeconf->layouts[1].symbol = a_strdup("<><"); awesomeconf->layouts[1].arrange = layout_floating; awesomeconf->layouts[2].symbol = NULL; awesomeconf->layouts[2].arrange = NULL; } else { awesomeconf->nlayouts = config_setting_length(conflayouts); awesomeconf->layouts = p_new(Layout, awesomeconf->nlayouts + 1); for(i = 0; (confsublayouts = config_setting_get_elem(conflayouts, i)); i++) { awesomeconf->layouts[i].arrange = name_func_lookup(config_setting_get_string_elem(confsublayouts, 1), LayoutsList); if(!awesomeconf->layouts[i].arrange) { fprintf(stderr, "awesome: unknown layout #%d in configuration file\n", i); awesomeconf->layouts[i].symbol = NULL; continue; } awesomeconf->layouts[i].symbol = a_strdup(config_setting_get_string_elem(confsublayouts, 0)); } awesomeconf->layouts[i].symbol = NULL; awesomeconf->layouts[i].arrange = NULL; } if(!awesomeconf->nlayouts) eprint("awesome: fatal: no default layout available\n"); for(i = 0; i < awesomeconf->nlayouts; i++) { j = textw(drawcontext->font.set, drawcontext->font.xfont, awesomeconf->layouts[i].symbol, drawcontext->font.height); if(j > awesomeconf->statusbar.width) awesomeconf->statusbar.width = j; } awesomeconf->current_layout = awesomeconf->layouts; /* tags */ conftags = config_lookup(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.tags"); if(!conftags) { fprintf(stderr, "awesome: tags not found in configuration file, setting default\n"); awesomeconf->ntags = 3; awesomeconf->tags = p_new(Tag, awesomeconf->ntags); awesomeconf->tags[0].name = a_strdup("this"); awesomeconf->tags[1].name = a_strdup("is"); awesomeconf->tags[2].name = a_strdup("awesome"); awesomeconf->tags[0].selected = True; awesomeconf->tags[1].selected = False; awesomeconf->tags[2].selected = False; awesomeconf->tags[0].was_selected = False; awesomeconf->tags[1].was_selected = False; awesomeconf->tags[2].was_selected = False; awesomeconf->tags[0].layout = awesomeconf->layouts; awesomeconf->tags[1].layout = awesomeconf->layouts; awesomeconf->tags[2].layout = awesomeconf->layouts; } else { awesomeconf->ntags = config_setting_length(conftags); awesomeconf->tags = p_new(Tag, awesomeconf->ntags); for(i = 0; (tmp = config_setting_get_string_elem(conftags, i)); i++) { awesomeconf->tags[i].name = a_strdup(tmp); awesomeconf->tags[i].selected = False; awesomeconf->tags[i].was_selected = False; /** \todo add support for default tag/layout in configuration file */ awesomeconf->tags[i].layout = awesomeconf->layouts; } } if(!awesomeconf->ntags) eprint("awesome: fatal: no tags found in configuration file\n"); /* select first tag by default */ awesomeconf->tags[0].selected = True; awesomeconf->tags[0].was_selected = True; /* rules */ confrules = config_lookup(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.rules"); if(!confrules) { awesomeconf->nrules = 0; fprintf(stderr, "awesome: no rules found in configuration file\n"); } else { awesomeconf->nrules = config_setting_length(confrules); awesomeconf->rules = p_new(Rule, awesomeconf->nrules); for(i = 0; (confsubrules = config_setting_get_elem(confrules, i)); i++) { awesomeconf->rules[i].prop = a_strdup(config_setting_get_string(config_setting_get_member(confsubrules, "name"))); awesomeconf->rules[i].tags = a_strdup(config_setting_get_string(config_setting_get_member(confsubrules, "tags"))); if(awesomeconf->rules[i].tags && !a_strlen(awesomeconf->rules[i].tags)) awesomeconf->rules[i].tags = NULL; awesomeconf->rules[i].isfloating = config_setting_get_bool(config_setting_get_member(confsubrules, "float")); } } /* modkey */ tmp_key = key_mask_lookup(config_lookup_string(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.modkey")); awesomeconf->modkey = tmp_key ? tmp_key : Mod1Mask; /* find numlock mask */ awesomeconf->numlockmask = get_numlockmask(disp); /* keys */ confkeys = config_lookup(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.keys"); if(!confkeys) { awesomeconf->nkeys = 0; fprintf(stderr, "awesome: no keys found in configuration file\n"); } else { awesomeconf->nkeys = config_setting_length(confkeys); awesomeconf->keys = p_new(Key, awesomeconf->nkeys); for(i = 0; (confsubkeys = config_setting_get_elem(confkeys, i)); i++) { confkeysmasks = config_setting_get_elem(confsubkeys, 0); for(j = 0; (confkeymaskelem = config_setting_get_elem(confkeysmasks, j)); j++) awesomeconf->keys[i].mod |= key_mask_lookup(config_setting_get_string(confkeymaskelem)); awesomeconf->keys[i].keysym = XStringToKeysym(config_setting_get_string_elem(confsubkeys, 1)); awesomeconf->keys[i].func = name_func_lookup(config_setting_get_string_elem(confsubkeys, 2), KeyfuncList); awesomeconf->keys[i].arg = a_strdup(config_setting_get_string_elem(confsubkeys, 3)); } } /* barpos */ tmp = config_lookup_string(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.barpos"); if(tmp && !a_strncmp(tmp, "off", 6)) awesomeconf->statusbar_default_position = BarOff; else if(tmp && !a_strncmp(tmp, "bottom", 6)) awesomeconf->statusbar_default_position = BarBot; else awesomeconf->statusbar_default_position = BarTop; awesomeconf->statusbar.position = awesomeconf->statusbar_default_position; /* borderpx */ awesomeconf->borderpx = config_lookup_int(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.borderpx"); /* opacity */ awesomeconf->opacity_unfocused = config_lookup_int(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.opacity_unfocused"); if(awesomeconf->opacity_unfocused >= 100 || awesomeconf->opacity_unfocused == 0) awesomeconf->opacity_unfocused = -1; /* snap */ i = config_lookup_int(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.snap"); awesomeconf->snap = i ? i : 8; /* nmaster */ i = config_lookup_int(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.nmaster"); awesomeconf->nmaster = i ? i : 1; /* ncols */ i = config_lookup_int(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.ncols"); awesomeconf->ncols = i ? i : 1; /* mwfact */ f = config_lookup_float(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.mwfact"); awesomeconf->mwfact = f ? f : 0.6; /* resize_hints */ awesomeconf->resize_hints = config_lookup_float(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.resize_hints"); /* colors */ tmp = config_lookup_string(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.normal_border_color"); drawcontext->norm[ColBorder] = initcolor(disp, scr, tmp ? tmp : "#dddddd"); tmp = config_lookup_string(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.normal_bg_color"); drawcontext->norm[ColBG] = initcolor(disp, scr, tmp ? tmp : "#000000"); tmp = config_lookup_string(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.normal_fg_color"); drawcontext->norm[ColFG] = initcolor(disp, scr, tmp ? tmp : "#ffffff"); tmp = config_lookup_string(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.focus_border_color"); drawcontext->sel[ColBorder] = initcolor(disp, scr, tmp ? tmp : "#008b8b"); tmp = config_lookup_string(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.focus_bg_color"); drawcontext->sel[ColBG] = initcolor(disp, scr, tmp ? tmp : "#008b8b"); tmp = config_lookup_string(&awesomelibconf, "awesome.focus_fg_color"); drawcontext->sel[ColFG] = initcolor(disp, scr, tmp ? tmp : "#ffffff"); config_destroy(&awesomelibconf); p_delete(&confpath); } /** Initialize font from X side and store in draw context * \param fontstr Font name * \param disp Display ref * \param drawcontext Draw context */ static void initfont(Display *disp, DC *drawcontext, const char *fontstr) { char *def, **missing; int i, n; missing = NULL; if(drawcontext->font.set) XFreeFontSet(disp, drawcontext->font.set); drawcontext->font.set = XCreateFontSet(disp, fontstr, &missing, &n, &def); if(missing) { while(n--) fprintf(stderr, "awesome: missing fontset: %s\n", missing[n]); XFreeStringList(missing); } if(drawcontext->font.set) { XFontSetExtents *font_extents; XFontStruct **xfonts; char **font_names; drawcontext->font.ascent = drawcontext->font.descent = 0; font_extents = XExtentsOfFontSet(drawcontext->font.set); n = XFontsOfFontSet(drawcontext->font.set, &xfonts, &font_names); for(i = 0, drawcontext->font.ascent = 0, drawcontext->font.descent = 0; i < n; i++) { if(drawcontext->font.ascent < (*xfonts)->ascent) drawcontext->font.ascent = (*xfonts)->ascent; if(drawcontext->font.descent < (*xfonts)->descent) drawcontext->font.descent = (*xfonts)->descent; xfonts++; } } else { if(drawcontext->font.xfont) XFreeFont(disp, drawcontext->font.xfont); drawcontext->font.xfont = NULL; if(!(drawcontext->font.xfont = XLoadQueryFont(disp, fontstr)) && !(drawcontext->font.xfont = XLoadQueryFont(disp, "fixed"))) die("awesome: error, cannot load font: '%s'\n", fontstr); drawcontext->font.ascent = drawcontext->font.xfont->ascent; drawcontext->font.descent = drawcontext->font.xfont->descent; } drawcontext->font.height = drawcontext->font.ascent + drawcontext->font.descent; } static unsigned int get_numlockmask(Display *disp) { XModifierKeymap *modmap; unsigned int mask = 0; int i, j; modmap = XGetModifierMapping(disp); for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) for(j = 0; j < modmap->max_keypermod; j++) { if(modmap->modifiermap[i * modmap->max_keypermod + j] == XKeysymToKeycode(disp, XK_Num_Lock)) mask = (1 << i); } XFreeModifiermap(modmap); return mask; } /** Initialize color from X side * \param colorstr Color code * \param disp Display ref * \param scr Screen number * \return XColor pixel */ static unsigned long initcolor(Display *disp, int scr, const char *colstr) { Colormap cmap; /* bypass screen if scr is a Xinerama screen number */ if(XineramaIsActive(disp)) cmap = DefaultColormap(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)); else cmap = DefaultColormap(disp, scr); XColor color; if(!XAllocNamedColor(disp, cmap, colstr, &color, &color)) die("awesome: error, cannot allocate color '%s'\n", colstr); return color.pixel; }