-- This template provides a timeline like display for tag changes. -- Basically a taglist with some pretty dots on the side. Note that the way it -- copy tags is fragile and probably not really supportable. local file_path, image_path = ... require("_common_template")(...) local capi = {client = client, screen = screen} local Pango = require("lgi").Pango local PangoCairo = require("lgi").PangoCairo require("awful.screen") require("awful.tag") local floating_l = require("awful.layout.suit.floating") local taglist = require("awful.widget.taglist") local gtable = require("gears.table") local shape = require("gears.shape") local color = require("gears.color") local wibox = require("wibox") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local bar_size, radius = 18, 2 local screen_scale_factor = 5 local history = {} local module = {} -- Draw a mouse cursor at [x,y] local function draw_mouse(cr, x, y) cr:set_source_rgb(1, 0, 0) cr:move_to(x, y) cr:rel_line_to( 0, 10) cr:rel_line_to( 3, -2) cr:rel_line_to( 3, 4) cr:rel_line_to( 2, 0) cr:rel_line_to(-3, -4) cr:rel_line_to( 4, 0) cr:close_path() cr:fill() end -- Instead of returning the maximum size, return the preferred one. local function fixed_fit2(self, context, orig_width, orig_height) local width, height = orig_width, orig_height local used_in_dir, used_max = 0, 0 for _, v in pairs(self._private.widgets) do local w, h = wibox.widget.base.fit_widget(self, context, v, width, height) -- Catch bugs before they crash Chrome (Firefox handles this better) assert(w < 5000) assert(h < 5000) local in_dir, max if self._private.dir == "y" then max, in_dir = w, h height = height - in_dir else in_dir, max = w, h width = width - in_dir end if max > used_max then used_max = max end used_in_dir = used_in_dir + in_dir end local spacing = self._private.spacing * (#self._private.widgets-1) -- Catch bugs before they crash Chrome (Firefox handles this better) assert(used_max < 9000) assert(used_in_dir < 9000) if self._private.dir == "y" then return used_max, used_in_dir + spacing end return used_in_dir + spacing, used_max end -- Imported from the Collision module. local function draw_lines() local ret = wibox.widget.base.make_widget() function ret:fit() local pager_w = math.max(root.size()/screen_scale_factor, 60) --FIXME support multiple screens. local w = (#screen[1].tags * pager_w) + ((#screen[1].tags - 1)*5) return w, self.widget_pos and #self.widget_pos*6 or 30 end function ret:draw(_, cr, _, h) if (not self.widget_pos) or (not self.pager_pos) then return end cr:set_line_width(1) cr:set_source_rgba(0,0,0,0.3) local count = #self.widget_pos for k, t in ipairs(self.widget_pos) do local point1 = {x = t.widget_x, y = 0, width = t.widget_width, height = 1} local point2 = {x = t.pager_x, y = 0, width = t.pager_width, height = h} assert(point1.x and point1.width) assert(point2.x and point2.width) local dx = (point1.x == 0 and radius or 0) + (point1.width and point1.width/2 or 0) cr:move_to(bar_size+dx+point1.x, point1.y+2*radius) cr:line_to(bar_size+dx+point1.x, point2.y+(count-k)*((h-2*radius)/count)+2*radius) cr:line_to(point2.x+point2.width/2, point2.y+(count-k)*((h-2*radius)/count)+2*radius) cr:line_to(point2.x+point2.width/2, point2.y+point2.height) cr:stroke() cr:arc(bar_size+dx+point1.x, point1.y+2*radius, radius, 0, 2*math.pi) cr:fill() cr:arc(point2.x+point2.width/2, point2.y+point2.height-radius, radius, 0, 2*math.pi) cr:fill() end end return ret end local function gen_vertical_line(args) args = args or {} local w = wibox.widget.base.make_widget() function w:draw(_, cr, w2, h) cr:set_source_rgba(0,0,0,0.5) if args.begin then cr:rectangle(w2/2-0.5, h/2, 1, h/2) elseif args.finish then cr:rectangle(w2/2-0.5, 0, 1, h/2) else cr:rectangle(w2/2-0.5, 0, 1, h) end cr:fill() if args.dot then cr:arc(w2/2, args.center and h/2 or w2/2 ,bar_size/4, 0, 2*math.pi) cr:set_source_rgb(1,1,1) cr:fill_preserve() cr:set_source_rgba(0,0,0,0.5) cr:stroke() end end function w:fit() return bar_size, bar_size end return w end local function gen_taglist_layout_proxy(tags, w2, name) local l = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal() l.fit = fixed_fit2 local layout = l.layout l.layout = function(self,context, width, height) local ret = layout(self,context, width, height) for k, v in ipairs(ret) do tags[k][name.."_x" ] = v._matrix.x0 tags[k][name.."_width"] = v._width end if w2 then w2[name.."_pos"] = tags if not w2[name.."_configured"] then rawset(w2, name.."_configured", true) w2:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") w2:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") end end return ret end return l end local function gen_fake_taglist_wibar(tags, w2) local layout = gen_taglist_layout_proxy(tags, w2, "widget") local w = wibox.widget { { { forced_height = bar_size, forced_width = bar_size, image = beautiful.awesome_icon, widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, }, taglist { forced_height = 14, forced_width = 300, layout = layout, screen = screen[1], filter = taglist.filter.all, source = function() return tags end, }, fit = fixed_fit2, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, bg = beautiful.bg_normal, widget = wibox.container.background } -- Make sure it nevers goes unbounded by accident. local w3, h3 = w:fit({dpi=96}, 9999, 9999) assert(w3 < 5000 and h3 < 5000) return w end local function gen_cls(c,results) local ret = setmetatable({},{__index = function(_, i) local ret2 = c[i] if type(ret2) == "function" then if i == "geometry" then return function(_, val) if val then c:geometry(gtable.crush(c:geometry(), val)) -- Make a copy as the original will be changed results[c] = gtable.clone(c:geometry()) end return c:geometry() end else return function(_,...) return ret2(c,...) end end end return ret2 end}) return ret end local function fake_arrange(tag) local cls,results,flt = {},setmetatable({},{__mode="k"}),{} local _, l = tag.screen, tag.layout local focus, focus_wrap = capi.client.focus, nil for _ ,c in ipairs (tag:clients()) do -- Handle floating client separately if not c.minimized then local floating = c.floating if (not floating) and (l ~= floating_l) then cls[#cls+1] = gen_cls(c,results) if c == focus then focus_wrap = cls[#cls] end else flt[#flt+1] = gtable.clone(c:geometry()) flt[#flt].c = c end end end -- The magnifier layout require a focussed client -- there wont be any as that layout is not selected -- take one at random or (TODO) use stack data if not focus_wrap then focus_wrap = cls[1] end local param = { tag = tag, screen = 1, clients = cls, focus = focus_wrap, geometries = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"}), workarea = tag.screen.workarea, useless_gap = tag.gaps or 4, apply_size_hints = false, } l.arrange(param) local ret = {} for _, geo_src in ipairs {param.geometries, flt } do for c, geo in pairs(geo_src) do geo.c = geo.c or c table.insert(ret, geo) end end return ret end local function gen_fake_clients(tag, args) local pager = wibox.widget.base.make_widget() function pager:fit() return 60, 48 end if not tag then return end local sgeo = tag.screen.geometry local show_name = args.display_client_name or args.display_label function pager:draw(_, cr, w, h) if not tag.client_geo then return end for _, geom in ipairs(tag.client_geo) do local x = (geom.x*w)/sgeo.width local y = (geom.y*h)/sgeo.height local width = (geom.width*w)/sgeo.width local height = (geom.height*h)/sgeo.height cr:set_source(color(geom.c.color or beautiful.bg_normal)) cr:rectangle(x,y,width,height) cr:fill_preserve() cr:set_source(color(geom.c.border_color or beautiful.border_color)) cr:stroke() if show_name and type(geom.c) == "table" and geom.c.name then cr:set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) cr:move_to(x + 2, y + height - 2) cr:show_text(geom.c.name) end end -- Draw the screen outline. cr:set_source(color("#00000044")) cr:set_line_width(1.5) cr:set_dash({10,4},1) cr:rectangle(0, 0, w, h) cr:stroke() end return pager end local function gen_fake_pager_widget(tags, w2, args) local layout = gen_taglist_layout_proxy(tags, w2, "pager") layout.spacing = 10 for _, t in ipairs(tags) do layout:add(wibox.widget { gen_fake_clients(t, args), widget = wibox.container.background }) end return layout end local function wrap_timeline(w, dot) return wibox.widget { gen_vertical_line { dot = dot or false}, { w, top = 0, bottom = dot and 5 or 0, left = 0, widget = wibox.container.margin }, fit = fixed_fit2, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal } end local function gen_vertical_space(spacing) return wibox.widget { draw = function() end, fit = function() return 1, spacing end, widget = wibox.widget.base.make_widget() } end local function gen_label(text) return wibox.widget { gen_vertical_line { dot = true, begin = text == "Begin", finish = text == "End", center = true, }, { { { { markup = "<span size='smaller'><b>"..text.."</b> </span>", forced_width = 50, widget = wibox.widget.textbox }, top = 2, bottom = 2, right = 5, left = 10, widget = wibox.container.margin }, shape = shape.rectangular_tag, border_width = 2, border_color = beautiful.border_color, bg = beautiful.bg_normal, widget = wibox.container.background }, top = 10, bottom = 10, widget = wibox.container.margin }, fit = fixed_fit2, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal } end local function draw_info(s, cr, factor) cr:set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) local pctx = PangoCairo.font_map_get_default():create_context() local playout = Pango.Layout.new(pctx) local pdesc = Pango.FontDescription() pdesc:set_absolute_size(11 * Pango.SCALE) playout:set_font_description(pdesc) local rows = { "primary", "index", "geometry", "dpi", "dpi range", "outputs:" } local dpi_range = s.minimum_dpi and s.preferred_dpi and s.maximum_dpi and (s.minimum_dpi.."-"..s.preferred_dpi.."-"..s.maximum_dpi) or s.dpi.."-"..s.dpi local values = { s.primary and "true" or "false", s.index, s.x..":"..s.y.." "..s.width.."x"..s.height, s.dpi, dpi_range, "", } for n, o in pairs(s.outputs) do table.insert(rows, " "..n) table.insert(values, math.ceil(o.mm_width).."mm x "..math.ceil(o.mm_height).."mm" ) end local col1_width, col2_width, height = 0, 0, 0 -- Get the extents of the longest label. for k, label in ipairs(rows) do local attr, parsed = Pango.parse_markup(label..":", -1, 0) playout.attributes, playout.text = attr, parsed local _, logical = playout:get_pixel_extents() col1_width = math.max(col1_width, logical.width+10) attr, parsed = Pango.parse_markup(values[k], -1, 0) playout.attributes, playout.text = attr, parsed _, logical = playout:get_pixel_extents() col2_width = math.max(col2_width, logical.width+10) height = math.max(height, logical.height) end local dx = (s.width*factor - col1_width - col2_width - 5)/2 local dy = (s.height*factor - #values*height)/2 - height -- Draw everything. for k, label in ipairs(rows) do local attr, parsed = Pango.parse_markup(label..":", -1, 0) playout.attributes, playout.text = attr, parsed playout:get_pixel_extents() cr:move_to(dx, dy) cr:show_layout(playout) attr, parsed = Pango.parse_markup(values[k], -1, 0) playout.attributes, playout.text = attr, parsed local _, logical = playout:get_pixel_extents() cr:move_to( dx+col1_width+5, dy) cr:show_layout(playout) dy = dy + 5 + logical.height end end local function gen_ruler(h_or_v, factor, margins) local ret = wibox.widget.base.make_widget() function ret:fit() local w, h local rw, rh = root.size() rw, rh = rw*factor, rh*factor if h_or_v == "vertical" then w = 1 h = rh + margins.top/2 + margins.bottom/2 else w = rw + margins.left/2 + margins.right/2 h = 1 end return w, h end function ret:draw(_, cr, w, h) cr:set_source(color("#77000033")) cr:set_line_width(2) cr:set_dash({1,1},1) cr:move_to(0, 0) cr:line_to(w == 1 and 0 or w, h == 1 and 0 or h) cr:stroke() end return ret end -- When multiple tags are present, only show the selected tag(s) for each screen. local function gen_screens(l, screens, args) local margins = {left=50, right=50, top=30, bottom=30} local ret = wibox.layout.manual() local sreen_copies = {} -- Keep a copy because it can change. local rw, rh = root.size() -- Find the current origin. local x0, y0 = math.huge, math.huge for s in screen do x0, y0 = math.min(x0, s.geometry.x), math.min(y0, s.geometry.y) local scr_cpy = gtable.clone(s.geometry, false) scr_cpy.outputs = gtable.clone(s.outputs, false) scr_cpy.primary = screen.primary == s for _, prop in ipairs { "dpi", "index", "maximum_dpi", "minimum_dpi", "preferred_dpi" } do scr_cpy[prop] = s[prop] end table.insert(sreen_copies, scr_cpy) end function ret:fit() local w = margins.left+(x0+rw)/screen_scale_factor + 5 + margins.right local h = margins.top +(y0+rh)/screen_scale_factor + 5 + margins.bottom return w, h end -- Add the rulers. for _, s in ipairs(sreen_copies) do ret:add_at( gen_ruler("vertical" , 1/screen_scale_factor, margins), {x=margins.left+s.x/screen_scale_factor, y =margins.top/2} ) ret:add_at( gen_ruler("vertical" , 1/screen_scale_factor, margins), {x=margins.left+s.x/screen_scale_factor+s.width/screen_scale_factor, y =margins.top/2} ) ret:add_at( gen_ruler("horizontal", 1/screen_scale_factor, margins), {y=margins.top+s.y/screen_scale_factor, x =margins.left/2} ) ret:add_at( gen_ruler("horizontal", 1/screen_scale_factor, margins), {y=margins.top+s.y/screen_scale_factor+s.height/screen_scale_factor, x =margins.left/2} ) end -- Print an outline for the screens for k, s in ipairs(sreen_copies) do s.widget = wibox.widget.base.make_widget() local wb = gen_fake_taglist_wibar(screens[k].tags) wb.forced_width = s.width/screen_scale_factor -- The clients have an absolute geometry, transform to relative. if screens[k].tags[1] then for _, geo in ipairs(screens[k].tags[1].client_geo) do geo.x = geo.x - s.x geo.y = geo.y - s.y end end local clients_w = gen_fake_clients(screens[k].tags[1], args) local content = wibox.widget { wb, clients_w, nil, layout = wibox.layout.align.vertical, forced_width = s.width/screen_scale_factor, } function s.widget:fit() return s.width/screen_scale_factor, s.height/screen_scale_factor end function s.widget:draw(_, cr, w, h) cr:set_source(color("#00000044")) cr:set_line_width(1.5) cr:set_dash({10,4},1) cr:rectangle(1,1,w-2,h-2) cr:stroke() if args.display_label ~= false then draw_info(s, cr, 1/screen_scale_factor) end end function s.widget:after_draw_children(_, cr) if args.display_mouse and mouse.screen.index == s.index then local rel_x = mouse.coords().x - s.x local rel_y = mouse.coords().y - s.y draw_mouse(cr, rel_x/screen_scale_factor+5, rel_y/screen_scale_factor+5) end end function s.widget:layout(_, width, height) return { wibox.widget.base.place_widget_at( content, 0, 0, width, height ) } end ret:add_at(s.widget, {x=margins.left+s.x/screen_scale_factor, y=margins.top+s.y/screen_scale_factor}) end l:add(wrap_timeline(wibox.widget { markup = "<i>Current tags:</i>", opacity = 0.5, widget = wibox.widget.textbox }, true)) l:add(wrap_timeline(ret,false)) end -- When a single screen is present, show all tags. local function gen_noscreen(l, tags, args) local w2 = draw_lines() l:add(wrap_timeline(wibox.widget { markup = "<i>Current screens:</i>", opacity = 0.5, widget = wibox.widget.textbox }, true)) local wrapped_wibar = wibox.widget { gen_fake_taglist_wibar(tags, w2), fill_space = false, fit = fixed_fit2, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal } l:add(wrap_timeline(wrapped_wibar, false)) if #capi.client.get() > 0 or args.show_empty then local w3, h3 = w2:fit({dpi=96}, 9999, 9999) assert(w3 < 5000 and h3 < 5000) l:add(wrap_timeline(w2, false)) l:add(wrap_timeline(gen_fake_pager_widget(tags, w2, args), false)) end end local function gen_timeline(args) local l = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical() l.fit = fixed_fit2 l:add(gen_label("Begin")) for _, event in ipairs(history) do local ret = event.callback() if event.event == "event" then l:add(wrap_timeline(gen_vertical_space(5))) l:add(wrap_timeline(wibox.widget { markup = "<u><b>"..event.description.."</b></u>", widget = wibox.widget.textbox }, true)) elseif event.event == "tags" and #ret == 1 and not args.display_screen then gen_noscreen(l, ret[1].tags, args) elseif event.event == "tags" and (#ret > 1 or args.display_screen) then gen_screens(l, ret, args) end end -- Spacing. l:add(wrap_timeline(gen_vertical_space(10))) l:add(gen_label("End")) return l end local function wrap_with_arrows(widget) local w = widget:fit({dpi=96}, 9999,9999) local arrows = wibox.widget.base.make_widget() function arrows:fit() return w, 10 end function arrows:draw(_, cr, w2, h) cr:set_line_width(1) cr:set_source_rgba(1, 0, 0, 0.3) w2 = math.min(640, w2) local x = (w2 % 24) / 2 while x + 15 < w2 do cr:move_to(x+2 , 0 ) cr:line_to(x+10 , h-1) cr:line_to(x+20 , 0 ) cr:stroke() x = x + 24 end end assert(w < 5000) return wibox.widget { widget, { draw = function() end, fit = function() return 1, 10 end, widget = wibox.widget.base.make_widget() }, { markup = "<span color='#ff000055'>Code for this sequence</span>", align = "center", foced_width = w, widget = wibox.widget.textbox, }, arrows, forced_width = w, fit = fixed_fit2, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical } end function module.display_tags() local function do_it() local ret = {} for s in screen do local st = {} for _, t in ipairs(s.tags) do -- Copy just enough for the taglist to work. table.insert(st, { name = t.name, selected = t.selected, icon = t.icon, screen = t.screen, _private = t._private, clients = t.clients, layout = t.layout, master_width_factor = t.master_width_factor, client_geo = fake_arrange(t), }) assert(#st[#st].client_geo == #t:clients()) end table.insert(ret, {tags=st}) end return ret end table.insert(history, {event="tags", callback = do_it}) end function module.add_event(description, callback) assert(description and callback) table.insert(history, { event = "event", description = description, callback = callback }) end function module.execute(args) local widget = gen_timeline(args or {}) require("gears.timer").run_delayed_calls_now() require("gears.timer").run_delayed_calls_now() require("gears.timer").run_delayed_calls_now() if (not args) or args.show_code_pointer ~= false then widget = wrap_with_arrows(widget) end local w, h = widget:fit({dpi=96}, 9999,9999) wibox.widget.draw_to_svg_file(widget, image_path..".svg", w, h) end loadfile(file_path)(module)