-- This template draw the screens with detailed information about the size -- of various reserved areas such as struts, workareas, padding and *boxes. local file_path, image_path = ... require("_common_template")(...) screen._track_workarea = true local cairo = require("lgi").cairo local Pango = require("lgi").Pango local PangoCairo = require("lgi").PangoCairo local color = require("gears.color") -- Let the test request a size and file format local args = loadfile(file_path)() or 10 args = args or {} args.factor = args.factor or 10 local factor, img, cr = 1/args.factor require("gears.timer").run_delayed_calls_now() -- A second pass will add rulers with measurements on top. local vrulers, hrulers = {}, {} local function sur_to_pat(img2) local pat = cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(img2) pat:set_extend(cairo.Extend.REPEAT) return pat end -- Imported for elv13/blind/pattern.lua local function stripe_pat(col, angle, line_width, spacing) col = color(col) angle = angle or math.pi/4 line_width = line_width or 1 spacing = spacing or line_width local hy = line_width + 2*spacing -- Get the necessary width and height so the line repeat itself correctly local a, o = math.cos(angle)*hy, math.sin(angle)*hy --FIXME spacing need to be in "w", not "hy" local w, h = math.ceil(a + (line_width - 1)), math.ceil(o + (line_width - 1)) -- ajust_size(self, w, h) --FIXME need a "force_size" method -- Create the pattern local img2 = cairo.SvgSurface.create(nil, w, h) local cr2 = cairo.Context(img2) -- Avoid artefacts caused by anti-aliasing local offset = line_width -- Setup cr2:set_source(color(col)) cr2:set_line_width(line_width) -- The central line cr2:move_to(-offset, -offset) cr2:line_to(w+offset, h+offset) cr2:stroke() --FIXME sin/cos required for this to work with other angles than 45 degree -- Top right cr2:move_to(-offset + w - spacing/2+line_width, -offset) cr2:line_to(2*w+offset - spacing/2+line_width, h+offset) cr2:stroke() -- Bottom left cr2:move_to(-offset + spacing/2-line_width, -offset + h) cr2:line_to(w+offset + spacing/2-line_width, 2*h+offset) cr2:stroke() return sur_to_pat(img2) end local colors = { geometry = "#000000", workarea = "#0000ff", tiling_area = "#ff0000", padding_area= "#ff0000", wibar = "#000000", tiling_client = "#ff0000", } local function draw_area(_, rect, name, offset, highlight) local x, y = rect.x*factor+offset, rect.y*factor+offset cr:rectangle(x, y, rect.width*factor, rect.height*factor) if highlight then cr:save() cr:set_source(stripe_pat(colors[name].."22", nil, 1, 3)) cr:fill_preserve() cr:restore() end cr:set_source(color(colors[name].."44")) cr:stroke() end local function draw_bounding_area(_, rect, hole, name, offset) draw_area(_, rect, name, offset, true) local x, y = hole.x*factor+offset, hole.y*factor+offset cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.CLEAR) cr:rectangle(x, y, hole.width*factor, hole.height*factor) cr:set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) cr:fill() cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.OVER) end local function draw_solid_area(_, rect, name, offset, alpha) alpha = alpha or "59" -- Defaults to 35% local x, y = rect.x*factor+offset, rect.y*factor+offset cr:rectangle(x, y, rect.width*factor, rect.height*factor) cr:save() cr:set_source(color.create_solid_pattern(colors[name] .. alpha)) cr:fill_preserve() cr:restore() cr:set_source(color(colors[name].."44")) cr:stroke() end local function write_on_area_middle(rect, text, offset) -- Prepare to write on the rect area local pctx = PangoCairo.font_map_get_default():create_context() local playout = Pango.Layout.new(pctx) local pdesc = Pango.FontDescription() pdesc:set_absolute_size(11 * Pango.SCALE) playout:set_font_description(pdesc) -- Write 'text' on the rect area playout.attributes, playout.text = Pango.parse_markup(text, -1, 0) local _, logical = playout:get_pixel_extents() local dx = (rect.x*factor+offset) + (rect.width*factor - logical.width) / 2 local dy = (rect.y*factor+offset) + (rect.height*factor - logical.height) / 2 cr:set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) cr:move_to(dx, dy) cr:show_layout(playout) end local function draw_struct(_, struct, name, offset, label) draw_solid_area(_, struct, name, offset) if type(label) == 'string' then write_on_area_middle(struct, label, offset) end end local function compute_ruler(_, rect, name) table.insert(hrulers, { label = name, x = rect.x, width = rect.width }) table.insert(vrulers, { label = name, y = rect.y, height = rect.height }) end local function bubble_sort(t, var1, var2) for i=1, #t do if t[i+1] and t[i][var1] < t[i+1][var1] then t[i+1], t[i] = t[i], t[i+1] return false end if t[i+1] and t[i][var1] == t[i+1][var1] and t[i][var2] < t[i+1][var2] then t[i+1], t[i] = t[i], t[i+1] return false end end return true end local dx = 5 local function show_ruler_label(offset, padding, ruler, playout) local lbl if ruler.x then lbl = ""..ruler.label..": x = ".. ruler.x.." width = "..ruler.width.."" else lbl = ""..ruler.label..": y = ".. ruler.y.." height = "..ruler.height.."" end local attr, parsed = Pango.parse_markup(lbl, -1, 0) playout.attributes, playout.text = attr, parsed local _, logical = playout:get_pixel_extents() cr:move_to((offset.x - logical.width) /2, offset.y+padding) cr:show_layout(playout) end local function draw_rulers(s) -- The table has a maximum of 4 entries, the sort algorithm is irrelevant. while not bubble_sort(hrulers, "x", "width" ) do end while not bubble_sort(vrulers, "y", "height") do end cr:set_line_width(1) cr:set_dash(nil) local sx = (s.geometry.x+s.geometry.width )*factor local sy = (s.geometry.y+s.geometry.height)*factor local pctx = PangoCairo.font_map_get_default():create_context() local playout = Pango.Layout.new(pctx) local pdesc = Pango.FontDescription() pdesc:set_absolute_size(11 * Pango.SCALE) playout:set_font_description(pdesc) local attr, parsed = Pango.parse_markup("GeometryWorkareaPaddingMargins", -1, 0) playout.attributes, playout.text = attr, parsed local _, logical = playout:get_pixel_extents() dx = logical.height + 10 for k, ruler in ipairs(vrulers) do local pad = 5+(k-1)*dx cr:set_source(color(colors[ruler.label].."66")) cr:move_to(sx+k*dx, ruler.y*factor) cr:line_to(sx+k*dx, ruler.y*factor+ruler.height*factor) cr:stroke() cr:move_to(sx+k*dx-2.5,ruler.y*factor) cr:line_to(sx+k*dx+2.5, ruler.y*factor) cr:stroke() cr:move_to(sx+k*dx-2.5,ruler.y*factor+ruler.height*factor) cr:line_to(sx+k*dx+2.5, ruler.y*factor+ruler.height*factor) cr:stroke() cr:save() cr:move_to(sx+k*dx-2.5,ruler.y*factor) cr:rotate(-math.pi/2) show_ruler_label({x=-s.geometry.height*factor, y=sx}, pad, ruler, playout) cr:restore() end for k, ruler in ipairs(hrulers) do local pad = 10+(k-1)*dx cr:set_source(color(colors[ruler.label].."66")) cr:move_to(ruler.x*factor, sy+pad) cr:line_to(ruler.x*factor+ruler.width*factor, sy+pad) cr:stroke() cr:move_to(ruler.x*factor, sy+pad-2.5) cr:line_to(ruler.x*factor, sy+pad+2.5) cr:stroke() cr:move_to(ruler.x*factor+ruler.width*factor, sy+pad-2.5) cr:line_to(ruler.x*factor+ruler.width*factor, sy+pad+2.5) cr:stroke() show_ruler_label({x=s.geometry.width*factor, y=sy}, pad, ruler, playout) end end local function draw_info(s) cr:set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) local pctx = PangoCairo.font_map_get_default():create_context() local playout = Pango.Layout.new(pctx) local pdesc = Pango.FontDescription() pdesc:set_absolute_size(11 * Pango.SCALE) playout:set_font_description(pdesc) local rows = { "primary", "index", "geometry", "dpi", "dpi range", "outputs" } local dpi_range = s.minimum_dpi and s.preferred_dpi and s.maximum_dpi and (s.minimum_dpi.."-"..s.preferred_dpi.."-"..s.maximum_dpi) or s.dpi.."-"..s.dpi local geo = s.geometry local values = { screen.primary == s and "true" or "false", s.index, geo.x..":"..geo.y.." "..geo.width.."x"..geo.height, s.dpi, dpi_range, "", } for n, o in pairs(s.outputs) do table.insert(rows, " "..n) table.insert(values, math.ceil(o.mm_width).."mm x "..math.ceil(o.mm_height).."mm" ) end local col1_width, col2_width, height = 0, 0, 0 -- Get the extents of the longest label. for k, label in ipairs(rows) do local attr, parsed = Pango.parse_markup(label..":", -1, 0) playout.attributes, playout.text = attr, parsed local _, logical = playout:get_pixel_extents() col1_width = math.max(col1_width, logical.width+10) attr, parsed = Pango.parse_markup(values[k], -1, 0) playout.attributes, playout.text = attr, parsed _, logical = playout:get_pixel_extents() col2_width = math.max(col2_width, logical.width+10) height = math.max(height, logical.height) end local dx2 = (s.geometry.width*factor - col1_width - col2_width - 5)/2 local dy = (s.geometry.height*factor - #values*height)/2 - height -- Draw everything. for k, label in ipairs(rows) do local attr, parsed = Pango.parse_markup(label..":", -1, 0) playout.attributes, playout.text = attr, parsed cr:move_to(dx2, dy) cr:show_layout(playout) attr, parsed = Pango.parse_markup(values[k], -1, 0) playout.attributes, playout.text = attr, parsed local _, logical = playout:get_pixel_extents() cr:move_to( dx2+col1_width+5, dy) cr:show_layout(playout) dy = dy + 5 + logical.height end end -- Compute the rulers size. for _=1, screen.count() do local s = screen[1] -- The padding. compute_ruler(s, s.tiling_area, "tiling_area") -- The workarea. compute_ruler(s, s.workarea, "workarea") -- The outer geometry. compute_ruler(s, s.geometry, "geometry") end -- Get the final size of the image. local sew, seh = screen._get_extents() sew, seh = sew/args.factor + (screen.count()-1)*10+2, seh/args.factor+2 sew,seh=sew+100,seh+100 img = cairo.SvgSurface.create(image_path..".svg", sew, seh) cr = cairo.Context(img) cr:set_line_width(1.5) cr:set_dash({10,4},1) -- Draw the various areas. for k=1, screen.count() do local s = screen[1] -- The outer geometry. draw_area(s, s.geometry, "geometry", (k-1)*10, args.highlight_geometry) -- The workarea. draw_area(s, s.workarea, "workarea", (k-1)*10, args.highlight_workarea) -- The padding. if args.highlight_padding_area then draw_bounding_area(s, s.workarea, s.tiling_area, "padding_area", (k-1)*10) end draw_area(s, s.tiling_area, "tiling_area", (k-1)*10, args.highlight_tiling_area) -- Draw the ruler. draw_rulers(s) -- Draw the wibar. if args.draw_wibar then draw_struct(s, args.draw_wibar, 'wibar', (k-1)*10, 'Wibar') end -- Draw clients. if args.draw_clients then for label,c in pairs(args.draw_clients) do draw_struct(s, c, 'tiling_client', (k-1)*10, label) end end -- Draw the informations. if args.display_screen_info ~= false then draw_info(s) end end img:finish() -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80