/* * awesome-message.c - message window for awesome * * Copyright © 2008 Julien Danjou * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/swindow.h" #include "common/util.h" #include "common/version.h" #include "common/configopts.h" #include "common/xscreen.h" #define PROGNAME "awesome-message" static bool running = true; /** Import awesome config file format */ extern cfg_opt_t awesome_opts[]; /** awesome-run global configuration structure */ typedef struct { /** Display ref */ xcb_connection_t *connection; /** Default screen number */ int default_screen; /** Style */ style_t style; } AwesomeMsgConf; static AwesomeMsgConf globalconf; static void __attribute__ ((noreturn)) exit_help(int exit_code) { FILE *outfile = (exit_code == EXIT_SUCCESS) ? stdout : stderr; fprintf(outfile, "Usage: %s [-x xcoord] [-y ycoord] [-d delay] \n", PROGNAME); exit(exit_code); } static int config_parse(int screen, const char *confpatharg) { int ret; char *confpath; cfg_t *cfg, *cfg_screen; if(!confpatharg) confpath = config_file(); else confpath = a_strdup(confpatharg); cfg = cfg_new(); switch((ret = cfg_parse(cfg, confpath))) { case CFG_FILE_ERROR: warn("parsing configuration file failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); break; case CFG_PARSE_ERROR: cfg_error(cfg, "awesome: parsing configuration file %s failed.\n", confpath); break; } if(ret) return ret; /* get global screen section */ if(!(cfg_screen = cfg_getnsec(cfg, "screen", screen))) if(!(cfg_screen = cfg_getsec(cfg, "screen"))) eprint("parsing configuration file failed, no screen section found\n"); /* style */ draw_style_init(globalconf.connection, globalconf.default_screen, cfg_getsec(cfg_getsec(cfg_screen, "styles"), "normal"), &globalconf.style, NULL); if(!globalconf.style.font) eprint("no default font available\n"); p_delete(&confpath); return ret; } static void exit_on_signal(int sig __attribute__ ((unused))) { running = false; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { simple_window_t *sw; DrawCtx *ctx; xcb_generic_event_t *ev; area_t geometry = { 0, 0, 200, 50, NULL, NULL }, icon_geometry = { -1, -1, -1, -1, NULL, NULL }; int opt, ret, screen = 0, delay = 0; xcb_query_pointer_reply_t *xqp = NULL; char *configfile = NULL; ScreensInfo *si; static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", 0, NULL, 'h'}, {"version", 0, NULL, 'v'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; while((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "vhf:b:x:y:n:c:d:", long_options, NULL)) != -1) switch(opt) { case 'd': if((delay = atoi(optarg)) <= 0) delay = 1; break; case 'v': eprint_version(PROGNAME); break; case 'x': geometry.x = atoi(optarg); break; case 'y': geometry.y = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': exit_help(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'c': configfile = a_strdup(optarg); break; } if(argc - optind < 1) exit_help(EXIT_FAILURE); globalconf.connection = xcb_connect(NULL, &globalconf.default_screen); if(xcb_connection_has_error(globalconf.connection)) eprint("unable to open display"); si = screensinfo_new(globalconf.connection); if(si->xinerama_is_active) { if((xqp = xcb_query_pointer_reply(globalconf.connection, xcb_query_pointer(globalconf.connection, xcb_aux_get_screen(globalconf.connection, globalconf.default_screen)->root), NULL)) != NULL) { screen = screen_get_bycoord(si, 0, xqp->root_x, xqp->root_y); p_delete(&xqp); } } else screen = globalconf.default_screen; if((ret = config_parse(screen, configfile))) return ret; geometry.width = draw_text_extents(globalconf.connection, globalconf.default_screen, globalconf.style.font, argv[optind]).width; geometry.height = globalconf.style.font->height * 1.5; if(argc - optind >= 2) { icon_geometry = draw_get_image_size(argv[optind + 1]); if(icon_geometry.width <= 0 || icon_geometry.height <= 0) eprint("invalid image\n"); else geometry.width += icon_geometry.width * ((double) globalconf.style.font->height / (double) icon_geometry.height); } sw = simplewindow_new(globalconf.connection, globalconf.default_screen, geometry.x, geometry.y, geometry.width, geometry.height, 0); xcb_change_property(globalconf.connection, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, sw->window, WM_NAME, STRING, 8, strlen(PROGNAME), PROGNAME); ctx = draw_context_new(globalconf.connection, globalconf.default_screen, geometry.width, geometry.height, sw->drawable); geometry.x = geometry.y = 0; draw_text(ctx, geometry, AlignRight, 0,argv[optind], globalconf.style); if(icon_geometry.width > 0 && icon_geometry.height > 0) draw_image(ctx, 0, (geometry.height / 2) - (globalconf.style.font->height / 2), globalconf.style.font->height, argv[optind + 1]); p_delete(&ctx); xcb_map_window(globalconf.connection, sw->window); simplewindow_refresh_drawable(sw); xcb_aux_sync(globalconf.connection); signal(SIGALRM, &exit_on_signal); alarm(delay); while(running) { while((ev = xcb_poll_for_event(globalconf.connection))) { /* Skip errors */ if(ev->response_type == 0) continue; switch(ev->response_type & 0x7f) { case XCB_BUTTON_PRESS: case XCB_KEY_PRESS: running = false; case XCB_EXPOSE: simplewindow_refresh_drawable(sw); break; default: break; } p_delete(&ev); } usleep(100000); } simplewindow_delete(&sw); xcb_disconnect(globalconf.connection); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // vim: filetype=c:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=80