awesomerc(5) =========== NAME ---- awesomerc - Configuration file for the awesome window manager SYNOPSIS -------- None. DESCRIPTION ----------- The *awesomerc* file contains configuration informations for *awesome*. It can be used to configure the behaviour and look of awesome in a variety of ways. It can be assimilated as a Lua program/script run at startup by awesome. Therefore, it should use the awesome Lua API described in the API section. This file is read at startup. AWESOME LUA API --------------- Documentation for the Lua API can be found in the luadoc directory. COLORS FORMAT ------------- Colors format in *awesome* are either standard X color names (blue, darkblue, lightred, etc) or hexadecimal formatted colors (#rrggbb). By using hexadecimal format, you can also specifies an alpha channel: that means that #00ff00 will draw pure green, but #00ff00aa will set the alpha channel to `aa' and will blend the green with the color under it. TEXT FORMAT ----------- You can use/mix pango-markup and awesome-markup on text properties. A pango-markup example: "...". An awesome-markup example: "...". WIDGETS ------- The current list of available widget is: - graph - progressbar - taglist - tasklist - textbox - systray Each widget as its own set of properties, described below, that can bet modified with the set() method. PROGRESSBAR ~~~~~~~~~~~ A progressbar widget can contain several bars, so some properties need a data section, that means a title for the bar. For example, if you want to feed data to the `memory' bar you want to do mywidget:set("data", "memory 100"), where memory will be the data section. Using a new data section name will automatically create a new bar. The following properties require a data section before the value: *data*:: Feed with data. *fg*:: Foreground color. *fg_off*:: Color of unfilled area of bar. *bg*:: Background color (between ticks; border_padding space). *bordercolor*:: Border color. *fg_center*:: Foreground center color. *fg_end*:: Foreground end color. *min_value*:: Minimum value. This or lower values, draw a 0% bar. *max_value*:: Maximum value. This or higher values, draw a 100% bar. *reverse*:: True to draw reverse. The following properties do not require a data section before the value and applies to all bars inside the widget: *gap*:: Gap between borders. *ticks_count*:: The number of ticks. *ticks_gap*:: The gap between ticks. *border_padding*:: The padding inside the border. *border_width*:: The border width. *width*:: The widget width. *height*:: The widget height. *vertical*:: If \'true\', bars are vertically aligned. If \'false\', horizontally. GRAPH ~~~~~ A graph widget can display several data-graphs inside its widget-border. Some properties need a data section, that means a title for the incoming data. For example, if you want to feed \'mymemory\' data, you want to do mywidget:set("data", "mymemory 100"). The following properties require a data section before the value: *data*:: Feed with data. *fg*:: Foreground color. *fg_center*:: Foreground center color. *fg_end*:: Foreground end color. *vertical_gradient*:: If \'true\', colorgradient shall be applied vertically. *max_value*:: Maximum value. Bigger values gets truncated, unless \'scale\' is true. *scale*:: Scales the graph acccording to incoming values bigger than \'max_value\'. *draw_style*:: \'bottom\', \'top\' or \'line\'. The following properties do not require a data section before the value: *width*:: The widget width. *height*:: The widget height. *bg*:: Background color. *bordercolor*:: Border color. *grow*:: \'left\' or \'right\'. E.g. \'right\' means new values get added on the right of the widget. TAGLIST ~~~~~~~ A taglist widget displays available tags and their state. *text_normal*:: Text to display on normal clients. \'\' substitutes the tag's title. *text_focus*:: Text to display on the focused client. \'<title/>\' gets substituted by the tag's title. *text_urgent*:: Text to display on urgent clients. \'<title/>\' gets substituted by the tag's title. *show_empty*:: \'true\' or \'false\'. If \'false\', empty tags won't get displayed. Selected tags are always displayed so. TASKLIST ~~~~~~~~ A tasklist widget displays the titles of clients according to the \'show\' setting. *show*:: \'tags\', \'focus\' or \'all\'. E.g. \'tags\' shows only clients of currently selected tags. *text_normal*:: Text to display on normal clients. \'<title/>\' gets substituted by the client's title. *text_focus*:: Text to display on the focused client. \'<title/>\' gets substituted by the client's title. *text_urgent*:: Text to display on urgent clients. \'<title/>\' gets substituted by the client's title. *show_icons*:: \'true\' or \'false\'. Set to \'true\' if client's icon (if one is avaiable) shall be displayed. TEXTBOX ~~~~~~~ A textbox displays text. *width*:: Width of the widget. *text*:: Text to display. SEE ALSO -------- awesome(1) awesome-client(1) AUTHORS ------- This man page was written by Julien Danjou <>. WWW ---