#!/bin/sh # # Process (API) docs after a successful build on Travis (via ../.travis.yml). # # Updated/changed documentation for "master" is pushed to gh-pages. # In case of pull requests or other branches, it will get added to a separate branch. # In case of a pull request, a compare view comment will be posted. # # NOTE: stdout/stderr might/should be discarded to not leak sensitive information. echo "Post-processing (API) documentation." echo "TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST: $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" echo "TRAVIS_BRANCH: $TRAVIS_BRANCH" # GH_TOKEN won't be available for PRs from forks. # (http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/pull-requests/#Security-Restrictions-when-testing-Pull-Requests). if [ -z "GH_TOKEN" ]; then echo "No GH_TOKEN available. Skipping." exit fi # NOTE: DO NOT USE "set -x", or anything else that would reveal GH_TOKEN! set -e set +x REPO_APIDOC="https://${GH_TOKEN}@github.com/awesomeWM/apidoc" REPO_DIR="$PWD" # Export these to not add "git config" calls to the long command. export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="awesome-robot on Travis CI" export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="awesome-robot@users.noreply.github.com" export GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" git clone --quiet --branch gh-pages $REPO_APIDOC build/apidoc cd build/apidoc # This will re-use already existing branches (updated PR). if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != false ]; then BRANCH="pr-$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" elif [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != master ]; then # Use merge-base of master in branch name, to keep different branches with # the same name apart. BRANCH=$TRAVIS_BRANCH-$(cd ${REPO_DIR} \ && git fetch --unshallow origin master \ && git rev-parse --short $(git merge-base HEAD FETCH_HEAD || true) || true) else BRANCH="gh-pages" fi if [ "$BRANCH" != "gh-pages" ]; then git checkout -b "$BRANCH" "origin/${BRANCH}" || git checkout -b "$BRANCH" fi # Use a temporary branch for the two commits, which allows for a better UI. git checkout -b merged-update # Create a patch without irrelevant changes (version / timestamp). diff -Nur . ../doc -I "Last updated" -I "<strong>Release</strong>:" \ -I "<h2>API documentation for awesome, a highly configurable X window manager (version .*)\.</h2>" \ -x .git | patch -p1 git add --all . if git diff --cached --exit-code --quiet; then echo "Documentation has not changed." exit fi # Commit the relevant changes. OLD_REV="$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" COMMIT_MSG="Update docs for $AWESOME_VERSION via Travis Last commit message: $(cd $REPO_DIR && git log -1 --pretty=format:%s) Build URL: https://travis-ci.org/awesomeWM/awesome/builds/${TRAVIS_BUILD_ID}" git commit -m "[relevant] $COMMIT_MSG" NEW_REV="$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" # Commit the irrelevant changes. mv .git ../doc cd ../doc git add --all . git commit -m "[boilerplate] $COMMIT_MSG" # Reorder/swap commits, to have "relevant" after "boilerplate". # This makes it show up earlier in the Github interface etc. git tag _old git reset --hard HEAD~2 git cherry-pick _old _old~1 git tag -d _old git checkout "$BRANCH" git merge --no-ff -m "$COMMIT_MSG" merged-update git push --quiet origin "$BRANCH" # Generate compare view links. COMPARE_LINKS="Compare view: https://github.com/awesomeWM/apidoc/compare/${OLD_REV}...${NEW_REV}" if [ "$BRANCH" != "gh-pages" ]; then COMPARE_LINKS="$COMPARE_LINKS\nComparison against master (gh-pages): https://github.com/awesomeWM/apidoc/compare/gh-pages...${NEW_REV}" fi echo "Compare links:\n$COMPARE_LINKS" # Post a comment to the PR. if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != false ]; then curl -H "Authorization: token $GH_TOKEN" \ -d "{\"body\": \"Documentation has been updated for this PR:\n$COMPARE_LINKS\"}" \ https://api.github.com/repos/awesomeWM/awesome/issues/${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}/comments fi # vim: filetype=sh:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80