dist: xenial language: c # Build only master and stable branches. Other branches go through PRs. branches: only: - master - 3.5 env: matrix: - LUA=5.2 LUANAME=lua5.2 DO_COVERAGE=coveralls - LUA=5.3 LUANAME=lua5.3 DO_COVERAGE=codecov # luajit: installed from source. - LUA=5.1 LUANAME=luajit-2.0 LUALIBRARY=/usr/lib/libluajit-5.1.so LUAROCKS_ARGS=--lua-suffix=jit-2.0.5 TEST_PREV_COMMITS=1 # Note: luarocks does not work with Lua 5.0. - LUA=5.1 LUANAME=lua5.1 BUILD_IN_DIR=/tmp/awesome-build # Lua 5.2 with older lgi and screen size not divisible by 2. # SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH: used for stable dates during build. - LUA=5.2 LUANAME=lua5.2 LGIVER=0.8.0 TESTS_SCREEN_SIZE=1921x1079 BUILD_APIDOC=true DO_CHECKQA=1 EMPTY_THEME_WHILE_LOADING=1 SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1893456000 global: # Secure GH_APIDOC_TOKEN to push to awesomeWM/apidoc. - secure: "R/HYDclnws1I1+v9Yjt+RKa4CsFhbBT9tiwE3EfPhEj2KCYX4sFRMxuZvLf5sq0XWdrQaPhQ54fgAZGr3f054JKRXcTB0g9J6nhSHz9kIjPh446gafUhEeDQcZRwM/MeCWiwFIkiZm6smYoDFE9JTWu6quNV+lQ4kcVDOp2ibEc=" before_install: - if [ "$BUILD_APIDOC" = true ] && [ -n "$DO_COVERAGE" ]; then echo "BUILD_APIDOC and DO_COVERAGE are not meant to be used together." >&2; exit 1; fi - if [ -z $LUAINCLUDE ]; then LUAINCLUDE=/usr/include/${LUANAME}; fi - if [ -z $LUALIBRARY ]; then LUALIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lib${LUANAME}.so; fi - cmake --version install: # Travis boilerplate: the apt-get cache might be out of date. - travis_retry sudo apt-get update -qq # Do not install recommended packages with apt-get. - echo 'APT::Install-Recommends "false";' | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/no-recommends # Install build dependencies. # See also `apt-cache showsrc awesome | grep -E '^(Version|Build-Depends)'`. - sudo apt-get install -y libcairo2-dev gir1.2-gtk-3.0 libpango1.0-dev libxcb-xtest0-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libxcb-xinerama0-dev libdbus-1-dev libxdg-basedir-dev libstartup-notification0-dev imagemagick libxcb1-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-util0-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-cursor-dev libxcb-xkb-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev - sudo gem install asciidoctor # Deps for tests. - sudo apt-get install -y dbus-x11 xterm xdotool xterm xvfb zsh x11-apps # Need xorg-macros - sudo apt-get install -y xutils-dev - | set -e (git clone --depth 1 --recursive https://github.com/Airblader/xcb-util-xrm.git /tmp/xcb-util-xrm cd /tmp/xcb-util-xrm ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr make && sudo make install) # Install Lua (per env). - | set -e if [[ "$LUANAME" == "luajit-2.0" ]]; then (wget http://luajit.org/download/LuaJIT-2.0.5.tar.gz -O- | tar xzf - -C /tmp cd /tmp/LuaJIT-* sudo make install PREFIX=/usr) # "Create" /usr/bin/lua if needed (Yup, this is a bad hack) if [ ! -e "/usr/bin/lua" ]; then sudo ln -s /usr/bin/luajit /usr/bin/lua; fi else sudo apt-get install -y lib${LUANAME}-dev ${LUANAME} ${INSTALL_PKGS} # lua5.3 does not install /usr/bin/lua, but lua5.1/lua5.2 do. if [ ! -e "/usr/bin/lua" ]; then sudo ln -s /usr/bin/${LUANAME} /usr/bin/lua; fi fi - lua -v # Install luarocks (for the selected Lua version). - | travis_retry wget https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/archive/v3.0.4.tar.gz tar xf v3.0.4.tar.gz -C /tmp (cd /tmp/luarocks-* \ && ./configure --lua-version=$LUA --with-lua-include=${LUAINCLUDE} ${LUAROCKS_ARGS} \ && make build \ && sudo make install) # lgi. - sudo apt-get install -y gir1.2-pango-1.0 libgirepository1.0-dev - travis_retry sudo luarocks install lgi $LGIVER # Install busted for "make check-unit". - travis_retry sudo luarocks install busted # Install luacheck for "make check-qa". - if [ "$DO_CHECKQA" = 1 ]; then travis_retry sudo luarocks install luacheck; fi # Install depgraph for "make check-qa". - if [ "$DO_CHECKQA" = 1 ]; then travis_retry sudo luarocks install depgraph; fi # Install ldoc for building docs and check-ldoc-warnings. - | if [ "$BUILD_APIDOC" = "true" ] || [ "$DO_CHECKQA" = 1 ]; then travis_retry sudo luarocks install ldoc travis_retry sudo luarocks install lua-discount fi # Install dependencies for code coverage testing. - if [ -n "$DO_COVERAGE" ]; then sudo luarocks install cluacov; fi - if [ "$DO_COVERAGE" = "coveralls" ]; then sudo luarocks install luacov-coveralls; fi # Determine custom version. - export AWESOME_VERSION="${TRAVIS_BRANCH}-g$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" - | if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != false ] && [ "$TEST_PREV_COMMITS" = 1 ]; then AWESOME_VERSION="${AWESOME_VERSION}-PR${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" elif [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != false ]; then AWESOME_VERSION="v9999-PR${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}"; fi # function for codecov support - if [ "$DO_COVERAGE" = "codecov" ]; then travis_retry wget -O /tmp/codecov-bash https://codecov.io/bash; fi - | do_codecov() { echo "== do_codecov in $PWD: $*: build/luacov.stats.out: ==" if [ "$DO_COVERAGE" = "codecov" ]; then test -f build/luacov.stats.out || { echo 'build/luacov.stats.out does not exist.'; return 1; } luacov || return 1 travis_retry bash /tmp/codecov-bash -f build/luacov.report.out -X gcov -X coveragepy -F "$1,${LUANAME//./}" || return 1 rm build/luacov.report.out build/luacov.stats.out fi return 0 } - | do_codecov_gcov() { echo "== do_codecov_gcov in $PWD: $*: ==" if [ "$DO_COVERAGE" = "codecov" ]; then travis_retry bash /tmp/codecov-bash -X coveragepy -c -F "$1" || return 1 fi return 0 } # Functions for custom Travis folds. - | travis_fold_start() { travis_fold start "$1" travis_fold_current="$1" } travis_fold_end() { travis_fold end "$travis_fold_current" } travis_run_in_fold() { travis_fold_start "$1" shift "$@" || return 1 travis_fold_end return 0 } script: - export CMAKE_ARGS="-DLUA_LIBRARY=${LUALIBRARY} -DLUA_INCLUDE_DIR=${LUAINCLUDE} -D OVERRIDE_VERSION=$AWESOME_VERSION -DSTRICT_TESTS=true -D DO_COVERAGE=$DO_COVERAGE -D CMAKE_C_FLAGS=-Werror" - | if [ "$EMPTY_THEME_WHILE_LOADING" = 1 ]; then # Break beautiful so that trying to access the theme before beautiful.init() causes an error sed -i -e 's/theme = {}/theme = setmetatable({}, { __index = function() error("May not access theme before beautiful.init()") end })/' lib/beautiful/init.lua \ && grep -q 'May not access' lib/beautiful/init.lua fi - | set -e if [ -n "$BUILD_IN_DIR" ]; then # Explicitly remove the Makefile to not build from the src dir accidentally. rm Makefile SOURCE_DIRECTORY="$PWD" mkdir "$BUILD_IN_DIR" cd "$BUILD_IN_DIR" travis_run_in_fold "build_in_dir" cmake $CMAKE_ARGS "$SOURCE_DIRECTORY" fi - travis_run_in_fold "make" make - | if [ "$TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT" = 0 ]; then travis_run_in_fold "make.install" sudo env PATH=$PATH make install awesome --version fi # Run checks. - | if [ "$TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT" = 0 ]; then set -ex if [ -n "$DO_COVERAGE" ]; then travis_fold_start "DO_COVERAGE" # Run tests/examples explicitly. (mkdir -p tests/examples/build \ && cd tests/examples/build \ && cmake $CMAKE_ARGS .. \ && make) do_codecov samples make check-unit-coverage || exit 1 do_codecov unittests make check-integration || exit 1 make check-themes || exit 1 do_codecov functionaltests do_codecov_gcov c_code travis_fold_end else travis_run_in_fold "make.check-unit" make check-unit travis_run_in_fold "make.check-integration" make check-integration travis_run_in_fold "make.check-themes" make check-themes fi set +x fi # Run check-qa. - | if [ "$DO_CHECKQA" = 1 ]; then travis_run_in_fold "make.check-qa" make check-qa fi - | if [ "$TEST_PREV_COMMITS" = 1 ] && ! [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = false ]; then set -e # Check each commit separately (to make git-bisect less annoying). # Fix Travis' commit range (https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/4596). commit_range="${TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE/.../..}" echo "Testing previous commits ($commit_range)" rev_list="$(git rev-list --bisect-all $commit_range)" echo "rev-list: $rev_list" commits="$(echo "$rev_list" | grep -v 'dist=0' | cut -d\ -f 1)" n="$(echo "$commits" | wc -l)" echo "Testing $n commits: $commits" i=0 failed= for commit in $commits; do i=$((i+1)) travis_fold_start "test_commit_${commit}_.$i.$n" echo "Testing commit $commit" git checkout "$commit" git --no-pager show --stat if ! make all check CMAKE_ARGS+="-D DO_COVERAGE=0"; then failed="$failed $commit" fi travis_fold_end done git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD if [ -n "$failed" ]; then echo "Checks failed for these commits:" for c in $failed; do git log -1 --pretty="%h %s (%an, %ad)" "$c" done false fi fi after_success: # Push updated API docs for relevant branches, e.g. non-PRs builds on master. - if [ "$BUILD_APIDOC" = "true" ]; then build-utils/travis-apidoc.sh; fi # Push code coverage information - | set -e if [ "$DO_COVERAGE" = "coveralls" ]; then test -f build/luacov.stats.out || { echo 'build/luacov.stats.out does not exist.'; return 1; } luacov-coveralls --verbose --merge fi