If you plan to submit patches, here's a checklist: Commits: - make commits of logical units; - do not modify piece of code not related to your commit; - do not try to fix style of code you are not writing, it's just adding noise for no gain; - check for unnecessary whitespace with "git diff --check" before commiting; - do not check in commented out code or unneeded files; - provide a meaningful commit message; - the first line of the commit message should be a short; description and should skip the full stop; - if you want your work included, add a "Signed-off-by: Your Name <you@example.com>" line to the commit message (or just use the option "-s" when commiting); - make sure that you have tests for the bug you are fixing. Patch: - use "git format-patch -M" to create the patch; - do not PGP sign your patch; - be careful doing cut & paste into your mailer, not to corrupt whitespaces; - if you change, add or remove the user API, the associated documentation should be updated as well; - send the patch to the list (awesome-devel@naquadah.org) if (and only if) the patch is ready for inclusion. If you use git-send-email(1), please test it first by sending email to yourself.