local awful = require("awful") awful.util.deprecate = function() end local has_spawned = false local steps = { function(count) if count <= 1 and not has_spawned and #client.get() < 2 then awful.spawn("xterm") awful.spawn("xterm") has_spawned = true elseif #client.get() >= 2 then -- Test properties client.focus = client.get()[1] local c = client.focus -- local c2 = client.get()[2] client.add_signal("property::foo") c.foo = "bar" -- Check if the property system works assert(c.foo == "bar") assert(c.foo == awful.client.property.get(c, "foo")) -- Test jumpto --FIXME doesn't work -- c2:jump_to() -- assert(client.focus == c2) -- awful.client.jumpto(c) -- assert(client.focus == c) -- Test moveresize c.size_hints_honor = false c:geometry {x=0,y=0,width=50,height=50} c:relative_move( 100, 100, 50, 50 ) for _,v in pairs(c:geometry()) do assert(v == 100) end awful.client.moveresize(-25, -25, -25, -25, c ) for _,v in pairs(c:geometry()) do assert(v == 75) end -- Test movetotag local t = tags[mouse.screen][1] local t2 = tags[mouse.screen][2] c:tags{t} assert(c:tags()[1] == t) c:move_to_tag(t2) assert(c:tags()[1] == t2) awful.client.movetotag(t, c) assert(c:tags()[1] == t) -- Test toggletag c:tags{t} c:toggle_tag(t2) assert(c:tags()[1] == t2 or c:tags()[2] == t2) awful.client.toggletag(t2, c) assert(c:tags()[1] == t and c:tags()[1] ~= t2 and c:tags()[2] == nil) -- Test movetoscreen --FIXME I don't have the hardware to test -- Test floating assert(c.floating ~= nil and type(c.floating) == "boolean") c.floating = true assert(awful.client.floating.get(c)) awful.client.floating.set(c, false) assert(not c.floating) return true end end } require("_runner").run_steps(steps)