--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --@DOC_wibox_widget_defaults_textbox_EXAMPLE@ -- @author Uli Schlachter -- @author dodo -- @copyright 2010, 2011 Uli Schlachter, dodo -- @release @AWESOME_VERSION@ -- @classmod wibox.widget.textbox --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local base = require("wibox.widget.base") local gdebug = require("gears.debug") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local lgi = require("lgi") local util = require("awful.util") local Pango = lgi.Pango local PangoCairo = lgi.PangoCairo local setmetatable = setmetatable local textbox = { mt = {} } --- The textbox font. -- @beautiful beautiful.font --- Set the DPI of a Pango layout local function setup_dpi(box, dpi) if box._private.dpi ~= dpi then box._private.dpi = dpi box._private.ctx:set_resolution(dpi) box._private.layout:context_changed() end end --- Setup a pango layout for the given textbox and dpi local function setup_layout(box, width, height, dpi) box._private.layout.width = Pango.units_from_double(width) box._private.layout.height = Pango.units_from_double(height) setup_dpi(box, dpi) end -- Draw the given textbox on the given cairo context in the given geometry function textbox:draw(context, cr, width, height) setup_layout(self, width, height, context.dpi) cr:update_layout(self._private.layout) local _, logical = self._private.layout:get_pixel_extents() local offset = 0 if self._private.valign == "center" then offset = (height - logical.height) / 2 elseif self._private.valign == "bottom" then offset = height - logical.height end cr:move_to(0, offset) cr:show_layout(self._private.layout) end local function do_fit_return(self) local _, logical = self._private.layout:get_pixel_extents() if logical.width == 0 or logical.height == 0 then return 0, 0 end return logical.width, logical.height end -- Fit the given textbox function textbox:fit(context, width, height) setup_layout(self, width, height, context.dpi) return do_fit_return(self) end --- Get the preferred size of a textbox. -- This returns the size that the textbox would use if infinite space were -- available. -- @tparam integer|screen s The screen on which the textbox will be displayed. -- @treturn number The preferred width. -- @treturn number The preferred height. function textbox:get_preferred_size(s) return self:get_preferred_size_at_dpi(beautiful.xresources.get_dpi(s)) end --- Get the preferred height of a textbox at a given width. -- This returns the height that the textbox would use when it is limited to the -- given width. -- @tparam number width The available width. -- @tparam integer|screen s The screen on which the textbox will be displayed. -- @treturn number The needed height. function textbox:get_height_for_width(width, s) return self:get_height_for_width_at_dpi(width, beautiful.xresources.get_dpi(s)) end --- Get the preferred size of a textbox. -- This returns the size that the textbox would use if infinite space were -- available. -- @tparam number dpi The DPI value to render at. -- @treturn number The preferred width. -- @treturn number The preferred height. function textbox:get_preferred_size_at_dpi(dpi) local max_lines = 2^20 setup_dpi(self, dpi) self._private.layout.width = -1 -- no width set self._private.layout.height = -max_lines -- show this many lines per paragraph return do_fit_return(self) end --- Get the preferred height of a textbox at a given width. -- This returns the height that the textbox would use when it is limited to the -- given width. -- @tparam number width The available width. -- @tparam number dpi The DPI value to render at. -- @treturn number The needed height. function textbox:get_height_for_width_at_dpi(width, dpi) local max_lines = 2^20 setup_dpi(self, dpi) self._private.layout.width = Pango.units_from_double(width) self._private.layout.height = -max_lines -- show this many lines per paragraph local _, h = do_fit_return(self) return h end --- Set the text of the textbox (with -- [Pango markup](https://developer.gnome.org/pango/stable/PangoMarkupFormat.html)). -- @tparam string text The text to set. This can contain pango markup (e.g. -- `bold`). You can use `awful.util.escape` to escape -- parts of it. -- @treturn[1] boolean true -- @treturn[2] boolean false -- @treturn[2] string Error message explaining why the markup was invalid. function textbox:set_markup_silently(text) if self._private.markup == text then return true end local attr, parsed = Pango.parse_markup(text, -1, 0) -- In case of error, attr is false and parsed is a GLib.Error instance. if not attr then return false, parsed.message or tostring(parsed) end self._private.markup = text self._private.layout.text = parsed self._private.layout.attributes = attr self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") return true end --- Set the text of the textbox (with -- [Pango markup](https://developer.gnome.org/pango/stable/PangoMarkupFormat.html)). -- @property markup -- @tparam string text The text to set. This can contain pango markup (e.g. -- `bold`). You can use `awful.util.escape` to escape -- parts of it. -- @see text function textbox:set_markup(text) local success, message = self:set_markup_silently(text) if not success then gdebug.print_error(message) end end function textbox:get_markup() return self._private.markup end --- Set a textbox' text. -- @property text -- @param text The text to display. Pango markup is ignored and shown as-is. -- @see markup function textbox:set_text(text) if self._private.layout.text == text and self._private.layout.attributes == nil then return end self._private.markup = nil self._private.layout.text = text self._private.layout.attributes = nil self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") end function textbox:get_text() return self._private.layout.text end --- Set a textbox' ellipsize mode. -- @property ellipsize -- @param mode Where should long lines be shortened? "start", "middle" or "end" function textbox:set_ellipsize(mode) local allowed = { none = "NONE", start = "START", middle = "MIDDLE", ["end"] = "END" } if allowed[mode] then if self._private.layout:get_ellipsize() == allowed[mode] then return end self._private.layout:set_ellipsize(allowed[mode]) self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") end end --- Set a textbox' wrap mode. -- @property wrap -- @param mode Where to wrap? After "word", "char" or "word_char" function textbox:set_wrap(mode) local allowed = { word = "WORD", char = "CHAR", word_char = "WORD_CHAR" } if allowed[mode] then if self._private.layout:get_wrap() == allowed[mode] then return end self._private.layout:set_wrap(allowed[mode]) self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") end end --- The textbox' vertical alignment -- @property valign -- @param mode Where should the textbox be drawn? "top", "center" or "bottom" function textbox:set_valign(mode) local allowed = { top = true, center = true, bottom = true } if allowed[mode] then if self._private.valign == mode then return end self._private.valign = mode self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") end end --- Set a textbox' horizontal alignment. -- @property align -- @param mode Where should the textbox be drawn? "left", "center" or "right" function textbox:set_align(mode) local allowed = { left = "LEFT", center = "CENTER", right = "RIGHT" } if allowed[mode] then if self._private.layout:get_alignment() == allowed[mode] then return end self._private.layout:set_alignment(allowed[mode]) self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") end end --- Set a textbox' font -- @property font -- @param font The font description as string function textbox:set_font(font) self._private.layout:set_font_description(beautiful.get_font(font)) self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") end --- Create a new textbox. -- @tparam[opt=""] string text The textbox content -- @tparam[opt=false] boolean ignore_markup Ignore the pango/HTML markup -- @treturn table A new textbox widget -- @function wibox.widget.textbox local function new(text, ignore_markup) local ret = base.make_widget(nil, nil, {enable_properties = true}) util.table.crush(ret, textbox, true) ret._private.dpi = -1 ret._private.ctx = PangoCairo.font_map_get_default():create_context() ret._private.layout = Pango.Layout.new(ret._private.ctx) ret:set_ellipsize("end") ret:set_wrap("word_char") ret:set_valign("center") ret:set_align("left") ret:set_font(beautiful and beautiful.font) if text then if ignore_markup then ret:set_text(text) else ret:set_markup(text) end end return ret end function textbox.mt.__call(_, ...) return new(...) end --@DOC_widget_COMMON@ --@DOC_object_COMMON@ return setmetatable(textbox, textbox.mt) -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80