# NEWS # Awesome window manager framework version 4.2 changes
Awesome v4.2 is the second release of the 4.x API. It mostly fix the bugs reported over the last 3 months and add a couple widgets. Almost 150 issues have been resolved or decided to be obsolete. ## Noteworthy fixes * The annoying maximization regression from v4.1 have been fixed * Fixes broken drag&drop with some applications like FlowBlade * Changing the keyboard layout using `xmodmap` is now much faster * Fixes a regression that prevents Awesome to start with the wallpaper is invalid * The client history is now more reliable * Another instance where clients ended up in the wrong screen has been fixed * Awesome will no longer generate zombie processes when restarted * All official themes now support HiDPI screens * The `magnifier` layout has been fixed * The menubar has been fixed for Lua 5.1 users ## New features * The hotkey popup has been extended to support Firefox, Qutebrowser and TMUX * Naughty (the notification system) has a new `ignore_suspend` flag * The `textclock` widget now supports timezones * New utility functions have been added: * `gears.string.split` * `gears.table.map` * `gears.filesystem.make_parent_directories` * New widget functions (moved out of the `gears` module): * `wibox.widget.draw_to_cairo_context` * `wibox.widget.draw_to_svg_file` * `wibox.widget.draw_to_image_surface` * Maximization requests from clients can now be intercepted using a `request::geometry` signal handler. * A new `wibox.layout.manual` layout has been added (see below) * Two new `calendar` widgets have been added, a widget and a popup (see below) * The `ratio` layout now supports various strategies to redistribute space * The `stack` layout now supports offsets * The notifications now have a `naughty.destroy_all_notifications()` function * The `xresources` theme now supports the titlebar `hover` and `press` states The stack layout offsets: [![The stack offset](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_layout_stack_offset.svg)](../classes/wibox.layout.stack.html) The ratio layout new full strategies: [![The ratio strategies](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_layout_ratio_strategy.svg)](../classes/wibox.layout.ratio.html) The `manual` layout fix a capability gap where hierarchical elements need to be placed manually. It has multiple modes including an `awful.placement` integration. [![The manual layout](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_layout_manual_add_at.svg)](../classes/wibox.layout.manual.html) The new calendar widgets are very flexible and can be themed down to the very small details: [![The calendar widget](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_calendar_fn_embed_cell.svg)](../classes/wibox.widget.calendar.html) [![The calendar widget](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_calendar_font.svg)](../classes/wibox.widget.calendar.html) ## Behavior changes * The client `property::floating` is now also emitted when when the floating state changes implicitly, e.g. because the client gets maximized or fullscreened. * Building Awesome from its root source directory is no longer supported and will print an error.
# Awesome window manager framework version 4.1 changes Awesome v4.1 is the first stable release for the Awesome 4.0 API. It adds non-breaking new features and fixes bugs. The main purpose of the release is to provide stability while also adding features submitted by our contributors. This release contains about 350 commits by 35 contributors, including many new developers. Thanks a lot. ## New features The shape API has been extended to both client, notifications and wibox. [![Client geometry](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_awidget_prompt_highlight.svg)](../libraries/awful.prompt.html) The prompt now supports syntax highlight and more advanced key hooks. [![Client geometry](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_awidget_defaults_prompt.svg)](../libraries/awful.prompt.html) The prompt widget gained many new themes variables. [![Client geometry](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_layout_grid_imperative.svg)](../classes/wibox.layout.grid.html) There is a new 2D grid layout with rowspan and colspan support. [![Client geometry](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_container_defaults_only_on_screen.svg)](../classes/awful.widget.only_on_screen.html) There is a new `awful.widget.only_on_screen` container to make it easier to share wiboxes across multiple screens. Various documentation improvements. Thanks for the feedbacks. The `awful.widget.taglist` now has `volatile` theme variables. There is now extra enviroment variables such as `AWESOME_ICON_PATH` and `AWESOME_THEMES_PATH` for those who prefer not installing Awesome. Dynamic "C" Lua libraries are now detected like pure Lua ones. `gears.timer` gained many new constructor arguments to make it easier to use. [Input shape](https://awesomewm.org/apidoc/classes/wibox.html#wibox.shape_input) mask are now supported. It is possible to create a wibox with passthough inputs. There is a new `awful.widget.clienticon` widget capable of fetching icons of different sizes. ## New theme variables This release adds a ton of new theme variables to make Awesome prettier. We also thank all users who [submitted screenshot](https://github.com/awesomeWM/awesome/issues/1395). theme.arcchart_thickness theme.enable_spawn_cursor theme.fullscreen_hide_border theme.hotkeys_bg theme.hotkeys_border_colo theme.hotkeys_border_width theme.hotkeys_description_font theme.hotkeys_fg theme.hotkeys_font theme.hotkeys_group_margin theme.hotkeys_label_bg theme.hotkeys_label_fg theme.hotkeys_modifiers_fg theme.hotkeys_shape theme.maximized_honor_padding theme.notification_bg theme.notification_border_color theme.notification_border_width theme.notification_fg theme.notification_font theme.notification_height theme.notification_margin theme.notification_opacity theme.notification_shape theme.notification_width theme.prompt_bg_cursor theme.prompt_bg theme.prompt_fg_cursor theme.prompt_fg theme.prompt_font theme.taglist_bg_volatile theme.taglist_fg_volatile theme.taglist_shape_border_color_volatile theme.taglist_shape_border_width_volatile theme.taglist_shape_volatile theme.taglist_spacing theme.tasklist_disable_icon theme.tasklist_disable_task_name theme.titlebar_close_button_focus_hover theme.titlebar_close_button_focus_press theme.titlebar_close_button_normal_hover theme.titlebar_close_button_normal_press theme.titlebar_floating_button_focus_active_hover theme.titlebar_floating_button_focus_active_press theme.titlebar_floating_button_focus_inactive_hover theme.titlebar_floating_button_focus_inactive_press theme.titlebar_floating_button_normal_active_hover theme.titlebar_floating_button_normal_active_press theme.titlebar_floating_button_normal_inactive_hover theme.titlebar_floating_button_normal_inactive_press theme.titlebar_maximized_button_focus_active_hover theme.titlebar_maximized_button_focus_active_press theme.titlebar_maximized_button_focus_inactive_hover theme.titlebar_maximized_button_focus_inactive_press theme.titlebar_maximized_button_normal_active_hover theme.titlebar_maximized_button_normal_active_press theme.titlebar_maximized_button_normal_inactive_hover theme.titlebar_maximized_button_normal_inactive_press theme.titlebar_minimize_button_focus_hover theme.titlebar_minimize_button_focus_press theme.titlebar_minimize_button_normal_hover theme.titlebar_minimize_button_normal_press theme.titlebar_ontop_button_focus_active_hover theme.titlebar_ontop_button_focus_active_press theme.titlebar_ontop_button_focus_inactive_hover theme.titlebar_ontop_button_focus_inactive_press theme.titlebar_ontop_button_normal_active_hover theme.titlebar_ontop_button_normal_active_press theme.titlebar_ontop_button_normal_inactive_hover theme.titlebar_ontop_button_normal_inactive_press theme.titlebar_sticky_button_focus_active_hover theme.titlebar_sticky_button_focus_active_press theme.titlebar_sticky_button_focus_inactive_hover theme.titlebar_sticky_button_focus_inactive_press theme.titlebar_sticky_button_normal_active_hover theme.titlebar_sticky_button_normal_active_press theme.titlebar_sticky_button_normal_inactive_hover theme.titlebar_sticky_button_normal_inactive_press theme.wibar_bgimage theme.wibar_bg theme.wibar_border_color theme.wibar_border_width theme.wibar_cursor theme.wibar_fg theme.wibar_height theme.wibar_ontop theme.wibar_opacity theme.wibar_shape theme.wibar_stretch theme.wibar_type theme.wibar_width ## Noteworthy fixes * Some applications such as VLC and Terminator had large unpainted areas * The magnifier layout has been fixed * Un-maximization misbehaved * Docking area is now per-tag again * CMake missing dependencies detection is fixed * Support for FreeBSD and OpenBSD have been restored. * Dialog and transient window can be moved to other screens again * The fallback mode (when Awesome fails to load `rc.lua`) is now more robust ## Behavior changes This is a stable release and we tried to minimize any upgrade impact. However various bugfixes induced minor, not noticeable, changes: * HiDPI support fix changed the default theme "taglist square". This is only true if the original theme file is used (not a copy). * Maximization now honor the screen padding. There is an option to restore the previous behavior. * Un-maximized clients are now restored to their current screen instead of the screen where they were maximized. * Hotkey popup no longer enable the Vim module by default due to user complaints `awful.util` has been split into multiple modules in the `gears` library to reduce the dependency graph. This allows for better unit testing. `awful.util` will be deprecated in Awesome v5. For now, it is still safe to use it. However, new code should use the functions from `gears` instead of `awful.util`. ## Other * The minimal LGI version is now 0.8.0. It was found that Awesome 4.0 also had an issue in the menubar module when used with 0.7.3. * GTK+3 is now required to run the integration tests.
# Awesome window manager framework version 4.0 changes Awesome 4.0 is the first release of the v4 API level, breaking the proven v3.5 API level after 4 years. This requires to port the existing user configuration and extensions to the new API. This document offers an overview of the new features and required changes for existing users. ## New features ### Input #### Mouse move and resize handlers The code used to resize and move clients has been refactored to allow plugins to be attached. This includes: * display the client geometry in the wibar * implement a resize grid * implement delayed resizing (like Windows 3.11 and TWM) * have touch-friendly resize handles (implemented by the Collision extension) * allow window snapping (implemented) * allow edge tiling (like Windows 7+ (AeroSnap) , KDE and Gnome) (implemented) * move to the next tag when dragged to the edge (like KDE3) (disabled by default) **See:** * `mouse` * `client` `request::geometry` . ##### Edge tiling (AeroSnap) Clients are now resized when dragged to the screen edge similar to other window managers. The width of the border can be controlled by the `beautiful.snap_border_width` theme variable. The edge shape with `beautiful.snap_shape` (see `gears.shape`) and can be disabled by setting awful.mouse.snap.edge_enabled = false ##### Edge snapping While this was already supported, this feature has been extensively extended. It can be disabled by setting awful.mouse.snap.client_enabled = false #### Hotkey popup It is now possible to display the list of active keyboard shortcuts by pressing `mod4 + s` (`hotkeys_popup.show_help`). **See:** * `awful.hotkeys_popup` * `awful.hotkeys_popup.keys` * `awful.hotkeys_popup.keys.vim` * `awful.hotkeys_popup.widget` ### New tag and layout properties [![Client geometry](../images/tag_props.svg)](../classes/tag.html) #### Generic useless gap Adds an empty space between clients. **See:** * `tag` * `tag.gap` * `tag.gap_single_client` #### Master fill policies Allows the layout to optionally take all the space when there is no "slave" client or to use a smaller screen area. For example, if only one terminal is present in a `awful.layout.suit.tile.left` layout, then instead of filling the whole screen, it wont be larger than it would otherwise be if there were more clients. **See:** * `tag` * `tag.master_fill_policy` #### Volatile Tags can now be `volatile`. A volatile tag will be destroyed when its last client has been untagged. This is useful for temporary layouts or tags dedicated to a single client. **See:** * `tag.volatile` #### The corner layout A new client layout with a larger master client and both a vertical and an horizontal row of slave clients. ### New client properties * `client.focusable` is now read/write (compared to read only in the previous versions) * `client.valid` tells if the client still really exist or if the object is waiting to be deleted * `client.floating` is now a client property * `client.x` / `client.y` / `client.width` / `client.height` are `client.geometry` aliases * `client.first_tag` is a convenience wrapper for `c:tags()[1]` #### Client signaling There is now an `awesome.unix_signal` signal table with all platform specific signals and their indices. There is also an `awesome.kill()` function to send signals to clients. This can be used, among other thing, to pause and resume clients. ### New client rules (`awful.rules`) All of the new client properties can be used in rules. In addition, the following ones have been added: * `placement`: use the `awful.placement` method (or combinations) to place the client. While older version of Awesome allowed to use callbacks here, it didn't support all corner cases such as titlebar offsets and border_width. * `titlebars_enabled`: older versions of Awesome had a global variable to enable or disable titlebars. This is now delegated to the rules. * `new_tag`: allows to create a tag for the client instead of using an existing one. * The `tag` property has been expanded to also find tags from their name. * The `tags` property now tries to merge the current tags into the array to fix some other properties. * All geometry properties are now executed at once to avoid side effects. * The `focus` is now going through the focus filters instead of being applied as-is (see the focus filter section). #### User rules It is now possible to register new rules by adding them to some `awful.rules` arrays. This can be used by modules to add extra functionalities or to avoid boilerplate code in callbacks. * `awful.rules.high_priority_properties`: before most other rules are executed. * `awful.rules.extra_properties`: together with normal rules. * `awful.rules.delayed_properties`: after most other rules, but before `focus`. Those extra rules also have the capability to mutate the current rule array. ### New widgets #### Widgets
Name Example
#### Containers
Name Example
#### Layouts
Name Example
Other widgets, like the `taglist` and `tasklist`, gained many new configuration features such as empty colors and shape. **See:** * The declarative layout system * `awful.widget.tasklist` * `awful.widget.taglist` ### New APIs #### The new and streamlined property system Previously some core objects, such as clients or tags, were static. It wasn't possible to directly set new properties on them. This is now supported: c.my_new_property = "bar" Also all properties previously accessible from the `awful` module are now directly accessible on the object: -- Before awful.client.floating.set(c, true) -- Now c.floating = true See the "deprecated" section below for the list of functions that have been replaced by properties or methods. The widgets API also received a similar overhaul. Both getters/setters and the property APIs are now supported. -- Before mytextbox:set_text("Foobar") myimagebox:set_resize(not myimagebox:get_resize()) -- Now mytextbox.text = "Foobar" myimagebox.resize = not myimagebox.resize Awesome 4.0 restores a feature found in older versions of Awesome. All widgets now have properties again. While all `:set_foo(bar)` type accessors are still fully (and forever) supported, it is now possible to do `.foo = bar` and `obj.foo = not obj.foo` . This is supported for all official widgets, containers and layouts. #### Declarative widget syntax is supported again Awesome 4.0 re-introduces the declarative widget syntax. This feature was lost when Awesome 3.5 introduced the new (and much, much better) widget system. It is possible to do it again. **See:** * The declarative layout system Most documentation examples have been adapted to use this syntax instead of the imperative one. Both syntaxes are fully supported. For example: -- Imperative local l = wibox.layout.fized.horizontal() local i = wibox.widget.imagebox() local t = wibox.widget.textbox() i:set_image("/path/to/awesomeness.png") t:set_text("is awesome") l:add(i) l:add(t) -- Declarative local l = wibox.layout { { image = "/path/to/awesomeness.png", widget = wibox.widget.imagebox }. { text = "is awesome", widget = wibox.widget.textbox }. layout = wibox.layout.fized.horizontal } #### The request API Awesome used to blindly allow requests from clients to steal focus or move them around. There are now handlers to block such requests. The `request::` API is also used internally in Awesome itself to make previously hard-coded behavior more flexible. * `request::activate`: When a client requests focus and/or being raised. * `request::geometry`: When a client requests a position. * `request::screen`: When a client needs a screen. * `request::select`: When a tag wants to be selected. * `request::tag`: When a client needs a tag. * `request::titlebars`: When a client needs a titlebar. * `request::urgent`: When a client requests attention. **See:** * `awful.ewmh.tag` * `awful.ewmh.geometry` * `awful.ewmh.activate` * `awful.ewmh.urgent` * awful.`mouse.resize_handler` The defaults handlers are mostly located in the `awful.ewmh` module and comply with what the specification defines. #### The placement API [![Shapes](../images/AUTOGEN_awful_placement_maximize.svg)](../libraries/awful.placement.html) While Awesome already had some basic placement function, the new API makes it possible to remove most hard-coded geometry handling code. From a user's point of view this API allows for rich floating window management using `awful.rules`. It provides generic placement functions that work with: * `client`s * `wibox`es * the `mouse` * anything with a `:geometry()` method **See:** * `awful.placement` #### The shape API [![Shapes](../images/AUTOGEN_gears_shape_partially_rounded_rect.svg)](../libraries/gears.shape.html) This new API allows nicer visuals and more complex themes. Also note that the client shape functionality was broken in 3.5 and has been fixed. **See:** * `gears.shape` #### The hierarchy API The widget framework now produces a persistent model of its content rather than a volatile one during the wibox drawing. This allows for better introspection into the widget tree. This model is now exposed through the `mouse::enter`, `mouse::press`, `mouse.current_widget` and other APIs. This tree model also includes various matrices to convert positions from the screen coordinates to the one of the widgets (think of scaling and rotations). This allows for interactive widgets such as a slider. **See:** * `wibox.hierarchy` * Creating new widget ### New themes A new `xresources` theme has been added. It uses native X11 assets such as colors. The default theme was improved with a more modern looking icon set. ### Spawn and launcher improvements #### Spawn The newly renamed `awful.spawn` (previously `awful.util.spawn`) has been extended into a whole API. It is now possible to define rules directly through the spawn function. Note that this only works if the client properly supports the freedesktop.org startup notifications protocol. For example, to open a new `urxvt` in a new tag from the command line, use: awesome-client "require('awful.spawn')('urxvt', {new_tag=true})" As another example, to launch a centered floating terminal in the currently selected tag of screen number 2: awful.spawn("urxvt", { tag = screen[2].selected_tag, placement = awful.placement.centered, floating = true }) **See:** * `awful.spawn` * `awful.rules` All rule properties can be used, including the newly introduced placement ones (like above). #### Launcher `awful.prompt` gained many new features. One of them is the ability to add custom keyboard shortcuts and mutate the command. Paired with the new spawn features, it can be used to create `mod4 + r` shortcuts to spawn the clients with arguments and callbacks. **See:** * `awful.prompt` ### Focus stealing filters. It is now possible to add and manage filters to restrict what kind of focus stealing is allowed. It can be used to mute noisy applications or to implement tag level policies. Every way a client could claim focus, including those from within Awesome itself, now goes through the request filters. **See:** * `awful.ewmh.add_activate_filter` * `awful.ewmh.remove_activate_filter` * `awful.ewmh.activate` ### Notification actions Awesome now supports XDG notification (aka, naughty) actions. **See:** * `naughty` ### Custom xproperties support Awesome can now save some data in the X11 server itself. This allows to communicate with external applications or so save state across restarts. There is also supported/used for persistent client properties. ### Better XKB keyboard layout support Awesome now has native support for keyboard layout detection and setting. Using `setxkbmap` to track the current layout is no longer necessary. This also includes a widget to view the current layout. **See:** * `awesome.xkb_set_layout_group` * `awesome.xkb_get_layout_group` * `awesome.xkb_get_group_names` * `wibox.widget.keyboardlayout` ### Other minor features * `awesome.composite_manager_running` allows to detect if a compositor is running * a new `--replace` command line option is available (similar to other window managers) * clients now have an unified `maximized` property additionally to only _horizontal and _vertical * `awful.layout.layouts` is now where the client layout array is stored * the `systray` elements order can be reversed and spacing can be added * it is now possible to get the layout of unselected tags (use with caution) * tags can be swapped, former XMonad users with multiple screens can rejoice * whole screens can now be swapped * virtual screens can be created, moved and resized * paths can be added to Lua's search path via the `--search` argument * RandR 1.5 MONITOR support * access to the X resource management database * titlebars are now controlled using `awful.rules` and enabled by default * `awesome-client` now supports Lua code as its first argument (instead of reading from stdin) * preferred client icon size can now be configured (see `awesome.set_preferred_icon_size`) * there is now an `awesome.startup_errors` string with the startup error (if any) * Initial support for HiDPI monitors / different DPI per screen * early support for stateful client layouts * the `--version` command line option now provides more details and system information ## Breaking changes Awesome 4.0 is a major release. As with all other major release, the API was broken to accommodate for new capabilities. It isn't as different as 3.5 was from 3.4 however. Many changes now cause a deprecation warning instead of breaking hard. However, it is important to take note of these changes in order to avoid new bugs. Also see the tips for porting your configuration. ### There can be off-screen clients unless rc.lua is adapted **To fix from bash/zsh without a config change:** echo 'for _,c in ipairs(client.get()) do require("awful.placement").no_offscreen(c) end' | awesome-client And add the following to the global rc.lua `awful.rule` section: placement = awful.placement.no_overlap+awful.placement.no_offscreen Also note that this is the new official syntax for placement functions in rules. It is recommended to remove existing ones that are used as callbacks and move them to the `placement` rule property. **See:** * `awful.placement` * `awful.placement.no_overlap` * `awful.placement.no_offscreen` * `awful.rules` ### Screens are no longer static Replace rc.lua `for s=1, screen.count() do` with `awful.screen.connect_for_each_screen(function(s)` and add a `)` after the section `end`. All global widget tables should be adapted to avoid memory leaks. Static code should not use `screen.count()` anymore. It should also always use the screen object, as the integer representation is mostly deprecated. **See:** * `screen` * `screen.connect_for_each_screen` * `screen.disconnect_for_each_screen` ### Screens are now objects Previously: `type(s) == "number"`, now: `type(s) == "screen"`. Doing `screen[1].geometry` is now partially deprecated and will probably print a warning in future versions. Any code comparing number and screen objects is now broken. Use screen objects instead of numbers. **See:** * `screen` ### Awesome no longer restarts when a new screen is added By default, `rc.lua` now handles screen changes without restarting. It allows to preserve the tag and layout state across changes. Old `rc.lua` can either be ported to handle this by taking clues from the new `rc.lua` or restore the old behavior by adding the following at the end: screen.connect_signal("list", awesome.restart) **See:** * `screen` * `screen.list` ### Widgets' `:fit()` and `:draw()` methods signature changed and `:layout()` is mandatory for layouts and containers All custom widgets need to change their function signature. ### The "align" layout default behavior changes There is a new "strategy" property to define how the space is distributed. ### Many APIs are deprecated, fix them before they turn into errors For example, instead of `awful.tag.viewonly(t)`, the recommended API is now `t:view_only()`. The whole API has been standardized around this object oriented notation. The warnings will be printed on stderr. ### Most widgets' private APIs have changed You should not use undocumented APIs. Those can change at any time, and this is no exception. The private API of all widgets has been broken. ### Spawn changes * It has been moved into its own module (`awful.spawn`). * Some methods have been deprecated. It is not recommended to use blocking methods in Awesome. We made sure to make your life harder if you wish to ignore this warning. Really, using blocking calls in rc.lua has very nasty side effects. **See:** * `awful.spawn` ### Prompt changes Most arguments have been deprecated, they are now taken from the `args` argument-by-name table. This was done because the number of optional arguments was getting out of control. **See:** * `awful.prompt.run` ### Timers are no longer part of the C API Use `gears.timer`. ### Deprecated functions The previous Awesome API mixed different conventions. There was a major undertaking in 4.0 to make the API coherent and well documented. Those functions have been renamed or converted to methods: * awful.`client.jumpto` * awful.`client.visible` * awful.`client.tiled` * awful.`client.moveresize` * awful.`client.movetotag` * awful.`client.toggletag` * awful.`client.movetoscreen` * awful.`client.mark` * awful.`client.unmark` * awful.`client.ismarked` * awful.`client.togglemarked` * awful.`client.floating.set` * awful.`client.isfixed` * awful.`client.floating.get` * awful.`client.floating.toggle` * awful.`client.dockable.get` * awful.`client.dockable.set` * awful.`client.property.get` * awful.`client.property.set` * awful.`client.get_transient_for_matching` * awful.`client.is_transient_for` * awful.`mouse.client_under_pointer` * awful.`mouse.client.dragtotag.border` * awful.`mouse.client.corner` * awful.`screen.getdistance_sq` * awful.`screen.padding` * awful.`tag.move` * awful.`tag.swap` * awful.`tag.delete` * awful.`tag.gettags` * awful.`tag.setscreen` * awful.`tag.getscreen` * awful.`tag.selectedlist` * awful.`tag.selected` * awful.`tag.setmwfact` * awful.`tag.getmwfact` * awful.`tag.setlayout` * awful.`tag.setvolatile` * awful.`tag.getvolatile` * awful.`tag.setgap` * awful.`tag.getgap` * awful.`tag.setmfpol` * awful.`tag.getmfpol` * awful.`tag.setnmaster` * awful.`tag.getnmaster` * awful.`tag.seticon` * awful.`tag.geticon` * awful.`tag.setncol` * awful.`tag.getncol` * awful.`tag.getidx` * awful.`tag.viewonly` * awful.`tag.getdata` * awful.`tag.getproperty` * awful.`tag.setproperty` * awful.`tag.withcurrent` * `awful.util.get_rectangle_in_direction` * `awful.wibox.get_position` * `awful.wibox.set_position` * `awful.wibox.attach` * `awful.wibox.align` * `awful.wibox.stretch` * `awful.widget.progressbar.set_vertical` * `awful.widget.progressbar.set_height` * `awful.widget.progressbar.set_width` Note that for 4.0, only a warning will be printed if these functions are used. They will eventually be removed. ### Increased use of asynchronous programming Many operations, such as re-draw, re-layout, geometry changes and various C API calls are now delayed to the end of the event loop iteration to avoid multiple changes per iteration (to not waste CPU time). The downside of this is that it is no longer reliable to assume the result of the previous line of code being applied in the next already. ### Startup handling There is no longer a "startup" argument to the client "manage" signal. If Awesome is currently starting up, then `awesome.startup` is set to `true`. ### Renamed modules Just as the functions above, many modules have been moved to follow a naming convention. Using the old name will print a warning and will alias into the new module. Note that theses aliases are temporary and will be removed. * `awful.wibox` * `awful.widget.graph` * `awful.widget.progressbar` * `awful.widget.textclock` * `wibox.layout.constraint` * `wibox.layout.margin` * `wibox.layout.mirror` * `wibox.layout.rotate` * `wibox.layout.scroll` * `wibox.widget.background` ### The mouse finder module is gone It has been broken for ages, so we concluded nobody cared. ### Menubar changes `menubar.menu_gen.generate` is now asynchronous and needs a callback as an argument. ### Rules execution order changes The order in which rules are executed changed. It has been manually curated to avoid known race conditions between the rules execution. For example, adding a titlebar after setting the position resulted in an unwanted shift proportional to the titlebar size. This is regarded as a breaking changes since it impacts the behavior of existing code, hopefully for the better. ## Other ### New dependencies Awesome now depends on Gio and a few other new packages since 3.5. See the README for an extensive list. ### A new documentation Awesome 4.0 now uses LDoc and MarkDown based documentation. We also introduced official guides into our documentation: * FAQ * Contributing * The declarative layout system * Creating new widget * Default configuration file documentation * Change Awesome appearance * Using Cairo and LGI The new documentation is vastly superior to the previous one and includes previously missing elements such as: * a hundred images (from zero) * more than a hundred new code examples, most of them unit tested (from very, very few) * all signals (previously partially documented in the wiki) * all theme variables * the object properties * references throughout the documentation * variable types (previously mostly undocumented) * many auto-generated pages instead of manually curated (and out of date) ones ### The old wiki is closing down We are moving to a 2 tier solution based on official (and curated) documentation, and a Git based wiki solution. The old wiki has been partially closed down for years due to spam issues and given the API breakage in the past, a non-negligible percentage of the content and tips were no longer working properly. ### New website address The official website is now `https://awesomewm.org/` and is now hosted by GitHub. This will allow to retire the former server. ### Awesome is now developed on GitHub This isn't technically part of the release and has been true for years, but as the first major releases since the move, it is a good time to point out that we retired the old infrastructure. This includes the bug tracker, download, wiki, website, repository and continuous integration system. This move increased our development velocity, number of contributor, visibility count and reduced our infrastructure maintenance cost. ### Test-driven development Awesome went from 0% to 75% unit test coverage. We now have 4 testing systems: * Linting (checks the code quality and consistency) * Unit testing * Documentation examples, documentation images and user interface appearance tests * Integration tests We also have a test matrix for: * Different Lua versions * Different screen resolutions * Installation paths * Dependencies versions ### Packaging support Apart from the existing packages in distributions, Awesome users can now use "make package" to generate .deb or .rpm instead of using `make install`.