--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @author Uli Schlachter -- @copyright 2014 Uli Schlachter --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local color = require("gears.color") local cairo = require("lgi").cairo local say = require("say") local assert_util = require("luassert.util") describe("gears.color", function() describe("parse_color", function() local function test(e_r, e_g, e_b, e_a, input) local o_r, o_g, o_b, o_a, unused = color.parse_color(input) assert.is.same(o_r, e_r / 255) assert.is.same(o_g, e_g / 255) assert.is.same(o_b, e_b / 255) assert.is_nil(unused) end it("black", function() test(0, 0, 0, 255, "#000000") end) it("opaque black", function() test(0, 0, 0, 255, "#000000ff") end) it("transparent gray", function() test(128, 128, 128, 128, "#80808080") end) it("transparent white", function() test(255, 255, 255, 127, "#ffffff7f") end) end) local function test_pattern_stops(pattern, stops) for i, stop in pairs(stops) do local status, offset, r, g, b, a = pattern:get_color_stop_rgba(i - 1) assert.is.same("SUCCESS", status) assert.is.same(offset, stop.offset) assert.is.same({ r, g, b, a }, stop.rgba) end assert.is.same({ pattern:get_color_stop_count() }, { "SUCCESS", #stops }) end local function test_linear_pattern(pattern, from, to, stops) assert.is.equal(pattern:get_type(), "LINEAR") assert.is.same({ pattern:get_linear_points() }, { "SUCCESS", from[1], from[2], to[1], to[2] }) test_pattern_stops(pattern, stops) end describe("linear pattern", function() it("table description", function() local pattern = color({ type = "linear", from = { 2, 10 }, to = { 102, 110 }, stops = { { 0, "#ff0000" }, { 0.5, "#00ff00" }, { 1, "#0000ff" }, } }) test_linear_pattern(pattern, { 2, 10 }, { 102, 110}, { { offset = 0, rgba = { 1, 0, 0, 1 }}, { offset = 0.5, rgba = { 0, 1, 0, 1 }}, { offset = 1, rgba = { 0, 0, 1, 1 }} }) end) it("string description", function() local pattern = color("linear:2,10:102,110:0,#ff0000:0.5,#00ff00:1,#0000ff") test_linear_pattern(pattern, { 2, 10 }, { 102, 110 }, { { offset = 0, rgba = { 1, 0, 0, 1 }}, { offset = 0.5, rgba = { 0, 1, 0, 1 }}, { offset = 1, rgba = { 0, 0, 1, 1 }} }) end) end) local function test_radial_pattern(pattern, from, to, stops) assert.is.equal(pattern:get_type(), "RADIAL") assert.is.same({ pattern:get_radial_circles() }, { "SUCCESS", from[1], from[2], from[3], to[1], to[2], to[3] }) test_pattern_stops(pattern, stops) end describe("radial pattern", function() it("table description", function() local pattern = color({ type = "radial", from = { 2, 10, 42 }, to = { 102, 110, 142 }, stops = { { 0, "#ff0000" }, { 0.5, "#00ff00" }, { 1, "#0000ff" }, } }) test_radial_pattern(pattern, { 2, 10, 42 }, { 102, 110, 142 }, { { offset = 0, rgba = { 1, 0, 0, 1 }}, { offset = 0.5, rgba = { 0, 1, 0, 1 }}, { offset = 1, rgba = { 0, 0, 1, 1 }} }) end) it("string description", function() local pattern = color("radial:2,10,42:102,110,142:0,#ff0000:0.5,#00ff00:1,#0000ff") test_radial_pattern(pattern, { 2, 10, 42 }, { 102, 110, 142 }, { { offset = 0, rgba = { 1, 0, 0, 1 }}, { offset = 0.5, rgba = { 0, 1, 0, 1 }}, { offset = 1, rgba = { 0, 0, 1, 1 }} }) end) end) describe("create_opaque_pattern", function() -- Assertion to check if a pattern is opaque local function opaque(state, arguments) assert(arguments.n >= 1, say("assertions.argtolittle", { "opaque", 1, tostring(arguments.n) })) local pattern = color.create_opaque_pattern(arguments[1]) return pattern ~= nil end say:set("assertion.opaque.positive", "Pattern %s should be opaque, but isn't.") say:set("assertion.opaque.negative", "Pattern %s should NOT be opaque, but is.") assert:register("assertion", "opaque", opaque, "assertion.opaque.positive", "assertion.opaque.negative") it("opaque solid pattern", function() assert.is.opaque("#ffffff") end) it("transparent solid pattern", function() assert.is_not.opaque("#ffffff7f") end) it("opaque linear pattern", function() assert.is.opaque("#ffffff") end) describe("transparent linear pattern", function() it("without stops", function() assert.is_not.opaque("linear:0,0:0,10:") end) it("with transparent stops", function() assert.is_not.opaque("linear:0,0:0,10:0,#00ff00ff:1,#ff00ff00") end) it("with NONE repeat", function() local pattern = color.create_pattern_uncached("linear:0,0:0,10:0,#00ff00ff:1,#ff00ffff") pattern:set_extend("NONE") assert.is_not.opaque(pattern) end) end) it("opaque linear pattern", function() assert.is.opaque("linear:0,0:0,10:0,#00ff00ff:1,#ff00ffff") end) it("opaque surface pattern", function() local surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.RGB24, "1", "1") local pattern = cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(surface) pattern:set_extend("PAD") assert.is.opaque(pattern) end) describe("transparent surface pattern", function() it("with alpha channel", function() local surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, "1", "1") local pattern = cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(surface) pattern:set_extend("PAD") assert.is_not.opaque(pattern) end) it("with NONE repeat", function() local surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.RGB24, "1", "1") local pattern = cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(surface) assert.is_not.opaque(pattern) end) end) -- cairo_pattern_create_mesh is new in cairo 1.12 / lgi 0.7.0 local create_mesh = cairo.Pattern.create_mesh if create_mesh then it("unsupported pattern type", function() assert.is_not.opaque(create_mesh()) end) else pending("unsupported pattern type") end end) describe("pattern cache", function() it("caching works", function() assert.is.equal(color("#00ff00"), color("#00ff00")) end) it("create_pattern_uncached does not cache", function() -- Since tests run in order, the above test already inserted -- "#00ff00" into the cache assert.is_not.equal(color.create_pattern_uncached("#00ff00"), color.create_pattern_uncached("#00ff00")) end) end) end) -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80