local file_path, image_path = ... require("_common_template")(...) local cairo = require("lgi").cairo local color = require( "gears.color" ) local shape = require( "gears.shape" ) local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) local wibox = require( "wibox" ) -- Run the test local args = loadfile(file_path)() or {} -- Draw the result local img = cairo.SvgSurface.create(image_path..".svg", screen._get_extents() ) local cr = cairo.Context(img) -- Draw a mouse cursor at [x,y] local function draw_mouse(x, y) cr:move_to(x, y) cr:rel_line_to( 0, 10) cr:rel_line_to( 3, -2) cr:rel_line_to( 3, 4) cr:rel_line_to( 2, 0) cr:rel_line_to(-3, -4) cr:rel_line_to( 4, 0) cr:close_path() cr:fill() end -- Print an outline for the screens for _, s in ipairs(screen) do cr:save() -- Draw the screen outline cr:set_source(color("#00000044")) cr:set_line_width(1.5) cr:set_dash({10,4},1) cr:rectangle(s.geometry.x+0.75,s.geometry.y+0.75,s.geometry.width-1.5,s.geometry.height-1.5) cr:stroke() -- Draw the workarea outline cr:set_source(color("#00000033")) cr:rectangle(s.workarea.x,s.workarea.y,s.workarea.width,s.workarea.height) cr:stroke() -- Draw the padding outline --TODO cr:restore() end cr:set_line_width(beautiful.border_width) cr:set_source(color(beautiful.border_color)) local rect = {x1 = 0 ,y1 = 0 , x2 = 0 , y2 = 0} -- Get the region with wiboxes for _, obj in ipairs {drawin, client} do for _, d in ipairs(obj.get()) do local w = d.get_wibox and d:get_wibox() or d if w and w.geometry then local geo = w:geometry() rect.x1 = math.min(rect.x1, geo.x ) rect.y1 = math.min(rect.y1, geo.y ) rect.x2 = math.max(rect.x2, geo.x + geo.width + 2*(w.border_width or 0)) rect.y2 = math.max(rect.y2, geo.y + geo.height + 2*(w.border_width or 0)) end end end local total_area = wibox.layout { forced_width = rect.x2, forced_height = rect.y2, layout = wibox.layout.manual, } local function wrap_titlebar(tb, width, height) return wibox.widget { tb.drawable.widget, bg = tb.args.bg_normal, fg = tb.args.fg_normal, forced_width = width, forced_height = height, widget = wibox.container.background } end local function client_widget(c, col, label) local geo = c:geometry() local bw = c.border_width or beautiful.border_width or 0 local l = wibox.layout.align.vertical() l.fill_space = true local tbs = c.titlebars or {} local map = { top = "set_first", left = "set_first", bottom = "set_third", right = "set_third", } for _, position in ipairs{"top", "bottom"} do local tb = tbs[position] if tb then l[map[position]](l, wrap_titlebar(tb, c:geometry().width, tb.args.height or 16)) end end for _, position in ipairs{"left", "right"} do local tb = tbs[position] if tb then l[map[position]](l, wrap_titlebar(tb, tb.args.width or 16, c:geometry().height)) end end local l2 = wibox.layout.align.horizontal() l2.fill_space = true l:set_second(l2) l.forced_width = c.width l.forced_height = c.height return wibox.widget { { { l, margins = bw + 1, -- +1 because the the SVG AA layout = wibox.container.margin }, { text = label or "", align = "center", valign = "center", widget = wibox.widget.textbox }, layout = wibox.layout.stack }, shape_border_width = bw*2, shape_border_color = beautiful.border_color, shape_clip = true, fg = beautiful.fg_normal or "#000000", bg = col, forced_width = geo.width + 2*bw, forced_height = geo.height + 2*bw, shape = function(cr2, w, h) return shape.rounded_rect(cr2, w, h, args.radius or 5) end, widget = wibox.container.background, } end -- Add all wiboxes for _, d in ipairs(drawin.get()) do local w = d.get_wibox and d:get_wibox() or nil if w then local geo = w:geometry() total_area:add_at(w:to_widget(), {x = geo.x, y = geo.y}) end end -- Loop each clients geometry history and paint it for _, c in ipairs(client.get()) do local pgeo = nil for _, geo in ipairs(c._old_geo) do if not geo._hide then total_area:add_at( client_widget(c, c.color or geo._color or beautiful.bg_normal, geo._label), {x=geo.x, y=geo.y} ) end -- Draw lines between the old and new corners if pgeo and not args.hide_lines then cr:save() cr:set_source_rgba(0,0,0,.1) -- Top left cr:move_to(pgeo.x, pgeo.y) cr:line_to(geo.x, geo.y) cr:stroke() -- Top right cr:move_to(pgeo.x+pgeo.width, pgeo.y) cr:line_to(geo.x+pgeo.width, geo.y) -- Bottom left cr:move_to(pgeo.x, pgeo.y+pgeo.height) cr:line_to(geo.x, geo.y+geo.height) cr:stroke() -- Bottom right cr:move_to(pgeo.x+pgeo.width, pgeo.y+pgeo.height) cr:line_to(geo.x+pgeo.width, geo.y+geo.height) cr:stroke() cr:restore() end pgeo = geo end end -- Draw the wiboxes/clients on top of the screen wibox.widget.draw_to_cairo_context( total_area, cr, screen._get_extents() ) cr:set_source_rgba(1,0,0,1) cr:set_dash({1,1},1) -- Paint the mouse cursor position history for _, h in ipairs(mouse.old_histories) do local pos = nil for _, coords in ipairs(h) do draw_mouse(coords.x, coords.y) cr:fill() if pos then cr:move_to(pos.x, pos.y) cr:line_to(coords.x, coords.y) cr:stroke() end pos = coords end end img:finish() -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80