/* * statusbar.c - statusbar functions * * Copyright © 2007-2008 Julien Danjou * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "statusbar.h" #include "screen.h" #include "tag.h" #include "widget.h" #include "window.h" extern awesome_t globalconf; extern bool running; /** Draw a statusbar. * \param statusbar The statusbar to draw. */ static void statusbar_draw(statusbar_t *statusbar) { xcb_window_t rootwin; xcb_pixmap_t rootpix; widget_node_t *w; int left = 0, right = 0; char *data; xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop_r; xcb_get_property_cookie_t prop_c; area_t rectangle = { 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL }; xcb_atom_t rootpix_atom, pixmap_atom; xutil_intern_atom_request_t rootpix_atom_req, pixmap_atom_req; /* Send requests needed for transparency */ if(statusbar->transparency) { pixmap_atom_req = xutil_intern_atom(globalconf.connection, &globalconf.atoms, "PIXMAP"); rootpix_atom_req = xutil_intern_atom(globalconf.connection, &globalconf.atoms, "_XROOTPMAP_ID"); } statusbar->need_update.value = false; if(!statusbar->position) return; rectangle.width = statusbar->width; rectangle.height = statusbar->height; if(statusbar->transparency) { rootwin = xcb_aux_get_screen(globalconf.connection, statusbar->phys_screen)->root; pixmap_atom = xutil_intern_atom_reply(globalconf.connection, &globalconf.atoms, pixmap_atom_req); rootpix_atom = xutil_intern_atom_reply(globalconf.connection, &globalconf.atoms, rootpix_atom_req); prop_c = xcb_get_property_unchecked(globalconf.connection, false, rootwin, rootpix_atom, pixmap_atom, 0, 1); if((prop_r = xcb_get_property_reply(globalconf.connection, prop_c, NULL))) { if((data = xcb_get_property_value(prop_r))) { rootpix = *(xcb_pixmap_t *) data; xcb_copy_area(globalconf.connection, rootpix, statusbar->sw->drawable, statusbar->sw->gc, statusbar->sw->geometry.x, statusbar->sw->geometry.y, 0, 0, statusbar->sw->geometry.width, statusbar->sw->geometry.height); } p_delete(&prop_r); } } else draw_rectangle(statusbar->ctx, rectangle, 1.0, true, statusbar->colors.bg); for(w = statusbar->widgets; w; w = w->next) if(w->widget->isvisible && w->widget->align == AlignLeft) left += w->widget->draw(w, statusbar, left, (left + right)); /* renders right widget from last to first */ for(w = *widget_node_list_last(&statusbar->widgets); w; w = w->prev) if(w->widget->isvisible && w->widget->align == AlignRight) right += w->widget->draw(w, statusbar, right, (left + right)); for(w = statusbar->widgets; w; w = w->next) if(w->widget->isvisible && w->widget->align == AlignFlex) left += w->widget->draw(w, statusbar, left, (left + right)); switch(statusbar->position) { case Right: draw_rotate(statusbar->ctx, statusbar->sw->drawable, statusbar->ctx->height, statusbar->ctx->width, M_PI_2, statusbar->height, 0); break; case Left: draw_rotate(statusbar->ctx, statusbar->sw->drawable, statusbar->ctx->height, statusbar->ctx->width, - M_PI_2, 0, statusbar->width); break; default: break; } simplewindow_refresh_drawable(statusbar->sw); xcb_aux_sync(globalconf.connection); } /** Statusbar thread main function. * \param p A pointer to a statusbar_t. * \return Return NULL. */ static void * statusbar_refresh(void *p) { statusbar_t *statusbar = (statusbar_t *) p; while(running) { pthread_mutex_lock(&statusbar->need_update.lock); while(!statusbar->need_update.value) pthread_cond_wait(&statusbar->need_update.cond, &statusbar->need_update.lock); statusbar_draw(statusbar); pthread_mutex_unlock(&statusbar->need_update.lock); } return NULL; } /** Update the statusbar position. It deletes every statusbar resources and * create them back. * \param statusbar The statusbar. * \param position The new position. */ static void statusbar_position_update(statusbar_t *statusbar, position_t position) { statusbar_t *sb; area_t area; xcb_drawable_t dw; xcb_screen_t *s = NULL; bool ignore = false; globalconf.screens[statusbar->screen].need_arrange = true; /* Lock the update thread. * We will reinit every stuff so, it better do nothing at this moment. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&statusbar->need_update.lock); simplewindow_delete(&statusbar->sw); draw_context_delete(&statusbar->ctx); if((statusbar->position = position) == Off) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&statusbar->need_update.lock); return; } area = screen_get_area(statusbar->screen, NULL, &globalconf.screens[statusbar->screen].padding); /* Top and Bottom statusbar_t have prio */ for(sb = globalconf.screens[statusbar->screen].statusbar; sb; sb = sb->next) { /* Ignore every statusbar after me that is in the same position */ if(statusbar == sb) { ignore = true; continue; } else if(ignore && statusbar->position == sb->position) continue; switch(sb->position) { case Left: switch(statusbar->position) { case Left: area.x += statusbar->height; break; default: break; } break; case Right: switch(statusbar->position) { case Right: area.x -= statusbar->height; break; default: break; } break; case Top: switch(statusbar->position) { case Top: area.y += sb->height; break; case Left: case Right: area.height -= sb->height; area.y += sb->height; break; default: break; } break; case Bottom: switch(statusbar->position) { case Bottom: area.y -= sb->height; break; case Left: case Right: area.height -= sb->height; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } } switch(statusbar->position) { case Right: case Left: if(statusbar->width <= 0) statusbar->width = area.height; statusbar->sw = simplewindow_new(globalconf.connection, statusbar->phys_screen, 0, 0, statusbar->height, statusbar->width, 0); s = xcb_aux_get_screen(globalconf.connection, statusbar->phys_screen); /* we need a new pixmap this way [ ] to render */ dw = xcb_generate_id(globalconf.connection); xcb_create_pixmap(globalconf.connection, s->root_depth, dw, s->root, statusbar->width, statusbar->height); statusbar->ctx = draw_context_new(globalconf.connection, statusbar->phys_screen, statusbar->width, statusbar->height, dw); break; default: if(statusbar->width <= 0) statusbar->width = area.width; statusbar->sw = simplewindow_new(globalconf.connection, statusbar->phys_screen, 0, 0, statusbar->width, statusbar->height, 0); statusbar->ctx = draw_context_new(globalconf.connection, statusbar->phys_screen, statusbar->width, statusbar->height, statusbar->sw->drawable); break; } switch(statusbar->position) { default: switch(statusbar->align) { default: simplewindow_move(statusbar->sw, area.x, area.y); break; case AlignRight: simplewindow_move(statusbar->sw, area.x + area.width - statusbar->width, area.y); break; case AlignCenter: simplewindow_move(statusbar->sw, area.x + (area.width - statusbar->width) / 2, area.y); break; } break; case Bottom: switch(statusbar->align) { default: simplewindow_move(statusbar->sw, area.x, (area.y + area.height) - statusbar->height); break; case AlignRight: simplewindow_move(statusbar->sw, area.x + area.width - statusbar->width, (area.y + area.height) - statusbar->height); break; case AlignCenter: simplewindow_move(statusbar->sw, area.x + (area.width - statusbar->width) / 2, (area.y + area.height) - statusbar->height); break; } break; case Left: switch(statusbar->align) { default: simplewindow_move(statusbar->sw, area.x, (area.y + area.height) - statusbar->sw->geometry.height); break; case AlignRight: simplewindow_move(statusbar->sw, area.x, area.y); break; case AlignCenter: simplewindow_move(statusbar->sw, area.x, (area.y + area.height - statusbar->width) / 2); } break; case Right: switch(statusbar->align) { default: simplewindow_move(statusbar->sw, area.x + area.width - statusbar->height, area.y); break; case AlignRight: simplewindow_move(statusbar->sw, area.x + area.width - statusbar->height, area.y + area.height - statusbar->width); break; case AlignCenter: simplewindow_move(statusbar->sw, area.x + area.width - statusbar->height, (area.y + area.height - statusbar->width) / 2); break; } break; } xcb_map_window(globalconf.connection, statusbar->sw->window); /* Set need update, and release everything out! */ statusbar->need_update.value = true; pthread_mutex_unlock(&statusbar->need_update.lock); pthread_cond_broadcast(&statusbar->need_update.cond); } /** Update the need_update attribute of a statusbar to true. * \param statusbar The statusbar to flag. */ void statusbar_needupdate(statusbar_t *statusbar) { pthread_mutex_lock(&statusbar->need_update.lock); statusbar->need_update.value = true; pthread_mutex_unlock(&statusbar->need_update.lock); pthread_cond_broadcast(&statusbar->need_update.cond); } /** Check for statusbar equality. * \param A statusbar. * \return True if statusbar are equals, false otherwise. */ static int luaA_statusbar_eq(lua_State *L) { statusbar_t **t1 = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "statusbar"); statusbar_t **t2 = luaL_checkudata(L, 2, "statusbar"); lua_pushboolean(L, (*t1 == *t2)); return 1; } /** Set the statusbar position. * \param A position: left, right, top, bottom or off. */ static int luaA_statusbar_position_set(lua_State *L) { statusbar_t *s, **sb = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "statusbar"); const char *pos = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); position_t position = position_get_from_str(pos); if(position != (*sb)->position) { (*sb)->position = position; for(s = globalconf.screens[(*sb)->screen].statusbar; s; s = s->next) statusbar_position_update(s, s->position); } return 0; } /** Get the statusbar position. * \return The statusbar position. */ static int luaA_statusbar_position_get(lua_State *L) { statusbar_t **sb = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "statusbar"); lua_pushstring(L, position_to_str((*sb)->position)); return 1; } /** Set the statusbar alignment on screen. * \param An alignment: right, left or center. */ static int luaA_statusbar_align_set(lua_State *L) { statusbar_t **sb = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "statusbar"); const char *al = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); alignment_t align = draw_align_get_from_str(al); (*sb)->align = align; statusbar_position_update(*sb, (*sb)->position); return 0; } /** Convert a statusbar to a printable string. */ static int luaA_statusbar_tostring(lua_State *L) { statusbar_t **p = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "statusbar"); lua_pushfstring(L, "[statusbar udata(%p) name(%s)]", *p, (*p)->name); return 1; } /** Add a widget to a statusbar. * \param A widget. */ static int luaA_statusbar_widget_add(lua_State *L) { statusbar_t **sb = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "statusbar"); widget_t **widget = luaL_checkudata(L, 2, "widget"); widget_node_t *w = p_new(widget_node_t, 1); statusbar_needupdate(*sb); w->widget = *widget; widget_node_list_append(&(*sb)->widgets, w); widget_ref(widget); return 0; } /** Add the statusbar on a screen. * \param A screen number. */ static int luaA_statusbar_add(lua_State *L) { statusbar_t *s, **sb = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "statusbar"); int i, screen = luaL_checknumber(L, 2) - 1; luaA_checkscreen(screen); /* Check for uniq name and id. */ for(i = 0; i < globalconf.screens_info->nscreen; i++) for(s = globalconf.screens[i].statusbar; s; s = s->next) { if(s == *sb) luaL_error(L, "this statusbar is already on screen %d", s->screen + 1); if(!a_strcmp(s->name, (*sb)->name)) luaL_error(L, "a statusbar with that name is already on screen %d\n", s->screen + 1); } (*sb)->screen = screen; (*sb)->phys_screen = screen_virttophys(screen); /* Initialize thread stuffs before any position update, since it will * set a need_update and so lock */ pthread_cond_init(&(*sb)->need_update.cond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&(*sb)->need_update.lock, NULL); statusbar_list_append(&globalconf.screens[screen].statusbar, *sb); statusbar_ref(sb); /* All the other statusbar and ourselves need to be repositionned */ for(s = globalconf.screens[screen].statusbar; s; s = s->next) statusbar_position_update(s, s->position); /* Start the thread */ if(pthread_create(&(*sb)->tid, NULL, statusbar_refresh, *sb)) perror("unable to create thread"); return 0; } /** Remove the statusbar its screen. */ static int luaA_statusbar_remove(lua_State *L) { statusbar_t *s, **sb = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "statusbar"); int i; for(i = 0; i < globalconf.screens_info->nscreen; i++) for(s = globalconf.screens[i].statusbar; s; s = s->next) if(s == *sb) { statusbar_position_update(*sb, Off); statusbar_list_detach(&globalconf.screens[i].statusbar, *sb); statusbar_unref(sb); globalconf.screens[i].need_arrange = true; return 0; } luaL_error(L, "unable to remove statusbar: not on any screen"); return 0; } /** Create a new statusbar. * \param A table with at least a name attribute. Optionnaly defined values are: * position, align, fg, bg, width and height. * \return A brand new statusbar. */ static int luaA_statusbar_new(lua_State *L) { statusbar_t **sb = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(statusbar_t *)); int objpos = lua_gettop(L); const char *color; luaA_checktable(L, 1); *sb = p_new(statusbar_t, 1); (*sb)->name = luaA_name_init(L); lua_getfield(L, 1, "fg"); if((color = luaL_optstring(L, -1, NULL))) xcolor_new(globalconf.connection, globalconf.default_screen, color, &(*sb)->colors.fg); else (*sb)->colors.fg = globalconf.colors.fg; lua_getfield(L, 1, "bg"); if((color = luaL_optstring(L, -1, NULL))) xcolor_new(globalconf.connection, globalconf.default_screen, color, &(*sb)->colors.bg); else (*sb)->colors.bg = globalconf.colors.bg; (*sb)->align = draw_align_get_from_str(luaA_getopt_string(L, 1, "align", "left")); (*sb)->width = luaA_getopt_number(L, 1, "width", 0); (*sb)->height = luaA_getopt_number(L, 1, "height", 0); if((*sb)->height <= 0) /* 1.5 as default factor, it fits nice but no one knows why */ (*sb)->height = 1.5 * globalconf.font->height; (*sb)->position = position_get_from_str(luaA_getopt_string(L, 1, "position", "top")); statusbar_ref(sb); lua_pushvalue(L, objpos); return luaA_settype(L, "statusbar"); } /** Set statusbar transparency. * \param A boolean value, true to enable, false to disable. */ static int luaA_statusbar_transparency_set(lua_State *L) { statusbar_t **sb = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "statusbar"); (*sb)->transparency = luaA_checkboolean(L, 2); statusbar_needupdate(*sb); return 0; } /** Handle statusbar garbage collection. */ static int luaA_statusbar_gc(lua_State *L) { statusbar_t **sb = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "statusbar"); statusbar_unref(sb); return 0; } const struct luaL_reg awesome_statusbar_methods[] = { { "new", luaA_statusbar_new }, { NULL, NULL } }; const struct luaL_reg awesome_statusbar_meta[] = { { "widget_add", luaA_statusbar_widget_add }, { "position_set", luaA_statusbar_position_set }, { "position_get", luaA_statusbar_position_get }, { "align_set", luaA_statusbar_align_set }, { "add", luaA_statusbar_add }, { "remove", luaA_statusbar_remove }, { "transparency_set", luaA_statusbar_transparency_set }, { "__gc", luaA_statusbar_gc }, { "__eq", luaA_statusbar_eq }, { "__tostring", luaA_statusbar_tostring }, { NULL, NULL }, }; // vim: filetype=c:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=80