# Porting tips

## From 3.5 to 4.0

**best advice is to start from the default `rc.lua` and backport any changes**
you might have added to your `rc.lua`.
This avoids most of the possible errors due to missing important changes.

If you still wish to ignore this advice, first read the
<a href="./89-NEWS.md.html">NEWS</a> section about the breaking changes. This
document assumes you did.

Be warned, even if it looks like it's working after changing some lines, **it wont
supports dynamic screen changes and will have many subtle bugs**. The changes
mentioned below **are important for the stability of your window manager**.

Here is a diff of the 3.5.9 `rc.lua` with the 4.0 one. All changes due to
new features and new syntaxes have been removed. A `-` in front of the line
correspond to content of the 3.5 `rc.lua` and `+` its replacement in 4.0.

This document does not cover the new features added in the Awesome 4 `rc.lua`,
it only covers the minimal required changes to have a properly behaving config.

To test during the port, we recommend the `Xephyr` X11 server.

If Awesome4 **is not installed yet**, we recommand to install it in its own
prefix to avoid conflicts in case you wish to stay on 3.5 for a little

    cd path/to/awesome/code
    mkdir -p $HOME/.config/awesome4
    mkdir build -p
    cd build

    # Install in a local folder, this assumes all the dependencies are installed
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/awesome4_test ..
    make -j4

    # Use a copy of rc.lua to avoid it being overwritten accidentally
    cp awesomerc.lua $HOME/.config/awesome4/rc.lua

    make install

    # Start Awesome in a 1280x800 window
    Xephyr :1 -screen 1280x800 &
    DISPLAY=:1 $HOME/awesome4_test/bin/awesome \
        -c $HOME/.config/awesome4/rc.lua \
        --search $HOME/awesome4_test/share/awesome/lib

If Awesome 4 is **already installed**, then backup your old `rc.lua` and overwrite
`~/.config/awesome/rc.lua` (replace this by another path if you use a custom
XDH config local directory). And only execute:

    Xephyr :1 -screen 1280x800 &
    DISPLAY=:1 awesome

Screens are now added and removed without reloading `rc.lua`. The wallpaper are
now set in a signal callback.

    --- {{{ Wallpaper
    -if `beautiful.wallpaper` then
    -    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    -        `gears.wallpaper.maximized`(beautiful.wallpaper, s, true)
    -    end
    --- }}}

    +local function set_wallpaper(s)
    +    -- Wallpaper
    +    if `beautiful.wallpaper` then
    +        local wallpaper = `beautiful.wallpaper`
    +        -- If wallpaper is a function, call it with the screen
    +        if type(wallpaper) == "function" then
    +            wallpaper = wallpaper(s)
    +        end
    +        `gears.wallpaper.maximized`(wallpaper, s, true)
    +    end
    +-- Re-set wallpaper when a screen's geometry changes (e.g. different resolution)
    +`screen.connect_signal`("property::geometry", set_wallpaper)

Tags need to be created for each screens, the old static initialization cannot
work. Remove this section.

    --- {{{ Tags
    --- Define a tag table which hold all screen tags.
    -tags = {}
    -for s = 1, `screen.count`() do
    -    -- Each screen has its own tag table.
    -    tags[s] = awful.tag({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, s, layouts[1])
    - end
    --- }}}

The textclock is now part of the `wibox` library, rename it.

    -- {{{ Wibar
     -- Create a textclock widget
    -mytextclock = `awful.widget.textclock`()
    +mytextclock = `wibox.widget.textclock`()

Widgets were previously added to static global tables. This isn't going to
behave correctly when screen are added and removed. Remove this section.

      -- Create a wibox for each screen and add it
     -mywibox = {}
     -mypromptbox = {}
     -mylayoutbox = {}
     -mytaglist = {}
     -mytasklist = {}

Many functions have been converted to methods. The old functions are deprecated,
they are still supported, but will be removed in the next release.

    -mytaglist.buttons = awful.util.table.join(
    +local taglist_buttons = awful.util.table.join(
    -                    awful.button({ }, 1, `awful.tag.viewonly`),
    +                    awful.button({ }, 1, function(t) t:`view_only`() end),
    -                    awful.button({ modkey }, 1, `awful.client.movetotag`),
    +                    awful.button({ modkey }, 1, function(t)
    +                                              if `client.focus` then
    +                                                  `client.focus:move_to_tag`(t)
    +                                              end
    +                                          end),
                         `awful.button`({ }, 3, `awful.tag.viewtoggle`),
    -                    `awful.button`({ modkey }, 3, `awful.client.toggletag`),
    +                    `awful.button`({ modkey }, 3, function(t)
    +                                              if client.focus then
    +                                                  client.focus:toggle_tag(t)
    +                                              end
    +                                          end),
    -                    `awful.button`({ }, 4, function(t) `awful.tag.viewnext`(awful.tag.getscreen(t)) end),
    -                    `awful.button`({ }, 5, function(t) `awful.tag.viewprev`(awful.tag.getscreen(t)) end)
    +                    `awful.button`({ }, 4, function(t) `awful.tag.viewnext`(t.screen) end),
    +                    `awful.button`({ }, 5, function(t) `awful.tag.viewprev`(t.screen) end)

    -mytasklist.buttons = awful.util.table.join(
    +local tasklist_buttons = awful.util.table.join(
                          awful.button({ }, 1, function (c)
                                                   if c == `client.focus` then
                                                       c.minimized = true
                                                       -- Without this, the following
                                                       -- :isvisible() makes no sense
                                                       c.minimized = false
    -                                                  if not c:isvisible() then
    -                                                      `awful.tag.viewonly`(c:tags()[1])
    +                                                  if not c:isvisible() and c.`first_tag` then
    +                                                      c.first_tag:view_only()
                                                       -- This will also un-minimize
                                                       -- the client, if needed

This section is **very important**. This is where adding and removing screens is
handled (including during startup). Note that the `mysomething` table
previously removed are replaced by custom screens attributes.

    -for s = 1, `screen.count`() do
    +    -- Wallpaper
    +    set_wallpaper(s)
    +    -- Each screen has its own tag table.
    +    awful.tag({ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" }, s, awful.layout.layouts[1])
         -- Create a promptbox for each screen
    -    mypromptbox[s] = `awful.widget.prompt`()
    +    s.mypromptbox = `awful.widget.prompt`()
         -- Create an imagebox widget which will contains an icon indicating which layout we're using.
         -- We need one layoutbox per screen.
    -    mylayoutbox[s] = `awful.widget.layoutbox`(s)
    +    s.mylayoutbox = `awful.widget.layoutbox`(s)
    -    mylayoutbox[s]:buttons(`awful.util.table.join`(
    +    s.mylayoutbox:buttons(`awful.util.table.join`(
                                `awful.button`({ }, 1, function () `awful.layout.inc`( 1) end),
                                `awful.button`({ }, 3, function () `awful.layout.inc`(-1) end),
                                `awful.button`({ }, 4, function () `awful.layout.inc`( 1) end),
                                `awful.button`({ }, 5, function () `awful.layout.inc`(-1) end)))
         -- Create a taglist widget
    -    mytaglist[s] = `awful.widget.taglist`(s, `awful.widget.taglist.filter.all`, mytaglist.buttons)
    +    s.mytaglist = `awful.widget.taglist`(s, `awful.widget.taglist.filter.all`, taglist_buttons)

         -- Create a tasklist widget
    -    mytasklist[s] = `awful.widget.tasklist`(s, `awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags`, mytasklist.buttons)
    +    s.mytasklist = `awful.widget.tasklist`(s, `awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags`, tasklist_buttons)

         -- Create the wibox
    -    mywibox[s] = `awful.wibox`({ position = "top", screen = s })
    +    s.mywibox = `awful.wibar`({ position = "top", screen = s })

         -- Widgets that are aligned to the left
         local left_layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
    -    left_layout:add(mylauncher)
    -    left_layout:add(mytaglist[s])
    -    left_layout:add(mypromptbox[s])
    +    left_layout:add(s.mytaglist)
    +    left_layout:add(s.mypromptbox)

        -- Widgets that are aligned to the right
         local right_layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
    -    if s == 1 then right_layout:add(wibox.widget.systray()) end
    +    right_layout:add(wibox.widget.systray())
    -    right_layout:add(mylayoutbox[s])
    +    right_layout:add(s.mylayoutbox)

         -- Now bring it all together (with the tasklist in the middle)
         local layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal()
    -    layout:set_middle(mytasklist[s])
    +    layout:set_middle(s.mytasklist)

    -    mywibox[s]:set_widget(layout)
    +    s.mywibox:set_widget(layout)
     -- }}}

`awful.util.spawn` is now called `awful.spawn`.

    -- Standard program
    -    `awful.key`({ modkey,           }, "Return", function () `awful.util.spawn`(terminal) end),
    +    `awful.key`({ modkey,           }, "Return", function () `awful.spawn`(terminal) end),

Another dynamic screen related changes.

     -- Prompt
    -    awful.key({ modkey },            "r",     function () mypromptbox[mouse.screen]:run() end),
    +    awful.key({ modkey },            "r",     function () `awful.screen.focused`().mypromptbox:run() end),

`awful.prompt` now uses a more future proof arguments table instead of many
optional arguments.

         awful.key({ modkey }, "x",
                   function ()
    -                  `awful.prompt.run`({ prompt = "Run Lua code: " },
    -                  mypromptbox[mouse.screen].widget,
    -                  `awful.util.eval`, nil,
    -                  `awful.util.getdir`("cache") .. "/history_eval")
    -              end),
    +                  awful.prompt.run {
    +                    prompt       = "Run Lua code: ",
    +                    textbox      = `awful.screen.focused`().mypromptbox.widget,
    +                    exe_callback = `awful.util.eval`,
    +                    history_path = `awful.util.get_cache_dir`() .. "/history_eval"
    +                  }
    +              end),

Another function-to-method API change:

    -    `awful.key`({ modkey,           }, "o",      `awful.client.movetoscreen`                        ),
    +    `awful.key`({ modkey,           }, "o",      function (c) c:`move_to_screen`()               end),

The `mod4+[1-9]` keybindings also have some changes related to deprecated

    -- Bind all key numbers to tags.
    -- Be careful: we use keycodes to make it works on any keyboard layout.
    -- This should map on the top row of your keyboard, usually 1 to 9.
    for i = 1, 9 do
              -- View tag only.
              awful.key({ modkey }, "#" .. i + 9,
                        function ()
     -                        local screen = `mouse.screen`
     -                        local tag = `awful.tag.gettags`(screen)[i]
     +                        local screen = `awful.screen.focused`()
     +                        local tag = `screen.tags`[i]
                              if tag then
     -                           `awful.tag.viewonly`(tag)
     +                           `tag:view_only`()
     -        -- Toggle tag.
     +        -- Toggle tag display.
              awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "#" .. i + 9,
                        function ()
     -                      local screen = `mouse.screen`
     -                      local tag = `awful.tag.gettags`(screen)[i]
     +                      local screen = `awful.screen.focused`()
     +                      local tag = `screen.tags`[i]
                            if tag then
     for i = 1, 9 do
              awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "#" .. i + 9,
                        function ()
                            if client.focus then
     -                          local tag = `awful.tag.gettags`(client.focus.screen)[i]
     +                          local tag = `client.focus.screen.tags`[i]
                                if tag then
     -                              `awful.client.movetotag`(tag)
     +                              `client.focus:move_to_tag`(tag)
     -        -- Toggle tag.
     +        -- Toggle tag on focused client.
              awful.key({ modkey, "Control", "Shift" }, "#" .. i + 9,
                        function ()
                            if client.focus then
     -                          local tag = `awful.tag.gettags`(client.focus.screen)[i]
     +                          local tag = `client.focus.screen.tags`[i]
                                if tag then
     -                              `awful.client.toggletag`(tag)
     +                              `client.focus:toggle_tag`(tag)
     -                  end))
     +                  end),
     +    )

The default rules need to be changed to avoid having offscreen clients:

     awful.rules.rules = {
         -- All clients will match this rule.
         { rule = { },
           properties = { border_width = beautiful.border_width,
               awful.rules.rules = {
                          focus = awful.client.focus.filter,
                          raise = true,
                          keys = clientkeys,
     +                     buttons = clientbuttons,
     +                     screen = `awful.screen.preferred`,
     +                     placement = `awful.placement.no_overlap`+`awful.placement.no_offscreen`

The `tags` global table has been removed to support dynamic screens, you can
now access tags by name.

    -    --   properties = { tag = tags[1][2] } },
    +    --   properties = { screen = 1, tag = "2" } },