--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @author Uli Schlachter -- @copyright 2010 Uli Schlachter -- @module gears.debug --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local tostring = tostring local print = print local type = type local pairs = pairs local debug = {} --- Given a table (or any other data) return a string that contains its -- tag, value and type. If data is a table then recursively call `dump_raw` -- on each of its values. -- @param data Value to inspect. -- @param shift Spaces to indent lines with. -- @param tag The name of the value. -- @tparam[opt=10] int depth Depth of recursion. -- @return a string which contains tag, value, value type and table key/value -- pairs if data is a table. local function dump_raw(data, shift, tag, depth) depth = depth == nil and 10 or depth or 0 local result = "" if tag then result = result .. tostring(tag) .. " : " end if type(data) == "table" and depth > 0 then shift = (shift or "") .. " " result = result .. tostring(data) for k, v in pairs(data) do result = result .. "\n" .. shift .. dump_raw(v, shift, k, depth - 1) end else result = result .. tostring(data) .. " (" .. type(data) .. ")" if depth == 0 and type(data) == "table" then result = result .. " […]" end end return result end --- Inspect the value in data. -- @param data Value to inspect. -- @param tag The name of the value. -- @tparam[opt] int depth Depth of recursion. -- @return string A string that contains the expanded value of data. function debug.dump_return(data, tag, depth) return dump_raw(data, nil, tag, depth) end --- Print the table (or any other value) to the console. -- @param data Table to print. -- @param tag The name of the table. -- @tparam[opt] int depth Depth of recursion. function debug.dump(data, tag, depth) print(debug.dump_return(data, tag, depth)) end --- Print an warning message -- @tparam string message The warning message to print function debug.print_warning(message) io.stderr:write(os.date("%Y-%m-%d %T W: awesome: ") .. tostring(message) .. "\n") end --- Print an error message -- @tparam string message The error message to print function debug.print_error(message) io.stderr:write(os.date("%Y-%m-%d %T E: awesome: ") .. tostring(message) .. "\n") end local displayed_deprecations = {} --- Display a deprecation notice, but only once per traceback. -- -- This function also emits the `debug::deprecate` signal on the `awesome` -- global object. -- -- @param[opt] see The message to a new method / function to use. -- @tparam table args Extra arguments -- @tparam boolean args.raw Print the message as-is without the automatic context -- @tparam integer args.deprecated_in Print the message only when Awesome's -- version is equal to or greater than deprecated_in. function debug.deprecate(see, args) args = args or {} if args.deprecated_in then local dep_ver = "v" .. tostring(args.deprecated_in) if awesome.version < dep_ver then return end end local tb = _G.debug.traceback() if displayed_deprecations[tb] then return end displayed_deprecations[tb] = true -- Get function name/desc from caller. local info = _G.debug.getinfo(2, "n") local funcname = info.name or "?" local msg = "awful: function " .. funcname .. " is deprecated" if see then if args.raw then msg = see elseif string.sub(see, 1, 3) == 'Use' then msg = msg .. ". " .. see else msg = msg .. ", see " .. see end end debug.print_warning(msg .. ".\n" .. tb) if awesome then awesome.emit_signal("debug::deprecation", msg, see, args) end end --- Create a class proxy with deprecation messages. -- This is useful when a class has moved somewhere else. -- @tparam table fallback The new class -- @tparam string old_name The old class name -- @tparam string new_name The new class name -- @treturn table A proxy class. function debug.deprecate_class(fallback, old_name, new_name) local message = old_name.." has been renamed to "..new_name local function call(_,...) debug.deprecate(message, {raw = true}) return fallback(...) end local function index(_, k) debug.deprecate(message, {raw = true}) return fallback[k] end local function newindex(_, k, v) debug.deprecate(message, {raw = true}) fallback[k] = v end return setmetatable({}, {__call = call, __index = index, __newindex = newindex}) end return debug -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80