---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Generate vector assets using current colors. -- -- @author Yauhen Kirylau <yawghen@gmail.com> -- @copyright 2015 Yauhen Kirylau -- @module beautiful.theme_assets ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- local cairo = require("lgi").cairo local gears_color = require("gears.color") local recolor_image = gears_color.recolor_image local screen = screen local theme_assets = {} --- Generate selected taglist square. -- @tparam number size Size. -- @tparam color fg Background color. -- @return Image with the square. function theme_assets.taglist_squares_sel(size, fg) local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, size, size) local cr = cairo.Context(img) cr:set_source(gears_color(fg)) cr:paint() return img end --- Generate unselected taglist square. -- @tparam number size Size. -- @tparam color fg Background color. -- @return Image with the square. function theme_assets.taglist_squares_unsel(size, fg) local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, size, size) local cr = cairo.Context(img) cr:set_source(gears_color(fg)) cr:set_line_width(size/4) cr:rectangle(0, 0, size, size) cr:stroke() return img end local function make_letter(cr, n, lines, size, bg, fg, alt_fg) local letter_gap = size/6 local function make_line(coords) for i, coord in ipairs(coords) do if i == 1 then cr:rel_move_to(coord[1], coord[2]) else cr:rel_line_to(coord[1], coord[2]) end end cr:stroke() end lines = lines or {} local color = alt_fg or fg cr:set_source(gears_color(color)) cr:rectangle( 0, (size+letter_gap)*n, size, size ) cr:fill() if bg then cr:set_source(gears_color(bg)) else cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.CLEAR) end for _, line in ipairs(lines) do cr:move_to(0, (size+letter_gap)*n) make_line(line) end cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.OVER) end --- Put Awesome WM name onto cairo surface. -- @param cr Cairo surface. -- @tparam number height Height. -- @tparam color bg Background color. -- @tparam color fg Main foreground color. -- @tparam color alt_fg Accent foreground color. function theme_assets.gen_awesome_name(cr, height, bg, fg, alt_fg) local ls = height/10 -- letter_size local letter_line = ls/18 cr:set_line_width(letter_line) -- a make_letter(cr, 0, { { { 0, ls/3 }, { ls*2/3, 0 }, }, { { ls/3, ls*2/3 }, { ls/3, 0 }, { 0, ls/3 }, } }, ls, bg, fg, alt_fg) -- w make_letter(cr, 1, { { { ls/3, 0 }, { 0,ls*2/3 }, }, { { ls*2/3, 0 }, { 0,ls*2/3 }, } }, ls, bg, fg) -- e make_letter(cr, 2, { { { ls/3, ls/3 }, { ls*2/3, 0 }, }, { { ls/3, ls*2/3 }, { ls*2/3, 0 }, } }, ls, bg, fg) -- s make_letter(cr, 3, { { { ls/3, ls/3 }, { ls*2/3, 0 }, }, { { 0, ls*2/3 }, { ls*2/3, 0 }, } }, ls, bg, fg) -- o make_letter(cr, 4, { { { ls/2, ls/3 }, { 0, ls/3 }, } }, ls, bg, fg) -- m make_letter(cr, 5, { { { ls/3, ls/3 }, { 0,ls*2/3 }, }, { { ls*2/3, ls/3 }, { 0,ls*2/3 }, } }, ls, bg, fg) -- e make_letter(cr, 6, { { { ls/3, ls/3 }, { ls*2/3, 0 }, }, { { ls/3, ls*2/3 }, { ls*2/3, 0 }, } }, ls, bg, fg) end --- Put Awesome WM logo onto cairo surface. -- @param cr Cairo surface. -- @tparam number width Width. -- @tparam number height Height. -- @tparam color bg Background color. -- @tparam color fg Foreground color. function theme_assets.gen_logo(cr, width, height, bg, fg) local ls = math.min(width, height) local letter_line = ls/18 cr:set_line_width(letter_line) make_letter(cr, 0, { { { 0, ls/3 }, { ls*2/3, 0 }, }, { { ls/3, ls*2/3 }, { ls/3, 0 }, { 0, ls/3 }, } }, ls, bg, fg) end --- Generate Awesome WM logo. -- @tparam number size Size. -- @tparam color bg Background color. -- @tparam color fg Background color. -- @return Image with the logo. function theme_assets.awesome_icon(size, bg, fg) local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, size, size) local cr = cairo.Context(img) theme_assets.gen_logo(cr, size, size, fg, bg) return img end --- Generate Awesome WM wallpaper. -- @tparam color bg Background color. -- @tparam color fg Main foreground color. -- @tparam color alt_fg Accent foreground color. -- @tparam screen s Screen (to get wallpaper size). -- @return Wallpaper image. function theme_assets.wallpaper(bg, fg, alt_fg, s) s = s or screen.primary local height = s.workarea.height local width = s.workarea.width local img = cairo.RecordingSurface(cairo.Content.COLOR, cairo.Rectangle { x = 0, y = 0, width = width, height = height }) local cr = cairo.Context(img) local letter_start_x = width - width / 10 local letter_start_y = height / 10 cr:translate(letter_start_x, letter_start_y) -- background cr:set_source(gears_color(bg)) cr:paint() theme_assets.gen_awesome_name(cr, height, bg, fg, alt_fg) return img end --- Recolor unfocused titlebar icons. -- @tparam table theme Beautiful theme table -- @tparam color color Icons' color. -- @treturn table Beautiful theme table with the images recolored. function theme_assets.recolor_titlebar_normal(theme, color) for _, titlebar_icon in ipairs({ 'titlebar_close_button_normal', 'titlebar_minimize_button_normal', 'titlebar_ontop_button_normal_inactive', 'titlebar_ontop_button_normal_active', 'titlebar_sticky_button_normal_inactive', 'titlebar_sticky_button_normal_active', 'titlebar_floating_button_normal_inactive', 'titlebar_floating_button_normal_active', 'titlebar_maximized_button_normal_inactive', 'titlebar_maximized_button_normal_active', }) do theme[titlebar_icon] = recolor_image(theme[titlebar_icon], color) end return theme end --- Recolor focused titlebar icons. -- @tparam table theme Beautiful theme table -- @tparam color color Icons' color. -- @treturn table Beautiful theme table with the images recolored. function theme_assets.recolor_titlebar_focus(theme, color) for _, titlebar_icon in ipairs({ 'titlebar_close_button_focus', 'titlebar_minimize_button_focus', 'titlebar_ontop_button_focus_inactive', 'titlebar_ontop_button_focus_active', 'titlebar_sticky_button_focus_inactive', 'titlebar_sticky_button_focus_active', 'titlebar_floating_button_focus_inactive', 'titlebar_floating_button_focus_active', 'titlebar_maximized_button_focus_inactive', 'titlebar_maximized_button_focus_active', }) do theme[titlebar_icon] = recolor_image(theme[titlebar_icon], color) end return theme end --- Recolor layout icons. -- @tparam table theme Beautiful theme table -- @tparam color color Icons' color. -- @treturn table Beautiful theme table with the images recolored. function theme_assets.recolor_layout(theme, color) for _, layout_name in ipairs({ 'layout_fairh', 'layout_fairv', 'layout_floating', 'layout_magnifier', 'layout_max', 'layout_fullscreen', 'layout_tilebottom', 'layout_tileleft', 'layout_tile', 'layout_tiletop', 'layout_spiral', 'layout_dwindle', 'layout_cornernw', 'layout_cornerne', 'layout_cornersw', 'layout_cornerse', }) do theme[layout_name] = recolor_image(theme[layout_name], color) end return theme end return theme_assets -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80