--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --@DOC_wibox_widget_defaults_imagebox_EXAMPLE@ -- @author Uli Schlachter -- @copyright 2010 Uli Schlachter -- @widgetmod wibox.widget.imagebox --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local lgi = require("lgi") local cairo = lgi.cairo local base = require("wibox.widget.base") local surface = require("gears.surface") local gtable = require("gears.table") local gdebug = require("gears.debug") local setmetatable = setmetatable local type = type local math = math local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1) -- Safe load for optional Rsvg module local Rsvg = nil do local success, err = pcall(function() Rsvg = lgi.Rsvg end) if not success then gdebug.print_warning(debug.traceback("Could not load Rsvg: " .. tostring(err))) end end local imagebox = { mt = {} } local rsvg_handle_cache = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'v' }) ---Load rsvg handle form image file ---@tparam string file Path to svg file. ---@return Rsvg handle local function load_rsvg_handle(file) if not Rsvg then return end local cache = rsvg_handle_cache[file] if cache then return cache end local handle, err = Rsvg.Handle.new_from_file(file) if not err then rsvg_handle_cache[file] = handle return handle end end -- Draw an imagebox with the given cairo context in the given geometry. function imagebox:draw(_, cr, width, height) if width == 0 or height == 0 or not self._private.default then return end -- Set the clip if self._private.clip_shape then cr:clip(self._private.clip_shape(cr, width, height, unpack(self._private.clip_args))) end if not self._private.resize_forbidden then -- Let's scale the image so that it fits into (width, height) local w, h = self._private.default.width, self._private.default.height local aspect = math.min(width / w, height / h) cr:scale(aspect, aspect) end if self._private.handle then self._private.handle:render_cairo(cr) else cr:set_source_surface(self._private.image, 0, 0) cr:paint() end end -- Fit the imagebox into the given geometry function imagebox:fit(_, width, height) if not self._private.default then return 0, 0 end local w, h = self._private.default.width, self._private.default.height if not self._private.resize_forbidden or w > width or h > height then local aspect = math.min(width / w, height / h) return w * aspect, h * aspect end return w, h end ---Apply cairo surface for given imagebox widget local function set_surface(ib, surf) local is_surd_valid = surf.width > 0 and surf.height > 0 if not is_surd_valid then return end ib._private.default = { width = surf.width, height = surf.height } ib._private.handle = nil ib._private.image = surf return true end ---Apply RsvgHandle for given imagebox widget local function set_handle(ib, handle) local dim = handle:get_dimensions() local is_handle_valid = dim.width > 0 and dim.height > 0 if not is_handle_valid then return end ib._private.default = { width = dim.width, height = dim.height } ib._private.handle = handle ib._private.image = nil return true end ---Try to load some image object from file then apply it to imagebox. ---@tparam table ib Imagebox ---@tparam string file Image file name ---@tparam function image_loader Function to load image object from file ---@tparam function image_setter Function to set image object to imagebox ---@treturn boolean True if image was successfully applied local function load_and_apply(ib, file, image_loader, image_setter) local image_applied local object = image_loader(file) if object then image_applied = image_setter(ib, object) end return image_applied end --- Set an imagebox' image -- @property image -- @param image This can can be string, cairo image surface, rsvg handle object or nil. A string is -- interpreted as the path to an image file. Nil will deny previously set image. -- @return true on success, false if the image cannot be used function imagebox:set_image(image) local setup_succeed if type(image) == "userdata" then -- This function is not documented to handle userdata objects, but -- historically it did, and it did by just assuming they refer to a -- cairo surface. image = surface.load(image) end if type(image) == "string" then -- try to load rsvg handle from file setup_succeed = load_and_apply(self, image, load_rsvg_handle, set_handle) if not setup_succeed then -- rsvg handle failed, try to load cairo surface with pixbuf setup_succeed = load_and_apply(self, image, surface.load, set_surface) end elseif Rsvg and Rsvg.Handle:is_type_of(image) then -- try to apply given rsvg handle setup_succeed = set_handle(self, image) elseif cairo.Surface:is_type_of(image) then -- try to apply given cairo surface setup_succeed = set_surface(self, image) elseif not image then -- nil as argument mean full imagebox reset setup_succeed = true self._private.handle = nil self._private.image = nil self._private.default = nil end if not setup_succeed then return false end self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") return true end --- Set a clip shape for this imagebox -- A clip shape define an area where the content is displayed and one where it -- is trimmed. -- -- @property clip_shape -- @tparam gears.shape clip_shape A `gears_shape` compatible shape function -- @see gears.shape -- @see set_clip_shape --- Set a clip shape for this imagebox -- A clip shape define an area where the content is displayed and one where it -- is trimmed. -- -- Any other parameters will be passed to the clip shape function -- -- @tparam function clip_shape A `gears_shape` compatible shape function. -- @method set_clip_shape -- @see gears.shape -- @see clip_shape function imagebox:set_clip_shape(clip_shape, ...) self._private.clip_shape = clip_shape self._private.clip_args = {...} self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") end --- Should the image be resized to fit into the available space? -- @property resize -- @param allowed If false, the image will be clipped, else it will be resized -- to fit into the available space. function imagebox:set_resize(allowed) self._private.resize_forbidden = not allowed self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") end --- Returns a new imagebox. -- Any other arguments will be passed to the clip shape function -- @param image the image to display, may be nil -- @param resize_allowed If false, the image will be clipped, else it will be resized -- to fit into the available space. -- @param clip_shape A `gears.shape` compatible function -- @treturn table A new `imagebox` -- @constructorfct wibox.widget.imagebox local function new(image, resize_allowed, clip_shape) local ret = base.make_widget(nil, nil, {enable_properties = true}) gtable.crush(ret, imagebox, true) if image then ret:set_image(image) end if resize_allowed ~= nil then ret:set_resize(resize_allowed) end ret._private.clip_shape = clip_shape ret._private.clip_args = {} return ret end function imagebox.mt:__call(...) return new(...) end --@DOC_widget_COMMON@ --@DOC_object_COMMON@ return setmetatable(imagebox, imagebox.mt) -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80