-- Some benchmarks that aren't really tests, but are included here anyway so -- that we notice if they break. local runner = require("_runner") local awful = require("awful") local GLib = require("lgi").GLib local create_wibox = require("_wibox_helper").create_wibox local BENCHMARK_EXACT = os.getenv("BENCHMARK_EXACT") if not BENCHMARK_EXACT then print("Doing quick and inexact measurements. Set BENCHMARK_EXACT=1 as an ".. "environment variable when you actually want to look at the results.") end local measure, benchmark do local timer_measure = GLib.Timer() measure = function(f, iter) timer_measure:start() for _ = 1, iter do f() end local elapsed = timer_measure:elapsed() return elapsed / iter, elapsed end local timer_benchmark = GLib.Timer() benchmark = function(f, msg) timer_benchmark:start() local iters = 1 local time_per_iter, time_total = measure(f, iters) -- To improve precision, we want to loop for this long local target_time = 1 while time_total < target_time and BENCHMARK_EXACT do iters = math.ceil(target_time / time_per_iter) time_per_iter, time_total = measure(f, iters) end print(string.format("%20s: %-10.6g sec/iter (%3d iters, %.4g sec for benchmark)", msg, time_per_iter, iters, timer_benchmark:elapsed())) end end local function do_pending_repaint() awesome.emit_signal("refresh") end local function create_and_draw_wibox() create_wibox() do_pending_repaint() end local _, textclock = create_wibox() local function relayout_textclock() textclock:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") do_pending_repaint() end local function redraw_textclock() textclock:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") do_pending_repaint() end local function update_textclock() textclock:emit_signal("widget::updated") do_pending_repaint() end local function e2e_tag_switch() awful.tag.viewnext() do_pending_repaint() end benchmark(create_and_draw_wibox, "create&draw wibox") benchmark(update_textclock, "update textclock") benchmark(relayout_textclock, "relayout textclock") benchmark(redraw_textclock, "redraw textclock") benchmark(e2e_tag_switch, "tag switch") runner.run_steps({ function() return true end }) -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80