Module: $(
# if module.tags.include then $(M(ldoc.include_file(module.tags.include))) # end # if module.see then # local li,il = use_li(module.see)See also:
# for see in iter(module.see) do
# end -- for
# for usage in iter(module.usage) do
$(ldoc.escape(usage))$(il) # end -- for # end -- if usage # if then
# for tag, value in do
- $(tag): $(M(value,module)) # end
$(dn) | $(item.display_type) | # else$(dn) | # end$(M(item.summary,item)) | # if item.inherited then Inherited from $(item.baseclass) # end |
#end -- if not no_summary # --- currently works for both Functions and Tables. The params field either contains # --- function parameters or table fields. # local show_return = not ldoc.no_return_or_parms # local show_parms, last_kind = show_return, "" # for kind, items in module.kinds() do # local kitem = module.kinds:get_item(kind) # local has_description = kitem and ldoc.descript(kitem) ~= "" # if not kind:match("^ldoc_skip") then # if last_kind ~= "" then # end
# end $(M(module.kinds:get_section_description(kind),nil)) # if kitem then # if has_description then
# end
# if kitem.usage then
$(ldoc.prettify(kitem.usage[1]))# end # end # if not kind:match("^ldoc_skip") then
# end
# for item in items() do
- $(display_name(item)) # if item.display_type then ($(item.display_type)) # end # if item.inherited then · Inherited from $(item.baseclass) # end # if ldoc.prettify_files and ldoc.is_file_prettified[item.module.file.filename] then line $(item.lineno) # end
# if show_parms and item.params and #item.params > 0 and not item.hide_params then
# local subnames = module.kinds:type_of(item).subnames
# if subnames then
# end-
# for parm in iter(item.params) do
# local param,sublist = item:subparam(parm)
# if sublist then
- $(sublist)$(M([sublist],item))
# end
# for p in iter(param) do
# local name,tp,def = item:display_name_of(p), ldoc.typename(item:type_of_param(p)), item:default_of_param(p)
- $(name) # if tp ~= '' then $(tp) # end $(M([p],item)) # if def == true then (optional) # elseif def then (default $(def)) # end # if item:readonly(p) then readonly # end # end # if sublist then
# for i,group in ldoc.ipairs(groups) do local li,il = use_li(group)-
# for r in group:iter() do local type, ctypes = item:return_type(r); local rt = ldoc.typename(type)
# if rt ~= '' then
# end
# if ctypes then
- $( $(ldoc.typename(c.type)) $(M(c.comment,item)) # end
# for c in ctypes:iter() do
# end # end -- for group # end -- if returns # if show_return and item.raise thenRaises:
$(M(item.raise,item)) # end # if item.see then # local li,il = use_li(item.see)See also:
# for see in iter(item.see) do
# end -- for
# for usage in iter(item.usage) do
$(il) # end -- for # end -- if usage # if ldoc.custom_tags then # for custom in iter(ldoc.custom_tags) do # local tag = item.tags[custom[1]] # if tag and not custom.hidden then # local group_begin, group_end, row_type_begin, row_type_end, group_header = item.get_delim(custom[1])$(custom.title or custom[1]):
<$(group_begin)> # if group_header then# for _, g in ldoc.ipairs(group_header) do # end -- if group_header then # for value in iter(tag) do <$(row_type_begin)>$(custom.format and custom.format(value, item, M) or M(value))$(row_type_end)> # local sub_values, sub_custom = item.get_auto_params(custom[1], value) # if sub_values then$(g) # end -- for g-
# for _, value in ldoc.ipairs(sub_values) do
- $(sub_custom.format(value, item, M)) # end -- for auto_params
# end -- for items
# last_kind = kind
# end -- for kinds
- $(sublist)$(M([sublist],item))
# end # if ldoc.full_description then$(M(ldoc.full_description,nil))
# end # for kind, mods in ldoc.kinds() do$(kind)
# kind = kind:lower()$( | $(M(ldoc.strip_header(m.summary),m)) |