local awful = require("awful") local test_client = require("_client") awful.util.deprecate = function() end local has_spawned = false local steps = { function(count) if count <= 1 and not has_spawned and #client.get() < 2 then awful.spawn("xterm") awful.spawn("xterm") has_spawned = true elseif #client.get() >= 2 then -- Test properties client.focus = client.get()[1] local c = client.focus -- local c2 = client.get()[2] c.foo = "bar" -- Check if the property system works assert(c.foo == "bar") assert(c.foo == awful.client.property.get(c, "foo")) -- Test jumpto --FIXME doesn't work -- c2:jump_to() -- assert(client.focus == c2) -- awful.client.jumpto(c) -- assert(client.focus == c) -- Test moveresize c.size_hints_honor = false c:geometry {x=0,y=0,width=50,height=50} c:relative_move( 100, 100, 50, 50 ) for _,v in pairs(c:geometry()) do assert(v == 100) end awful.client.moveresize(-25, -25, -25, -25, c ) for _,v in pairs(c:geometry()) do assert(v == 75) end -- Test movetotag local t = mouse.screen.tags[1] local t2 = mouse.screen.tags[2] c:tags{t} assert(c:tags()[1] == t) c:move_to_tag(t2) assert(c:tags()[1] == t2) awful.client.movetotag(t, c) assert(c:tags()[1] == t) -- Test toggletag c:tags{t} c:toggle_tag(t2) assert(c:tags()[1] == t2 or c:tags()[2] == t2) awful.client.toggletag(t2, c) assert(c:tags()[1] == t and c:tags()[1] ~= t2 and c:tags()[2] == nil) -- Test floating assert(c.floating ~= nil and type(c.floating) == "boolean") c.floating = true assert(awful.client.floating.get(c)) awful.client.floating.set(c, false) assert(not c.floating) return true end end } local original_count, c1, c2 = 0 -- Check request::activate table.insert(steps, function() c1, c2 = client.get()[1], client.get()[2] -- This should still be the case assert(client.focus == c1) c2:emit_signal("request::activate", "i_said_so") return true end) -- Check if writing a focus stealing filter works. table.insert(steps, function() -- This should still be the case assert(client.focus == c2) original_count = #awful.ewmh.generic_activate_filters awful.ewmh.add_activate_filter(function(c) if c == c1 then return false end end) c1:emit_signal("request::activate", "i_said_so") return true end) table.insert(steps, function() -- The request should have been denied assert(client.focus == c2) -- Test the remove function awful.ewmh.remove_activate_filter(function() end) awful.ewmh.add_activate_filter(awful.ewmh.generic_activate_filters[1]) awful.ewmh.remove_activate_filter(awful.ewmh.generic_activate_filters[1]) assert(original_count == #awful.ewmh.generic_activate_filters) c1:emit_signal("request::activate", "i_said_so") return client.focus == c1 end) local has_error -- Disable awful.screen.preferred(c) awful.rules.rules[1].properties.screen = nil table.insert(steps, function() -- Make sure there is no extra callbacks that causes double screen changes -- (regress #1028 #1052) client.connect_signal("property::screen",function(c) if c.class and c.class ~= "screen"..c.screen.index then has_error = table.concat { "An unexpected screen change did occur\n", debug.traceback(),"\n", c.class, " Screen: ",c.screen.index } end end) return true end) local multi_screen_steps = {} -- Add a test client on each screen. table.insert(multi_screen_steps, function() has_error = false for i=1, screen.count() do local s = screen[i] test_client("screen"..i, nil, { screen = s, }) end return true end) -- Test if the clients have been placed on the right screen table.insert(multi_screen_steps, function() if #client.get() ~= screen.count() then return end if has_error then print(has_error) end assert(not has_error) for i=1, screen.count() do local s = screen[i] -- Just in case for _, t in ipairs(s.selected_tags) do assert(t.screen == s) end local t = s.selected_tag assert(t and t.screen == s) -- In case the next step has failed, find what went wrong for _, c in ipairs(t:clients()) do -- This is _supposed_ to be impossible, but can be forced by buggy -- lua code. if c.screen ~= t.screen then local tags = c:tags() for _, t2 in ipairs(tags) do assert(t2.screen == c.screen) end assert(false) end assert(c.screen.index == i) end -- Check that the right client is placed, the loop above will trigger -- asserts already, but in case the tag has more than 1 client and -- everything is messed up, those asserts are still necessary. assert(#t:clients() == 1) assert(t:clients()[1].class == "screen"..i) assert(t:clients()[1].screen == s) -- Make sure it stays where it belongs awful.placement.maximize(t:clients()[1]) assert(t:clients()[1] and t:clients()[1].screen == t.screen) end return true end) -- Test the `new_tag` rule table.insert(multi_screen_steps, function() for _, c in ipairs(client.get()) do c:kill() end if #client.get() == 0 then return true end end) table.insert(multi_screen_steps, function() for i=1, screen.count() do local s = screen[i] test_client("screen"..i, nil, { new_tag = { name = "NEW_AT_"..i, screen = s, } }) end return true end) table.insert(multi_screen_steps, function() if #client.get() ~= screen.count() then return end for _, c in ipairs(client.get()) do assert(#c:tags() == 1) assert(c.first_tag.name == "NEW_AT_"..c.screen.index) end -- Kill the client for _, c in ipairs(client.get()) do c:kill() end return true end) table.insert(multi_screen_steps, function() if #client.get() == 0 then return true end end) table.insert(multi_screen_steps, function() if screen.count() < 2 then return true end -- Now, add client where the target tag and screen don't match test_client("test_tag1", nil, { tag = screen[2].tags[2], screen = screen[1], }) -- Add a client with multiple tags on the same screen, but not c.screen test_client("test_tags1", nil, { tags = { screen[1].tags[3], screen[1].tags[4] }, screen = screen[2], }) -- Identical, but using the tag names test_client("test_tags2", nil, { tags = { "3", "4" }, screen = screen[2], }) -- Also test tags, but with an invalid screen array test_client("test_tags3", nil, { tags = { screen[2].tags[3], screen[1].tags[4] }, screen = screen[1], }) -- Another test for tags, but with no matching names test_client("test_tags4", nil, { tags = { "foobar", "bobcat" }, screen = screen[1], }) return true end) table.insert(multi_screen_steps, function() if screen.count() < 2 then return true end if #client.get() ~= 5 then return end local c_by_class = {} for _, c in ipairs(client.get()) do c_by_class[c.class] = c end assert(c_by_class["test_tag1"].screen == screen[2]) assert(#c_by_class["test_tag1"]:tags() == 1) assert(c_by_class["test_tags1"].screen == screen[1]) assert(#c_by_class["test_tags1"]:tags() == 2) assert(c_by_class["test_tags2"].screen == screen[2]) assert(#c_by_class["test_tags2"]:tags() == 2) assert(c_by_class["test_tags3"].screen == screen[2]) assert(#c_by_class["test_tags3"]:tags() == 1) assert(c_by_class["test_tags4"].screen == screen[1]) assert(#c_by_class["test_tags4"]:tags() == 1) assert(c_by_class["test_tags4"]:tags()[1] == screen[1].selected_tag) return true end) require("_multi_screen")(steps, multi_screen_steps) require("_runner").run_steps(steps)