360 lines
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360 lines
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--- Mouse module for awful
-- @author Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info>
-- @copyright 2008 Julien Danjou
-- @release @AWESOME_VERSION@
-- @module awful.mouse
-- Grab environment we need
local layout = require("awful.layout")
local tag = require("awful.tag")
local aplace = require("awful.placement")
local awibox = require("awful.wibox")
local util = require("awful.util")
local type = type
local ipairs = ipairs
local capi =
root = root,
mouse = mouse,
screen = screen,
client = client,
mousegrabber = mousegrabber,
local mouse = {
resize = require("awful.mouse.resize")
mouse.client = {}
mouse.wibox = {}
--- Get the client object under the pointer.
-- @return The client object under the pointer, if one can be found.
function mouse.client_under_pointer()
local obj = capi.mouse.object_under_pointer()
if type(obj) == "client" then
return obj
--- Get the drawin object under the pointer.
-- @return The drawin object under the pointer, if one can be found.
function mouse.drawin_under_pointer()
local obj = capi.mouse.object_under_pointer()
if type(obj) == "drawin" then
return obj
local function snap_outside(g, sg, snap)
if g.x < snap + sg.x + sg.width and g.x > sg.x + sg.width then
g.x = sg.x + sg.width
elseif g.x + g.width < sg.x and g.x + g.width > sg.x - snap then
g.x = sg.x - g.width
if g.y < snap + sg.y + sg.height and g.y > sg.y + sg.height then
g.y = sg.y + sg.height
elseif g.y + g.height < sg.y and g.y + g.height > sg.y - snap then
g.y = sg.y - g.height
return g
local function snap_inside(g, sg, snap)
local edgev = 'none'
local edgeh = 'none'
if math.abs(g.x) < snap + sg.x and g.x > sg.x then
edgev = 'left'
g.x = sg.x
elseif math.abs((sg.x + sg.width) - (g.x + g.width)) < snap then
edgev = 'right'
g.x = sg.x + sg.width - g.width
if math.abs(g.y) < snap + sg.y and g.y > sg.y then
edgeh = 'top'
g.y = sg.y
elseif math.abs((sg.y + sg.height) - (g.y + g.height)) < snap then
edgeh = 'bottom'
g.y = sg.y + sg.height - g.height
-- What is the dominant dimension?
if g.width > g.height then
return g, edgeh
return g, edgev
--- Snap a client to the closest client or screen edge.
-- @param c The client to snap.
-- @param snap The pixel to snap clients.
-- @param x The client x coordinate.
-- @param y The client y coordinate.
-- @param fixed_x True if the client isn't allowed to move in the x direction.
-- @param fixed_y True if the client isn't allowed to move in the y direction.
function mouse.client.snap(c, snap, x, y, fixed_x, fixed_y)
snap = snap or 8
c = c or capi.client.focus
local cur_geom = c:geometry()
local geom = c:geometry()
geom.width = geom.width + (2 * c.border_width)
geom.height = geom.height + (2 * c.border_width)
local edge
geom.x = x or geom.x
geom.y = y or geom.y
geom, edge = snap_inside(geom, capi.screen[c.screen].geometry, snap)
geom = snap_inside(geom, capi.screen[c.screen].workarea, snap)
-- Allow certain windows to snap to the edge of the workarea.
-- Only allow docking to workarea for consistency/to avoid problems.
if c.dockable then
local struts = c:struts()
struts['left'] = 0
struts['right'] = 0
struts['top'] = 0
struts['bottom'] = 0
if edge ~= "none" and c.floating then
if edge == "left" or edge == "right" then
struts[edge] = cur_geom.width
elseif edge == "top" or edge == "bottom" then
struts[edge] = cur_geom.height
geom.x = geom.x - (2 * c.border_width)
geom.y = geom.y - (2 * c.border_width)
for _, snapper in ipairs(aclient.visible(c.screen)) do
if snapper ~= c then
geom = snap_outside(geom, snapper:geometry(), snap)
geom.width = geom.width - (2 * c.border_width)
geom.height = geom.height - (2 * c.border_width)
geom.x = geom.x + (2 * c.border_width)
geom.y = geom.y + (2 * c.border_width)
-- It's easiest to undo changes afterwards if they're not allowed
if fixed_x then geom.x = cur_geom.x end
if fixed_y then geom.y = cur_geom.y end
return geom
--- Move a client.
-- @param c The client to move, or the focused one if nil.
-- @param snap The pixel to snap clients.
-- @param finished_cb Deprecated, do not use
function mouse.client.move(c, snap, finished_cb) --luacheck: no unused args
if finished_cb then
util.deprecated("The mouse.client.move `finished_cb` argument is no longer"..
" used, please use awful.mouse.resize.add_leave_callback(f, 'mouse.move')")
c = c or capi.client.focus
if not c
or c.fullscreen
or c.type == "desktop"
or c.type == "splash"
or c.type == "dock" then
-- Compute the offset
local coords = capi.mouse.coords()
local geo = aplace.centered(capi.mouse,{parent=c, pretend=true})
local offset = {
x = geo.x - coords.x,
y = geo.y - coords.y,
mouse.resize(c, "mouse.move", {placement=aplace.under_mouse, offset=offset})
mouse.client.dragtotag = { }
--- Move a client to a tag by dragging it onto the left / right side of the screen
-- @param c The client to move
function mouse.client.dragtotag.border(c)
capi.mousegrabber.run(function (_mouse)
if not c.valid then return false end
local button_down = false
for _, v in ipairs(_mouse.buttons) do
if v then button_down = true end
local wa = capi.screen[c.screen].workarea
if _mouse.x >= wa.x + wa.width then
capi.mouse.coords({ x = wa.x + wa.width - 1 })
elseif _mouse.x <= wa.x then
capi.mouse.coords({ x = wa.x + 1 })
if not button_down then
local tags = c.screen.tags
local t = c.screen.selected_tag
local idx
for i, v in ipairs(tags) do
if v == t then
idx = i
if _mouse.x > wa.x + wa.width - 10 then
local newtag = tags[util.cycle(#tags, idx + 1)]
elseif _mouse.x < wa.x + 10 then
local newtag = tags[util.cycle(#tags, idx - 1)]
return false
return true
end, "fleur")
--- Move the wibox under the cursor
--@param w The wibox to move, or none to use that under the pointer
function mouse.wibox.move(w)
w = w or mouse.wibox_under_pointer()
if not w then return end
local offset = {
x = w.x - capi.mouse.coords().x,
y = w.y - capi.mouse.coords().y
capi.mousegrabber.run(function (_mouse)
local button_down = false
if awibox.get_position(w) == "floating" then
w.x = capi.mouse.coords().x + offset.x
w.y = capi.mouse.coords().y + offset.y
local wa = capi.screen[capi.mouse.screen].workarea
if capi.mouse.coords()["y"] > wa.y + wa.height - 10 then
awibox.set_position(w, "bottom", w.screen)
elseif capi.mouse.coords()["y"] < wa.y + 10 then
awibox.set_position(w, "top", w.screen)
elseif capi.mouse.coords()["x"] > wa.x + wa.width - 10 then
awibox.set_position(w, "right", w.screen)
elseif capi.mouse.coords()["x"] < wa.x + 10 then
awibox.set_position(w, "left", w.screen)
w.screen = capi.mouse.screen
for _, v in ipairs(_mouse.buttons) do
if v then button_down = true end
if not button_down then
return false
return true
end, "fleur")
--- Get a client corner coordinates.
-- @tparam[opt=client.focus] client c The client to get corner from, focused one by default.
-- @tparam string corner The corner to use: auto, top_left, top_right, bottom_left,
-- bottom_right, left, right, top bottom. Default is auto, and auto find the
-- nearest corner.
-- @treturn string The corner name
-- @treturn number x The horizontal position
-- @treturn number y The vertical position
function mouse.client.corner(c, corner)
"Use awful.placement.closest_corner(mouse) or awful.placement[corner](mouse)"..
" instead of awful.mouse.client.corner"
c = c or capi.client.focus
if not c then return end
local ngeo = nil
if (not corner) or corner == "auto" then
ngeo, corner = aplace.closest_corner(mouse, {parent = c})
elseif corner and aplace[corner] then
ngeo = aplace[corner](mouse, {parent = c})
return corner, ngeo and ngeo.x or nil, ngeo and ngeo.y or nil
--- Resize a client.
-- @param c The client to resize, or the focused one by default.
-- @tparam string corner The corner to grab on resize. Auto detected by default.
-- @tparam[opt={}] table args A set of `awful.placement` arguments
function mouse.client.resize(c, corner, args)
c = c or capi.client.focus
if not c then return end
if c.fullscreen
or c.type == "desktop"
or c.type == "splash"
or c.type == "dock" then
-- Move the mouse to the corner
if corner and aplace[corner] then
aplace[corner](capi.mouse, {parent=c})
mouse.resize(c, "mouse.resize", args or {include_sides=true})
--- Default handler for `request::geometry` signals with `mouse.resize` context.
-- @tparam client c The client
-- @tparam string context The context
-- @tparam[opt={}] table hints The hints to pass to the handler
function mouse.resize_handler(c, context, hints)
if hints and context and context:find("mouse.*") then
-- This handler only handle the floating clients. If the client is tiled,
-- then it let the layouts handle it.
local lay = c.screen.selected_tag.layout
if lay == layout.suit.floating or c.floating then
local offset = hints and hints.offset or {}
if type(offset) == "number" then
offset = {
x = offset,
y = offset,
width = offset,
height = offset,
c:geometry {
x = hints.x + (offset.x or 0 ),
y = hints.y + (offset.y or 0 ),
width = hints.width + (offset.width or 0 ),
height = hints.height + (offset.height or 0 ),
elseif lay.resize_handler then
lay.resize_handler(c, context, hints)
capi.client.connect_signal("request::geometry", mouse.resize_handler)
-- Set the cursor at startup
return mouse
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