This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
return {
build_dir = "build",
source_dir = "src",
include_dir = {
global_env_def = "global_env_def",
@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
-- awesome_mode: api-level=4:screen=on
-- If LuaRocks is installed, make sure that packages installed through it are
-- found (e.g. lgi). If LuaRocks is not installed, do nothing.
--- TODO : Write luarocks basic types definitions
-- pcall(require, "luarocks.loader")
-- Standard awesome library
local gears = require("gears")
local awful = require("awful")
--- TODO : This module is not yet available
-- require("awful.autofocus")
-- Widget and layout library
local wibox = require("wibox")
-- Theme handling library
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
-- Notification library
local naughty = require("naughty")
-- Declarative object management
local ruled = require("ruled")
local menubar = require("menubar")
local hotkeys_popup = require("awful.hotkeys_popup")
--- TODO : This module is not yet available
-- Enable hotkeys help widget for VIM and other apps
-- when client with a matching name is opened:
-- require("awful.hotkeys_popup.keys")
-- {{{ Error handling
-- Check if awesome encountered an error during startup and fell back to
-- another config (This code will only ever execute for the fallback config)
naughty.connect_signal("request::display_error", function(message, startup)
naughty.notification {
urgency = "critical",
title = "Oops, an error happened"
.. (startup and " during startup!" or "!"),
message = message,
-- }}}
-- {{{ Variable definitions
-- Themes define colours, icons, font and wallpapers.
beautiful.init(gears.filesystem.get_themes_dir() .. "default/theme.lua")
-- This is used later as the default terminal and editor to run.
local terminal = "xterm"
local editor = os.getenv "EDITOR" or "nano"
local editor_cmd = terminal .. " -e " .. editor
-- Default modkey.
-- Usually, Mod4 is the key with a logo between Control and Alt.
-- If you do not like this or do not have such a key,
-- I suggest you to remap Mod4 to another key using xmodmap or other tools.
-- However, you can use another modifier like Mod1, but it may interact with others.
local modkey = "Mod4"
-- }}}
-- {{{ Menu
-- Create a launcher widget and a main menu
local myawesomemenu = {
hotkeys_popup.show_help(nil, awful.screen.focused())
{ "manual", terminal .. " -e man awesome" },
{ "edit config", editor_cmd .. " " .. awesome.conffile },
{ "restart", awesome.restart },
local mymainmenu = awful.menu {
items = {
{ "awesome", myawesomemenu, beautiful.awesome_icon },
{ "open terminal", terminal },
local mylauncher = awful.widget.launcher {
image = beautiful.awesome_icon,
menu = mymainmenu,
-- Menubar configuration
menubar.utils.terminal = terminal -- Set the terminal for applications that require it
-- }}}
-- {{{ Tag layout
-- Table of layouts to cover with awful.layout.inc, order matters.
tag.connect_signal("request::default_layouts", function()
awful.layout.append_default_layouts {
-- }}}
-- -- {{{ Wallpaper
-- screen.connect_signal("request::wallpaper", function(s)
-- awful.wallpaper {
-- screen = s,
-- widget = {
-- {
-- image = beautiful.wallpaper,
-- upscale = true,
-- downscale = true,
-- widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
-- },
-- valign = "center",
-- halign = "center",
-- tiled = false,
-- widget = wibox.container.tile,
-- },
-- }
-- end)
-- -- }}}
-- -- {{{ Wibar
-- -- Keyboard map indicator and switcher
-- local mykeyboardlayout = awful.widget.keyboardlayout()
-- -- Create a textclock widget
-- local mytextclock = wibox.widget.textclock()
-- screen.connect_signal("request::desktop_decoration", function(s: screen)
-- -- Each screen has its own tag table.
-- awful.tag(
-- { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" },
-- s,
-- awful.layout.layouts[1]
-- )
-- -- Create a promptbox for each screen
-- s.mypromptbox = awful.widget.prompt()
-- -- Create an imagebox widget which will contain an icon indicating which layout we're using.
-- -- We need one layoutbox per screen.
-- s.mylayoutbox = awful.widget.layoutbox {
-- screen = s,
-- buttons = {
-- awful.button({}, 1, function()
-- awful.layout.inc(1)
-- end),
-- awful.button({}, 3, function()
-- awful.layout.inc(-1)
-- end),
-- awful.button({}, 4, function()
-- awful.layout.inc(-1)
-- end),
-- awful.button({}, 5, function()
-- awful.layout.inc(1)
-- end),
-- },
-- }
-- -- Create a taglist widget
-- s.mytaglist = awful.widget.taglist {
-- screen = s,
-- filter = awful.widget.taglist.filter.all,
-- buttons = {
-- awful.button({}, 1, function(t: tag)
-- t:view_only()
-- end),
-- awful.button({ modkey }, 1, function(t: tag)
-- if client.focus then
-- client.focus:move_to_tag(t)
-- end
-- end),
-- awful.button({}, 3, awful.tag.viewtoggle),
-- awful.button({ modkey }, 3, function(t: tag)
-- if client.focus then
-- client.focus:toggle_tag(t)
-- end
-- end),
-- awful.button({}, 4, function(t: tag)
-- awful.tag.viewprev(t.screen)
-- end),
-- awful.button({}, 5, function(t: tag)
-- awful.tag.viewnext(t.screen)
-- end),
-- },
-- }
-- -- Create a tasklist widget
-- s.mytasklist = awful.widget.tasklist {
-- screen = s,
-- filter = awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags,
-- buttons = {
-- awful.button({}, 1, function(c)
-- c:activate { context = "tasklist", action = "toggle_minimization" }
-- end),
-- awful.button({}, 3, function()
-- awful.menu.client_list { theme = { width = 250 } }
-- end),
-- awful.button({}, 4, function()
-- awful.client.focus.byidx(-1)
-- end),
-- awful.button({}, 5, function()
-- awful.client.focus.byidx(1)
-- end),
-- },
-- }
-- -- @DOC_WIBAR@
-- -- Create the wibox
-- s.mywibox = awful.wibar {
-- position = "top",
-- screen = s,
-- widget = {
-- layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal,
-- { -- Left widgets
-- layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
-- mylauncher,
-- s.mytaglist,
-- s.mypromptbox,
-- },
-- s.mytasklist, -- Middle widget
-- { -- Right widgets
-- layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
-- mykeyboardlayout,
-- wibox.widget.systray(),
-- mytextclock,
-- s.mylayoutbox,
-- },
-- },
-- }
-- end)
-- -- }}}
-- -- {{{ Mouse bindings
-- awful.mouse.append_global_mousebindings {
-- awful.button({}, 3, function()
-- mymainmenu:toggle()
-- end),
-- awful.button({}, 4, awful.tag.viewprev),
-- awful.button({}, 5, awful.tag.viewnext),
-- }
-- -- }}}
-- -- {{{ Key bindings
-- -- General Awesome keys
-- awful.keyboard.append_global_keybindings {
-- awful.key(
-- { modkey },
-- "s",
-- hotkeys_popup.show_help,
-- { description = "show help", group = "awesome" }
-- ),
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "w", function()
-- mymainmenu:show()
-- end, { description = "show main menu", group = "awesome" }),
-- awful.key(
-- { modkey, "Control" },
-- "r",
-- awesome.restart,
-- { description = "reload awesome", group = "awesome" }
-- ),
-- awful.key(
-- { modkey, "Shift" },
-- "q",
-- awesome.quit,
-- { description = "quit awesome", group = "awesome" }
-- ),
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "x", function()
-- awful.prompt.run {
-- prompt = "Run Lua code: ",
-- textbox = awful.screen.focused().mypromptbox.widget,
-- exe_callback = awful.util.eval,
-- history_path = awful.util.get_cache_dir() .. "/history_eval",
-- }
-- end, { description = "lua execute prompt", group = "awesome" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "Return", function()
-- awful.spawn(terminal)
-- end, { description = "open a terminal", group = "launcher" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "r", function()
-- awful.screen.focused().mypromptbox:run()
-- end, { description = "run prompt", group = "launcher" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "p", function()
-- menubar.show()
-- end, { description = "show the menubar", group = "launcher" }),
-- }
-- -- Tags related keybindings
-- awful.keyboard.append_global_keybindings {
-- awful.key(
-- { modkey },
-- "Left",
-- awful.tag.viewprev,
-- { description = "view previous", group = "tag" }
-- ),
-- awful.key(
-- { modkey },
-- "Right",
-- awful.tag.viewnext,
-- { description = "view next", group = "tag" }
-- ),
-- awful.key(
-- { modkey },
-- "Escape",
-- awful.tag.history.restore,
-- { description = "go back", group = "tag" }
-- ),
-- }
-- -- Focus related keybindings
-- awful.keyboard.append_global_keybindings {
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "j", function()
-- awful.client.focus.byidx(1)
-- end, { description = "focus next by index", group = "client" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "k", function()
-- awful.client.focus.byidx(-1)
-- end, { description = "focus previous by index", group = "client" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "Tab", function()
-- awful.client.focus.history.previous()
-- if client.focus then
-- client.focus:raise()
-- end
-- end, { description = "go back", group = "client" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "j", function()
-- awful.screen.focus_relative(1)
-- end, { description = "focus the next screen", group = "screen" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "k", function()
-- awful.screen.focus_relative(-1)
-- end, { description = "focus the previous screen", group = "screen" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "n", function()
-- local c = awful.client.restore()
-- -- Focus restored client
-- if c then
-- c:activate { raise = true, context = "key.unminimize" }
-- end
-- end, { description = "restore minimized", group = "client" }),
-- }
-- -- Layout related keybindings
-- awful.keyboard.append_global_keybindings {
-- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "j", function()
-- awful.client.swap.byidx(1)
-- end, { description = "swap with next client by index", group = "client" }),
-- awful.key(
-- { modkey, "Shift" },
-- "k",
-- function()
-- awful.client.swap.byidx(-1)
-- end,
-- { description = "swap with previous client by index", group = "client" }
-- ),
-- awful.key(
-- { modkey },
-- "u",
-- awful.client.urgent.jumpto,
-- { description = "jump to urgent client", group = "client" }
-- ),
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "l", function()
-- awful.tag.incmwfact(0.05)
-- end, { description = "increase master width factor", group = "layout" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "h", function()
-- awful.tag.incmwfact(-0.05)
-- end, { description = "decrease master width factor", group = "layout" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "h", function()
-- awful.tag.incnmaster(1, nil, true)
-- end, {
-- description = "increase the number of master clients",
-- group = "layout",
-- }),
-- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "l", function()
-- awful.tag.incnmaster(-1, nil, true)
-- end, {
-- description = "decrease the number of master clients",
-- group = "layout",
-- }),
-- awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "h", function()
-- awful.tag.incncol(1, nil, true)
-- end, { description = "increase the number of columns", group = "layout" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "l", function()
-- awful.tag.incncol(-1, nil, true)
-- end, { description = "decrease the number of columns", group = "layout" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "space", function()
-- awful.layout.inc(1)
-- end, { description = "select next", group = "layout" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "space", function()
-- awful.layout.inc(-1)
-- end, { description = "select previous", group = "layout" }),
-- }
-- awful.keyboard.append_global_keybindings {
-- awful.key {
-- modifiers = { modkey },
-- keygroup = "numrow",
-- description = "only view tag",
-- group = "tag",
-- on_press = function(index)
-- local screen = awful.screen.focused()
-- local tag = screen.tags[index]
-- if tag then
-- tag:view_only()
-- end
-- end,
-- },
-- awful.key {
-- modifiers = { modkey, "Control" },
-- keygroup = "numrow",
-- description = "toggle tag",
-- group = "tag",
-- on_press = function(index)
-- local screen = awful.screen.focused()
-- local tag = screen.tags[index]
-- if tag then
-- awful.tag.viewtoggle(tag)
-- end
-- end,
-- },
-- awful.key {
-- modifiers = { modkey, "Shift" },
-- keygroup = "numrow",
-- description = "move focused client to tag",
-- group = "tag",
-- on_press = function(index)
-- if client.focus then
-- local tag = client.focus.screen.tags[index]
-- if tag then
-- client.focus:move_to_tag(tag)
-- end
-- end
-- end,
-- },
-- awful.key {
-- modifiers = { modkey, "Control", "Shift" },
-- keygroup = "numrow",
-- description = "toggle focused client on tag",
-- group = "tag",
-- on_press = function(index)
-- if client.focus then
-- local tag = client.focus.screen.tags[index]
-- if tag then
-- client.focus:toggle_tag(tag)
-- end
-- end
-- end,
-- },
-- awful.key {
-- modifiers = { modkey },
-- keygroup = "numpad",
-- description = "select layout directly",
-- group = "layout",
-- on_press = function(index)
-- local t = awful.screen.focused().selected_tag
-- if t then
-- t.layout = t.layouts[index] or t.layout
-- end
-- end,
-- },
-- }
-- client.connect_signal("request::default_mousebindings", function()
-- awful.mouse.append_client_mousebindings {
-- awful.button({}, 1, function(c)
-- c:activate { context = "mouse_click" }
-- end),
-- awful.button({ modkey }, 1, function(c)
-- c:activate { context = "mouse_click", action = "mouse_move" }
-- end),
-- awful.button({ modkey }, 3, function(c)
-- c:activate { context = "mouse_click", action = "mouse_resize" }
-- end),
-- }
-- end)
-- client.connect_signal("request::default_keybindings", function()
-- awful.keyboard.append_client_keybindings {
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "f", function(c: client)
-- c.fullscreen = not c.fullscreen
-- c:raise()
-- end, { description = "toggle fullscreen", group = "client" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "c", function(c: client)
-- c:kill()
-- end, { description = "close", group = "client" }),
-- awful.key(
-- { modkey, "Control" },
-- "space",
-- awful.client.floating.toggle,
-- { description = "toggle floating", group = "client" }
-- ),
-- awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "Return", function(c: client)
-- c:swap(awful.client.getmaster())
-- end, { description = "move to master", group = "client" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "o", function(c: client)
-- c:move_to_screen()
-- end, { description = "move to screen", group = "client" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "t", function(c: client)
-- c.ontop = not c.ontop
-- end, { description = "toggle keep on top", group = "client" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "n", function(c: client)
-- -- The client currently has the input focus, so it cannot be
-- -- minimized, since minimized clients can't have the focus.
-- c.minimized = true
-- end, { description = "minimize", group = "client" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey }, "m", function(c: client)
-- c.maximized = not c.maximized
-- c:raise()
-- end, { description = "(un)maximize", group = "client" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "m", function(c: client)
-- c.maximized_vertical = not c.maximized_vertical
-- c:raise()
-- end, { description = "(un)maximize vertically", group = "client" }),
-- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "m", function(c: client)
-- c.maximized_horizontal = not c.maximized_horizontal
-- c:raise()
-- end, { description = "(un)maximize horizontally", group = "client" }),
-- }
-- end)
-- -- }}}
-- -- {{{ Rules
-- -- Rules to apply to new clients.
-- -- @DOC_RULES@
-- ruled.client.connect_signal("request::rules", function()
-- -- All clients will match this rule.
-- ruled.client.append_rule {
-- id = "global",
-- rule = {},
-- properties = {
-- focus = awful.client.focus.filter,
-- raise = true,
-- screen = awful.screen.preferred,
-- placement = awful.placement.no_overlap + awful.placement.no_offscreen,
-- },
-- }
-- -- Floating clients.
-- ruled.client.append_rule {
-- id = "floating",
-- rule_any = {
-- instance = { "copyq", "pinentry" },
-- class = {
-- "Arandr",
-- "Blueman-manager",
-- "Gpick",
-- "Kruler",
-- "Sxiv",
-- "Tor Browser",
-- "Wpa_gui",
-- "veromix",
-- "xtightvncviewer",
-- },
-- -- Note that the name property shown in xprop might be set slightly after creation of the client
-- -- and the name shown there might not match defined rules here.
-- name = {
-- "Event Tester", -- xev.
-- },
-- role = {
-- "AlarmWindow", -- Thunderbird's calendar.
-- "ConfigManager", -- Thunderbird's about:config.
-- "pop-up", -- e.g. Google Chrome's (detached) Developer Tools.
-- },
-- },
-- properties = { floating = true },
-- }
-- -- Add titlebars to normal clients and dialogs
-- ruled.client.append_rule {
-- id = "titlebars",
-- rule_any = { type = { "normal", "dialog" } },
-- properties = { titlebars_enabled = true },
-- }
-- -- Set Firefox to always map on the tag named "2" on screen 1.
-- -- ruled.client.append_rule {
-- -- rule = { class = "Firefox" },
-- -- properties = { screen = 1, tag = "2" }
-- -- }
-- end)
-- -- }}}
-- -- {{{ Titlebars
-- -- Add a titlebar if titlebars_enabled is set to true in the rules.
-- client.connect_signal("request::titlebars", function(c: client)
-- -- buttons for the titlebar
-- local buttons = {
-- awful.button({}, 1, function()
-- c:activate { context = "titlebar", action = "mouse_move" }
-- end),
-- awful.button({}, 3, function()
-- c:activate { context = "titlebar", action = "mouse_resize" }
-- end),
-- }
-- awful.titlebar(c).widget = {
-- { -- Left
-- awful.titlebar.widget.iconwidget(c),
-- buttons = buttons,
-- layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
-- },
-- { -- Middle
-- { -- Title
-- halign = "center",
-- widget = awful.titlebar.widget.titlewidget(c),
-- },
-- buttons = buttons,
-- layout = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal,
-- },
-- { -- Right
-- awful.titlebar.widget.floatingbutton(c),
-- awful.titlebar.widget.maximizedbutton(c),
-- awful.titlebar.widget.stickybutton(c),
-- awful.titlebar.widget.ontopbutton(c),
-- awful.titlebar.widget.closebutton(c),
-- layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal(),
-- },
-- layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal,
-- }
-- end)
-- -- }}}
-- -- {{{ Notifications
-- ruled.notification.connect_signal("request::rules", function()
-- -- All notifications will match this rule.
-- ruled.notification.append_rule {
-- rule = {},
-- properties = {
-- screen = awful.screen.preferred,
-- implicit_timeout = 5,
-- },
-- }
-- end)
-- naughty.connect_signal("request::display", function(n)
-- naughty.layout.box { notification = n }
-- end)
-- -- }}}
-- -- Enable sloppy focus, so that focus follows mouse.
-- client.connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(c: client)
-- c:activate { context = "mouse_enter", raise = false }
-- end)
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Client = require("awful.client")
local type Completion = require("awful.completion")
local type Hotkeys_popup = require("awful.hotkeys_popup")
local type Key = require("awful.key")
local type Keyboard = require("awful.keyboard")
local type Keygrabber = require("awful.keygrabber")
local type Layout = require("awful.layout")
local type Menu = require("awful.menu")
local type Permissions = require("awful.permissions")
local type Placement = require("awful.placement")
local type Popup = require("awful.popup")
local type Prompt = require("awful.prompt")
local type Rules = require("awful.rules")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Spawn = require("awful.spawn")
local type Tag = require("awful.tag")
local type Titlebar = require("awful.titlebar")
local type Tooltip = require("awful.tooltip")
local type Util = require("awful.util")
local type Wallpaper = require("awful.wallpaper")
local type Wibar = require("awful.wibar")
local type Widget = require("awful.widget")
local record Awful
button: Button
client: Client
completion: Completion
hotkeys_popup: Hotkeys_popup
key: Key
keyboard: Keyboard
keygrabber: Keygrabber
layout: Layout
menu: Menu
permissions: Permissions
placement: Placement
popup: Popup
prompt: Prompt
rules: Rules
screen: Screen
spawn: Spawn
tag: Tag
titlebar: Titlebar
tooltip: Tooltip
util: Util
wallpaper: Wallpaper
wibar: Wibar
widget: Widget
return Awful
@ -0,0 +1 @@
-- Nothing to do
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Button
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Button, mod: table, button: number, press: function, release: function): table
record Button_Args
modifiers: table
button: number
on_press: function
on_release: function
modifiers: table
description: string
name: string
group: string
on_press: function | nil
on_release: function | nil
trigger: function(self: Button)
return Button
@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Key = require("awful.key")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Tag = require("awful.tag")
local record Client
enum Signal
next: function(i: integer, sel: Client, stacked: boolean): Client | nil
bydirection: function(dir: string, c: Client, stacked: boolean)
global_bydirection: function(dir: string, sel: Client)
byidx: function(i: integer, c: Client)
cycle: function(clockwise: boolean, s: Screen, stacked: boolean)
restore: function(s: Screen): Client
persist: function(prop: string, kind: string)
iterate: function(filter: function, start: integer, s: Screen): function
jumpto: function(merge: boolean | function)
window: integer
name: string
skip_taskbar: boolean
type: string
class: string
instance: string
pid: integer
role: string
machine: string
icon_name: string
icon: Image
icon_sizes: table
screen: Screen
hidden: boolean
minimized: boolean
size_hints_honor: boolean
border_width: integer | nil
border_color: Color | nil
urgent: boolean
content: Cairo_Surface
opacity: number
ontop: boolean
above: boolean
below: boolean
fullscreen: boolean
maximized: boolean
maximized_horizontal: boolean
maximized_vertical: boolean
transient_for: Client | nil
group_window: integer
leader_window: integer
size_hints: table | nil
motif_wm_hints: table
sticky: boolean
modal: boolean
focusable: boolean
shape_bounding: Image
shape_clip: Image
shape_input: Image
client_shape_bounding: Image
client_shape_clip: Image
startup_id: string
valid: boolean
first_tag: Tag | nil
buttons: table
keys: table
marked: boolean
is_fixed: boolean
immobilized_horizontal: boolean
immobilized_vertical: boolean
floating: boolean
x: integer
y: integer
width: integer
height: integer
dockable: boolean
requests_no_titlebar: boolean
shape: Gears_Shape_Function
active: boolean
record Struts_Struts
left: integer
right: integer
top: integer
bottom: integer
struts: function(self: Client, struts: Struts_Struts): table
isvisible: function(self: Client): boolean
kill: function(self: Client)
swap: function(self: Client, c: Client)
tags: function(self: Client, tags_table: table): table
raise: function(self: Client)
lower: function(self: Client)
unmanage: function(self: Client)
record Geometry_Geo
x: integer
y: integer
width: integer
height: integer
geometry: function(self: Client, geo: Geometry_Geo): table
apply_size_hints: function(self: Client, width: integer, height: integer): integer, integer
get_icon: function(self: Client, index: integer): Cairo_Surface
jump_to: function(self: Client, merge: boolean | function)
append_keybinding: function(self: Client, key: Key)
remove_keybinding: function(self: Client, key: Key)
append_mousebinding: function(self: Client, button: Button)
remove_mousebinding: function(self: Client, button: Button)
to_primary_section: function(self: Client)
to_secondary_section: function(self: Client)
relative_move: function(self: Client, x: integer, y: integer, w: integer, h: integer)
move_to_tag: function(self: Client, target: Tag)
toggle_tag: function(self: Client, target: Tag)
move_to_screen: function(self: Client, s: Screen)
to_selected_tags: function(self: Client)
get_transient_for_matching: function(self: Client, matcher: function): Client | nil
is_transient_for: function(self: Client, c2: Client): Client | nil
record Activate_Args
context: string
raise: boolean
force: boolean
switch_to_tags: boolean
switch_to_tag: boolean
action: boolean
toggle_minimization: boolean
activate: function(self: Client, args: Activate_Args)
grant: function(self: Client, permission: string, context: string)
deny: function(self: Client, permission: string, context: string)
emit_signal: function(self: Client, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Client, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Client, name: string, func: function)
focus: Client
return Client
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Completion
enum Signal
bashcomp_load: function(src: string)
shell: function(command: string, cur_pos: number, ncomp: number, shell: string): string, number, table
generic: function(text: string, cur_pos: number, ncomp: number, keywords: table): string, number, table
return Completion
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Client = require("awful.client")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Widget = require("awful.hotkeys_popup.widget")
local record Hotkeys_popup
widget: Widget
enum Signal
show_help: function(c: Client, s: Screen)
return Hotkeys_popup
@ -0,0 +1 @@
-- Nothing to do
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Client = require("awful.client")
local type Keygrabber = require("awful.keygrabber")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local record Widget
enum Signal
record New_Args
hide_without_description: boolean
merge_duplicates: boolean
width: integer
height: integer
bg: Color
fg: Color
border_width: integer
border_color: Color
shape: Gears_Shape_Function
font: string | any
description_font: string | any
modifiers_fg: Color
label_bg: Color
label_fg: Color
group_margin: integer
labels: table
group_rules: table
new: function(args: New_Args)
record Show_help_Args
show_awesome_keys: boolean
show_help: function(c: Client, s: Screen, args: Show_help_Args): Keygrabber
add_hotkeys: function(hotkeys: table)
add_group_rules: function(group: string, data: table)
record Show_help_Show_args
show_awesome_keys: boolean
hide_without_description: boolean
merge_duplicates: boolean
return Widget
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Key
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Key, mod: table, _key: string, press: function, release: function, data: table): table
record Key_Args
key: string
keygroup: string
modifiers: table
on_press: function
on_release: function
modifiers: table
description: string
name: string
group: string
on_press: function | nil
on_release: function | nil
trigger: function(self: Key)
match: function(self: Key, pressed_mod: table, pressed_key: string): boolean
return Key
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Key = require("awful.key")
local record Keyboard
enum Signal
emulate_key_combination: function(modifiers: table, key: string)
append_global_keybinding: function(key: Key)
remove_global_keybinding: function(key: Key)
append_client_keybinding: function(key: Key)
append_client_keybindings: function(keys: table)
remove_client_keybinding: function(key: Key): boolean
get_key_name: function(): string, nil
return Keyboard
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Key = require("awful.key")
local record Keygrabber
enum Signal
record Keygrabber_Args
stop_event: string
stop_key: string | table
keybindings: table
timeout: number
mask_event_callback: boolean
start_callback: function
stop_callback: function
timeout_callback: function
keypressed_callback: function
keyreleased_callback: function
allowed_keys: table | nil
root_keybindings: table
export_keybindings: boolean
autostart: boolean
mask_modkeys: boolean
metamethod __call: function(self: Keygrabber, args: Keygrabber_Args): Keygrabber
connect_signal: function(name: string, callback: function)
disconnect_signal: function(name: string, callback: function)
emit_signal: function(name: string)
timeout: number | nil
stop_key: string | table | nil
enum Stop_event
stop_event: Stop_event
mask_event_callback: boolean
mask_modkeys: boolean
export_keybindings: boolean
root_keybindings: table
keybindings: table
allowed_keys: table | nil
sequence: string
start: function(self: Keygrabber): boolean
stop: function(self: Keygrabber, stop_key: string | nil, stop_mods: table | nil)
add_keybinding: function(self: Keygrabber, key: Key)
remove_keybinding: function(self: Keygrabber): boolean
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Keygrabber, name: string, func: function)
current_instance: Keygrabber
is_running: boolean
return Keygrabber
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Tag = require("awful.tag")
local record Layout
enum Signal
get_tag_layout_index: function(t: Tag): nil | number
get: function(screen: Screen)
inc: function(i: integer, s: Screen, layouts: table)
set: function(l: Layout | function, t: Tag)
parameters: function(t: Tag, screen: any): table
arrange: function(screen: Screen)
append_default_layout: function(to_add: Layout)
remove_default_layout: function(to_remove: Layout): boolean
append_default_layouts: function(layouts: table)
getname: function(_layout: any)
layouts: any
resize_jump_to_corner: any
suit: { string : { string : any } }
return Layout
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Menu
enum Signal
clients: function(args: table, item_args: table, filter: function)
client_list: function(args: table, item_args: table, filter: function)
entry: function(parent: any, args: any)
metamethod __call: function(self: Menu, args: any, parent: any): Menu
record Show_Args
coords: table
show: function(self: Menu, args: Show_Args)
hide: function(self: Menu)
record Toggle_Args
coords: table
toggle: function(self: Menu, args: Toggle_Args)
update: function(self: Menu)
get_root: function(self: Menu): Menu
add: function(self: Menu, args: table, index: number): table | nil
delete: function(self: Menu, num: table | number)
return Menu
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Permissions
enum Signal
add_activate_filter: function(f: function, context: string)
remove_activate_filter: function(f: function, context: string): boolean
return Permissions
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Client = require("awful.client")
local record Placement
enum Signal
closest_corner: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table, string
record No_offscreen_Args
screen: integer
no_offscreen: function(c: Client, args: No_offscreen_Args): table
no_overlap: function(c: any, args: table): table
under_mouse: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
next_to_mouse: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
resize_to_mouse: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
align: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
top_left: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
top_right: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
bottom_left: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
bottom_right: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
left: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
right: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
top: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
bottom: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
centered: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
center_vertical: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
center_horizontal: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
stretch: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
stretch_left: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
stretch_right: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
stretch_up: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
stretch_down: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
maximize: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
maximize_vertically: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
maximize_horizontally: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
scale: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
record Next_to_Args
mode: string
preferred_positions: string | table
preferred_anchors: string | table
geometry: string
next_to: function(d: Drawable, args: Next_to_Args): table, string, string
restore: function(d: Drawable, args: table): boolean
skip_fullscreen: function(d: Drawable, args: table): table
return Placement
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Popup
enum Signal
record Popup_Args
border_width: integer
border_color: string
ontop: boolean
cursor: string
visible: boolean
opacity: number
type: string
x: integer
y: integer
width: integer
height: integer
screen: Screen
widget: Widget
shape_bounding: any
shape_clip: any
shape_input: any
bg: Color
bgimage: Cairo_Surface
fg: Color
shape: Gears_Shape_Function
input_passthrough: boolean
placement: function
preferred_positions: string | table
preferred_anchors: string | table
offset: table | number
hide_on_right_click: boolean
metamethod __call: function(self: Popup, args: Popup_Args): Popup
preferred_positions: table | string
preferred_anchors: table | string
enum Current_position
current_position: Current_position
enum Current_anchor
current_anchor: Current_anchor
hide_on_right_click: boolean
minimum_width: integer
minimum_height: integer
maximum_width: integer
maximum_height: integer
offset: table | integer
placement: Awful_Placement_Function | string | boolean
border_width: integer
border_color: string
ontop: boolean
cursor: string | nil
visible: boolean
opacity: number
type: string
x: integer
y: integer
width: integer
height: integer
screen: Screen
widget: Widget | nil
window: string
shape_bounding: Cairo_Surface
shape_clip: Cairo_Surface
shape_input: Cairo_Surface
shape: Gears_Shape_Function
input_passthrough: boolean
buttons: table
bg: Color
bgimage: Image | nil
fg: Color
move_next_to: function(self: Popup, obj: any): table
bind_to_widget: function(self: Popup, widget: Widget, button: number)
unbind_to_widget: function(self: Popup, widget: Widget)
geometry: function(self: Popup, geo: table | nil): table
struts: function(self: Popup, struts: table)
setup: function(self: Popup, args: any)
find_widgets: function(self: Popup, x: number, y: number): table
to_widget: function(self: Popup): Widget
save_to_svg: function(self: Popup, path: string, context: table)
draw: function(self: Popup, wibox: any)
return Popup
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Textbox = require("wibox.widget.textbox")
local record Prompt
enum Signal
run: function(args: table, textbox: Textbox, exe_callback: function | nil, completion_callback: function, history_path: string, history_max: number, done_callback: function, changed_callback: function, keypressed_callback: function)
return Prompt
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Rules
enum Signal
return Rules
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Client = require("awful.client")
local type Tag = require("awful.tag")
local record Screen
enum Signal
fake_add: function(x: integer, y: integer, width: integer, height: integer): Screen
getbycoord: function(x: number, y: number): number
focus: function(screen: Screen): Screen
focus_bydirection: function(dir: string, s: Screen): Screen
focus_relative: function(offset: integer): Screen
preferred: function(c: Client): Screen
record Focused_Args
client: boolean
mouse: boolean
focused: function(args: Focused_Args): Screen
record Connect_for_each_screen_Func
screen: Screen
connect_for_each_screen: function(func: Connect_for_each_screen_Func)
disconnect_for_each_screen: function(func: function)
set_auto_dpi_enabled: function(enabled: boolean)
geometry: table
index: integer
workarea: table
tiling_area: table
content: Cairo_Surface
padding: table | number
outputs: table
clients: table
hidden_clients: table
all_clients: table
tiled_clients: table
tags: table
selected_tags: table
selected_tag: Tag | nil
dpi: number
minimum_dpi: number
maximum_dpi: number
preferred_dpi: number
mm_maximum_size: number
mm_minimum_size: number
inch_maximum_size: number
inch_minimum_size: number
fake_remove: function(self: Screen)
fake_resize: function(self: Screen, x: integer, y: integer, width: integer, height: integer)
swap: function(self: Screen, s: Client)
get_square_distance: function(self: Screen, x: number, y: number): number
get_next_in_direction: function(self: Screen, dir: string): Screen
record Get_bounding_geometry_Args
honor_padding: boolean
honor_workarea: boolean
margins: integer | table
tag: Tag
parent: Drawable
bounding_rect: table
get_bounding_geometry: function(self: Screen, args: Get_bounding_geometry_Args): table
get_clients: function(self: Screen, stacked: boolean): table
get_all_clients: function(self: Screen, stacked: boolean): table
get_tiled_clients: function(self: Screen, stacked: boolean): table
split: function(self: Screen, ratios: table, mode: string): table
emit_signal: function(self: Screen, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Screen, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Screen, name: string, func: function)
primary: Screen
automatic_factory: any
default_focused_args: any
return Screen
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Client = require("awful.client")
local record Spawn
enum Signal
spawn: function(cmd: string | table, sn_rules: table | boolean, callback: function): integer, string
with_shell: function(cmd: string): integer, string
record With_line_callback_Callbacks
stdout: function
stderr: function
output_done: function
exit: function
with_line_callback: function(cmd: string | table, callbacks: With_line_callback_Callbacks): integer
record Easy_async_Callback
stdout: string
stderr: string
exitreason: string
exitcode: integer
easy_async: function(cmd: string | table, callback: Easy_async_Callback): integer
record Easy_async_with_shell_Callback
stdout: string
stderr: string
exitreason: string
exitcode: integer
easy_async_with_shell: function(cmd: string, callback: Easy_async_with_shell_Callback): integer
read_lines: function(input_stream: any, line_callback: function, done_callback: function, close: boolean)
once: function(cmd: string | table, rules: table, matcher: function, unique_id: string, callback: function)
single_instance: function(cmd: string | table, rules: table, matcher: function, unique_id: string, callback: function)
raise_or_spawn: function(cmd: string | table, rules: table, matcher: function, unique_id: string, callback: function): Client
return Spawn
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Layout = require("awful.layout")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local record Tag
enum Signal
add: function(name: string, props: table | nil): Tag
new: function(names: table, screen: Screen | number, layout: table): table
find_fallback: function(screen: Screen, invalids: table | nil): Tag | nil
update: function(obj: Screen)
restore: function(screen: Screen, idx: number)
find_by_name: function(s: Screen, name: string): Tag | nil
incmwfact: function(add: number, t: Tag)
incgap: function(add: number, t: Tag)
togglemfpol: function(t: Tag)
incnmaster: function(add: number, t: Tag, sensible: boolean)
incncol: function(add: number, t: Tag, sensible: boolean)
viewnone: function(screen: integer | Screen)
viewidx: function(i: number, screen: Screen)
viewnext: function(screen: Screen)
viewprev: function(screen: Screen)
viewmore: function(tags: table, screen: Screen, maximum: number)
viewtoggle: function(t: Tag)
attached_connect_signal: function(screen: Screen | nil, signal: string, callback: function)
name: string
selected: boolean
activated: boolean
index: integer
screen: Screen
master_width_factor: number
layout: Layout | function
layouts: table | nil
volatile: boolean
gap: integer
gap_single_client: boolean
enum Master_fill_policy
master_fill_policy: Master_fill_policy
master_count: integer
icon: Image | nil
column_count: integer
clients: function(self: Tag, clients_table: table): table
swap: function(self: Tag, tag2: Tag)
record Clear_Args
fallback_tag: Tag
allow_untagged: boolean
clear: function(self: Tag, args: Clear_Args)
delete: function(self: Tag, fallback_tag: Tag, force: boolean): boolean
view_only: function(self: Tag)
emit_signal: function(self: Tag, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Tag, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Tag, name: string, func: function)
limit: integer
return Tag
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Client = require("awful.client")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Titlebar
enum Signal
record Titlebar_Args
size: number
position: string
bg_normal: string
bg_focus: string
bg_urgent: string
bgimage_normal: string
bgimage_focus: string
fg_normal: string
fg_focus: string
fg_urgent: string
font: string
metamethod __call: function(self: Titlebar, c: Client, args: Titlebar_Args): Drawable
titlewidget: function(c: Client)
iconwidget: function(c: Client)
button: function(c: Client, name: string, selector: function, action: function): Widget
floatingbutton: function(c: Client)
maximizedbutton: function(c: Client)
minimizebutton: function(c: Client)
closebutton: function(c: Client)
ontopbutton: function(c: Client)
stickybutton: function(c: Client)
show: function(c: Client, position: string)
hide: function(c: Client, position: string)
toggle: function(c: Client, position: string)
setup: function(self: Titlebar, args: table)
enable_tooltip: boolean
fallback_name: string
return Titlebar
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Object = require("gears.object")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Wibox = require("wibox")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Tooltip
enum Signal
record Tooltip_Args
timer_function: function
timeout: number
objects: table
delay_show: number
margin_leftright: integer
margin_topbottom: integer
shape: Gears_Shape_Function
bg: string
fg: string
border_color: string
border_width: number
align: string
font: string
opacity: number
gaps: table | number
metamethod __call: function(self: Tooltip, args: Tooltip_Args): Tooltip
wibox: Wibox
visible: boolean
align: string | nil
shape: Gears_Shape_Function | nil
enum Mode
mode: Mode
preferred_positions: table
preferred_alignments: table
text: string
markup: string
timeout: number
margins: number | table
border_width: number | nil
border_color: Color | nil
margins_leftright: number
margins_topbottom: number
gaps: number | table | nil
ontop: boolean
cursor: string | nil
opacity: number
type: string
x: integer
y: integer
width: integer
height: integer
screen: Screen
widget: Widget | nil
window: string
shape_bounding: Cairo_Surface
shape_clip: Cairo_Surface
shape_input: Cairo_Surface
input_passthrough: boolean
buttons: table
bg: Color
bgimage: Image | nil
fg: Color
add_to_object: function(self: Tooltip, obj: Object)
remove_from_object: function(self: Tooltip, obj: Object)
emit_signal: function(self: Tooltip, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Tooltip, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Tooltip, name: string, func: function)
geometry: function(self: Tooltip, geo: table | nil): table
struts: function(self: Tooltip, struts: table)
setup: function(self: Tooltip, args: any)
find_widgets: function(self: Tooltip, x: number, y: number): table
to_widget: function(self: Tooltip): Widget
save_to_svg: function(self: Tooltip, path: string, context: table)
draw: function(self: Tooltip, wibox: any)
return Tooltip
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Util
enum Signal
eval: function(code: string)
checkfile: function(path: string)
restart: function()
geticonpath: function(iconname: string, exts: table, dirs: table, size: string): string | nil
shell: string
return Util
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Wallpaper
enum Signal
record Wallpaper_Args
widget: Widget
dpi: number
screen: Screen
screens: table
bg: any
fg: any
uncovered_areas_color: any
honor_workarea: boolean
honor_padding: boolean
uncovered_areas: table
panning_area: function | string
metamethod __call: function(self: Wallpaper, args: Wallpaper_Args): Wallpaper
widget: Widget | nil
dpi: number
screen: Screen
screens: table
bg: Color
fg: Color
honor_workarea: boolean
honor_padding: boolean
uncovered_areas: table
uncovered_areas_color: Color
panning_area: function | string
add_screen: function(self: Wallpaper, screen: Screen)
detach: function(self: Wallpaper)
repaint: function(self: Wallpaper)
remove_screen: function(self: Wallpaper, screen: Screen): boolean
return Wallpaper
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Wibar
enum Signal
record Wibar_Args
position: string
stretch: string
restrict_workarea: boolean
align: string
margins: table | number
border_width: integer
border_color: string
ontop: boolean
cursor: string
visible: boolean
opacity: number
type: string
x: integer
y: integer
width: integer
height: integer
screen: Screen
widget: Widget
shape_bounding: any
shape_clip: any
shape_input: any
bg: Color
bgimage: Cairo_Surface
fg: Color
shape: Gears_Shape_Function
input_passthrough: boolean
metamethod __call: function(self: Wibar, args: Wibar_Args): Wibar
stretch: boolean | nil
align: string | nil
margins: number | table | nil
restrict_workarea: boolean
enum Position
position: Position
preferred_positions: table | string
preferred_anchors: table | string
enum Current_position
current_position: Current_position
enum Current_anchor
current_anchor: Current_anchor
hide_on_right_click: boolean
minimum_width: integer
minimum_height: integer
maximum_width: integer
maximum_height: integer
offset: table | integer
placement: Awful_Placement_Function | string | boolean
border_width: integer
border_color: string
ontop: boolean
cursor: string | nil
visible: boolean
opacity: number
type: string
x: integer
y: integer
width: integer
height: integer
screen: Screen
widget: Widget | nil
window: string
shape_bounding: Cairo_Surface
shape_clip: Cairo_Surface
shape_input: Cairo_Surface
shape: Gears_Shape_Function
input_passthrough: boolean
buttons: table
bg: Color
bgimage: Image | nil
fg: Color
remove: function(self: Wibar)
move_next_to: function(self: Wibar, obj: any): table
bind_to_widget: function(self: Wibar, widget: Widget, button: number)
unbind_to_widget: function(self: Wibar, widget: Widget)
geometry: function(self: Wibar, geo: table | nil): table
struts: function(self: Wibar, struts: table)
setup: function(self: Wibar, args: any)
find_widgets: function(self: Wibar, x: number, y: number): table
to_widget: function(self: Wibar): Widget
save_to_svg: function(self: Wibar, path: string, context: table)
draw: function(self: Wibar, wibox: any)
return Wibar
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.widget.button")
local type Calendar_popup = require("awful.widget.calendar_popup")
local type Client = require("awful.client")
local type Clienticon = require("awful.widget.clienticon")
local type Common = require("awful.widget.common")
local type Keyboardlayout = require("awful.widget.keyboardlayout")
local type Launcher = require("awful.widget.launcher")
local type Layout = require("awful.layout")
local type Layoutbox = require("awful.widget.layoutbox")
local type Layoutlist = require("awful.widget.layoutlist")
local type Only_on_screen = require("awful.widget.only_on_screen")
local type Prompt = require("awful.widget.prompt")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Taglist = require("awful.widget.taglist")
local type Tasklist = require("awful.widget.tasklist")
local type Watch = require("awful.widget.watch")
local record Widget
button: Button
calendar_popup: Calendar_popup
clienticon: Clienticon
common: Common
keyboardlayout: Keyboardlayout
launcher: Launcher
layoutbox: Layoutbox
layoutlist: Layoutlist
only_on_screen: Only_on_screen
prompt: Prompt
taglist: Taglist
tasklist: Tasklist
watch: Watch
return Widget
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Button
enum Signal
record Button_Args
image: string
buttons: table
metamethod __call: function(self: Button, args: Button_Args): Button
image: Image | nil
source_width: number
source_height: number
clip_shape: Gears_Shape_Function
resize: boolean
upscale: boolean
downscale: boolean
stylesheet: string
dpi: number | table
auto_dpi: boolean
enum Horizontal_fit_policy
horizontal_fit_policy: Horizontal_fit_policy
enum Vertical_fit_policy
vertical_fit_policy: Vertical_fit_policy
enum Valign
valign: Valign
enum Halign
halign: Halign
max_scaling_factor: number
enum Scaling_quality
scaling_quality: Scaling_quality
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
add_button: function(self: Button, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Button, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Button, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Button, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Button, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Button, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Button, name: string)
return Button
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Wibox = require("wibox")
local record Calendar_popup
enum Signal
record Month_Args
position: string
screen: Screen
opacity: number
bg: string
font: string
spacing: number
margin: number
week_numbers: boolean
start_sunday: boolean
long_weekdays: boolean
style_month: table
style_header: table
style_weekday: table
style_weeknumber: table
style_normal: table
style_focus: table
month: function(args: Month_Args): Wibox
record Year_Args
position: string
screen: Screen
opacity: number
bg: string
font: string
spacing: number
margin: number
week_numbers: boolean
start_sunday: boolean
long_weekdays: boolean
style_year: table
style_month: table
style_yearheader: table
style_header: table
style_weekday: table
style_weeknumber: table
style_normal: table
style_focus: table
year: function(args: Year_Args): Wibox
call_calendar: function(self: Calendar_popup, offset: number, position: string, screen: Screen): Wibox
toggle: function(self: Calendar_popup): boolean
record Attach_Args
on_hover: boolean
attach: function(self: Calendar_popup, widget: any, position: string, args: Attach_Args): Wibox
return Calendar_popup
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Client = require("awful.client")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Clienticon
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Clienticon, c: Client): Widget
client: Client | nil
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
add_button: function(self: Clienticon, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Clienticon, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Clienticon, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Clienticon, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Clienticon, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Clienticon, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Clienticon, name: string)
return Clienticon
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Common
enum Signal
return Common
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Keyboardlayout
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Keyboardlayout): Keyboardlayout
get_groups_from_group_names: function(group_names: string): table
next_layout: function(self: Keyboardlayout)
add_button: function(self: Keyboardlayout, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Keyboardlayout, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Keyboardlayout, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Keyboardlayout, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Keyboardlayout, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Keyboardlayout, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Keyboardlayout, name: string)
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
return Keyboardlayout
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local type Menu = require("awful.menu")
local record Launcher
enum Signal
record Launcher_Args
image: Image
command: string
menu: Menu
metamethod __call: function(self: Launcher, args: Launcher_Args): Launcher
image: Image | nil
source_width: number
source_height: number
clip_shape: Gears_Shape_Function
resize: boolean
upscale: boolean
downscale: boolean
stylesheet: string
dpi: number | table
auto_dpi: boolean
enum Horizontal_fit_policy
horizontal_fit_policy: Horizontal_fit_policy
enum Vertical_fit_policy
vertical_fit_policy: Vertical_fit_policy
enum Valign
valign: Valign
enum Halign
halign: Halign
max_scaling_factor: number
enum Scaling_quality
scaling_quality: Scaling_quality
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
add_button: function(self: Launcher, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Launcher, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Launcher, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Launcher, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Launcher, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Launcher, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Launcher, name: string)
return Launcher
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Layoutbox
enum Signal
record Layoutbox_Args
screen: Screen
buttons: table
metamethod __call: function(self: Layoutbox, args: Layoutbox_Args): Layoutbox
spacing_widget: Widget | nil
fill_space: boolean
spacing: number
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
add: function(self: Layoutbox)
remove: function(self: Layoutbox, index: number): boolean
remove_widgets: function(self: Layoutbox): boolean
replace_widget: function(self: Layoutbox, widget: Widget, widget2: Widget, recursive: boolean): boolean
insert: function(self: Layoutbox, index: number, widget: Widget): boolean
set: function(self: Layoutbox, index: number, widget2: Widget): boolean
swap: function(self: Layoutbox, index1: number, index2: number): boolean
swap_widgets: function(self: Layoutbox, widget1: Widget, widget2: Widget, recursive: boolean): boolean
reset: function(self: Layoutbox)
add_button: function(self: Layoutbox, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Layoutbox, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Layoutbox, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Layoutbox, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Layoutbox, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Layoutbox, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Layoutbox, name: string)
return Layoutbox
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Layout = require("awful.layout")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Layoutlist
enum Signal
record Layoutlist_Args
base_layout: Widget
buttons: table
source: function
widget_template: table
screen: Screen
style: table
metamethod __call: function(self: Layoutlist, args: Layoutlist_Args): Widget
base_layout: table
widget_template: table | nil
screen: Screen
source: function
layouts: table
current_layout: Layout | nil
count: number
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
add_button: function(self: Layoutlist, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Layoutlist, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Layoutlist, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Layoutlist, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Layoutlist, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Layoutlist, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Layoutlist, name: string)
return Layoutlist
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Only_on_screen
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Only_on_screen, widget: Widget, s: Screen): table
widget: Widget | nil
screen: Screen
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
add_button: function(self: Only_on_screen, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Only_on_screen, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Only_on_screen, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Only_on_screen, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Only_on_screen, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Only_on_screen, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Only_on_screen, name: string)
return Only_on_screen
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Prompt
enum Signal
record Prompt_Args
prompt: string
bg: Color
fg: Color
fg_cursor: any
bg_cursor: any
ul_cursor: any
font: string
autoexec: boolean
highlighter: function
exe_callback: function
with_shell: boolean
completion_callback: function
history_path: string
history_max: integer
done_callback: function
changed_callback: function
keypressed_callback: function
keyreleased_callback: function
hooks: table
metamethod __call: function(self: Prompt, args: Prompt_Args): Prompt
with_shell: boolean
widget: Widget | nil
stretch_horizontally: boolean
stretch_vertically: boolean
bg: Color
fg: Color
shape: Gears_Shape_Function
border_width: number
border_color: Color
enum Border_strategy
border_strategy: Border_strategy
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
set_shape: function(self: Prompt, shape: Gears_Shape_Function)
add_button: function(self: Prompt, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Prompt, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Prompt, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Prompt, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Prompt, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Prompt, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Prompt, name: string)
return Prompt
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Taglist
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Taglist, args: table, filter: any, buttons: any, style: any, update_function: any, base_widget: any): Taglist
screen: Screen
base_layout: table
count: number
update_function: function
filter: function | nil
source: function
widget_template: table | nil
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
emit_signal: function(self: Taglist, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Taglist, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Taglist, name: string, func: function)
add_button: function(self: Taglist, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Taglist, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Taglist, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
disconnect_signal: function(self: Taglist, name: string, func: function)
return Taglist
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Tasklist
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Tasklist, args: table, filter: any, buttons: any, style: any, update_function: any, base_widget: any): Tasklist
count: number
base_layout: table
screen: Screen
filter: function
update_function: function | nil
widget_template: table | nil
source: function
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
emit_signal: function(self: Tasklist, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Tasklist, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Tasklist, name: string, func: function)
add_button: function(self: Tasklist, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Tasklist, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Tasklist, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
disconnect_signal: function(self: Tasklist, name: string, func: function)
return Tasklist
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Watch
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Watch, command: string | table, timeout: integer, callback: table, base_widget: Widget): Watch
emit_signal: function(self: Watch, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Watch, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Watch, name: string, func: function)
add_button: function(self: Watch, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Watch, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Watch, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
disconnect_signal: function(self: Watch, name: string, func: function)
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
return Watch
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local record Beautiful
enum Signal
get_theme_variables: function(): table
get_font: function(name: string | any): any
get_merged_font: function(name: string | any, merge: string): any
get_font_height: function(name: string): number
init: function(config: string | table): boolean | nil
get: function(): table
taglist_squares_sel: function(size: number, fg: Color)
taglist_squares_unsel: function(size: number, fg: Color)
gen_awesome_name: function(cr: any, height: number, bg: Color, fg: Color, alt_fg: Color)
gen_logo: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, bg: Color, fg: Color)
awesome_icon: function(size: number, bg: Color, fg: Color)
wallpaper: function(bg: Color, fg: Color, alt_fg: Color, s: Screen)
recolor_titlebar: function(theme: table, color: Color, state: string, postfix: string, toggle_state: string): table
recolor_layout: function(theme: table, color: Color): table
get_current_theme: function(): table
set_dpi: function(dpi: number, s: integer)
apply_dpi: function(size: number, s: integer | Screen): integer
theme_path: string
return Beautiful
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Dbus
enum Signal
return Dbus
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Cache = require("gears.cache")
local type Debug = require("gears.debug")
local type Filesystem = require("gears.filesystem")
local type Geometry = require("gears.geometry")
local type Matcher = require("gears.matcher")
local type Math = require("gears.math")
local type Matrix = require("gears.matrix")
local type Object = require("gears.object")
local type Protected_call = require("gears.protected_call")
local type Shape = require("gears.shape")
local type Sort = require("gears.sort")
local type String = require("gears.string")
local type Surface = require("gears.surface")
local type Table = require("gears.table")
local type Timer = require("gears.timer")
local type Wallpaper = require("gears.wallpaper")
local record Gears
cache: Cache
debug: Debug
filesystem: Filesystem
geometry: Geometry
matcher: Matcher
math: Math
matrix: Matrix
object: Object
protected_call: Protected_call
shape: Shape
sort: Sort
string: String
surface: Surface
table: Table
timer: Timer
wallpaper: Wallpaper
return Gears
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Cache
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Cache, creation_cb: any): Cache
return Cache
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Debug
enum Signal
dump_return: function(data: any, tag: any, depth: integer): string
dump: function(data: any, tag: any, depth: integer)
print_warning: function(message: string)
print_error: function(message: string)
record Deprecate_Args
raw: boolean
deprecated_in: integer
deprecate: function(see: any, args: Deprecate_Args)
record Deprecate_class_Args
deprecated_in: number
deprecate_class: function(fallback: table, old_name: string, new_name: string, args: Deprecate_class_Args): table
return Debug
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Filesystem
enum Signal
make_directories: function(dir: string)
make_parent_directories: function(path: string)
file_readable: function(filename: string): boolean
file_executable: function(filename: string): boolean
dir_readable: function(path: string): boolean
dir_writable: function(path: string): boolean
is_dir: function(path: string): boolean
get_xdg_config_home: function()
get_xdg_cache_home: function()
get_xdg_data_home: function(): string
get_xdg_data_dirs: function(): table
get_configuration_dir: function()
get_cache_dir: function()
get_themes_dir: function(): string
get_awesome_icon_dir: function()
get_dir: function(d: any)
get_random_file_from_dir: function(path: string, exts: table, absolute_path: boolean): string | nil
return Filesystem
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Geometry
enum Signal
get_square_distance: function(geom: table, x: number, y: number): number
get_closest_by_coord: function(list: table, x: number, y: number)
get_by_coord: function(list: table, x: number, y: number)
get_in_direction: function(dir: string, recttbl: table, cur: table)
are_equal: function(a: table, b: table): boolean
is_inside: function(a: table, b: table): boolean
area_intersect_area: function(a: table, b: table)
record Get_intersection_B
x: number
y: number
width: number
height: number
get_intersection: function(a: table, b: Get_intersection_B): table
record Area_remove_Elem
x: number
y: number
width: number
height: number
area_remove: function(areas: table, elem: Area_remove_Elem)
return Geometry
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Matcher
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Matcher): Matcher
matches_rule: function(self: Matcher, o: any, entry: table): boolean
matching_rules: function(self: Matcher, o: any, rules: table): table
matches_rules: function(self: Matcher, o: any, rules: table): boolean
add_property_matcher: function(self: Matcher, name: string, f: function)
add_property_setter: function(self: Matcher, name: string, f: function)
add_matching_rules: function(self: Matcher, name: string, rules: table, depends_on: table, precede: table): boolean
add_matching_function: function(self: Matcher, name: string, callback: table, depends_on: table, precede: table): boolean
remove_matching_source: function(self: Matcher, name: string): boolean
apply: function(self: Matcher, o: any)
append_rule: function(self: Matcher, source: string, rule: table)
append_rules: function(self: Matcher, source: string, rules: table)
remove_rule: function(self: Matcher, source: string, rule: string | table): boolean
emit_signal: function(self: Matcher, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Matcher, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Matcher, name: string, func: function)
return Matcher
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Math
enum Signal
subsets: function(set: any)
cycle: function(t: any, i: any)
round: function(x: number): integer
sign: function(x: number): integer
return Math
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Matrix
enum Signal
create: function(xx: number, yx: number, xy: number, yy: number, x0: number, y0: number)
create_translate: function(x: number, y: number)
create_scale: function(sx: number, sy: number)
create_rotate: function(angle: number)
create_rotate_at: function(x: number, y: number, angle: number)
identity: Matrix
return Matrix
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Object
enum Signal
record Object_Args
enable_properties: boolean
enable_auto_signals: boolean
class: table
metamethod __call: function(self: Object, args: Object_Args): table
modulename: function(level: integer): string
connect_signal: function(self: Object, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Object, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Object, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Object, name: string)
return Object
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Protected_call
enum Signal
protected_call: function(func: function)
return Protected_call
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Shape
enum Signal
partial_squircle: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, tl: boolean, tr: boolean, br: boolean, bl: boolean, rate: number, delta: number)
squircle: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, rate: number, delta: number)
star: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, n: number)
rounded_rect: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, radius: number)
rounded_bar: function(cr: any, width: any, height: any)
partially_rounded_rect: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, tl: boolean, tr: boolean, br: boolean, bl: boolean, rad: number)
infobubble: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, corner_radius: number, arrow_size: number, arrow_position: number)
rectangular_tag: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, arrow_length: number)
arrow: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, head_width: number, shaft_width: number, shaft_length: number)
hexagon: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number)
powerline: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, arrow_depth: number)
isosceles_triangle: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number)
cross: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, thickness: number)
octogon: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, corner_radius: number)
circle: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, radius: number)
rectangle: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number)
parallelogram: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, base_width: number)
losange: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number)
pie: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, start_angle: number, end_angle: number, radius: number)
arc: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, thickness: number, start_angle: number, end_angle: number, start_rounded: boolean, end_rounded: boolean)
solid_rectangle_shadow: function(cr: any, width: number, height: number, x_offset: number, y_offset: number)
radial_progress: function(cr: any, w: number, h: number, percent: number, hide_left: boolean)
transform: function(shape: any)
return Shape
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Sort
enum Signal
return Sort
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record String
enum Signal
xml_escape: function(text: string): string
xml_unescape: function(text: string): string
linecount: function(text: string): integer
linewrap: function(text: string, width: number, indent: number): string
quote_pattern: function(s: string): string
query_to_pattern: function(q: string): string
split: function(s: string, sep: string): table
startswith: function(str: string, sub: string): boolean
endswith: function(str: string, sub: string): boolean
return String
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Surface
enum Signal
load_uncached_silently: function(surface: any, default: any)
load_silently: function(surface: any, default: any)
load_uncached: function(surface: any)
surface: function(surface: any)
get_size: function(surf: any)
duplicate_surface: function(s: any)
load_from_shape: function(width: number, height: number, shape: any, shape_color: any, bg_color: any): Cairo_Surface
apply_shape_bounding: function(draw: any, shape: Gears_Shape_Function, ...: any)
record Crop_surface_Args
left: integer
right: integer
top: integer
bottom: integer
ratio: number | nil
surface: Cairo_Surface
crop_surface: function(args: Crop_surface_Args)
return Surface
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Table
enum Signal
join: function(): table
crush: function(target: table, source: table, raw: boolean): table
from_sparse: function(t: table): table
hasitem: function(t: table, item: any): string | number
find_keys: function(t: table, matcher: function, ordered: boolean, max: number): table | nil
find_first_key: function(t: table, matcher: function, ordered: boolean)
keys: function(t: table): table
count_keys: function(t: table): number
keys_filter: function(t: table): table
reverse: function(t: table): table
clone: function(t: table, deep: boolean): table
cycle_value: function(t: table, value: any, step_size: number, filter: function, start_at: number): number | nil
iterate: function(t: table, filter: function, start: integer): function
merge: function(target: table, source: table): table
diff_merge: function(target: table, new: table, identifier: function, merger: function): table, table, table, table
map: function(f: function, tbl: table): table
return Table
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Timer
enum Signal
record Timer_Args
timeout: number
autostart: boolean
call_now: boolean
callback: function
single_shot: boolean
metamethod __call: function(self: Timer, args: Timer_Args): Timer
start_new: function(timeout: number, callback: function): Timer
weak_start_new: function(timeout: number, callback: function): Timer
run_delayed_calls_now: function()
delayed_call: function(callback: function)
started: boolean
timeout: number
start: function(self: Timer)
stop: function(self: Timer)
again: function(self: Timer)
emit_signal: function(self: Timer, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Timer, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Timer, name: string, func: function)
return Timer
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Wallpaper
enum Signal
return Wallpaper
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
global type Gears_Shape_Function = (function(cr: any, width: integer, height: integer))
global type Color = any
global type Cairo_Surface = any
global type Cairo_Context = any
global type Image = any
global type Awful_Placement_Function = function(d: any, args: table)
global record client
instances: function(): integer
get: function(screen: integer | screen, stacked: boolean): table
disconnect_signal: function(name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(name: string)
connect_signal: function(name: string, func: function)
global record screen
instances: function(): table
screen: function(): function
count: function(): number
disconnect_signal: function(name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(name: string)
connect_signal: function(name: string, func: function)
global record Drawable
enum Signal
instances: function()
disconnect_signal: function(name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(name: string)
connect_signal: function(name: string, func: function)
image: Image
refresh: function(self: Drawable)
geometry: function(self: Drawable): table
global record awesome
enum Signal
register_xproperty: function(name: string, type: string)
quit: function(code: integer)
exec: function(cmd: string)
restart: function()
kill: function(pid: integer, sig: integer): boolean
sync: function()
pixbuf_to_surface: function(pixbuf: any, path: any): Cairo_Surface
load_image: function(name: string): Cairo_Surface, nil | string
set_preferred_icon_size: function(size: integer)
connect_signal: function(name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(name: function)
spawn: function(cmd: table, use_sn: boolean, stdin: boolean, stdout: boolean, stderr: boolean, exit_callback: function, cmd: table): integer, string, integer, integer, integer
xkb_set_layout_group: function(num: integer)
xkb_get_layout_group: function(): integer
xkb_get_group_names: function(): string
version: string
release: string
api_level: string
conffile: string
startup: boolean
startup_errors: string
composite_manager_running: boolean
unix_signal: table
hostname: string
themes_path: string
icon_path: string
global record tag
instances: function(): table
disconnect_signal: function(name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(name: string)
connect_signal: function(name: string, func: function)
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Icon_theme = require("menubar.icon_theme")
local type Index_theme = require("menubar.index_theme")
local type Menu_gen = require("menubar.menu_gen")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Utils = require("menubar.utils")
local record Menubar
icon_theme: Icon_theme
index_theme: Index_theme
menu_gen: Menu_gen
utils: Utils
enum Signal
refresh: function(scr: Screen)
show: function(scr: Screen)
hide: function()
cache_entries: boolean
show_categories: boolean
match_empty: boolean
right_margin: number
right_label: string
left_label: string
return Menubar
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Icon_theme
enum Signal
return Icon_theme
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Index_theme
enum Signal
return Index_theme
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Menu_gen
enum Signal
record Generate_Callback
entries: table
generate: function(callback: Generate_Callback)
all_menu_dirs: any
return Menu_gen
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Utils
enum Signal
rtrim: function(s: string): string
lookup_icon_uncached: function(icon_file: string): string | boolean
lookup_icon: function(icon: any)
parse_desktop_file: function(file: any)
record Parse_dir_Callback
programs: table
parse_dir: function(dir_path: string, callback: Parse_dir_Callback)
terminal: string
wm_name: string
return Utils
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Client = require("awful.client")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Wibox = require("wibox")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Mouse
enum Signal
object_under_pointer: function(): Client | Wibox | nil
move: function(w: Wibox)
append_global_mousebinding: function(button: Button)
append_global_mousebindings: function(buttons: table)
remove_global_mousebinding: function(button: Button)
append_client_mousebinding: function(button: Button)
append_client_mousebindings: function(buttons: table)
remove_client_mousebinding: function(button: Button): boolean
coords: function(coords_table: table, silent: boolean): table
screen: Screen | nil
current_client: Client | nil
current_wibox: Wibox | nil
current_widgets: nil | table
current_widget: Widget | nil
current_widget_geometry: table | nil
current_widget_geometries: table | nil
is_left_mouse_button_pressed: boolean
is_right_mouse_button_pressed: boolean
is_middle_mouse_button_pressed: boolean
default_distance: integer
aerosnap_distance: integer
edge_enabled: boolean
client_enabled: boolean
enabled: boolean
return Mouse
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Mousegrabber
enum Signal
run: function(func: function, cursor: string | nil)
stop: function()
isrunning: function(): boolean
return Mousegrabber
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Action = require("naughty.action")
local type Layout = require("naughty.layout")
local type List = require("naughty.list")
local type Notification = require("naughty.notification")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Widget = require("naughty.widget")
local record Naughty
action: Action
layout: Layout
list: List
notification: Notification
widget: Widget
enum Signal
destroy_all_notifications: function(screens: table, reason: number): boolean | nil
get_by_id: function(id: integer): Notification | nil
connect_signal: function(name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(name: string)
disconnect_signal: function(name: string, func: function): boolean
suspended: boolean
expiration_paused: boolean
active: table
has_display_handler: boolean
auto_reset_timeout: boolean
image_animations_enabled: boolean
persistence_enabled: boolean
return Naughty
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Notification = require("naughty.notification")
local record Action
enum Signal
record Action_Args
name: string
position: string
icon: string
notification: Notification
selected: boolean
metamethod __call: function(self: Action, args: Action_Args): Action
position: integer
icon: Image | string | nil
icon_only: boolean
invoke: function(self: Action, notif: Notification)
emit_signal: function(self: Action, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Action, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Action, name: string, func: function)
return Action
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Box = require("naughty.layout.box")
local type Legacy = require("naughty.layout.legacy")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local record Layout
box: Box
legacy: Legacy
return Layout
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Notification = require("naughty.notification")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Box
enum Signal
record Box_Args
widget_template: table
notification: Notification
position: string
border_width: integer
border_color: string
ontop: boolean
cursor: string
visible: boolean
opacity: number
type: string
x: integer
y: integer
width: integer
height: integer
screen: Screen
widget: Widget
shape_bounding: any
shape_clip: any
shape_input: any
bg: Color
bgimage: Cairo_Surface
fg: Color
shape: Gears_Shape_Function
input_passthrough: boolean
metamethod __call: function(self: Box, args: Box_Args): Box
notification: Notification
widget_template: table | nil
preferred_positions: table | string
preferred_anchors: table | string
enum Current_position
current_position: Current_position
enum Current_anchor
current_anchor: Current_anchor
hide_on_right_click: boolean
minimum_width: integer
minimum_height: integer
maximum_width: integer
maximum_height: integer
offset: table | integer
placement: Awful_Placement_Function | string | boolean
border_width: integer
border_color: string
ontop: boolean
cursor: string | nil
visible: boolean
opacity: number
type: string
x: integer
y: integer
width: integer
height: integer
screen: Screen
widget: Widget | nil
window: string
shape_bounding: Cairo_Surface
shape_clip: Cairo_Surface
shape_input: Cairo_Surface
shape: Gears_Shape_Function
input_passthrough: boolean
buttons: table
bg: Color
bgimage: Image | nil
fg: Color
move_next_to: function(self: Box, obj: any): table
bind_to_widget: function(self: Box, widget: Widget, button: number)
unbind_to_widget: function(self: Box, widget: Widget)
geometry: function(self: Box, geo: table | nil): table
struts: function(self: Box, struts: table)
setup: function(self: Box, args: any)
find_widgets: function(self: Box, x: number, y: number): table
to_widget: function(self: Box): Widget
save_to_svg: function(self: Box, path: string, context: table)
draw: function(self: Box, wibox: any)
return Box
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Legacy
enum Signal
return Legacy
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Actions = require("naughty.list.actions")
local type Notifications = require("naughty.list.notifications")
local record List
actions: Actions
notifications: Notifications
return List
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Notification = require("naughty.notification")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Actions
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Actions, args: table, widget_template: table): Widget
notification: Notification | nil
base_layout: Widget
widget_template: table | nil
style: table | nil
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
emit_signal: function(self: Actions, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Actions, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Actions, name: string, func: function)
add_button: function(self: Actions, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Actions, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Actions, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
disconnect_signal: function(self: Actions, name: string, func: function)
return Actions
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Notification = require("naughty.notification")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Notifications
enum Signal
record Notifications_Args
base_layout: Widget
filter: Widget
style: table
widget_template: table
metamethod __call: function(self: Notifications, args: Notifications_Args): Widget
notification: Notification
base_layout: Widget
widget_template: table | nil
style: table | nil
filter: function | nil
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
emit_signal: function(self: Notifications, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Notifications, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Notifications, name: string, func: function)
add_button: function(self: Notifications, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Notifications, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Notifications, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
disconnect_signal: function(self: Notifications, name: string, func: function)
return Notifications
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local record Notification
enum Signal
record Notification_Args
text: string
title: string
timeout: integer
hover_timeout: number
screen: integer | Screen
position: string
ontop: boolean
height: integer
width: integer
font: string | any
icon: Image
icon_size: integer
fg: string
bg: string
border_width: integer
border_color: any
shape: Gears_Shape_Function
opacity: number
margin: number
run: function
destroy: function
preset: table
callback: function
actions: table
ignore_suspend: boolean
metamethod __call: function(self: Notification, args: Notification_Args): Notification
title: string
timeout: number
enum Urgency
urgency: Urgency
category: string | nil
resident: boolean
hover_timeout: number | nil
screen: Screen
position: string | nil
ontop: boolean
height: number | nil
width: number | nil
font: string | nil
icon: Image | nil
icon_size: integer | nil
app_icon: string | nil
image: Image | nil
images: nil | table
fg: Color | nil
bg: Color | nil
border_width: number | nil
border_color: string | nil
shape: Gears_Shape_Function | nil
opacity: number | nil
margin: number | table | nil
preset: table | nil
callback: function | nil
actions: table
ignore: boolean
suspended: boolean
is_expired: boolean
auto_reset_timeout: boolean
clients: table
max_width: number | nil
app_name: string | nil
widget_template: table | nil
destroy: function(self: Notification, reason: string, keep_visible: boolean): boolean
reset_timeout: function(self: Notification, new_timeout: number)
append_actions: function(self: Notification, new_actions: table)
grant: function(self: Notification, permission: string, context: string)
deny: function(self: Notification, permission: string, context: string)
emit_signal: function(self: Notification, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Notification, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Notification, name: string, func: function)
return Notification
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Background = require("naughty.widget.background")
local type Icon = require("naughty.widget.icon")
local type Message = require("naughty.widget.message")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Title = require("naughty.widget.title")
local record Widget
background: Background
icon: Icon
message: Message
title: Title
return Widget
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Notification = require("naughty.notification")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Background
enum Signal
record Background_Args
notification: Notification
metamethod __call: function(self: Background, args: Background_Args): Background
notification: Notification
widget: Widget | nil
stretch_horizontally: boolean
stretch_vertically: boolean
bg: Color
fg: Color
shape: Gears_Shape_Function
border_width: number
border_color: Color
enum Border_strategy
border_strategy: Border_strategy
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
emit_signal: function(self: Background, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Background, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Background, name: string, func: function)
set_shape: function(self: Background, shape: Gears_Shape_Function)
add_button: function(self: Background, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Background, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Background, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
disconnect_signal: function(self: Background, name: string, func: function)
return Background
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Notification = require("naughty.notification")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Icon
enum Signal
record Icon_Args
notification: Notification
metamethod __call: function(self: Icon, args: Icon_Args): Icon
notification: Notification
enum Resize_strategy
resize_strategy: Resize_strategy
image: Image | nil
source_width: number
source_height: number
clip_shape: Gears_Shape_Function
resize: boolean
upscale: boolean
downscale: boolean
stylesheet: string
dpi: number | table
auto_dpi: boolean
enum Horizontal_fit_policy
horizontal_fit_policy: Horizontal_fit_policy
enum Vertical_fit_policy
vertical_fit_policy: Vertical_fit_policy
enum Valign
valign: Valign
enum Halign
halign: Halign
max_scaling_factor: number
enum Scaling_quality
scaling_quality: Scaling_quality
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
emit_signal: function(self: Icon, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Icon, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Icon, name: string, func: function)
add_button: function(self: Icon, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Icon, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Icon, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
disconnect_signal: function(self: Icon, name: string, func: function)
return Icon
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Notification = require("naughty.notification")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Message
enum Signal
record Message_Args
notification: Notification
metamethod __call: function(self: Message, args: Message_Args): Message
notification: Notification
markup: string
text: string
enum Ellipsize
ellipsize: Ellipsize
enum Wrap
wrap: Wrap
enum Valign
valign: Valign
enum Halign
halign: Halign
font: string
line_spacing_factor: number | nil
justify: boolean
indent: number
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
emit_signal: function(self: Message, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Message, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Message, name: string, func: function)
get_preferred_size: function(self: Message, s: integer | Screen): number, number
get_height_for_width: function(self: Message, width: number, s: integer | Screen): number
get_preferred_size_at_dpi: function(self: Message, dpi: number): number, number
get_height_for_width_at_dpi: function(self: Message, width: number, dpi: number): number
set_markup_silently: function(self: Message, text: string): boolean
add_button: function(self: Message, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Message, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Message, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
disconnect_signal: function(self: Message, name: string, func: function)
return Message
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Notification = require("naughty.notification")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Title
enum Signal
record Title_Args
notification: Notification
metamethod __call: function(self: Title, args: Title_Args): Title
notification: Notification
markup: string
text: string
enum Ellipsize
ellipsize: Ellipsize
enum Wrap
wrap: Wrap
enum Valign
valign: Valign
enum Halign
halign: Halign
font: string
line_spacing_factor: number | nil
justify: boolean
indent: number
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
emit_signal: function(self: Title, name: string)
connect_signal: function(self: Title, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Title, name: string, func: function)
get_preferred_size: function(self: Title, s: integer | Screen): number, number
get_height_for_width: function(self: Title, width: number, s: integer | Screen): number
get_preferred_size_at_dpi: function(self: Title, dpi: number): number, number
get_height_for_width_at_dpi: function(self: Title, width: number, dpi: number): number
set_markup_silently: function(self: Title, text: string): boolean
add_button: function(self: Title, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Title, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Title, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
disconnect_signal: function(self: Title, name: string, func: function)
return Title
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Root
enum Signal
fake_input: function()
cursor: function(cursor_name: string)
drawins: function(): table
size: function(): integer, integer
size_mm: function(): integer, integer
tags: function(): table
keys: table
buttons: table
content: Cairo_Surface
return Root
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Client = require("ruled.client")
local type Notifications = require("ruled.notifications")
local record Ruled
client: Client
notifications: Notifications
return Ruled
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Client
enum Signal
match: function(c: Client, rule: table): boolean
match_any: function(c: Client, rule: table): boolean
matches: function(c: Client, entry: table): boolean
matching_rules: function(c: Client, rules: table): table
matches_list: function(c: Client, rules: table): boolean
remove_rule_source: function(name: string): boolean
apply: function(c: Client)
add_rule_source: function(name: string, callback: table, depends_on: table, precede: table): boolean
execute: function(c: Client, props: table, callbacks: table)
return Client
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Notification = require("naughty.notification")
local record Notifications
enum Signal
remove_rule_source: function(name: string): boolean
apply: function(n: Notification)
append_rule: function(rule: table)
append_rules: function(rule: table)
remove_rule: function(rule: table): boolean
add_rule_source: function(name: string, callback: table, depends_on: table, precede: table): boolean
return Notifications
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local record Selection
enum Signal
selection: function()
return Selection
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Container = require("wibox.container")
local type Hierarchy = require("wibox.hierarchy")
local type Layout = require("wibox.layout")
local type Screen = require("awful.screen")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Wibox
container: Container
hierarchy: Hierarchy
layout: Layout
enum Signal
record Wibox_Args
border_width: integer
border_color: string
ontop: boolean
cursor: string
visible: boolean
opacity: number
type: string
x: integer
y: integer
width: integer
height: integer
screen: Screen
widget: Widget
shape_bounding: any
shape_clip: any
shape_input: any
bg: Color
bgimage: Cairo_Surface
fg: Color
shape: Gears_Shape_Function
input_passthrough: boolean
metamethod __call: function(self: Wibox, args: Wibox_Args): Wibox
connect_signal: function(name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(name: string)
disconnect_signal: function(name: string, func: function): boolean
border_width: integer
border_color: string
ontop: boolean
cursor: string | nil
visible: boolean
opacity: number
type: string
x: integer
y: integer
width: integer
height: integer
screen: Screen
widget: Widget | nil
window: string
shape_bounding: Cairo_Surface
shape_clip: Cairo_Surface
shape_input: Cairo_Surface
shape: Gears_Shape_Function
input_passthrough: boolean
buttons: table
bg: Color
bgimage: Image | nil
fg: Color
geometry: function(self: Wibox, geo: table | nil): table
struts: function(self: Wibox, struts: table)
setup: function(self: Wibox, args: any)
find_widgets: function(self: Wibox, x: number, y: number): table
to_widget: function(self: Wibox): Widget
save_to_svg: function(self: Wibox, path: string, context: table)
draw: function(self: Wibox, wibox: any)
return Wibox
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Arcchart = require("wibox.container.arcchart")
local type Background = require("wibox.container.background")
local type Border = require("wibox.container.border")
local type Constraint = require("wibox.container.constraint")
local type Margin = require("wibox.container.margin")
local type Mirror = require("wibox.container.mirror")
local type Place = require("wibox.container.place")
local type Radialprogressbar = require("wibox.container.radialprogressbar")
local type Rotate = require("wibox.container.rotate")
local type Scroll = require("wibox.container.scroll")
local type Tile = require("wibox.container.tile")
local record Container
arcchart: Arcchart
background: Background
border: Border
constraint: Constraint
margin: Margin
mirror: Mirror
place: Place
radialprogressbar: Radialprogressbar
rotate: Rotate
scroll: Scroll
tile: Tile
return Container
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Arcchart
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Arcchart, widget: Widget): Arcchart
widget: Widget | nil
paddings: table | number
border_color: Color | nil
colors: table
border_width: number | nil
min_value: number
max_value: number
bg: Color | nil
value: number
values: table
rounded_edge: boolean | nil
thickness: number | nil
start_angle: number
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
reset: function(self: Arcchart)
add_button: function(self: Arcchart, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Arcchart, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Arcchart, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Arcchart, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Arcchart, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Arcchart, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Arcchart, name: string)
return Arcchart
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Background
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Background, widget: Widget, bg: Color, shape: Gears_Shape_Function): Background
widget: Widget | nil
stretch_horizontally: boolean
stretch_vertically: boolean
bg: Color
fg: Color
shape: Gears_Shape_Function
border_width: number
border_color: Color
enum Border_strategy
border_strategy: Border_strategy
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
set_shape: function(self: Background, shape: Gears_Shape_Function)
add_button: function(self: Background, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Background, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Background, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Background, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Background, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Background, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Background, name: string)
return Background
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Border
enum Signal
widget: Widget | nil
border_image: string | Image | nil
slice: boolean
border_image_stylesheet: string
enum Image_scaling_quality
image_scaling_quality: Image_scaling_quality
border_images: table | Image | nil
borders: table | number
enum Sides_fit_policy
sides_fit_policy: Sides_fit_policy
enum Filling_fit_policy
filling_fit_policy: Filling_fit_policy
enum Corners_fit_policy
corners_fit_policy: Corners_fit_policy
honor_borders: boolean
ontop: boolean
fill: boolean
paddings: number | table
border_widgets: table | nil
border_merging: table | nil
expand_corners: boolean
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
reset: function(self: Border)
add_button: function(self: Border, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Border, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Border, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Border, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Border, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Border, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Border, name: string)
return Border
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Constraint
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Constraint, widget: any, strategy: any, width: any, height: any): table
widget: Widget | nil
enum Strategy
strategy: Strategy
width: number | nil
height: number | nil
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
reset: function(self: Constraint)
add_button: function(self: Constraint, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Constraint, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Constraint, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Constraint, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Constraint, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Constraint, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Constraint, name: string)
return Constraint
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Margin
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Margin, widget: Widget, left: number, right: number, top: number, bottom: number, color: any, draw_empty: boolean): table
widget: Widget | nil
margins: number | table
color: Color | nil
draw_empty: boolean
left: number
right: number
top: number
bottom: number
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
reset: function(self: Margin)
add_button: function(self: Margin, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Margin, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Margin, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Margin, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Margin, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Margin, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Margin, name: string)
return Margin
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Mirror
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Mirror, widget: Widget, reflection: table): table
widget: Widget | nil
reflection: table
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
reset: function(self: Mirror)
add_button: function(self: Mirror, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Mirror, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Mirror, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Mirror, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Mirror, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Mirror, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Mirror, name: string)
return Mirror
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Place
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Place, widget: Widget, halign: string, valign: string): table
widget: Widget | nil
enum Valign
valign: Valign
enum Halign
halign: Halign
fill_vertical: boolean
fill_horizontal: boolean
content_fill_vertical: boolean
content_fill_horizontal: boolean
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
reset: function(self: Place)
add_button: function(self: Place, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Place, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Place, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Place, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Place, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Place, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Place, name: string)
return Place
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Radialprogressbar
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Radialprogressbar, widget: Widget): Radialprogressbar
widget: Widget | nil
paddings: table | number | nil
value: number
border_color: Color | nil
color: Color | nil
border_width: number | nil
min_value: number
max_value: number
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
reset: function(self: Radialprogressbar)
add_button: function(self: Radialprogressbar, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Radialprogressbar, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Radialprogressbar, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Radialprogressbar, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Radialprogressbar, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Radialprogressbar, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Radialprogressbar, name: string)
return Radialprogressbar
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
-- This file was auto-generated.
local type Button = require("awful.button")
local type Widget = require("wibox.widget")
local record Rotate
enum Signal
metamethod __call: function(self: Rotate, widget: Widget, dir: string): table
widget: Widget | nil
enum Direction
direction: Direction
children: table
all_children: table
forced_height: number | nil
forced_width: number | nil
opacity: number
visible: boolean
buttons: table
reset: function(self: Rotate)
add_button: function(self: Rotate, button: Button)
emit_signal_recursive: function(self: Rotate, signal_name: string)
index: function(self: Rotate, widget: Widget, recursive: boolean): number, Widget, table
connect_signal: function(self: Rotate, name: string, func: function)
weak_connect_signal: function(self: Rotate, name: string, func: function)
disconnect_signal: function(self: Rotate, name: string, func: function)
emit_signal: function(self: Rotate, name: string)
return Rotate
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