local akey = require 'awful.key' local aclient = require 'awful.client' local control = 'Control' local modkey = 'Mod4' local shift = 'Shift' local client_keybindings = { akey({ modkey }, 'f', function (client) client.fullscreen = not client.fullscreen client:raise() end, { description = 'toggle fullscreen', group = 'client' }), akey({ modkey, shift }, 'c', function (client) client:kill() end, { description = 'close', group = 'client' }), akey({ modkey, control }, 'space', aclient.floating.toggle, { description = 'toggle floating', group = 'client' }), akey({ modkey, control }, 'Return', function (client) client:swap(aclient.getmaster()) end, { description = 'move to master', group = 'client' }), akey({ modkey }, 'o', function (client) client:move_to_screen() end, { description = 'move to screen', group = 'client' }), akey({ modkey }, 't', function (client) client.ontop = not client.ontop end, { description = 'toggle keep on top', group = 'client' }), akey({ modkey }, 'n', function (client) -- The client currently has the input focus, so it cannot be -- minimized, since minimized clients can't have the focus. client.minimized = true end , { description = 'minimize', group = 'client' }), akey({ modkey }, 'm', function (client) client.maximized = not client.maximized client:raise() end, { description = '(un)maximize', group = 'client' }), akey({ modkey, control }, 'm', function (client) client.maximized_vertical = not client.maximized_vertical client:raise() end, { description = '(un)maximize vertically', group = 'client' }), akey({ modkey, shift }, 'm', function (client) client.maximized_horizontal = not client.maximized_horizontal client:raise() end, { description = '(un)maximize horizontally', group = 'client' }) } return client_keybindings