feat(scraper): implement all `section_scrapers`
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
@ -28,77 +28,50 @@ local function extract_item_name(item_name_node: scan.HTMLNode): string
return item_name_node and ((item_name_node.attr.name as string):gsub("^.*[%.:]", ""))
-- local function extract_function_parameter_Parameters(tr_node: scan.HTMLNode): { Variable_Info.Variable_Info }
-- local query_selectors = {
-- name = "span.parameter",
-- types = "span.types"
-- }
local function extract_function_parameters(table_html: string): { Node }
local current_record_parameter: Node = nil
-- return scraper_utils.scrape_tuples(
-- tr_node:outer_html(),
-- { query_selectors.name, query_selectors.types },
-- function(nodes: { string : scan.HTMLNode | nil }): Variable_Info.Variable_Info
-- return Variable_Info(
-- extract_node_text(nodes[query_selectors.name] as scan.HTMLNode),
-- parse_parameter_types(extract_node_text(nodes[query_selectors.types] as scan.HTMLNode))
-- )
-- end)
-- end
return scraper_utils.scrape(table_html, "tr", function(tr: scan.HTMLNode): Node
local tr_html = tr:outer_html()
local name_node <const> = scraper_utils.find(tr_html, "span.parameter")[1]
local types_node <const> = scraper_utils.find(tr_html, "span.types")[1]
if not name_node or not types_node then
return nil
-- local function extract_function_parameters(function_parameters_node: scan.HTMLNode): { Variable_Info.Variable_Info }
-- local current_record_parameter: Type_Info.Type_Info | nil = nil
local name <const> = extract_node_text(name_node)
local types <const> = parse_parameter_types(extract_node_text(types_node))
-- return scraper_utils.scrape(
-- function_parameters_node:outer_html(),
-- "tr",
-- function(line_node: scan.HTMLNode): Variable_Info.Variable_Info
-- local parameters = extract_function_parameter_Parameters(line_node)
-- if #parameters == 0 then
-- return nil
-- elseif #parameters ~= 1 then
-- log:error(logger.message_with_metadata("Expected 1 parameter by <tr> node",
-- { len = #parameters, line_node = line_node, parameters = parameters }))
-- error("Expected 1 parameter by <tr> node")
-- end
-- local name, types = parameters[1].name, parameters[1].types
if tr.attr ~= nil and tr.attr.class == "see_also_sublist" and current_record_parameter then
local field = ast.create_node("variable", name)
field.types = types
table.insert(current_record_parameter.children, field)
return nil
-- if line_node.attr ~= nil and line_node.attr.class == "see_also_sublist" and current_record_parameter then
-- local record_parameter = current_record_parameter as Type_Info.Type_Info
-- if not record_parameter.record_entries then
-- record_parameter.record_entries = Map()
-- end
-- We wrongly tried to convert a table to a record
if current_record_parameter then
current_record_parameter.token = "variable"
current_record_parameter.name = utils.lowercase(current_record_parameter.name)
current_record_parameter.types = { "table" }
current_record_parameter.children = nil
current_record_parameter = nil
-- (record_parameter.record_entries as Map<string, List<Type_Info.Type_Info>>):set(name, types)
if #types == 1 and types[1] == "table" then
current_record_parameter = ast.create_node("record", utils.capitalize(name))
return current_record_parameter
-- return nil
-- end
local field = ast.create_node("variable", name)
field.types = types
return field
-- if #types == 1 and types[1].name == "table" then
-- local record_name = utils.capitalize(name)
-- current_record_parameter = Type_Info(record_name)
-- return Variable_Info(
-- name,
-- List({ current_record_parameter })
-- )
-- end
-- return Variable_Info(name, types)
-- end)
-- end
-- local function extract_function_return_types(function_return_types_node: scan.HTMLNode): List<Type_Info.Type_Info>
-- if not function_return_types_node then
-- return {}
-- end
-- local selector = "span.types .type"
-- local html = function_return_types_node:outer_html()
-- return List(scraper_utils.scrape(html, selector, extract_node_text)):map(
-- function(type_name: string): Type_Info.Type_Info
-- return Type_Info(type_name)
-- end)
-- end
local function extract_function_return_types(ol_html: string): { string }
return scraper_utils.scrape(ol_html, "span.types .type", extract_node_text)
local function extract_property_constraints(property_constraint_node: scan.HTMLNode): { string }
return scraper_utils.scrape(
@ -108,50 +81,40 @@ local function extract_property_constraints(property_constraint_node: scan.HTMLN
-- local function extract_section_functions(dl: string): { Function_Info.Function_Info }
-- local query_selectors = {
-- header = "dt",
-- name = "a",
-- body = "dd",
-- parameters = "table",
-- return_types = "ol",
-- }
local function extract_section_functions(dl: string): { Node }
local list_query_selectors <const>: { string : string } = {
function_name = "dt a",
body = "dd",
-- return scraper_utils.scrape_tuples(
-- dl,
-- { query_selectors.header, query_selectors.body },
-- function(nodes: { string : scan.HTMLNode | nil }): Function_Info.Function_Info
-- if not nodes[query_selectors.header] or not nodes[query_selectors.body] then
-- log:warn(
-- logger.message_with_metadata(
-- "Missing header or body",
-- { nodes = nodes }
-- )
-- )
-- error("Missing header or body")
-- end
-- local header = nodes[query_selectors.header] as scan.HTMLNode
-- local body = nodes[query_selectors.body] as scan.HTMLNode
-- local body_elements = scraper_utils.extract_nodes(
-- body:outer_html(),
-- { query_selectors.parameters, query_selectors.return_types }
-- )
-- return Function_Info(
-- scraper_utils.scrape(
-- header:outer_html(),
-- query_selectors.name,
-- extract_item_name
-- )[1],
-- #body_elements:get(query_selectors.parameters) ~= 0 and
-- List(extract_function_parameters(body_elements:get(query_selectors.parameters)[1])) or
-- (List() as List<Variable_Info.Variable_Info>),
-- #body_elements:get(query_selectors.return_types) ~= 0 and
-- extract_function_return_types(body_elements:get(query_selectors.return_types)[1]) or
-- (List() as List<Type_Info.Type_Info>)
-- )
-- end
-- )
-- end
local functions<const>: { Node } = {}
for nodes in scraper_utils.iter_tuples(
) do
local function_node <const> = ast.create_node(
local body_html = nodes[list_query_selectors.body]:outer_html()
local parameter_node = scraper_utils.find(body_html, "table")[1]
function_node.parameters = parameter_node and
extract_function_parameters(parameter_node:outer_html()) or
local return_node = scraper_utils.find(body_html, "ol")[1]
function_node.return_types = return_node and
extract_function_return_types(return_node:outer_html()) or
table.insert(functions, function_node)
return functions
local function extract_section_variables(dl: string): { Node }, { string }
local query_selectors <const>: { string : string } = {
@ -160,8 +123,8 @@ local function extract_section_variables(dl: string): { Node }, { string }
variable_property_constraint = "dd span.property_type",
local variables <const> = {}
local signals <const> = {}
local variables <const>: { Node } = {}
local signals <const>: { string } = {}
for nodes in scraper_utils.iter_tuples(
@ -197,10 +160,10 @@ local function extract_section_signal(dl: string): { string }
local enum Section
-- "Constructors"
-- "Static module functions"
"Static module functions"
"Object properties"
-- "Object methods"
"Object methods"
@ -208,26 +171,27 @@ end
-- - Nodes that should be added to the module
-- - Nodes that should be added to the global scope
-- - Strings that should be added to the record Signals
local section_scrapers <total>: { Section : function(html: string): { Node }, { Node }, { string } } = {
-- ["Constructors"] = function(html: string, module_doc: Module_Doc.Module_Doc)
-- module_doc.constructors = List(extract_section_functions(html))
-- end,
-- ["Static module functions"] = function(html: string, module_doc: Module_Doc.Module_Doc)
-- module_doc.static_functions = List(extract_section_functions(html))
-- end,
local section_scrapers <total>: { Section : function(html: string, module_name: string): { Node }, { Node }, { string } } = {
["Constructors"] = function(html: string): { Node }, { Node }, { string }
return extract_section_functions(html), {}, {}
["Static module functions"] = function(html: string): { Node }, { Node }, { string }
local static_functions = extract_section_functions(html)
return static_functions, {}, {}
["Object properties"] = function(html: string): { Node }, { Node }, { string }
local properties, signals = extract_section_variables(html)
return properties, {}, signals
-- ["Object methods"] = function(html: string, module_doc: Module_Doc.Module_Doc)
-- local self_parameter = Variable_Info("self", List({ Type_Info(module_doc.record_name) }))
-- module_doc.methods = List(extract_section_functions(html)):map(
-- function(method: Function_Info.Function_Info): Function_Info.Function_Info
-- method.parameters:insert(1, self_parameter)
-- return method
-- end
-- )
-- end,
["Object methods"] = function(html: string, module_name: string): { Node }, { Node }, { string }
local methods <const> = extract_section_functions(html)
for _, method in ipairs(methods) do
local self_parameter = ast.create_node("variable", "self")
self_parameter.types = { module_name }
table.insert(method.parameters, 1, self_parameter)
return methods, {}, {}
["Signals"] = function(html: string): { Node }, { Node }, { string }
local signals = extract_section_signal(html)
return {}, {}, signals
@ -263,7 +227,7 @@ function module.get_doc_from_page(html: string, module_name: string): Node, { No
local dl_html = html_nodes:get("dl.function")[i]:outer_html()
if section_scrapers[section_name] then
local module_nodes, global_nodes, signals_name = section_scrapers[section_name](dl_html)
local module_nodes, global_nodes, signals_name = section_scrapers[section_name](dl_html, record_name)
for _, node in ipairs(module_nodes) do
table.insert(module_root.children, node)
@ -48,28 +48,16 @@ function scraper_utils.extract_nodes(html: string, query_selectors: { string }):
return siblings
function scraper_utils.scrape_tuples<T>(html: string, query_selectors: { string }, extract_callback: function(tuple: { string : scan.HTMLNode | nil }): T): { T }
local nodes = scraper_utils.extract_nodes(html, query_selectors)
function scraper_utils.find(html: string, query_selector: string): { scan.HTMLNode }
local nodes: { scan.HTMLNode } = {}
local ret: { T } = {}
for i = 1, #nodes:get(query_selectors[1]) do
local node_list: { string : scan.HTMLNode | nil } = {}
tablex.foreach(query_selectors, function(query_selector: string)
node_list[query_selector] = nodes:get(query_selector)[i] or nil
local success, info_or_error = pcall(extract_callback, node_list)
if not success then
local error_message = info_or_error as string
log:error(logger.message_with_metadata("Extraction error", { error = error_message }))
local info = info_or_error as T
table.insert(ret, info)
scanner.scan_html(html, function(stack: scan.NodeStack)
if stack:is(query_selector) then
table.insert(nodes, stack:current())
return ret
return nodes
function scraper_utils.iter_tuples(html: string, query_selectors: { string }): function(): { string : scan.HTMLNode }
Reference in New Issue