diff --git a/.busted b/.busted
index ff4c29f..1d410d2 100644
--- a/.busted
+++ b/.busted
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+if os.getenv "LOCAL_LUA_DEBUGGER_VSCODE" == "1" then
+ require("lldebugger").start()
local version = _VERSION:match "%d+%.%d+"
@@ -10,11 +14,14 @@ local function lua_module_paths(module_base_path)
return {
- default = {
+ _all = {
lpath = lua_module_paths("lua_modules/share/lua/" .. version)
.. lua_module_paths "types"
.. lua_module_paths "./src/awesomewm.d.tl",
cpath = "lua_modules/lib/lua/" .. version .. "/?.so;",
loaders = { "teal" },
+ coverage = {
+ coverage = true,
+ },
diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
index dc552b6..2ff1b1a 100644
--- a/.editorconfig
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -8,13 +8,7 @@ charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
-indent_size = 3
-indent_size = 3
indent_size = 3
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index f6ca0ea..97ac9ea 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/.luacov b/.luacov
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..381eb6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.luacov
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+-- -- Per https://github.com/lunarmodules/luacov/blob/c915f4b95e8df5dbfaf2b1f04f0b7da04506fc7a/src/luacov/reporter.lua#L102
+-- -- > The option includeuntestedfiles requires the lfs module (from luafilesystem) to be installed.
+-- -- So I'm ok with including it here, since it's already an hard dependency.
+-- local lfs = require "lfs"
+-- local function walk(dir, callback)
+-- for file in lfs.dir(dir) do
+-- if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
+-- local path = dir .. "/" .. file
+-- local attr = lfs.attributes(path)
+-- if attr.mode == "directory" then
+-- walk(path, callback)
+-- else
+-- callback(path)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- local teal_files = {}
+-- for _, path in pairs { "spec", "src" } do
+-- walk(path, function(file)
+-- if file:match "%.tl$" then
+-- table.insert(teal_files, file)
+-- end
+-- end)
+-- end
+return {
+ statsfile = "luacov/luacov.stats.out",
+ reporter = "html",
+ reportfile = "luacov/luacov.report.html",
+ include = {
+ "spec",
+ "src",
+ },
+ exclude = {
+ "lua_modules",
+ "spec/tlconfig.lua",
+ "src/awesome.d.tl/types",
+ "types",
+ },
+ -- runreport = true, -- For some reason, it makes my computer crash
+ -- includeuntestedfiles = teal_files,
+ includeuntestedfiles = true,
diff --git a/.vscode/launch.json b/.vscode/launch.json
index cb54d96..dad13e8 100644
--- a/.vscode/launch.json
+++ b/.vscode/launch.json
@@ -8,7 +8,21 @@
"program": {
"command": "just"
- "args": ["debug"]
+ "args": ["run"],
+ "scriptFiles": ["${workspaceFolder}/**/*.tl"]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Debug specs",
+ "type": "lua-local",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "program": {
+ "command": "just"
+ },
+ "args": [
+ "test",
+ "_spec" // Adapt to the spec to debug
+ ],
+ "scriptFiles": ["${workspaceFolder}/**/*.tl"]
diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json
index 80272e5..f071b81 100644
--- a/.vscode/settings.json
+++ b/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
- "editor.formatOnSave": true,
- "editor.formatOnPaste": true,
"[markdown]": {
- "editor.wordWrap": "on",
+ "editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "off",
"editor.renderWhitespace": "all",
- "editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "off"
+ "editor.wordWrap": "on"
"cSpell.words": [
@@ -13,10 +11,12 @@
+ "concat",
+ "includeuntestedfiles",
@@ -24,24 +24,37 @@
+ "luacov",
+ "modname",
+ "reportfile",
+ "rstrip",
+ "runreport",
+ "statsfile",
+ "stringx",
+ "sublist",
+ "tbody",
+ "debug.allowBreakpointsEverywhere": true,
+ "editor.formatOnPaste": true,
+ "editor.formatOnSave": true,
"files.associations": {
+ ".busted": "lua",
".luacheckrc": "lua",
- "*.rockspec": "lua",
- ".busted": "lua"
+ ".luacov": "lua",
+ "*.rockspec": "lua"
diff --git a/justfile b/justfile
index 370bcda..d35a481 100644
--- a/justfile
+++ b/justfile
@@ -47,13 +47,10 @@ validate:
# `find . -type f -iname '*.d.tl' | xargs`
- busted
+test PATTERN="_spec":
+ busted --pattern={{ PATTERN }}
-# TODO : how to run a debugger on Teal code?
- {{ lua }} debug.lua build/awesomewm.d.tl/init.lua
- cyan gen --output set_paths.lua --gen-compat "off" set_paths.tl
- sed -i 's/"src\/awesomewm.d.tl"/"build\/awesomewm.d.tl"/g' set_paths.lua
- stylua set_paths.lua
+# Requires a patched version of luacov (https://github.com/lunarmodules/luacov/issues/98#issuecomment-1530491759)
+ busted --coverage
+ luacov
diff --git a/spec/example_spec.tl b/spec/example_spec.tl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7448c7d..0000000
--- a/spec/example_spec.tl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-local assert = require("luassert")
-describe("Busted unit testing framework", function()
- describe("should be awesome", function()
- it("should be easy to use", function()
- assert.truthy "Yup."
- end)
- it("should have lots of features", function()
- -- deep check comparisons!
- assert.same({ table = "great" }, { table = "great" })
- -- or check by reference!
- assert.not_equal({ table = "great" }, { table = "great" })
- assert.truthy "this is a string" -- truthy: not false or nil
- assert.is_true(1 == 1)
- assert.falsy(nil)
- assert.has_error(function()
- error "Wat"
- end, "Wat")
- end)
- it("should provide some shortcuts to common functions", function()
- assert.is_unique { { thing = 1 }, { thing = 2 }, { thing = 3 } }
- end)
- end)
diff --git a/spec/example_with_my_code_spec.tl b/spec/example_with_my_code_spec.tl
deleted file mode 100644
index a510409..0000000
--- a/spec/example_with_my_code_spec.tl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-local assert = require("luassert")
-local utils = require("utils")
-describe("test", function()
- it("has_item", function()
- local t = {1, 2, 3}
- assert.equal(utils.has_item(t, 1), 1)
- assert.is_nil(utils.has_item(t, 4))
- end)
diff --git a/spec/printer/teal_type_definition_spec.tl b/spec/printer/teal_type_definition_spec.tl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6367ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/printer/teal_type_definition_spec.tl
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+local assert = require("luassert")
+local type Node = require("types.Node")
+local stringx = require("pl.stringx")
+local teal_type_definition_printer = require("printer.teal_type_definition")
+local printer = teal_type_definition_printer.printer
+-- We need to remove the last newline inserted by Penlight's dedent
+local function dedent(str: string): string
+ return (stringx.dedent(str):sub(1, -2))
+local function gen(ast: Node, expected_code: string): function()
+ return function()
+ local generated = printer(ast)
+ assert.same(dedent(expected_code), generated)
+ end
+describe("Teal type definition Printer", function()
+ it("should print a simple module type definition", gen(
+ {
+ children = {},
+ dependencies = {},
+ name = "Empty",
+ token = "module",
+ },
+ [[
+ -- This file was auto-generated.
+ local record Empty
+ end
+ return Empty
+ ]]))
+ it("should print an Enum exposed by the module", gen(
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ name = "widget::layout_changed",
+ token = "identifier",
+ },
+ {
+ name = "widget::redraw_needed",
+ token = "identifier",
+ },
+ },
+ name = "Signal",
+ token = "enum",
+ },
+ },
+ dependencies = {},
+ name = "Signal_Module",
+ token = "module",
+ },
+ [[
+ -- This file was auto-generated.
+ local record Signal_Module
+ enum Signal
+ "widget::layout_changed"
+ "widget::redraw_needed"
+ end
+ end
+ return Signal_Module
+ ]]))
+ it("should print a property exposed by the module", gen(
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ name = "text",
+ types = { "string", "nil" },
+ token = "variable",
+ }
+ },
+ dependencies = {},
+ name = "Property_Module",
+ token = "module",
+ },
+ [[
+ -- This file was auto-generated.
+ local record Property_Module
+ text: string | nil
+ end
+ return Property_Module
+ ]]))
+ it("should print a function exposed by the module", gen(
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ parameters = {
+ {
+ types = { "integer" },
+ name = "pid",
+ token = "variable",
+ },
+ {
+ types = { "integer" },
+ name = "sig",
+ token = "variable",
+ },
+ },
+ return_types = { "boolean" },
+ name = "kill",
+ token = "function",
+ },
+ },
+ dependencies = {},
+ name = "Function_Module",
+ token = "module",
+ },
+ [[
+ -- This file was auto-generated.
+ local record Function_Module
+ kill: function(pid: integer, sig: integer): boolean
+ end
+ return Function_Module
+ ]]))
+ it("should print nested Record exposed by the module", gen(
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ children = {},
+ name = "Nested",
+ token = "record",
+ }
+ },
+ dependencies = {},
+ name = "Nested_Module",
+ token = "module",
+ },
+ [[
+ -- This file was auto-generated.
+ local record Nested_Module
+ record Nested
+ end
+ end
+ return Nested_Module
+ ]]))
+ it("should print require statement for module's dependencies", gen(
+ {
+ children = {},
+ dependencies = {
+ dep = "dep",
+ deeper = "path.dep.deeper",
+ },
+ name = "Module",
+ token = "module",
+ },
+ [[
+ -- This file was auto-generated.
+ local type deeper = require("path.dep.deeper")
+ local type dep = require("dep")
+ local record Module
+ end
+ return Module
+ ]]))
diff --git a/spec/scraper/module_doc_spec.tl b/spec/scraper/module_doc_spec.tl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d563fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/scraper/module_doc_spec.tl
@@ -0,0 +1,823 @@
+local assert = require("luassert")
+local type Node = require("types.Node")
+local scraper = require("scraper.module_doc")
+local get_doc_from_page = scraper.get_doc_from_page
+local function test(html: string, module_path: string, expected_ast: Node, expected_other_nodes: { Node } | nil): function()
+ return function()
+ local ast , other_nodes = get_doc_from_page(html, module_path)
+ assert.same(expected_ast, ast)
+ assert.same(expected_other_nodes or {}, other_nodes)
+ end
+describe("Scrap documentation", function()
+ it("should return a valid AST for an empty module", test(
+ "",
+ "empty",
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ children = {},
+ name = "Signal",
+ token = "enum",
+ }
+ },
+ name = "Empty",
+ module_path = "empty",
+ dependencies = {},
+ token = "module",
+ }))
+ it("should produce Variable and `property::` Signal nodes", test(
+ [[
+ -
+ 馃敆
+ value
+ number
+ 路 1 signal
+ -
+ Default value
+ |
+ : 0 |
+ Negative allowed
+ |
+ : true |
+ ]],
+ "property_signal",
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ name = "property::value",
+ token = "identifier",
+ },
+ },
+ name = "Signal",
+ token = "enum",
+ },
+ {
+ name = "value",
+ types = { "number" },
+ token = "variable",
+ }
+ },
+ name = "Property_signal",
+ module_path = "property_signal",
+ dependencies = {},
+ token = "module",
+ }))
+ it("should produce Enum nodes when an Object Property type is a String with constraints", test(
+ [[
+ -
+ 馃敆
+ horizontal_fit_policy
+ string
+ 路 1 signal
+ -
+ Default value
+ |
+ : "auto" |
+ Valid values:
+ |
+ "auto"
+ |
+ : Honor the resize variable and preserve the aspect
+ ratio.
+ |
+ "none"
+ |
+ : Do not resize at all. |
+ "fit"
+ |
+ : Resize to the widget width. |
+ ]],
+ "property_enum",
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ name = "property::horizontal_fit_policy",
+ token = "identifier",
+ },
+ },
+ name = "Signal",
+ token = "enum",
+ },
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ name = "auto",
+ token = "identifier",
+ },
+ {
+ name = "none",
+ token = "identifier",
+ },
+ {
+ name = "fit",
+ token = "identifier",
+ },
+ },
+ name = "Horizontal_fit_policy",
+ token = "enum",
+ },
+ {
+ name = "horizontal_fit_policy",
+ types = { "Horizontal_fit_policy" },
+ token = "variable",
+ },
+ },
+ name = "Property_enum",
+ module_path = "property_enum",
+ dependencies = {},
+ token = "module",
+ }))
+ it("should produce a `string` typed Variable node when a String Property has no constraint", test(
+ [[
+ -
+ 馃敆
+ markup
+ string
+ 路 1 signal
+ -
+ string
+ ]],
+ "property_string",
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ name = "property::markup",
+ token = "identifier",
+ },
+ },
+ name = "Signal",
+ token = "enum",
+ },
+ {
+ name = "markup",
+ types = { "string" },
+ token = "variable",
+ }
+ },
+ name = "Property_string",
+ module_path = "property_string",
+ dependencies = {},
+ token = "module",
+ }))
+ it("should provide a Function node with the `self` as the first positional parameter", test(
+ [[
+ -
+ 馃敆
+ :swap (tag2)
+ -
+ tag2 |
+ |
+ tag
+ |
+ The second tag |
+ ]],
+ "awful.tag",
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ children = {},
+ name = "Signal",
+ token = "enum",
+ },
+ {
+ parameters = {
+ {
+ types = { "Tag" },
+ name = "self",
+ token = "variable",
+ },
+ {
+ types = { "tag" }, -- This needs to be fixed : tag -> Tag
+ name = "tag2",
+ token = "variable",
+ }
+ },
+ return_types = {},
+ name = "swap",
+ token = "function",
+ },
+ },
+ name = "Tag",
+ module_path = "awful.tag",
+ dependencies = {},
+ token = "module",
+ }))
+ it("should produce Signal nodes", test(
+ [[
+ -
+ 馃敆
+ widget::layout_changed
+ 路 Inherited from wibox.widget.base
+ -
+ 馃敆
+ widget::redraw_needed
+ 路 Inherited from wibox.widget.base
+ ]],
+ "signal",
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ name = "widget::layout_changed",
+ token = "identifier",
+ },
+ {
+ name = "widget::redraw_needed",
+ token = "identifier",
+ },
+ },
+ name = "Signal",
+ token = "enum",
+ },
+ },
+ name = "Signal",
+ module_path = "signal",
+ dependencies = {},
+ token = "module",
+ }))
+ it("should produce Function nodes", test(
+ [[
+ -
+ 馃敆
+ awesome.kill
+ (pid, sig)
+ -> boolean
+ -
+ Send a signal to a process.
+ pid |
+ |
+ integer
+ |
+ Process identifier. 0 and negative values have special meaning. See
+ man 3 kill .
+ |
+ sig |
+ |
+ integer
+ |
+ Signal number. See
+ awesome.unix_signal
+ for a list of signals.
+ |
+ Returns:
+ boolean
+ true if the signal was successfully sent, else false
+ ]],
+ "awesome", -- The module name must be the same as the module name in the doc
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ children = {},
+ name = "Signal",
+ token = "enum",
+ },
+ {
+ parameters = {
+ {
+ types = { "integer" },
+ name = "pid",
+ token = "variable",
+ },
+ {
+ types = { "integer" },
+ name = "sig",
+ token = "variable",
+ },
+ },
+ return_types = { "boolean" },
+ name = "kill",
+ token = "function",
+ }
+ },
+ name = "Awesome",
+ module_path = "awesome",
+ dependencies = {},
+ token = "module",
+ }))
+ it("should produce a Record node when a function parameter is a named-parameter-table", test(
+ [[
+ -
+ 馃敆
+ awful.screen.focused
+ {[args]}
+ -> nil or screen
+ -
+ args |
+ Optional |
+ table
+ |
+ |
+ Undefined |
+ client |
+ Optional |
+ boolean
+ |
+ Use the client screen instead of the mouse screen.
+ |
+ false
+ |
+ mouse |
+ Optional |
+ boolean
+ |
+ Use the mouse screen |
+ true
+ |
+ Returns:
+ optional
+ screen
+ The focused screen object, or
+ nil
+ in case no screen is present currently.
+ ]],
+ "awful.screen",
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ children = {},
+ name = "Signal",
+ token = "enum",
+ },
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ types = { "boolean" },
+ name = "client",
+ token = "variable",
+ },
+ {
+ types = { "boolean" },
+ name = "mouse",
+ token = "variable",
+ }
+ },
+ name = "Focused_Args",
+ token = "record",
+ },
+ {
+ parameters = {
+ {
+ types = { "Focused_Args" },
+ name = "args",
+ token = "variable",
+ },
+ },
+ return_types = { "screen" },
+ name = "focused",
+ token = "function",
+ },
+ },
+ name = "Screen",
+ module_path = "awful.screen",
+ dependencies = {},
+ token = "module",
+ }))
+ it("should go back to a table typed parameter when the record is empty", test(
+ [[
+ -
+ 馃敆
+ gears.table.crush (target, source, raw)
+ -> table
+ -
+ target |
+ |
+ table |
+ The target table. Values from source will be copied
+ into this table. |
+ Not applicable |
+ source |
+ |
+ table |
+ The source table. Its values will be copied into
+ target . |
+ Not applicable |
+ raw |
+ Optional |
+ bool |
+ If true , values will be assigned with rawset.
+ This will bypass metamethods on target . |
+ false |
+ Returns:
+ table
+ The target table.
+ ]],
+ "gears.table",
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ children = {},
+ name = "Signal",
+ token = "enum",
+ },
+ {
+ parameters = {
+ {
+ types = { "table" },
+ name = "target",
+ token = "variable",
+ },
+ {
+ types = { "table" },
+ name = "source",
+ token = "variable",
+ },
+ {
+ types = { "bool" },
+ name = "raw",
+ token = "variable",
+ }
+ },
+ return_types = { "table" },
+ name = "crush",
+ token = "function",
+ }
+ },
+ name = "Table",
+ module_path = "gears.table",
+ dependencies = {},
+ token = "module",
+ }))
+ it("should go back to a table typed parameter when the record is empty and it's the last parameter", test(
+ [[
+ -
+ 馃敆
+ :tags
+ (tags_table)
+ -> table
+ 路 1 signal
+ -
+ tags_table |
+ |
+ table
+ |
+ A table with tags to set, or nil to get the current
+ tags.
+ |
+ Returns:
+ table
+ A table with all tags.
+ ]],
+ "awful.client",
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ children = {},
+ name = "Signal",
+ token = "enum",
+ },
+ {
+ parameters = {
+ {
+ types = { "Client" },
+ name = "self",
+ token = "variable",
+ },
+ {
+ types = { "table" },
+ name = "tags_table",
+ token = "variable",
+ },
+ },
+ return_types = { "table" },
+ name = "tags",
+ token = "function",
+ },
+ },
+ name = "Client",
+ module_path = "awful.client",
+ dependencies = {},
+ token = "module",
+ }))
+ it("should return Function nodes with the `other_nodes` list when the function module name doesn't match the module name", test(
+ [[
+ -
+ 馃敆
+ client.instances
+ ()
+ -> integer
+ -
+ Get the number of instances.
+ integer
+ The number of client objects alive.
+ ]],
+ "awful.client",
+ {
+ children = {
+ {
+ children = {},
+ name = "Signal",
+ token = "enum",
+ },
+ },
+ name = "Client",
+ module_path = "awful.client",
+ dependencies = {},
+ token = "module",
+ },
+ {
+ {
+ parameters = {},
+ return_types = { "integer" },
+ name = "client.instances",
+ token = "function",
+ }
+ }))
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/ast.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/ast.tl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f5dae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/ast.tl
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+local type Node = require("types.Node")
+local basic_nodes : { Node.Token : function(name: string, ...: any): Node } = {
+ module = function(name: string, module_path: string): Node
+ return {
+ token = "module",
+ name = name,
+ module_path = module_path,
+ dependencies = {},
+ children = {},
+ }
+ end,
+ record = function(name: string): Node
+ return {
+ token = "record",
+ name = name,
+ children = {},
+ }
+ end,
+ enum = function(name: string): Node
+ return {
+ token = "enum",
+ name = name,
+ children = {},
+ }
+ end,
+ identifier = function(name: string): Node
+ return {
+ token = "identifier",
+ name = name,
+ }
+ end,
+ variable = function(name: string): Node
+ return {
+ token = "variable",
+ name = name,
+ types = {},
+ }
+ end,
+ ["function"] = function(name: string): Node
+ return {
+ token = "function",
+ name = name,
+ parameters = {},
+ return_types = {},
+ }
+ end,
+ metamethod = function(name: string): Node
+ return {
+ token = "metamethod",
+ name = name,
+ parameters = {},
+ return_types = {},
+ }
+ end,
+local function create_node(token: Node.Token, name: string, ...: any): Node
+ local node = basic_nodes[token](name, ...)
+ return node
+local function iter_children(node: Node): function(): integer, Node
+ if node.children == nil then
+ return function(): integer, Node end
+ end
+ return ipairs(node.children)
+local function in_order_visitor(node: Node, visitor: function(Node))
+ for _, child in iter_children(node) do
+ in_order_visitor(child, visitor)
+ end
+ visitor(node)
+return {
+ create_node = create_node,
+ iter_children = iter_children,
+ in_order_visitor = in_order_visitor,
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/dag.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/dag.tl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9953a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/dag.tl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+local type Dag = require("types.Dag")
+local type Node = require("types.Node")
+local utils = require("utils")
+local function new(): Dag
+ local dag : Dag = {
+ modules = {},
+ global_nodes = {},
+ }
+ return dag
+local function push_module(dag: Dag, module_path: string, root_node: Node)
+ dag.modules[module_path] = root_node
+local function push_global_nodes(dag: Dag, nodes: { Node })
+ utils.spread(dag.global_nodes, nodes)
+local function iter_modules(dag: Dag): function(): string, Node
+ return pairs(dag.modules)
+return {
+ new = new,
+ push_module = push_module,
+ push_global_nodes = push_global_nodes,
+ iter_modules = iter_modules,
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/generator/init.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/generator/init.tl
deleted file mode 100644
index 586a64b..0000000
--- a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/generator/init.tl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-return {
- global_env_def = require "generator.global_env_def",
- module_init_definition = require "generator.module_init_definition",
- snippets = require "generator.snippets",
- teal_type_definitions = require "generator.teal_type_definitions",
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/generator/teal_type_definitions.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/generator/teal_type_definitions.tl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a1d31a..0000000
--- a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/generator/teal_type_definitions.tl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-local Module_Doc = require "entity.Module_Doc"
-local template = require "pl.template"
-local utils = require "utils"
-local snippets = require "generator.snippets"
--- The long therm goal is to have so many `snippets.render_*` functions that
--- we can render the whole file with the smallest template possible.
-local tmpl = [[
--- Auto generated file (Do not manually edit this file!)
-# if module.requires:len() ~= 0 then
-# end -- /requires
-local record $(module.record_name)
-# if #module.signals ~= 0 then
-$(snippets.indent(snippets.render_enum("Signal", module.signals)))
-# end -- /signals
-# if #module.methods ~= 0 then
- -- Object methods
-# end -- /methods
-# if #module.properties ~= 0 then
- -- Object properties
-# end -- /properties
-# if #module.constructors ~= 0 then
- -- Constructors
-# end -- /constructors
-# if #module.static_functions ~= 0 then
- -- Static functions
-# end -- /static_functions
-return $(module.record_name)
-local module = {}
-function module.generate_teal(data: Module_Doc.Module_Doc): string
- local tmpl_args = {
- ipairs = ipairs,
- module = data,
- snippets = snippets,
- }
- return utils.do_or_fail(template.substitute, tmpl, tmpl_args)
-return module
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/init.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/init.tl
index b508aab..fd99f4c 100644
--- a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/init.tl
+++ b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/init.tl
@@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
+if os.getenv("LOCAL_LUA_DEBUGGER_VSCODE") == "1" then
+ require("lldebugger").start()
+local ast = require "ast"
local crawler = require "crawler"
+local dag = require "dag"
local filesystem = require "filesystem"
-local generator = require "generator"
+local printer = require "printer"
local List = require "pl.List"
local logger = require "logger"
local Map = require "pl.Map"
-local Module_Doc = require "entity.Module_Doc"
local Module_Info = require "entity.Module_Info"
+local module_dependencies = require "visitors.module_dependencies"
+local type Node = require "types.Node"
local property = require "property"
local scraper = require "scraper"
local stringx = require "pl.stringx"
+local type_mapping = require "visitors.type_mapping"
local utils = require "utils"
local log = logger.log("main")
@@ -38,7 +46,7 @@ local function module_lists(
-- The module's children list produced can contain duplicates.
--- We ignore them for now because they are dismissed when building a Map for the generator.
+-- We ignore them for now because they are dismissed when building a Map for the printer.
local function modules_tree(modules: List): Map>
local tree: Map> = Map()
for module in modules:iter() do
@@ -65,27 +73,37 @@ local function modules_tree(modules: List): Map
- local html = crawler.fetch(url)
- local module_doc = scraper.module_doc.get_doc_from_page(html, record_name)
- module_doc:fixup()
- module_doc:populate_requires()
- filesystem.file_writer.write(
- generator.teal_type_definitions.generate_teal(module_doc),
- output_path
- )
+ local tree = modules_tree(module_infos)
+ for module, children in tree:iter() do
+ -- TODO : this map should be coupled with the all_module_infos list
+ local requires: Map = Map()
+ for child in children:iter() do
+ local name = child:gmatch(".*%.(.*)$")()
+ requires:set(name, child)
+ end
+ filesystem.file_writer.write(
+ printer.module_init_definition.generate_teal(requires),
+ property.out_directory .. "/" .. stringx.split(module, "."):slice(1, -1):join("/") .. "/init.d.tl"
+ )
+ end
+--- TODO : rewrite the module_info thingy
local all_module_infos, module_infos, global_module_infos = module_lists(
property.base_url .. property.index_uri,
- List(property.capi_modules),
- List(property.ignored_modules)
+ List(),-- List(property.capi_modules),
+ List(utils.spread(
+ property.ignored_modules,
+ {
+ -- Modules that broke the parser.
+ --- TODO : fix the parser
+ "awful.screenshot",
+ }))
-local tree = modules_tree(module_infos)
@@ -94,49 +112,52 @@ log:info(
total_module_count = #all_module_infos,
module_count = #module_infos,
global_module_count = #global_module_infos,
- tree_items = tree:len(),
+-- Build the DAG
+local module_dag = dag.new()
for module in module_infos:iter() do
- do_one_file(
- property.base_url .. "/" .. module.uri,
- module.name,
- property.out_directory .. "/" .. module.name:gsub("%.", "/") .. ".d.tl"
+ local module_ast, other_nodes = scraper.module_doc.get_doc_from_page(
+ crawler.fetch(property.base_url .. "/" .. module.uri),
+ (module.name:gsub(".*%sand%s", ""))
+ dag.push_module(module_dag, module_ast.module_path, module_ast)
+ dag.push_global_nodes(module_dag, other_nodes)
-local global_env_def: List = List()
-for module in global_module_infos:iter() do
- if module.name:gmatch(".*%sand%s.*") then
- do_one_file(
- property.base_url .. "/" .. module.uri,
- module.name,
- property.out_directory .. "/" .. module.name:gsub(".*%sand%s", ""):gsub("%.", "/") .. ".d.tl"
- )
- end
- local html = crawler.fetch(property.base_url .. "/" .. module.uri)
- local module_doc = scraper.module_doc.get_doc_from_page(html, (module.name:gsub("%sand%s.*", "")))
- module_doc:fixup()
- module_doc.record_name = utils.lowercase(module_doc.record_name)
- global_env_def:append(module_doc)
+-- Run the visitors
+for _,root in dag.iter_modules(module_dag) do
+ ast.in_order_visitor(root, function(node: Node)
+ type_mapping.visit(node)
+ end)
+ ast.in_order_visitor(root, function(node: Node)
+ module_dependencies.visit(node, root, module_dag)
+ end)
- generator.global_env_def.generate_teal(global_env_def),
- property.out_directory .. "/global_env.d.tl"
-for module, children in tree:iter() do
- -- TODO : this map should be coupled with the all_module_infos list
- local requires: Map = Map()
- for child in children:iter() do
- local name = child:gmatch(".*%.(.*)$")()
- requires:set(name, child)
- end
+-- Build the global module from dag.global_nodes
+--- TODO : todo
+--- TODO : this is fun, but we need to do something with it
+-- Write the DAG to a file
+-- local inspect = require("inspect")
+-- filesystem.file_writer.write(
+-- inspect(module_dag, { newline = "\n", indent = " ", depth = 2 }),
+-- "generated_dag.lua"
+-- )
+log:info("Preprocessing finished")
+-- Write modules types definitions to files
+for module_path, root in dag.iter_modules(module_dag) do
- generator.module_init_definition.generate_teal(requires),
- property.out_directory .. "/" .. stringx.split(module, "."):slice(1, -1):join("/") .. "/init.d.tl"
+ printer.teal_type_definition.printer(root),
+ property.out_directory .. "/" .. module_path:gsub("%.", "/") .. ".d.tl"
+log:info("Module init files generated")
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/generator/global_env_def.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/printer/global_env_def.tl
similarity index 96%
rename from src/awesomewm.d.tl/generator/global_env_def.tl
rename to src/awesomewm.d.tl/printer/global_env_def.tl
index 47387d6..79b9250 100644
--- a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/generator/global_env_def.tl
+++ b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/printer/global_env_def.tl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ local List = require "pl.List"
local Module_Doc = require "entity.Module_Doc"
local template = require "pl.template"
local utils = require "utils"
-local snippets = require "generator.snippets"
+local snippets = require "printer.snippets"
-- The long therm goal is to have so many `snippets.render_*` functions that
-- we can render the whole file with the smallest template possible.
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/printer/init.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/printer/init.tl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1787676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/printer/init.tl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+return {
+ global_env_def = require("printer.global_env_def"),
+ module_init_definition = require("printer.module_init_definition"),
+ snippets = require("printer.snippets"),
+ teal_type_definition = require("printer.teal_type_definition"),
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/generator/module_init_definition.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/printer/module_init_definition.tl
similarity index 93%
rename from src/awesomewm.d.tl/generator/module_init_definition.tl
rename to src/awesomewm.d.tl/printer/module_init_definition.tl
index 20d8ed4..dca48f5 100644
--- a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/generator/module_init_definition.tl
+++ b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/printer/module_init_definition.tl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
local Map = require "pl.Map"
local template = require "pl.template"
local utils = require "utils"
-local snippets = require "generator.snippets"
+local snippets = require "printer.snippets"
-- The long therm goal is to have so many `snippets.render_*` functions that
-- we can render the whole file with the smallest template possible.
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/generator/snippets.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/printer/snippets.tl
similarity index 100%
rename from src/awesomewm.d.tl/generator/snippets.tl
rename to src/awesomewm.d.tl/printer/snippets.tl
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/printer/teal_type_definition.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/printer/teal_type_definition.tl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbfab82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/printer/teal_type_definition.tl
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+local ast = require("ast")
+local logger = require("logger")
+local type Node = require("types.Node")
+local stringx = require("pl.stringx")
+local utils = require("utils")
+local log = logger.log("scraper")
+local function render_types(types: { string }): string
+ if not types or #types == 0 then
+ return ""
+ end
+ return ": " .. table.concat(types, " | ")
+local function dedent(str: string): string
+ return stringx.dedent(str):sub(1, -2)
+local function render_code(code: string, indent_level: integer): string
+ if not code or code == "" then
+ return ""
+ end
+ local generated = ""
+ for line in stringx.lines(dedent(code)) do
+ generated = generated .. stringx.rstrip(string.rep(" ", 3 * indent_level) .. line) .. "\n"
+ end
+ return generated
+local function render_require(dependencies: { string : string }): string
+ local generated = ""
+ for dependency, path in utils.pairsByKeys(dependencies) do
+ generated = generated .. string.format("local type %s = require(\"%s\")\n", dependency, path)
+ end
+ return generated
+local record Node_Printer_Function
+ on_node: function(node: Node, indent_level: integer): string, integer
+ before_node: nil | function(node: Node, indent_level: integer): string, integer
+ after_node: nil | function(node: Node, indent_level: integer): string, integer
+-- pre-declare functions to prevent forward reference errors
+local print_teal: function(node: Node, indent_level: integer | nil): string
+local print_children: function(node: Node): string
+local node_printer : { Node.Token : Node_Printer_Function } = {
+ ["module"] = {
+ before_node = function(node: Node, indent_level: integer): string, integer
+ return render_code(
+ string.format(
+ "-- This file was auto-generated.\n%s\nlocal record %s",
+ render_require(node.dependencies), -- last require statement will have a newline
+ node.name),
+ indent_level), indent_level + 1
+ end,
+ on_node = function(node: Node, indent_level: integer): string, integer
+ return render_code(print_children(node), indent_level), indent_level
+ end,
+ after_node = function(node: Node, indent_level: integer): string, integer
+ return render_code("end", indent_level - 1) ..
+ "\n" ..
+ render_code(
+ string.format("return %s", node.name),
+ indent_level - 1
+ ), indent_level - 1
+ end,
+ },
+ ["record"] = {
+ before_node = function(node: Node, indent_level: integer): string, integer
+ return render_code(
+ string.format(
+ "record %s",
+ node.name),
+ indent_level), indent_level + 1
+ end,
+ on_node = function(node: Node, indent_level: integer): string, integer
+ return render_code(print_children(node), indent_level), indent_level
+ end,
+ after_node = function(_: Node, indent_level: integer): string, integer
+ return render_code("end", indent_level - 1), indent_level - 1
+ end,
+ },
+ ["enum"] = {
+ before_node = function(node: Node, indent_level: integer): string, integer
+ return render_code(
+ string.format(
+ "enum %s",
+ node.name),
+ indent_level), indent_level + 1
+ end,
+ on_node = function(node: Node, indent_level: integer): string, integer
+ return render_code(print_children(node), indent_level), indent_level
+ end,
+ after_node = function(_: Node, indent_level: integer): string, integer
+ return render_code("end", indent_level - 1), indent_level - 1
+ end,
+ },
+ ["identifier"] = {
+ on_node = function(node: Node, indent_level: integer): string, integer
+ return render_code(string.format('"%s"', node.name), indent_level), indent_level
+ end,
+ },
+ ["variable"] = {
+ on_node = function(node: Node, indent_level: integer): string, integer
+ return render_code(
+ string.format(
+ "%s%s",
+ node.name,
+ render_types(node.types)),
+ indent_level), indent_level
+ end,
+ },
+ ["function"] = {
+ on_node = function(node: Node, indent_level: integer): string, integer
+ local args = {}
+ for _, parameter in ipairs(node.parameters) do
+ table.insert(args, print_teal(parameter):sub(1, -2)) -- need to remove the newline ending
+ end
+ return render_code(
+ string.format(
+ "%s: function(%s)%s",
+ node.name,
+ table.concat(args, ", "),
+ render_types(node.return_types)),
+ indent_level), indent_level
+ end,
+ },
+ ["metamethod"] = {
+ on_node = function(): string, integer
+ log:warn("Metamethods are not supported yet")
+ end,
+ }
+function print_teal(node: Node, indent_level: integer | nil): string
+ indent_level = indent_level or 0
+ local printer = node_printer[node.token]
+ local generated = ""
+ local full_generated = ""
+ if printer.before_node then
+ generated, indent_level = (printer.before_node as function(Node, integer): string, integer)(node, indent_level)
+ full_generated = generated
+ end
+ generated, indent_level = printer.on_node(node, indent_level)
+ full_generated = full_generated .. generated
+ if printer.after_node then
+ generated, indent_level = (printer.after_node as function(Node, integer): string, integer)(node, indent_level)
+ full_generated = full_generated .. generated
+ end
+ return full_generated
+function print_children(node: Node): string
+ local generated = ""
+ for _, child in ast.iter_children(node) do
+ generated = generated .. print_teal(child)
+ end
+ return generated
+return {
+ printer = print_teal,
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/scraper/module_doc.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/scraper/module_doc.tl
index 6c7bd66..0eb0f66 100644
--- a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/scraper/module_doc.tl
+++ b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/scraper/module_doc.tl
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
-local Function_Info = require "entity.Function_Info"
-local List = require "pl.List"
+local ast = require("ast")
+local type Node = require("types.Node")
local logger = require "logger"
-local Map = require "pl.Map"
-local Module_Doc = require "entity.Module_Doc"
local scan = require "web_sanitize.query.scan_html"
local scraper_utils = require "scraper.utils"
local stringx = require "pl.stringx"
-local Type_Info = require "entity.Type_Info"
local utils = require "utils"
-local Variable_Info = require "entity.Variable_Info"
local log = logger.log("scraper")
@@ -16,176 +12,184 @@ local function extract_node_text(node: scan.HTMLNode): string
return utils.sanitize_string(node:inner_text())
-local function parse_parameter_types(parameter_type: string): List
+local function parse_parameter_types(parameter_type: string): { string }
if parameter_type == "" then
- local type_info: Type_Info.Type_Info = Type_Info("any")
- return List({ type_info })
+ return { "any" }
- return stringx.split(parameter_type, " or "):map(
- function(type_name: string): Type_Info.Type_Info
- return Type_Info(utils.sanitize_string(type_name))
+ local types = {}
+ for t in stringx.split(parameter_type, " or "):iter() do
+ table.insert(types, t)
+ end
+ return types
+local function extract_item_name(item_name_node: scan.HTMLNode): string, string | nil
+ if not item_name_node then
+ return
+ end
+ local module_name_node = scraper_utils.find(item_name_node:outer_html(), "span.function_modname")[1]
+ local module_name = module_name_node and module_name_node:inner_text():gsub("[%.:]$", "")
+ local name = item_name_node:inner_text():gsub("^.*[%.:](.+)%s*[%(%{].*[%)%}]", "%1")
+ return utils.sanitize_string(name), module_name and utils.sanitize_string(module_name) or nil
+local function extract_function_parameters(table_html: string, function_name: string): { Node }, { Node }
+ local parameters_types : { Node } = {}
+ local is_populating_parameters_types: boolean = false
+ local current_field: Node = nil
+ local parameters = scraper_utils.scrape(table_html, "tr", function(tr: scan.HTMLNode): Node
+ local tr_html = tr:outer_html()
+ local name_node = scraper_utils.find(tr_html, "span.parameter")[1]
+ local types_node = scraper_utils.find(tr_html, "span.types")[1]
+ if not name_node or not types_node then
+ return nil
- )
-local function extract_item_name(item_name_node: scan.HTMLNode): string
- return item_name_node and ((item_name_node.attr.name as string):gsub("^.*[%.:]", ""))
+ local name = extract_node_text(name_node)
+ local types = parse_parameter_types(extract_node_text(types_node))
-local function extract_function_parameter_Parameters(tr_node: scan.HTMLNode): { Variable_Info.Variable_Info }
- local query_selectors = {
- name = "span.parameter",
- types = "span.types"
- }
+ -- Add a field to the current parameter type record
+ if tr.attr ~= nil and tr.attr.class == "see_also_sublist" and is_populating_parameters_types then
+ local field = ast.create_node("variable", name)
+ field.types = types
+ table.insert(parameters_types[#parameters_types].children, field)
+ return nil
+ end
- return scraper_utils.scrape_tuples(
- tr_node:outer_html(),
- { query_selectors.name, query_selectors.types },
- function(nodes: { string : scan.HTMLNode | nil }): Variable_Info.Variable_Info
- return Variable_Info(
- extract_node_text(nodes[query_selectors.name] as scan.HTMLNode),
- parse_parameter_types(extract_node_text(nodes[query_selectors.types] as scan.HTMLNode))
- )
- end)
+ -- Still here and we are populating the parameter type record ?
+ -- Then oops, we wrongly tried to convert a table to a record
+ if is_populating_parameters_types then
+ table.remove(parameters_types, #parameters_types)
+ is_populating_parameters_types = false
+ current_field.types = { "table" }
+ end
-local function extract_function_parameters(function_parameters_node: scan.HTMLNode): { Variable_Info.Variable_Info }
- local current_record_parameter: Type_Info.Type_Info | nil = nil
+ -- Otherwise, add a new parameter
+ local field = ast.create_node("variable", name)
+ field.types = types
+ current_field = field
- return scraper_utils.scrape(
- function_parameters_node:outer_html(),
- "tr",
- function(line_node: scan.HTMLNode): Variable_Info.Variable_Info
- local parameters = extract_function_parameter_Parameters(line_node)
- if #parameters == 0 then
- return nil
- elseif #parameters ~= 1 then
- log:error(logger.message_with_metadata("Expected 1 parameter by node",
- { len = #parameters, line_node = line_node, parameters = parameters }))
- error("Expected 1 parameter by
- end
- local name, types = parameters[1].name, parameters[1].types
+ -- If the parameter is a table, then we try to convert it to a record
+ if #types == 1 and types[1] == "table" then
+ local record_name = string.format(
+ "%s_%s",
+ utils.capitalize(function_name),
+ utils.capitalize(name))
+ table.insert(parameters_types, ast.create_node("record", record_name))
+ is_populating_parameters_types = true
+ field.types = { record_name }
+ end
- if line_node.attr ~= nil and line_node.attr.class == "see_also_sublist" and current_record_parameter then
- local record_parameter = current_record_parameter as Type_Info.Type_Info
- if not record_parameter.record_entries then
- record_parameter.record_entries = Map()
- end
+ return field
+ end)
- (record_parameter.record_entries as Map>):set(name, types)
- return nil
- end
- if #types == 1 and types[1].name == "table" then
- local record_name = utils.capitalize(name)
- current_record_parameter = Type_Info(record_name)
- return Variable_Info(
- name,
- List({ current_record_parameter })
- )
- end
- return Variable_Info(name, types)
- end)
-local function extract_function_return_types(function_return_types_node: scan.HTMLNode): List
- if not function_return_types_node then
- return {}
+ if is_populating_parameters_types and #parameters_types[#parameters_types].children == 0 then
+ table.remove(parameters_types, #parameters_types)
+ current_field.types = { "table" }
- local selector = "span.types .type"
- local html = function_return_types_node:outer_html()
+ return parameters, parameters_types
- return List(scraper_utils.scrape(html, selector, extract_node_text)):map(
- function(type_name: string): Type_Info.Type_Info
- return Type_Info(type_name)
- end)
+local function extract_function_return_types(ol_html: string): { string }
+ return scraper_utils.scrape(ol_html, "span.types .type", extract_node_text)
local function extract_property_constraints(property_constraint_node: scan.HTMLNode): { string }
return scraper_utils.scrape(
- "tr.see_also_sublist",
+ "tr.see_also_sublist i code",
-local function extract_section_functions(dl: string): { Function_Info.Function_Info }
- local query_selectors = {
- header = "dt",
- name = "a",
+local function extract_section_functions(dl: string, module_name: string | nil): { Node }, { Node}
+ local list_query_selectors : { string : string } = {
+ function_name = "dt strong",
body = "dd",
- parameters = "table",
- return_types = "ol",
- return scraper_utils.scrape_tuples(
+ local functions : { Node } = {}
+ local other_functions : { Node } = {}
+ for nodes in scraper_utils.iter_tuples(
- { query_selectors.header, query_selectors.body },
- function(nodes: { string : scan.HTMLNode | nil }): Function_Info.Function_Info
- if not nodes[query_selectors.header] or not nodes[query_selectors.body] then
- log:warn(
- logger.message_with_metadata(
- "Missing header or body",
- { nodes = nodes }
- )
- )
- error("Missing header or body")
- end
- local header = nodes[query_selectors.header] as scan.HTMLNode
- local body = nodes[query_selectors.body] as scan.HTMLNode
- local body_elements = scraper_utils.extract_nodes(
- body:outer_html(),
- { query_selectors.parameters, query_selectors.return_types }
- )
- return Function_Info(
- scraper_utils.scrape(
- header:outer_html(),
- query_selectors.name,
- extract_item_name
- )[1],
- #body_elements:get(query_selectors.parameters) ~= 0 and
- List(extract_function_parameters(body_elements:get(query_selectors.parameters)[1])) or
- (List() as List),
- #body_elements:get(query_selectors.return_types) ~= 0 and
- extract_function_return_types(body_elements:get(query_selectors.return_types)[1]) or
- (List() as List)
- )
+ utils.values(list_query_selectors)
+ ) do
+ local function_name , function_module_name = extract_item_name(nodes[list_query_selectors.function_name])
+ local function_node = ast.create_node(
+ "function",
+ function_name
+ )
+ local body_html = nodes[list_query_selectors.body]:outer_html()
+ local parameter_node = scraper_utils.find(body_html, "table")[1]
+ local parameters, parameters_types: { Node }, { Node } = {}, {}
+ if parameter_node then
+ parameters, parameters_types = extract_function_parameters(parameter_node:outer_html(), function_name)
- )
+ function_node.parameters = parameters
+ local return_node = scraper_utils.find(body_html, "ol")[1]
+ function_node.return_types = return_node and
+ extract_function_return_types(return_node:outer_html()) or
+ {}
+ if module_name and function_module_name and module_name ~= function_module_name then
+ function_node.name = function_module_name .. "." .. function_node.name
+ utils.spread(other_functions, parameters_types)
+ table.insert(other_functions, function_node)
+ else
+ utils.spread(functions, parameters_types)
+ table.insert(functions, function_node)
+ end
+ end
+ return functions, other_functions
-local function extract_section_variables(dl: string): { Variable_Info.Variable_Info }
- local query_selectors = {
- variable_name = "dt a",
+local function extract_section_variables(dl: string): { Node }, { string }
+ local query_selectors : { string : string } = {
+ variable_name = "dt strong",
variable_summary_type = "dt span.summary_type",
variable_property_constraint = "dd span.property_type",
- return scraper_utils.scrape_tuples(
+ local variables : { Node } = {}
+ local signals : { string } = {}
+ for nodes in scraper_utils.iter_tuples(
- { query_selectors.variable_name, query_selectors.variable_summary_type, query_selectors.variable_property_constraint },
- function(nodes: { string : scan.HTMLNode | nil }): Variable_Info.Variable_Info
- local variable_info = Variable_Info()
+ utils.values(query_selectors)
+ ) do
+ local node = ast.create_node("variable", (extract_item_name(nodes[query_selectors.variable_name])))
+ node.types = parse_parameter_types(extract_node_text(nodes[query_selectors.variable_summary_type]))
- variable_info.name = extract_item_name(nodes[query_selectors.variable_name])
- variable_info.types = parse_parameter_types(extract_node_text(nodes[query_selectors.variable_summary_type]))
- if #variable_info.types == 1 and variable_info.types[1].name == "string" then
- log:debug("extract variable string with constraints, this is an enum")
- variable_info.constraints = List(extract_property_constraints(nodes[query_selectors.variable_property_constraint])):map(
- function(constraint: string): string
- return (constraint:gsub(""", ""))
- end
+ if #node.types == 1 and node.types[1] == "string" then
+ log:debug("extract variable string with constraints, this is an enum", { name = node.name })
+ local type_enum = ast.create_node("enum", utils.capitalize(node.name))
+ for _, constraint in ipairs(extract_property_constraints(nodes[query_selectors.variable_property_constraint])) do
+ table.insert(
+ type_enum.children,
+ ast.create_node("identifier", (constraint:gsub(""", "")))
- return variable_info
+ if #type_enum.children == 0 then
+ log:debug("Enum has no children, get back to variable", { name = node.name })
+ else
+ table.insert(variables, type_enum)
+ node.types = { type_enum.name }
+ end
- )
+ table.insert(variables, node)
+ table.insert(signals, string.format("property::%s", node.name)) -- TODO : actually scrape the signals from the doc
+ end
+ return variables, signals
local function extract_section_signal(dl: string): { string }
@@ -202,58 +206,93 @@ local enum Section
-local section_scrapers: { Section : function(html: string, module_doc: Module_Doc.Module_Doc) } = {
- ["Constructors"] = function(html: string, module_doc: Module_Doc.Module_Doc)
- module_doc.constructors = List(extract_section_functions(html))
- end,
- ["Static module functions"] = function(html: string, module_doc: Module_Doc.Module_Doc)
- module_doc.static_functions = List(extract_section_functions(html))
- end,
- ["Object properties"] = function(html: string, module_doc: Module_Doc.Module_Doc)
- module_doc.properties = List(extract_section_variables(html))
- end,
- ["Object methods"] = function(html: string, module_doc: Module_Doc.Module_Doc)
- local self_parameter = Variable_Info("self", List({ Type_Info(module_doc.record_name) }))
- module_doc.methods = List(extract_section_functions(html)):map(
- function(method: Function_Info.Function_Info): Function_Info.Function_Info
- method.parameters:insert(1, self_parameter)
- return method
+-- returns
+-- - Nodes that should be added to the module
+-- - Nodes that should be added to the global scope
+-- - Strings that should be added to the record Signals
+local section_scrapers : { Section : function(html: string, record_name: string, module_name: string): { Node }, { Node }, { string } } = {
+ ["Constructors"] = function(html: string): { Node }, { Node }, { string }
+ local constructors = extract_section_functions(html)
+ for _, constructor in ipairs(constructors) do
+ if constructor.token == "function" then
+ constructor.name = "new"
- )
+ end
+ return constructors, {}, {}
- ["Signals"] = function(html: string, module_doc: Module_Doc.Module_Doc)
- module_doc.signals = List(extract_section_signal(html))
+ ["Static module functions"] = function(html: string, _: string, module_name: string): { Node }, { Node }, { string }
+ local static_functions, other_functions = extract_section_functions(html, module_name)
+ return static_functions, other_functions, {}
+ end,
+ ["Object properties"] = function(html: string): { Node }, { Node }, { string }
+ local properties, signals = extract_section_variables(html)
+ return properties, {}, signals
+ end,
+ ["Object methods"] = function(html: string, record_name: string): { Node }, { Node }, { string }
+ local methods = extract_section_functions(html)
+ for _, method in ipairs(methods) do
+ if method.token == "function" then
+ local self_parameter = ast.create_node("variable", "self")
+ self_parameter.types = { record_name }
+ table.insert(method.parameters, 1, self_parameter)
+ end
+ end
+ return methods, {}, {}
+ end,
+ ["Signals"] = function(html: string): { Node }, { Node }, { string }
+ local signals = extract_section_signal(html)
+ return {}, {}, signals
+-- local function extract_node_module_name(node: Node): string
+-- return (node.name:gsub("(.*)[%.:].+$", "%1"))
+-- end
local module = {}
-function module.get_doc_from_page(html: string, module_name: string): Module_Doc.Module_Doc
- local nodes = scraper_utils.extract_nodes(html, {
+function module.get_doc_from_page(html: string, module_path: string): Node, { Node }
+ local html_nodes = scraper_utils.extract_nodes(html, {
- if #nodes:get "h2.section-header" ~= #nodes:get "dl.function" then
+ if #html_nodes:get "h2.section-header" ~= #html_nodes:get "dl.function" then
error "The list aren't the same size!"
- local module_doc = Module_Doc()
- module_doc.record_name = utils.capitalize((module_name:gsub(".*%.", "")))
+ local record_name = utils.capitalize((module_path:gsub(".*%.", "")))
+ local module_root = ast.create_node("module", record_name, module_path)
+ local other_nodes : { Node } = {}
- for i = 1, #nodes:get("h2.section-header") do
- local h2 = nodes:get("h2.section-header")[i]
+ local module_signals_node = ast.create_node("enum", "Signal")
+ table.insert(module_root.children, module_signals_node)
+ for i = 1, #html_nodes:get("h2.section-header") do
+ local h2 = html_nodes:get("h2.section-header")[i]
local section_name = utils.sanitize_string(h2:inner_text()) as Section -- promote to Section, we then test if the section_name is in the table
- local dl_html = nodes:get("dl.function")[i]:outer_html()
+ local dl_html = html_nodes:get("dl.function")[i]:outer_html()
if section_scrapers[section_name] then
- section_scrapers[section_name](dl_html, module_doc)
+ local module_nodes, global_nodes, signals_name = section_scrapers[section_name](dl_html, record_name, module_path)
+ for _, node in ipairs(module_nodes) do
+ table.insert(module_root.children, node)
+ end
+ for _, node in ipairs(global_nodes) do
+ table.insert(other_nodes, node)
+ end
+ for _, signal_name in ipairs(signals_name) do
+ table.insert(
+ module_signals_node.children,
+ ast.create_node("identifier", signal_name)
+ )
+ end
log:warn("Section scraper not implemented: " .. section_name)
- return module_doc
+ return module_root, other_nodes
return module
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/scraper/utils.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/scraper/utils.tl
index 26ff900..271ed0d 100644
--- a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/scraper/utils.tl
+++ b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/scraper/utils.tl
@@ -15,15 +15,14 @@ function scraper_utils.scrape(html: string, query_selector: string, extract_c
scanner.scan_html(html, function(stack: scan.NodeStack)
if stack:is(query_selector) then
local node = stack:current()
- local success, info_or_error = pcall(extract_callback, node)
+ local success, ret_or_error = pcall(extract_callback, node)
if not success then
- local error_message = info_or_error as string
- log:error(logger.message_with_metadata("Extraction error", { error = error_message }))
- else
- local info = info_or_error as T
- table.insert(ret, info)
+ log:error(logger.message_with_metadata("Extraction error", { error = ret_or_error as string }))
+ return
+ table.insert(ret, ret_or_error as T)
@@ -48,28 +47,56 @@ function scraper_utils.extract_nodes(html: string, query_selectors: { string }):
return siblings
-function scraper_utils.scrape_tuples(html: string, query_selectors: { string }, extract_callback: function(tuple: { string : scan.HTMLNode | nil }): T): { T }
- local nodes = scraper_utils.extract_nodes(html, query_selectors)
+function scraper_utils.find(html: string, query_selector: string): { scan.HTMLNode }
+ local nodes: { scan.HTMLNode } = {}
- local ret: { T } = {}
+ scanner.scan_html(html, function(stack: scan.NodeStack)
+ if stack:is(query_selector) then
+ table.insert(nodes, stack:current())
+ end
+ end)
- for i = 1, #nodes:get(query_selectors[1]) do
- local node_list: { string : scan.HTMLNode | nil } = {}
- tablex.foreach(query_selectors, function(query_selector: string)
- node_list[query_selector] = nodes:get(query_selector)[i] or nil
- end)
- local success, info_or_error = pcall(extract_callback, node_list)
+ return nodes
- if not success then
- local error_message = info_or_error as string
- log:error(logger.message_with_metadata("Extraction error", { error = error_message }))
- else
- local info = info_or_error as T
- table.insert(ret, info)
+function scraper_utils.iter_tuples(html: string, query_selectors: { string }): function(): { string : scan.HTMLNode }
+ local siblings: { string : { scan.HTMLNode } } = {}
+ for _, query_selector in ipairs(query_selectors) do
+ siblings[query_selector] = {}
+ end
+ scanner.scan_html(
+ html,
+ function(stack: scan.NodeStack)
+ for _, query_selector in ipairs(query_selectors) do
+ if stack:is(query_selector) then
+ table.insert(siblings[query_selector], stack:current())
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ )
+ local siblings_count = #siblings[query_selectors[1]]
+ for _, query_selector in ipairs(query_selectors) do
+ if #siblings[query_selector] ~= siblings_count then
+ error("Query selectors do not have the same number of siblings")
- return ret
+ local i = 0
+ return function(): { string : scan.HTMLNode }
+ i = i + 1
+ if i > siblings_count then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local node_list: { string : scan.HTMLNode } = {}
+ for _, query_selector in ipairs(query_selectors) do
+ node_list[query_selector] = siblings[query_selector][i]
+ end
+ return node_list
+ end
return scraper_utils
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/types/Dag.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/types/Dag.tl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f52f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/types/Dag.tl
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+local type Node = require("types.Node")
+local record Dag
+ modules: { string : Node } -- module_path (AKA "full name" `package.module.name`) -> root_node (token = "module")
+ global_nodes: { Node }
+return Dag
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/types/Node.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/types/Node.tl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa841cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/types/Node.tl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+local record Node
+ enum Token
+ "module" -- file root node, it is always a record and the generated .d.tl file returns it
+ "record"
+ "enum"
+ "identifier" -- blank token with only a name (used for enum values)
+ "variable"
+ "function"
+ "metamethod"
+ end
+ token: Token
+ name: string
+ -- for "module", "record", "enum"
+ children: { Node }
+ -- for "variable"
+ types: { string }
+ -- for "function" and "metamethod"
+ parameters: { Node }
+ return_types: { string }
+ -- for "module"
+ module_path: string
+ dependencies: { string : string } -- module_name -> module_path
+return Node
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/utils.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/utils.tl
index 828070e..d1e1019 100644
--- a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/utils.tl
+++ b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/utils.tl
@@ -35,6 +35,16 @@ function utils.map(list: { T }, iteratee: function(value: T, position: int
return mapped
+function utils.values(t: table): { T }
+ local values: { T } = {}
+ for _, v in pairs(t) do
+ table.insert(values, v as T)
+ end
+ return values
function utils.sanitize_string(s: string): string
return (stringx.strip(web_sanitize.extract_text(s)))
@@ -66,4 +76,29 @@ function utils.do_or_fail(func: function(...: any): (T | nil, string), ...
return res as T -- promote to T since pcall succeeded at this point
+function utils.spread(t: { T }, ...: { T }): { T }
+ for _, a in ipairs({ ... }) do
+ for _, v in ipairs(a) do
+ table.insert(t, v)
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+function utils.pairsByKeys(list: { Key : Value }, comp: function(Key, Key): boolean): function(): Key, Value
+ local sortedKeys = {}
+ for n in pairs(list) do table.insert(sortedKeys, n) end
+ table.sort(sortedKeys, comp)
+ local index = 0
+ return function(): Key, Value
+ index = index + 1
+ if sortedKeys[index] == nil then
+ return nil
+ end
+ return sortedKeys[index], list[sortedKeys[index]]
+ end
return utils
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/visitors/module_dependencies.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/visitors/module_dependencies.tl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94cc701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/visitors/module_dependencies.tl
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+local type Dag = require("types.Dag")
+local type Node = require("types.Node")
+local utils = require("utils")
+local spread = utils.spread
+local function get_all_types_in_node(node: Node): { string }
+ local parameters_types = {}
+ if node.parameters then
+ for _, v in ipairs(node.parameters) do
+ spread(parameters_types, v.types)
+ end
+ end
+ return spread(
+ {},
+ node.types or {},
+ node.return_types or {},
+ parameters_types or {})
+local function replace_in_node_type(node: Node, old_type: string, new_type: string)
+ if node.parameters then
+ for _, v in ipairs(node.parameters) do
+ for i, t in ipairs(v.types) do
+ if t == old_type then
+ v.types[i] = new_type
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if node.types then
+ for i, t in ipairs(node.types) do
+ if t == old_type then
+ node.types[i] = new_type
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if node.return_types then
+ for i, t in ipairs(node.return_types) do
+ if t == old_type then
+ node.return_types[i] = new_type
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local record Module_Dependencies
+ visit: function(node: Node, mod: Node, d: Dag)
+function Module_Dependencies.visit(node: Node, mod: Node, d: Dag)
+ local all_types = get_all_types_in_node(node)
+ for _, type_name in ipairs(all_types) do
+ if type_name == mod.name then
+ goto continue
+ end
+ local dependency = d.modules[type_name] or d.modules[utils.lowercase(type_name)]
+ if dependency then
+ mod.dependencies[dependency.name] = dependency.module_path
+ replace_in_node_type(node, dependency.module_path, dependency.name)
+ end
+ ::continue::
+ end
+return Module_Dependencies
diff --git a/src/awesomewm.d.tl/visitors/type_mapping.tl b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/visitors/type_mapping.tl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c6e74a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/awesomewm.d.tl/visitors/type_mapping.tl
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+local type Node = require("types.Node")
+-- Special types I don't want to deal with for now
+local gears_shape_function = "function(cr: any, width: integer, height: integer)"
+local type_map : { string : string } = {
+ awesome = "Awesome",
+ bool = "boolean",
+ client = "Client",
+ ["gears.shape"] = gears_shape_function,
+ ["gears.surface"] = "Surface",
+ image = "Image",
+ int = "integer",
+ screen = "Screen",
+ shape = gears_shape_function,
+ surface = "Surface",
+ tag = "Tag",
+ widget = "wibox.widget",
+ -- fixes we shouldn't have to do (We need to PR Awesome to fix the doc)
+ timer = "gears.timer",
+local function get_type(t: string): string
+ return type_map[t] or t
+local function check_node(node: Node)
+ if not node.types then
+ return
+ end
+ for i, t in ipairs(node.types) do
+ node.types[i] = get_type(t)
+ end
+local function check_function_parameters(node: Node)
+ if not node.parameters then
+ return
+ end
+ for _, parameter in ipairs(node.parameters) do
+ check_node(parameter)
+ end
+local function check_function_returns(node: Node)
+ if not node.return_types then
+ return
+ end
+ for i, ret in ipairs(node.return_types) do
+ node.return_types[i] = get_type(ret)
+ end
+local record Type_Mapping
+ visit: function(node: Node)
+function Type_Mapping.visit(node: Node)
+ check_node(node)
+ check_function_parameters(node)
+ check_function_returns(node)
+return Type_Mapping
diff --git a/types/lldebugger.d.tl b/types/lldebugger.d.tl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f2a85a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/types/lldebugger.d.tl
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+local record Lldebugger
+ start: function()
+return Lldebugger