local record pl -- This is not divided into multiple files due to circular -- dependency issues. For now, everything is declared here -- and just reexported in the right file record List -- {T} new: function({T}): pl.List metamethod __call: function(any, {T}): pl.List metamethod __concat: function(pl.List, pl.List): pl.List metamethod __len: function(pl.List): number metamethod __index: function(pl.List, number): T range: function(number, number, number): pl.List split: function(string, string): pl.List len: function(pl.List): number append: function(pl.List, T): pl.List clone: function(pl.List): pl.List extend: function(pl.List, pl.List): pl.List insert: function(pl.List, number, T): pl.List pop: function(pl.List, number): T put: function(pl.List, T): pl.List remove: function(pl.List, number): pl.List remove_value: function(pl.List, T): pl.List chop: function(pl.List, number, number): pl.List slice_assign: function(pl.List, number, number, pl.List): pl.List splice: function(pl.List, number, pl.List): pl.List reverse: function(pl.List): pl.List sorted: function(pl.List, string | function(T, T): boolean): pl.List sort: function(pl.List, string | function(T, T): boolean): pl.List clear: function(pl.List): pl.List contains: function(pl.List, T): boolean count: function(pl.List, T): number index: function(pl.List, T, number): number minmax: function(pl.List): number, number slice: function(pl.List, number, number): pl.List concat: function(pl.List, string): string join: function(pl.List, string): string foreach: function(pl.List, string | function(T, ...: any), ...: any) foreachm: function(pl.List, string, ...: any) filter: function(pl.List, (string | function(T, U): boolean), U): pl.List transform: function(pl.List, (string | function(T, ...: any): T), ...: any): pl.List map: function(pl.List, (string | function(T, ...: any): U), ...: any): pl.List map2: function(pl.List, (string | function(T, U, ...: any): V), pl.List, ...: any): pl.List mapm: function(pl.List, string, ...: any): pl.List reduce: function(pl.List, (string | function(T, T): T)): T partition: function(List, (function(T, ...: any): K), ...: any): pl.Map > iter: function(pl.List): (function(): T) iterate: function(string | table | function) -- FILE is also considered a table end record Map metamethod __call: function(any, {K: V}): Map -- These two are substitutes for maprecords ({K: V}) metamethod __index: function(pl.Map, K): V metamethod __newindex: function(pl.Map, K, V) keys: pl.List values: pl.List iter: function(pl.Map): (function(): {K, V}) items: function(pl.Map): (function(): {K, V}) get: function(pl.Map, K): V set: function(pl.Map, K, V) setdefault: function(pl.Map, K, V): V getvalues: function(pl.Map, {K}): pl.List update: function(pl.Map, {K: V}) len: function(pl.Map): number end record Date metamethod __call: function(pl.Date, number, boolean): pl.Date metamethod __call: function(pl.Date, {pl.Date.datefield: number}, boolean): pl.Date metamethod __call: function(pl.Date, number, number, number, number, number, number) metamethod __lt: function(pl.Date, pl.Date): boolean metamethod __add: function(pl.Date, pl.Date): pl.Date metamethod __add: function(pl.Date, {pl.Date.datefield: number}): pl.Date metamethod __sub: function(pl.Date, pl.Date): pl.Date enum datefield 'year' 'month' 'day' 'hour' 'min' 'sec' end set: function(pl.Date, number) tzone: function(pl.Date, number): number toUTC: function(pl.Date): pl.Date toLocal: function(pl.Date): pl.Date year: function(pl.Date): number month: function(pl.Date): number day: function(pl.Date): number hour: function(pl.Date): number min: function(pl.Date): number sec: function(pl.Date): number yday: function(pl.Date): number year: function(pl.Date, number) month: function(pl.Date, number) day: function(pl.Date, number) hour: function(pl.Date, number) min: function(pl.Date, number) sec: function(pl.Date, number) yday: function(pl.Date, number) is_weekend: function(pl.Date): boolean weekday_name: function(pl.Date, boolean): string month_name: function(pl.Date, boolean): string add: function(pl.Date, {pl.Date.datefield: number}) diff: function(pl.Date, pl.Date): pl.Date last_day: function(pl.Date): number Interval: function(number): pl.Date record Format metamethod __call: function(string): pl.Date.Format parse: function(string): pl.Date tostring: function(pl.Date): string US_order: function(boolean) end end -- MultiMap inherits from Map, so this is just a weird case that can't -- really be easily described in teal for now. Same for OrderedMap and Set. -- TODO MultiMap -- TODO OrderedMap -- TODO Set record app script_name: function(): string require_here: function(string): any appfile: function(string): string platform: function(): string lua: function(): string, string parse_args: function({string}, table, table) end record array2d record Array2D -- record just for generics {{T}} end new: function(number, number, T): Array2D size: function(pl.array2d.Array2D): number, number column: function(pl.array2d.Array2D, number): List flatten: function(pl.array2d.Array2D): List reshape: function(pl.array2d.Array2D, number, boolean): pl.array2d.Array2D swap_rows: function(pl.array2d.Array2D, number, number) swap_cols: function(pl.array2d.Array2D, number, number) reduce_rows: function(function(T, T): T, pl.array2d.Array2D): pl.List reduce_cols: function(function(T, T): T, pl.array2d.Array2D): pl.List reduce2: function(function(T, T): T, function(T, T): T, pl.array2d.Array2D): T map: function( (string | function(T, ...: A): R), pl.array2d.Array2D, ...: A ): pl.array2d.Array2D map2: function( (string | function({T1}, {T2}, ...: A): {R}), number, number, pl.array2d.Array2D, pl.array2d.Array2D, ...: A ): pl.array2d.Array2D map2: function( (string | function({T1}, {T2}, ...: A): R), number, number, pl.array2d.Array2D, {T2}, ...: A ): Array2D map2: function( (string | function({T1}, {T2}, ...: A): R), number, number, {T1}, pl.array2d.Array2D, ...: A ): pl.array2d.Array2D map2: function( (string | function({T1}, {T2}, ...: A): R), number, number, {T1}, {T2}, ...: A ): {R} product: function( (string | function(T, U): R), {T}, {U} ): pl.array2d.Array2D extract_rows: function(pl.array2d.Array2D, {number}): pl.array2d.Array2D extract_cols: function(pl.array2d.Array2D, {number}): pl.array2d.Array2D remove_row: function(pl.array2d.Array2D, number) remove_col: function(pl.array2d.Array2D, number) parse_range: function(string): number, number, number, number range: function(pl.array2d.Array2D, string): {T} slice: function(pl.array2d.Array2D, number, number, number, number): {T} set: function(pl.array2d.Array2D, T, number, number, number, number) write: function(pl.array2d.Array2D, FILE, string, number, number, number, number) forall: function( pl.array2d.Array2D, (function({T}, number): any...), (function(number): any...), number, number, number, number ) move: function( pl.array2d.Array2D, number, number, pl.array2d.Array2D, number, number, number, number ) iter: function( pl.array2d.Array2D, boolean, number, number, number, number ): (function(): (T | {number, number, T})) columns: function(pl.array2d.Array2D): (function(): List) end record class metamethod __index: function(any, string): Class metamethod __call: function(any, Class): Class record Class class_of: function(Class, Instance): boolean cast: function(Class, Instance) end record Instance -- FIXME this is not ideal, but I can't think of a better solution... metamethod __index: function(Instance, any): any is_a: function(Instance, Class): boolean end end record compat lua51: boolean jit: boolean jit52: boolean is_windows: boolean dir_separator: string execute: function(string): boolean, number enum LoadMode 'b' 't' 'bt' end load: function(any, string, LoadMode, {string: any}) getfenv: function(function): {string: any} setfenv: function(function, {string: any}) end record comprehension type generator = (function(): {any}) type parser = (function(string): generator) new: function(): parser end record config enum ReadOpt 'smart' 'variabilize' 'convert_numbers' 'trim_space' 'trim_quotes' 'list_delim' 'keysep' end enum ReadError 'not a file-like object' 'file is nil' end lines: function(FILE | string): function(): string, pl.config.ReadError read: function(FILE | string, {pl.config.ReadOpt: any}): table, pl.config.ReadError end record data enum ReadOpt 'delim' 'fieldnames' 'no_convert' 'convert' 'numfields' 'last_field_collect' 'thousands_dot' 'csv' end type rowiterator = function(): any... record Data {{any}} fieldnames: pl.List original_fieldnames: {string} column_by_name: function(pl.data.Data, string): pl.List select: function(pl.data.Data, string): pl.data.rowiterator select_row: function(pl.data.Data, string): function(): {any} copy_select: function(pl.data.Data, string): Data column_names: function(pl.data.Data): {string} write_row: function(pl.data.Data, FILE, {any}) write: function(pl.data.Data, FILE) read: function(FILE | string, {pl.data.ReadOpt: any}): pl.data.Data, string end write: function(array2d.Array2D, FILE, {string}, string): boolean, string new: function({{any}}, {string}) query: function(pl.data.Data, (string | table), {table}, boolean): pl.data.rowiterator, string filter: function(string, FILE | string, FILE | string, boolean) end record dir fnmatch: function(string, string): boolean filter: function({string}, string): pl.List copyfile: function(string, string, boolean): boolean movefile: function(string, string): boolean makepath: function(string): boolean, string rmtree: function(string): boolean, string clonetree: function(string, string, (function(string, string): any)) getfiles: function(string, string): pl.List getdirectories: function(string): pl.List walk: function(string, boolean, boolean): (function(): string, pl.List, pl.List) dirtree: function(string): (function(): string, boolean) getallfiles: function(string, string): pl.List end record file -- TODO copy declarations from other functions -- this whole module is just renaming of other functions read: function(string, boolean): string | nil, string write: function(filename: string, str: string, is_bin: boolean): boolean | nil, string end record func record PHExp end _0: pl.func.PHExp _1: pl.func.PHExp _2: pl.func.PHExp _3: pl.func.PHExp _4: pl.func.PHExp _5: pl.func.PHExp -- FIXME properly define return type of this... thing import: function(string, {any: function}) register: function(function, string): function tail: function({T}): {T} isPE: function(table): boolean repr: function(pl.func.PHExp): string instantiate: function(pl.func.PHExp): function I: function(pl.func.PHExp): function -- FIXME this is horrible... bind1: function((function(T): U), T): (function(): U) bind1: function((function(T1, T2): U), T1): (function(T2): U) bind1: function( (function(T1, T2, T3): U), T1 ): (function(T2, T3): U) bind1: function( (function(T1, T2, T3, T4): U), T1 ): (function(T2, T3, T4): U) bind1: function( (function(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5): U), T1 ): (function(T2, T3, T4, T5): U) bind1: function( (function(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6): U), T1 ): (function(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6): U) -- FIXME Will these screw up the above definitions? bind1: function((function(...: T): U), T): (function(...: T): U) compose: function( (function(T): U), (function(U): V) ): (function(T): V) -- FIXME same as above compose: function( (function(...: T): U...), (function(...: U): V...) ): (function(...: T): V...) compose: function( (function(...: any): any...), (function(...: any): any...) ): (function(...: any): any...) -- FIXME same as above bind: function((function(T, ...: any): U), T): (function(...: any): U) bind: function((function(T1, T2, ...: any): U), T1, T2): (function(...: any): U) bind: function((function(T1, T2, ...: any): U), pl.func.PHExp, T2): (function(T1, ...: any): U) -- This is literally exponential, I am NOT doing a 4 parameter version bind: function((function(T1, T2, T3, ...: any): U), T1, T2, T3): (function(...: any): U) bind: function((function(T1, T2, T3, ...: any): U), pl.func.PHExp, T2, T3): (function(T1, ...: any): U) bind: function((function(T1, T2, T3, ...: any): U), T1, pl.func.PHExp, T3): (function(T2, ...: any): U) bind: function((function(T1, T2, T3, ...: any): U), pl.func.PHExp, pl.func.PHExp, T3): (function(T1, T2, ...: any): U) bind: function((function(T1, T2, T3, ...: any): U), T1, T2, pl.func.PHExp): (function(T3, ...: any): U) bind: function((function(T1, T2, T3, ...: any): U), pl.func.PHExp, T2, pl.func.PHExp): (function(T1, T3, ...: any): U) bind: function((function(T1, T2, T3, ...: any): U), T1, pl.func.PHExp, pl.func.PHExp): (function(T2, T3, ...: any): U) end import_into: function(table): (table, table) record input type linegetter = function(...: any): string type source = string | table enum FieldsOpt 'no_fail' end alltokens: function(pl.input.linegetter, string, function(string): T): (function(): T) create_getter: function(source): pl.input.linegetter numbers: function(source): (function(): number) words: function(source): (function(): string) -- {fields, nil} is a hacky substitute for a 1-tuple type fields: function({number, nil}, string, source, {pl.input.FieldsOpt: any}): (function(): string) fields: function( {number, number}, string, source, {pl.input.FieldsOpt: any} ): (function(): string, string) fields: function( {number, number, number}, string, source, {pl.input.FieldsOpt: any} ): (function(): string, string, string) fields: function( {number, number, number, number}, string, source, {pl.input.FieldsOpt: any} ): (function(): string, string, string, string) fields: function( {number} | number, string, source, {pl.input.FieldsOpt: any} ): (function(): string...) end record lapp enum argtype 'string' 'number' 'file' 'file-in' 'boolean' end show_usage_error: boolean quit: function(string, boolean) open: function(string, string): FILE error: function(string, boolean) assert: function(boolean, string) add_type: function(string, (argtype | function(string): any), function(any)) process_options_string: function(string, {string}): {string: any} metamethod __call: function(pl.lapp, string, {string}): {string: any} end record lexer type token = {string, string} type tokenaction = function(string, {string: any}): (string, string) type tokendesc = {string, pl.lexer.tokenaction} type tokenstream = function(any): (string, string) scan: function( string | FILE, {tokendesc, tokenaction}, {string: boolean}, {string: any} ): tokenstream lua: function( string | FILE, {string: boolean}, {string: any} ) cpp: function( string | FILE, {string: boolean}, {string: any} ) insert: function(pl.lexer.tokenstream, string, string) insert: function(pl.lexer.tokenstream, {pl.lexer.token} | pl.lexer.tokenstream) getline: function(pl.lexer.tokenstream): string getrest: function(pl.lexer.tokenstream): string lineno: function(pl.lexer.tokenstream): number, number get_keywords: function(): {string: boolean} get_separated_list: function( pl.lexer.tokenstream, string, string ): {{pl.lexer.token}}, pl.lexer.token skipws: function(pl.lexer.tokenstream): pl.lexer.token expecting: function( pl.lexer.tokenstream, string, boolean ): pl.lexer.token end record luabalanced match_string: function(string, number): string, number match_bracketed: function(string, number): string, number match_expression: function(string, number): string, number match_namelist: function(string, number): string, number match_explist: function(string, number): string, number enum snippettype 'e' 'c' 's' end match_gsub: function( string, (function(pl.luabalanced.snippettype, string): string) ): string end record operator enum OpRepr '+' '-' '*' '/' '%' '^' '..' '()' '[]' '<' '<=' '>' '>=' '==' '~=' '#' 'and' 'or' '{}' '~' '' end optable: {pl.operator.OpRepr: function} -- TODO properly annotate types as in func call: function(function, ...: any): any... index: function(table, any): any eq: function(any, any): boolean neq: function(any, any): boolean lt: function(any, any): boolean le: function(any, any): boolean gt: function(any, any): boolean ge: function(any, any): boolean len: function(string | table): number add: function(number, number): number sub: function(number, number): number mul: function(number, number): number div: function(number, number): number pow: function(number, number): number mod: function(number, number): number unm: function(number): number concat: function(string, string): string add: function(any, any): any sub: function(any, any): any mul: function(any, any): any div: function(any, any): any pow: function(any, any): any mod: function(any, any): any unm: function(any): any concat: function(any, any): any lnot: function(any): boolean land: function(any, any): boolean lor: function(any, any): boolean table: function(...: any): {any} match: function(string, string): boolean nop: function(...: any) end record path is_windows: boolean sep: string dirsep: string dir: function(string): function(): string mkdir: function(string): boolean, string rmdir: function(string): boolean, string currentdir: function(): string chdir: function(string): boolean, string getsize: function(string): number isdir: function(string): boolean isfile: function(string): boolean isabs: function(string): boolean exists: function(string): boolean getatime: function(string): number getmtime: function(string): number getctime: function(string): number splitpath: function(string): string, string splitext: function(string): string, string abspath: function(string, string): string dirname: function(string): string basename: function(string): string extension: function(string): string -- 2 mandatory parts join: function(string, string, ...: string): string normcase: function(string): string normpath: function(string): string relpath: function(string, string): string expanduser: function(string): string tmpname: function(): string common_prefix: function(string, string): string package_path: function(string): string, string -- TODO attrib (is there a way to -- copy these and functions from lfs.d.tl?) -- TODO linkattrib end record permute iter: function({any}): (function(): {any}) table: function({any}): {{any}} end record pretty read: function(string): table, string load: function(string, table, boolean): table, string write: function(table, string, boolean): string, string dump: function(table, string) debug: function(...: any) enum PrettyNumberKind 'N' 'M' 'T' end number: function(number, pl.pretty.PrettyNumberKind, number) end record seq matching: function(string): (function(string): number, number, any...) list: function({T}): (function(): T) -- TODO check if this is an OK overload keys: function(table): (function(): any) keys: function({K: any}): (function(): K) range: function(number, number): (function(): number) minmax: function({T} | function(): T): T, T sum: function({T} | function(): T): T, number sum: function({T} | function(): T, function(T): U): U, number copy: function({T} | function(): T): pl.List copy2: function((function(T1, T2): R1, R2), T1, T2): {{R1, R2}} copy_tuples: function(function(): any...): {{any}} random: function(number, number, number): (function(): number) sort: function((function(): T), function(T, T): boolean): (function(): T) zip: function((function(): T), (function(): U)): (function(): T, U) printall: function({T} | function(): T, string, number, function(T): string) -- The official documentation is wrong, this only returns 1 value count_map: function({T} | function(): T): pl.Map -- TODO map: function((function(T): U), {T} | function(): T): (function(): U) map: function((function(T1, T2): U), ({T1} | function(): T1), T2): (function(): U) map: function((function(T1, T2): U), ({{T1, T2}} | function(): T1, T2)): (function(): U) filter: function(({T} | function(): T), (function(T): boolean)): (function(): T) filter: function(({T} | function(): T), (function(T, U): boolean), U): (function(): T) reduce: function((function(R, T): R), ({T} | function(): T), R): R take: function(({T} | function(): T), number): function(): T take: function((function(): T, U), number): function(): T, U skip: function({T}, number): {T} skip: function((function(): T), number): {T} enum: function(({T} | function(): T)): function(): number, T enum: function((function(): T, U)): function(): number, T, U -- TODO Is this necessary? mapmethod: function(({table} | function(): table), string): function(): any mapmethod: function(({table} | function(T): table), string, T): function(): any mapmethod: function(({table} | function(T, U): table), string, T, U): function(): any last: function(({T} | function(): T)): function(): T, T foreach: function(({T} | function(): T), (function(T))) lines: function(string | FILE, ...: any): function(): any... end record sip enum PatCompileOpt 'at_start' end type matcher = function(string, table): boolean create_pattern: function(string, {pl.sip.PatCompileOpt: boolean}): string, {string}|string, {any} compile: function(string, {pl.sip.PatCompileOpt: boolean}): matcher, {string}|string match: function(string, string, table, {PatCompileOpt: boolean}): boolean match_at_start: function(string, string, table): boolean end record strict module: function(table): table module: function(table, table): table module: function(string, table, table): table make_all_strict: function(table) closed_module: function(table, string) end record stringio record WriteBuffer write: function(pl.stringio.WriteBuffer, {string | number}) end record ReadBuffer read: function(...: string): any... end create: function(): pl.stringio.WriteBuffer open: function(string): pl.stringio.ReadBuffer end record stringx isalpha: function(string): boolean isdigit: function(string): boolean isalnum: function(string): boolean isspace: function(string): boolean islower: function(string): boolean isupper: function(string): boolean startswith: function(string): boolean endswith: function(string): boolean join: function(string, {string} | function(): string): string splitlines: function(string, boolean): pl.List split: function(string, string, string): pl.List expandtabs: function(string, number): string lfind: function(string, string, number, number): number rfind: function(string, string, number, number): number replace: function(string, string, string, number): string count: function(string, string, boolean): number ljust: function(string, number, string): string rjust: function(string, number, string): string center: function(string, number, string): string lstrip: function(string, string): string rstrip: function(string, string): string strip: function(string, string): string splitv: function(string, string): string, string... partition: function(string, string): string, string, string rpartition: function(string, string): string, string, string at: function(string, number): string lines: function(string): function(): string title: function(string): string shorten: function(string, number, boolean): string quote_string: function(string): string end record tablex size: function(table): number index_by: function(table, {any}): pl.List index_by: function({T: U}, {T}): pl.List -- TODO check if these are OK transform: function((function(T): U), {any: T}) transform: function((function(T, A): U), {any: T}, A) transform: function((function(T): U), {T}) transform: function((function(T, A): U), {T}, A) transform: function((function(any, A)), table, A) range: function(number, number, number): {number} reduce: function((function(R, T): R), {T}, R): R index_map: function({T: U}): {U: T} makeset: function({T}): {T: boolean} union: function({T: any}, {T: any}): {T: any} intersection: function({T: any}, {T: any}): {T: any} merge: function({T: any}, {T: any}, boolean): {T: any} difference: function({T: any}, {T: any}, boolean): {T: any} count_map: function({T}, function(T, T): boolean): {T: number} set: function({T}, T, number, number) new: function(number, T): {T} clear: function({T}, number) removevalues: function({T}, number, number) readonly: function(table): table update: function(table, table): table copy: function(table): table deepcopy: function(table): table icopy: function({T}, {T}, number, number, number) insertvalues: function({T}, {T}) insertvalues: function({T}, number, {T}) compare: function({T}, {T}, function(T, T): boolean): boolean deepcompare: function(table, table, boolean, number): boolean compare_no_order: function({T}, {T}, function(T, T): boolean): boolean find: function({T}, T, number): number rfind: function({T}, T, number): number type cmpf = function(T, U): boolean find_if: function({T}, cmpf, U): number, R search: function(table, any, {table}): string map: function((function(T): R), {K: T}): {K: R} map: function((function(T, A): R), {K: T}, A): {K: R} imap: function((function(T): R), {T}): {R} imap: function((function(T, A): R), {T}, A): {R} map_named_method: function(string, {table}, ...: any): pl.List map2: function((function(T, U, A): R), {any: T}, {any: U}, A): {any: R} imap2: function((function(T, U, A): R), {T}, {U}, A): {R} mapn: function((function(...: T): R), ...: {T}): {R} pairmap: function((function(K, V): R)): {R} filter: function({T}, (function(T): boolean)): pl.List filter: function({T}, (function(T, A): boolean), A): pl.List foreach: function({ T }, function(T)) foreach: function((function(V, K)), {K: V}) foreach: function((function(V, K, A)), {K: V}, A) foreachi: function((function(V, number)), {V}) foreachi: function((function(V, number, A)), {V}, A) sort: function({K: V}, cmpf): function(): K, V sortv: function({K: V}, cmpf): function(): K, V keys: function({any}): pl.List keys: function({K: any}): pl.List values: function({any: V}): pl.List values: function({V}): pl.List sub: function({V}, number, number): pl.List zip: function(...: {T}): {{T}} zip: function({T1}, {T2}): {{T1, T2}} zip: function({T1}, {T2}, {T3}): {{T1, T2, T3}} end record template record CompiledTemplate render: function(pl.template.CompiledTemplate, table, table, boolean): string end enum CompileOpt 'chunk_name' 'escape' 'inline_escape' 'inline_brackets' 'newline' 'debug' end substitute: function(string, table): string, string, string compile: function(string, {pl.template.CompileOpt: any}): pl.template.CompiledTemplate, string, string end record test error_handler: function(string, number, string, string, string) complain: function(any, any, string, number) assertmatch: function(string, string, number) assertraise: function(function, string, number) asserteq: function(any, any, number, number) asserteq2: function(any, any, any, any, number, number) tuple: function(...: any): {any} timer: function(string, number, function): number timer: function(string, number, function(A), A): number end record text format_operator: function indent: function(string, number, string): string dedent: function(string): string wrap: function(string, number): pl.List fill: function(string, number): string record Template -- metamethod __call -- TODO substitute: function(pl.text.Template, {string: any}): string safe_substitute: function(pl.text.Template, {string: any}): string indent_substitute: function(pl.text.Template, {string: any}): string end end record types type: function(any): string is_type: function(any, any): boolean is_callable: function(any): boolean is_integer: function(number): boolean is_empty: function(any, boolean) is_indexable: function(any): boolean is_iterable: function(any): boolean is_writeable: function(any): boolean to_bool: function(any, {string}, boolean): boolean end record url quote: function(string, boolean): string unquote: function(string): string end record utils record packedarray {T} n: number end pack: function(...: T): pl.utils.packedarray unpack: function({T}, number, number) printf: function(string, ...: any) fprintf: function(FILE, string, ...: any) import: function(string | table, table) choose: function(boolean, T, T): T array_tostring: function({T}, table, function(T, number): string): string is_type: function(any, string | metatable): boolean enum knownpattern 'FLOAT' 'INTEGER' 'IDEN' 'FILE' end patterns: {pl.utils.knownpattern: string} enum knownmt 'List' 'Map' 'Set' 'MultiMap' end record stdmt_entry _name: string end stdmt: {pl.utils.knownmt: pl.utils.stdmt_entry} function_arg: function(number, function | string, string): function assert_arg: function( number, T, string | metatable, (function(any): boolean), string, number ): T assert_string: function(number, T): T enum errormode 'default' 'error' 'quit' end on_error: function(pl.utils.errormode) raise: function(string) readfile: function(string, boolean): string writefile: function(string, string, boolean): boolean, string readlines: function(string, boolean): {string} executeex: function(string, boolean): boolean, number, string, string quote_arg: function(string | {string}): string quit: function(string, ...: any) quit: function(number, string, ...: any) escape: function(string): string split: function(string, string, boolean, number): {string} splitv: function(string, string): string... -- T must be callable, but this should be a good enough compromise -- to guarantee function signature remains intact after memoization memoize: function(T): T add_function_factory: function(metatable, (function(T): function)) string_lambda: function(string): function(...: any): any... bind1: function((string | function(T, U, ...: any): R), T): function(U, ...: any): R bind2: function((string | function(T, U, ...: any): R), U): function(T, ...: any): R end record xml end end return pl