[B]1.1.1[/B] - [NEW] RPI / general bugfixes from Jarvis branch - [ADDED] Addon.xml: Assets tag - [MODIFIED] Skinwide includes name / content tagging updated - [REMOVED] Custom oninfo screen for recently added videos (nice one Team Kodi!) - [NEW] DialogMusicInfo.xml - [REMOVED] DialogAlbumInfo.xml - [REMOVED] DialogSongInfo.xml - [MODIFIED] DialogSelect.xml: Add button id="7" - [NEW] MyPlaylist.xml - [REMOVED] MyMusicPlaylist.xml - [REMOVED] MyVideoPlaylist.xml - [NEW] Busy spinner (nicked from Estuary) - [NEW] DialogPlayerProcessInfo.xml - [MODIFIED] Addon Browser design reworked - [NEW] DialogPlayerProcessInfo.xml - [NEW] EventLog.xml - [NEW] Privacy policy added to system info - [NEW] DialogAudioDSPManager.xml - Numerous misc tweaks and fixes - [MODIFIED] SmartPlaylistEditor.xml / SmartPlaylistRule.xml - [NEW] MyPVRTimers.xml - [NEW] DialogGameControllers.xml [TODO] dialogPVRinfo: extra button (see forum) Check all PVR windows Add user option: Revise player stop on return PVR mini window Screenshots [B]1.1.0[/B] ***Preparing for Krypton*** - [MODIFIED] addon.xml: Updated GUI to 5.12.0 - [RENAMED] dialogKaiToast -> dialogNotification.xml - [NEW] DialogConfirm.xml - [REMOVED] DialogOK.xml - [REMOVED] DialogProgress.xml - [REMOVED] DialogYesNo.xml - [NEW] DialogSettings.xml - [REMOVED] DialogAudioDSPSettings.xml - [REMOVED] DialogContentSettings.xml - [REMOVED] DialogMediaFilter.xml - [REMOVED] DialogNetworkSetup.xml - [REMOVED] DialogPeripheralSettings.xml - [REMOVED] DialogPVRTimerSettings.xml - [REMOVED] LockSettings.xml - [REMOVED] ProfileSettings.xml - [REMOVED] VideoOSDSettings.xml - [REMOVED] DialogMuteBug.xml - [MODIFIED] Settings.xml: Updated to reflect changes to Kodi settings structure [B]1.0.0[/B] - Kodi Jarvis Release [B]0.9.1[/B] ***Bug squashing*** - [FIX] Numeric keyboard entry - [FIX] Typo in recent albums playlist (thanks PaulVT) - [FIX] Filename casing error (thanks PaulVT) - [FIX] Notifications now autoscroll [B]0.9.0[/B] ***Working towards Kodi Jarvis release*** - [REMOVED DEPENDENCY] script.thedeadman.functions (Nice one team Kodi!) - [REMOVED DEPENDENCY] script.globalsearch - [REMOVED DEPENDENCY] script.artistslideshow - [REMOVED] DialogPeripheralManager.xml - [REMOVED] DialogKaraokeSongSelector.xml - [REMOVED] DialogKaraokeSongSelectorLarge.xml - [REMOVED] MusicKaraokeLyrics.xml - [REMOVED] References to "allowoverlay" tag - [REMOVED] mymusicsongs.xml - [REMOVED] videooverlay.xml - [REMOVED] musicoverlay.xml - [NEW] custom_musicOverlay.xml - [REMOVED] References to "zorder" tag - [NEW] DialogPVRInfo.xml - [REMOVED] DialogPVRGuideInfo.xml - [REMOVED] DialogPVRRecordingInfo.xml - [REMOVED] VisualisationPresetList.xml - [NEW] EventLog.xml - [MODIFIED] dialogKeyboard.xml - additional labels for BaiduPy input added - [NEW] DialogAudioDSPManager.xml - [NEW] DialogAudioDSPSettings.xml - [MODIFIED] DialogAddonInfo.xml - remove button id="11" - [MODIFIED] DialogKaiToast.xml - remove ID's 403-405 - [MODIFIED] DialogVideoInfo.xml - add button ID 7, replace user rating value - [MODIFIED] MyMusicNav.xml - remove files node button