[B]0.9.1[/B] ***Bug squashing*** - [FIX] Numeric keyboard entry - [FIX] Typo in recent albums playlist (thanks PaulVT) - [FIX] Filename casing error (thanks PaulVT) - [FIX] Notifications now autoscroll [B]0.9.0[/B] ***Working towards Kodi Jarvis release*** - [REMOVED DEPENDENCY] script.thedeadman.functions (Nice one team Kodi!) - [REMOVED DEPENDENCY] script.globalsearch - [REMOVED DEPENDENCY] script.artistslideshow - [REMOVED] DialogPeripheralManager.xml - [REMOVED] DialogKaraokeSongSelector.xml - [REMOVED] DialogKaraokeSongSelectorLarge.xml - [REMOVED] MusicKaraokeLyrics.xml - [REMOVED] References to "allowoverlay" tag - [REMOVED] mymusicsongs.xml - [REMOVED] videooverlay.xml - [REMOVED] musicoverlay.xml - [NEW] custom_musicOverlay.xml - [REMOVED] References to "zorder" tag - [NEW] DialogPVRInfo.xml - [REMOVED] DialogPVRGuideInfo.xml - [REMOVED] DialogPVRRecordingInfo.xml - [REMOVED] VisualisationPresetList.xml - [NEW] EventLog.xml - [MODIFIED] dialogKeyboard.xml - additional labels for BaiduPy input added - [NEW] DialogAudioDSPManager.xml - [NEW] DialogAudioDSPSettings.xml - [MODIFIED] DialogAddonInfo.xml - remove button id="11" - [MODIFIED] DialogKaiToast.xml - remove ID's 403-405 - [MODIFIED] DialogVideoInfo.xml - add button ID 7, replace user rating value - [MODIFIED] MyMusicNav.xml - remove files node button ***To do (Skinners Notes)*** Add mini screen / view during menu option Check Youtube addon login issue Photo section needs revision Improve handling of new users (bring through images from homescreen etc) PVR Recording schedule (integrate with recordings) Complete DialogAudioDSPManager.xml and DialogAudioDSPSettings.xmls