8000 0 0 globalBackground 0 0 dimensionsFullscreen colors/black.png ccffffff stretch !container.content(albums) 0 0 dimensionsFullscreen stretch $INFO[Listitem.art(fanart)] kenBurnsey container.content(albums) 3-col 2-row 0 0 12-col 12-col stretch $INFO[Listitem.thumb] windowOpen 0 12-col 12-col 2-col scale $INFO[Listitem.thumb] 0 0 dimensionsFullscreen vignette.png ffffffff stretch container.content(artists) 1200 0 0 0 10-col fullscreenHeight colors/black.png cc111111 stretch 24 66 7-col left 115 center largeTitle textActive true 24 row-9-begin textbox 8-col left textActive 524 false 61 12r 446 10-row 6 6 12 row-6-begin 10-col 6-row false 12 0 252 itemSubTitle highlight 12 30 252 itemSubTitle textActive $INFO[ListItem.Property(Artist_Formed)] $INFO[ListItem.Property(Artist_Genre)] 12 row-25-begin 10-col 6-row Refresh button false thumbTitle center 0 UIControls/button.png UIControls/button.png 10 61 Get Thumb false 4-col thumbTitle center 0 UIControls/button.png UIControls/button.png 6 61 container.content(albums) + !container.content(artists) 1200 0 0 0 10-col fullscreenHeight colors/black.png cc111111 stretch 24 row-1-begin 0 0 vertical 24 8-col left 1-row center itemTitle textActive 8-col left 3-row center largeTitle textActive true 0 10-row textbox 8-col left textActive 482 false 61 12r 216 10-row 8000 8000 -12 row-5-begin 10-col 6-row false 12 0 252 itemSubTitle highlight 12 30 252 itemSubTitle textActive $INFO[ListItem.Year] $INFO[ListItem.Property(Album_Label)] $INFO[ListItem.Genre] $INFO[ListItem.Property(Album_Style)] 12 row-26-begin 10-col 2-row horizontal 61 Go to artist thumbTitle center 0 UIControls/button.png UIControls/button.png dialog.close(all,true) activatewindow(music,musicdb://albums/$INFO[listitem.DBID]/,return) Go to album thumbTitle center 0 UIControls/button.png UIControls/button.png container.content(songs) 0 0 dimensionsFullscreen colors/black.png e9FFFFFF stretch 0 0 dimensionsFullscreen vignette.png ffffffff stretch 708 row-4-begin modalDialogInOut 0 0 7-col 7-col stretch $INFO[listitem.art(thumb)] ffffffff 13-row 0 50 7-col 2-row center menuTitle3 textActive true 99000000 true 0 112 7-col 3-row center buttonTitle textActive true 99000000 -36 20-row 10-col 2-row horizontal Go to artist thumbTitle center 0 UIControls/button.png UIControls/button.png dialog.close(all,true) activatewindow(music,musicdb://albums/$INFO[listitem.DBID]/,return) Go to album thumbTitle center 0 UIControls/button.png UIControls/button.png DebugGrid DialogID