[B]1.1.1[/B] - [NEW] RPI / general bugfixes from Jarvis branch - [ADDED] Addon.xml: Assets tag - [MODIFIED] Skinwide includes name / content tagging updated - [REMOVED] Custom oninfo screen for recently added videos (nice one Team Kodi!) - [NEW] DialogMusicInfo.xml - [REMOVED] DialogAlbumInfo.xml - [REMOVED] DialogSongInfo.xml - [MODIFIED] DialogSelect.xml: Add button id="7" - [NEW] MyPlaylist.xml - [REMOVED] MyMusicPlaylist.xml - [REMOVED] MyVideoPlaylist.xml - [NEW] Busy spinner (nicked from Estuary) - [NEW] DialogPlayerProcessInfo.xml - [MODIFIED] Addon Browser design reworked - Numerous misc tweaks and fixes [TODO] Check control is active for recent items Dialog OK / yesNo revision Revise onback for the menu to prevent dodgy nav Rework Addon selection to single list with large right space (same size as addon info) event log screen (in settings) Home Backgrounds (esp. non library) Fix stop from fullscreen music view Skin shortcuts for all sub menus Check yes / no progress bar works ok Add user option Revise player stop on return DialogAudioDSPManager.xml Gamepad setup DialogPlayerProcessInfo.xml Check RCB (e.g. busy spinner and menu width) check all active strings MyPVRTimers needs creating and testing Screenshots etc Check if feedback notification appears when updating libraries [B]1.1.0[/B] ***Preparing for Krypton*** - [MODIFIED] addon.xml: Updated GUI to 5.12.0 - [RENAMED] dialogKaiToast -> dialogNotification.xml - [NEW] DialogConfirm.xml - [REMOVED] DialogOK.xml - [REMOVED] DialogProgress.xml - [REMOVED] DialogYesNo.xml - [NEW] DialogSettings.xml - [REMOVED] DialogAudioDSPSettings.xml - [REMOVED] DialogContentSettings.xml - [REMOVED] DialogMediaFilter.xml - [REMOVED] DialogNetworkSetup.xml - [REMOVED] DialogPeripheralSettings.xml - [REMOVED] DialogPVRTimerSettings.xml - [REMOVED] LockSettings.xml - [REMOVED] ProfileSettings.xml - [REMOVED] VideoOSDSettings.xml - [REMOVED] DialogMuteBug.xml - [MODIFIED] Settings.xml: Updated to reflect changes to Kodi settings structure [B]1.0.0[/B] - Kodi Jarvis Release [B]0.9.1[/B] ***Bug squashing*** - [FIX] Numeric keyboard entry - [FIX] Typo in recent albums playlist (thanks PaulVT) - [FIX] Filename casing error (thanks PaulVT) - [FIX] Notifications now autoscroll [B]0.9.0[/B] ***Working towards Kodi Jarvis release*** - [REMOVED DEPENDENCY] script.thedeadman.functions (Nice one team Kodi!) - [REMOVED DEPENDENCY] script.globalsearch - [REMOVED DEPENDENCY] script.artistslideshow - [REMOVED] DialogPeripheralManager.xml - [REMOVED] DialogKaraokeSongSelector.xml - [REMOVED] DialogKaraokeSongSelectorLarge.xml - [REMOVED] MusicKaraokeLyrics.xml - [REMOVED] References to "allowoverlay" tag - [REMOVED] mymusicsongs.xml - [REMOVED] videooverlay.xml - [REMOVED] musicoverlay.xml - [NEW] custom_musicOverlay.xml - [REMOVED] References to "zorder" tag - [NEW] DialogPVRInfo.xml - [REMOVED] DialogPVRGuideInfo.xml - [REMOVED] DialogPVRRecordingInfo.xml - [REMOVED] VisualisationPresetList.xml - [NEW] EventLog.xml - [MODIFIED] dialogKeyboard.xml - additional labels for BaiduPy input added - [NEW] DialogAudioDSPManager.xml - [NEW] DialogAudioDSPSettings.xml - [MODIFIED] DialogAddonInfo.xml - remove button id="11" - [MODIFIED] DialogKaiToast.xml - remove ID's 403-405 - [MODIFIED] DialogVideoInfo.xml - add button ID 7, replace user rating value - [MODIFIED] MyMusicNav.xml - remove files node button