# Kodi Media Center language file
# Addon Name: Pellucid
# Addon id: skin.pellucid
# Addon Provider: chrisbevan
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Kodi Skins\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@kodi.tv\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-03-01 12:51+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Christian Gade <gade@kodi.tv>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <https://kodi.weblate.cloud/projects/kodi-add-ons-skins/skin-pellucid/sv_se/>\n"
"Language: sv_se\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.11\n"
msgctxt "Addon Summary"
msgid "A skin for Kodi from theDeadmanInYossariansTent"
msgctxt "Addon Description"
msgid "Pellucid is a lightweight, clean and simple Kodi experience designed for maximum usability and minimum fuss."
msgctxt "#31008"
msgid "Sort by"
msgstr "Sortera efter"
msgctxt "#31012"
msgid "My Library"
msgctxt "#31014"
msgid "title(s)"
msgctxt "#31015"
msgid "On"
msgctxt "#31019"
msgid "Open playlist"
msgstr "Öppna spellista"
msgctxt "#31020"
msgid "Save playlist"
msgstr "Spara spellista"
msgctxt "#31021"
msgid "Clear playlist"
msgctxt "#31022"
msgid "Select Items"
msgctxt "#31023"
msgid "Notification"
msgctxt "#31031"
msgid "Play Random"
msgctxt "#31034"
msgid "Enable Debug Grid"
msgstr "Aktivera debuggrutnät"
msgctxt "#31035"
msgid "Enable Debug Information"
msgctxt "#31043"
msgid "Reload Skin"
msgstr "Ladda om skal"
msgctxt "#31044"
msgid "Debugging"
msgctxt "#31046"
msgid "Field"
msgctxt "#31048"
msgid "Create Folder"
msgctxt "#31051"
msgid "Disc Menu"
msgctxt "#31054"
msgid "by"
msgstr "av"
msgctxt "#31056"
msgid "Photo Library"
msgctxt "#31057"
msgid "Create Music Playlist"
msgctxt "#31060"
msgid "PVR"
msgctxt "#31061"
msgid "Adjust look and feel of Kodi"
msgctxt "#31062"
msgid "Memory"
msgctxt "#31063"
msgid "Manage content playback"
msgctxt "#31064"
msgid "CPU"
msgctxt "#31067"
msgid "Extend Kodi's functionality"
msgctxt "#31070"
msgid "Screen"
msgctxt "#31071"
msgid "Communications and sharing"
msgctxt "#31073"
msgid "Channel Guide"
msgctxt "#31076"
msgid "Change Title"
msgctxt "#31078"
msgid "Now and Next"
msgctxt "#31079"
msgid "Import your content into Kodi"
msgctxt "#31081"
msgid "Digital Television Setup"
msgctxt "#31082"
msgid "By"
msgctxt "#31087"
msgid "Timers"
msgctxt "#31088"
msgid "Video Addons"
msgstr "Videotillägg"
msgctxt "#31090"
msgid "Music Addons"
msgstr "Misuktillägg"
msgctxt "#31093"
msgid "IP"
msgstr "IP"
msgctxt "#31095"
msgid "Transfer and copy files"
msgctxt "#31096"
msgid "No items found"
msgctxt "#31099"
msgid "Add Group"
msgstr "Lägg till grupp"
msgctxt "#31100"
msgid "Rename Group"
msgstr "Döp om grupp"
msgctxt "#31101"
msgid "Delete Group"
msgstr "Ta bort grupp"
msgctxt "#31102"
msgid "Low CPU power mode"
msgctxt "#31103"
msgid "Control how Kodi is used"
msgctxt "#31104"
msgid "Disable this addon"
msgctxt "#31105"
msgid "Manage your Kodi system"
msgctxt "#31107"
msgid "Current profile"
msgctxt "#31108"
msgid "About this Kodi Installation"
msgctxt "#31109"
msgid "Order: Ascending"
msgctxt "#31110"
msgid "Order: Descending"
msgctxt "#31111"
msgid "Manage your program addons"
msgctxt "#31112"
msgid "TV Guide"
msgstr "TV-guide"
msgctxt "#31113"
msgid "Kodi Addons"
msgctxt "#31114"
msgid "Pixel format"
msgstr "Pixelformat"
msgctxt "#31116"
msgid "Set home background directory"
msgctxt "#31117"
msgid "Launch addon"
msgctxt "#31118"
msgid "PVR not active"
msgctxt "#31121"
msgid "My Kodi"
msgctxt "#31122"
msgid "Reset home backgrounds to default"
msgctxt "#31123"
msgid "Current Queue"
msgctxt "#31127"
msgid "Continue Watching"
msgctxt "#31134"
msgid "Manual search"
msgctxt "#31136"
msgid "Now Playing"
msgstr "Nu spelas"
msgctxt "#31138"
msgid "Stop video playing on return to menu"
msgctxt "#31142"
msgid "Prioritise exit over shutdown in power menu"
msgctxt "#31143"
msgid "Remaining"
msgstr "Återstående"
msgctxt "#31144"
msgid "FPS"
msgctxt "#31145"
msgid "Item(s)"
msgctxt "#31149"
msgid "Released"
msgctxt "#31152"
msgid "Press OK to cancel"
msgctxt "#31153"
msgid "Playlist saved"
msgctxt "#31160"
msgid "Ends"
msgctxt "#31165"
msgid "TV Recordings"
msgctxt "#31169"
msgid "Rate"
msgctxt "#31170"
msgid "Menus"
msgctxt "#31171"
msgid "Edit home menu"
msgctxt "#31172"
msgid "Edit video section menu"
msgctxt "#31173"
msgid "Edit music section menu"
msgctxt "#31174"
msgid "Edit picture section menu"
msgctxt "#31176"
msgid "New Movies"
msgctxt "#31178"
msgid "New TV Shows"
msgctxt "#31179"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Alternativ"
msgctxt "#31180"
msgid "New Albums"
msgctxt "#31181"
msgid "Random Albums"
msgctxt "#31187"
msgid "Top Albums"
msgctxt "#31188"
msgid "season(s)"
msgctxt "#31189"
msgid "episode(s)"
msgctxt "#31190"
msgid "All Episodes"
msgctxt "#31195"
msgid "Show only unwatched items:"
msgctxt "#31199"
msgid "Artists in"
msgctxt "#31203"
msgid "Smart Playlist"
msgctxt "#31205"
msgid "No further details available."
msgctxt "#31206"
msgid "Kodi System Information"
msgctxt "#31209"
msgid "<Source name>"
msgctxt "#31211"
msgid "<Smart playlist name>"
msgctxt "#31212"
msgid "From"
msgctxt "#31213"
msgid "Showing unwatched titles only"
msgctxt "#31215"
msgid "TV Channels"
msgctxt "#31216"
msgid "TV Shows"
msgstr "TV-program"
msgctxt "#31218"
msgid "Enable this addon"
msgctxt "#31220"
msgid "Disable extended fanart"
msgctxt "#31221"
msgid "Play Disc"
msgstr "Spela Disc"
msgctxt "#31222"
msgid "Change Channel Group"
msgctxt "#31223"
msgid "All Albums"
msgctxt "#31224"
msgid "All Movies"
msgctxt "#31225"
msgid "All TV Shows"
msgctxt "#31226"
msgid "LibreElec Settings"
msgctxt "#31228"
msgid "Edit Menu"
msgctxt "#31229"
msgid "Play Music"
msgctxt "#31230"
msgid "Game Settings"
msgctxt "#31231"
msgid "Game related options"
msgctxt "#31232"
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Spel"
msgctxt "#31233"
msgid "Edit game section menu"
msgctxt "#31234"
msgid "Game Addons"
msgctxt "#31236"
msgid "Radio / TV"
msgctxt "#31237"
msgid "Results for"
msgctxt "#31238"
msgid "Disable recently added section for Movies"
msgctxt "#31239"
msgid "Disable recently added section for TV Shows"
msgctxt "#31240"
msgid "Disable recently added section for Albums"
msgctxt "#31245"
msgid "Finishes"
msgctxt "#31248"
msgid "Queue"
msgctxt "#31249"
msgid "Live TV"
msgstr "Live-TV"
msgctxt "#31250"
msgid "Radio"
msgctxt "#31251"
msgid "Eject Disc"
msgctxt "#31252"
msgid "Album"