**Changelog** [V1.0.5] DONE - video playlists DONE - pvr info screen rework (header - 2 column mode) DONE - Add user options for menu customisation to skin settings DONE - album default art fix DONE - rework fullscreen options OSD DONE - Reworked music fullscreen menu. Ensure closes properly on stop DONE - add 'go to artist' DONE - add 'go to album' DONE - picture section fix DONE - add party mode as default music menu item DONE - reposition now playing box - add check for musicfinder script to buttons when on repo [V1.0.4] - Minor tweaks and bug fixes - [NEW] User option to remove weather data from homescreen [V1.0.3] - Minor bug fixes and tweaks - [CHANGED] TVShow Episode count now reflects watched / unwatched status - [CHANGED] TVShow view revised to poster view - [NEW] Basic weather info now available on homescreen - [CHANGED] Default and skin colour options revised - [NEW] Higher quality homescreen backgrounds [V1.0.2] - Bug fixes - Extra colour themes added [V1.0.0] - Initial release - [UPDATED] MyMusicPlaylistEditor.xml - [REMOVED] Unused images - Minor fixes and bug squashing (thanks Ronie!)