[B]0.9.0[/B] ***Working towards Kodi Jarvis release*** - [REMOVED DEPENDENCY] script.thedeadman.functions (Nice one team Kodi!) - [REMOVED DEPENDENCY] script.globalsearch - [REMOVED DEPENDENCY] script.artistslideshow - [REMOVED] DialogPeripheralManager.xml - [REMOVED] DialogKaraokeSongSelector.xml - [REMOVED] DialogKaraokeSongSelectorLarge.xml - [REMOVED] MusicKaraokeLyrics.xml - [REMOVED] References to "allowoverlay" tag - [REMOVED] mymusicsongs.xml - [REMOVED] videooverlay.xml - [REMOVED] musicoverlay.xml - [NEW] custom_musicOverlay.xml - [REMOVED] References to "zorder" tag - [NEW] DialogPVRInfo.xml - [REMOVED] DialogPVRGuideInfo.xml - [REMOVED] DialogPVRRecordingInfo.xml - [REMOVED] VisualisationPresetList.xml - [NEW] EventLog.xml - [MODIFIED] dialogKeyboard.xml - additional labels for BaiduPy input added - [NEW] DialogAudioDSPManager.xml - [NEW] DialogAudioDSPSettings.xml - [MODIFIED] DialogAddonInfo.xml - remove button id="11" - [MODIFIED] DialogKaiToast.xml - remove ID's 403-405 - [MODIFIED] DialogVideoInfo.xml - add button ID 7, replace user rating value - [MODIFIED] MyMusicNav.xml - remove files node button ***To do*** Finish Info screen rework for the OSD (match movie info style instead - use a fillbar for duration) Check extra button to dialogAddonInfo.xml (auto update) Touch support for file seeking etc on startup: add check for parent folder items and warn user to turn off: system.getbool(showparentdiritems) Pictures section update DialogPVRinfo - button update Radio RDS test Touchscreen controls on Android tablets Expand menu system to add options for sub menu etc (see xbox NXE for inspiration) [B]0.1.0[/B] - Initial Commit