8000 yes fadeInOut modalDialog col-10-begin 9-row modalDialogInOutVertical 0 0 6-col 8-row 0 12 0 6-col-gutter 2-row center itemTitle textActive 0 0 6-col 2-row scale colors/white.png 0 highlight 12 0 6-col-gutter 2-row center itemTitle textActive System.CanPowerDown + !Skin.HasSetting(exitFirst) - xbmc.powerdown() Exit to desktop Skin.HasSetting(exitFirst) - XBMC.Quit() System.CanSuspend - XBMC.Suspend() System.CanHibernate - XBMC.Hibernate() - XBMC.Reboot() System.HasLoginScreen | IntegerGreaterThan(System.ProfileCount,1) System.Loggedon - System.LogOff Dialog.Close(all,true) Exit to desktop !Skin.HasSetting(exitFirst) - XBMC.Quit() System.CanPowerDown + Skin.HasSetting(exitFirst) - xbmc.powerdown() DebugGrid DialogID